Institute of Philosophy
of the Russian Academy of Sciences

  Denis Letnyakov
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Denis Letnyakov

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Year and place of birth                                                                                            


1983, Moscow                                                                                                              






ResearcherID: B-6157-2018

ORCID: 0000-0001-7936-7013 

Scopus Author ID56502429900  ResearchGate  РИНЦ


Education: The State Academic University for the humanities. Department of political science.


Degrees: PhD, 2009 ("Russian tradition of socio-political participation (XI – begining XX)")


Professional appointments:
  • Senior Research Fellow, Deputy Head of History of Political Philosophy Department
  • Research Fellow, Center for Theoretical and Applied Politology, Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration
  • Assistant Professor, Faculty of Political Science, State Academic Universiry for Humanities
  • Assistant Professor, the Moscow School of Social and Economic Sciences
Fields of research:
  • History of Russian political thought
  • Political institutions and processes in post-Communist Russia
  • Russian history and political tradition

Lecture courses

  • History of Russian political thought
  • Political process and political relationships in contemporary Russia
  • Ethnicity and nationalism in the Post-Soviet States
  • Political ideologies
  • Theories of democracy



  • Sketches on the history of russian polical thought: a school-book for students. Moscow, Summer Garden, 2012.
The collective monographs:
  • Russia and world: role of the exogenous factors in russian history. M.: languages of slavic culture/ 2015.
  • Is there "russian civilization"? An experience of critical analisis of the civilization concepts. V., 2014.
  • Citizenship and immigration: concept, history, institute. M.: Canon+, 2013.
  • On the capability of the Russian world to democracy. An attempt of optinistic interpritation of russian history. M.: IPhRAS, 2011.


  • Civilizations as “imaginable societies”. To the constructivist critique of civilization theories // Personality. Culture. Society. Vol. XXIII. №3 (111). 2021.
  • Mass Migrations and Host Societies’ Historical Memory Transformation: a Case of Great Britain // The Journal of sociology and social anthropology. Vol. XXIV. №3. 2021.
  • Post-Christian or Post-Atheistic society? Some peculiarities of the Russian secularity // "State, Religion and Church in Russia and Worldwide. №39(1). 2021.
  • Religious politics of the Post-Soviet states: Between path dependence and governmentality // Polis. Political Studies. №. 4. 2021.
  • Contested Past: On Substantiation of a Pluralistic Approach to Historical Memory // Scientific journal “Discourse-P”, №18(2). 2021.
  • The Conceptualization of political transformation of Post-Soviet States: some intermediate results // Vestnik of Saint Petersburg University. International Relations. Vol.13. №3. 2020. 
  • The Postcolonial Theory for Post-Soviet States: Some Possible Restrictions // The Caspian Region: Politics, Economics, Culture. №3 (64). 2020.
  • “Russia Created by Peter the Great is not Able to Live or to Learn by Itself”. A. de Custine as a Criticist of Peter’s Europeanisation // Knowledge. Understanding. Skill. №3. 2020.
  • Shimmering Secularism: Religion in Russian Public Space // Polis. Political Studies. №1. 2020.
  • Russian State in Confessional Dimension or The National Peculiarities of Secularism // Mir Rossii. №28(4), 2019. 
  • Cultural Diversity Management in the Postsoviet Region: "Nationalizing States" 30 Years Later // Juzhno-rossijskij zhurnal social'nyh nauk. Т. 20, №2, 2019. 
  • The "anti-communist revolution" of 1991: on the demarginalization of the term // Political conciptology. №4, 2018.
  • Soviet as imperial: an attempt of problematization // Politics and Society. № 1, 2018.
  • Opportunities and prospects of national consolidation in post-Soviet Russia: Criticism of Holistic Approaches // Polylogos. Vol. 2. №2, 2018. 
  • Politico-Ideological trends of post-Soviet societies: an attempt of generalization // Polis. Political Studies. №1, 2018.
  • Russian "soft" power in postsoviet countries: possibilities and limitations // 5 let vneshnejj politike Rossii: sb. materialov X Konventa RAMI, 2017.
  • Critical Commentary on the Concept of "Soviet Empire" // Russian Studies in Philosophy. 2017.
  • "Soft power" strategies in postsoviet region of Central Asia: Russia vs USA, China, India // Mir Rossii. 2017.
  • Topical discussions in contemporary Russian social and political theory // Studies in East European Thought. 2014. Vol. 66. No. 3–4. [Electronic resource] URL:
  • Is "culture always matter"? On productivity of the culture-based approaches in polital science // Russian journal of philosophical sciences №5, 2014.
  • The nobility in Russian Empire: between the throne and the opposition // Knowledge. Understanding. Skill. №3, 2011.
  • "Veche" (counsil) tradition in pre-mongolian Russia as an example of proto- civil institutions // Bulletin of Russian State University for the Humanities/ №14/09.
  • The Time of Troubles In Russia: From The Revolution To The Restoration // Bulletin of  Peoples’s Friendship University of Russia. «Political studies». №1, 2010. 
  • Missed opportunities of Great reforms or why the civil alternative was lost in Russia in 19th century // Caspian region: politics, economics, culture. №2 (19), 2009.

