Institute of Philosophy
of the Russian Academy of Sciences

  Irina Myurberg
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Irina Myurberg

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Irina Myurberg

Year and place of birth                                                                                                   


1953, Moscow                                                                                                                  



ResearcherID: J-7813-2013 

ORCID: 0000-0001-5606-6488  

Scopus Author ID55774149600

ResearchGate  РИНЦ 



Moscow  State Linguistic University, 1975



  • Doctor of Philosophy, 2003 ("’Agrarian sphere’ as an object of political theory")
  • Sc. D. in Politics, IPh RAS, 2011 ("Liberty and the Political: the Problem of Modern Discursive Space Formation")


Professional appointments

  • Leading Research Fellow, Department of History of Political Philosophy, IPhRAS

Lecture courses

English liberal philosophy ХVIII-ХIХ




  • Studies on freedom. Definition of freedom in the European thought. M.: Akvilon, 2015 (co-author).
  • Freedom and ‘the Political’. Philosophical discourse of modernity. M.: Idea-press, 2009.
  • Country sphere and transformation politics. M.: IphRAS, 2006.
  • The paths of agrarian revival. M.: Politizdat, 1991 (co-author).

The collective monographs:

  • Homo politicus and the problem of the correlation of procreation and countercreation // Human as an open integrity. Novosibirsk: Akademizdat, 2022.
Translations (more than 30 publications):
  • Rosen-Carole A. Ideology and Utopia: Philosophy Under Conditions of Neoliberalism. Part 2 // Polylogos. Vol. 3. № 4. 2019.
  • Ideology and Utopia: Philosophy Under Conditions of Neoliberalism // Polylogos. Vol. 3. № 2 and 4, 2019.
  • Gavertsson F. Philosophy of history in the analytic tradition // History of Philosophy. Vol 22. № 1. 2017.
  • Smith R. Being human: historical knoweledge and the creation of human nature. M.: Canon+, 2014.
  • Reid T. The philosophy of common sense. M.: Canon+, 2014.
  • John Stuart Mill. A Few Observations on the French Revolution // Philosophy of politics yearbook №6, 2013.
  • John Stuart Mill. Socialism // Philosophy of politics yearbook №6, 2013.
  • Volin S. Machiavelli: politics and economy of violence // Philosophy of politics yearbook №5, 2012.
  • Djonston J. The idea of "healing justice" // Philosophy of politics yearbook №4, 2011.
  • Cassirer E. Modern political mith technology // Philosophy of politics yearbook №4, 2011. 


Selected articles::

  • Ideology as a transfigurateded form of “the other”: the essay on philosophical approximation to the concept // Polylogos. Vol. 7. № 2, 2023.
  • On the Cultural-symbolic Nature of Sports: Politico-Philosophical Aspect // The Human Being. Vol. 34. №2, 2023.
  • Civilization as a topic of Russian politico-civilizational discourse in the 21st century // Civilization studies review.  V.4. № 1. 2022.
  • The constructivist approach and its relevant alternatives in the modern theory of ideology: problems and solutions // Philosophical thought. № 11. 2021.
  • Evolution of liberalism in the twentieth century: Ortega y Gasset on “mass society” // Economics and management: problems and solutions. Vol. 1. № 11. 2021.
  • The Modernity of Andrei Platonov: On the Understanding of the Writer’s Essential Ideas // Russian Journal of Philosophical Sciences. Vol. 63, no. 3. 2020.
  • Ideology Does Matter: European Political Philosophy in Search of a Conception of 21st Century’s Ideology // Philosophical Thought. № 8. 2020
  • Narrativism and Social Philosophy // Personality and Culture. № 3, 2019.
  • To the Discussion of Today's Actuality of Liberalism // Polylogos. Vol. 3. № 2, 2019.
  • On T. W. Adorno's theoretical contribution to the "the political" conceptual growth // Vox. №25, 2018.
  • On the problem of self-basing of political philosophy (social-epistemological approach) // Philosophical journal. Vol. 11 № 1. 2018.
  • Conceptual opposition: social evolution vs social revolution in the context of development of European political philosophy of Modern // Filosofija politiki i prava. Vyp. 8. Social'naja ehvoljucija i social'nye revoljucii, 2017.
  • On the influence of modern philosophical discourse on the development of political theory (by comparison of continental and oceanic teachings of free will in XX century) // Politika i Obshhestvo. № 10. 2017.
  • The phrnomena of the British phylosophy // Russian journal of philosophical sciences №5, 2014.
  • Influence of interdisciplinary researches in social sciences on modern notion of politics in the end of XX // Phylosophy of politics and right №5, 2014.
  • Bentham's appology: John Stuart Mill and unreduced legacy of Modern // Russian journal of philosophical sciences №5, 2014
  • Revolution and identity // Philosophy of politics yearbook №6, 2014.
  • The freedom of will in political philosophy: the metodology problem // Logos №2, 2013.
  • L'objet de la philosophie politique contemporaine // Revue philosophique de la France et de l'étranger. 2013/2.
  • Interpretation in political science: problems and perspective // Philosophical reaserches №4, 2012.
  • C. Taylor on the metodological status of "culture" in iterpretative history of Modern (critical analysis) // Questions of phylosophy №8, 2012.
  • Some remarks on question of metodological strategcs in modern political science //  Philosophical reaserches №1-4, 2011
  • he freedom of will in political philosophy: the metodology problem // Political theory №1, 2010.
  •   An Essay on the Phenomenology of Power // The Journal of Philosophy, №1(4), 2010.
  • L’autre sujet” chez Alain Badiou et le problem de la liberté politiq // I'Univers de l'homme, №1, 2010.
  • Liberalism and the Issue of Modern Liberty: Utilitarianism versus Neokantianism // Russian journal of philosophical sciences №12, 2010.
  • Dispute on Violence: K. Schmitt versus H. Arendt // Power №5, 2010, and and etc.


Fellowships and Grants


  • Modern concept of liberty: its impact on the categorial build of political philosophy – Russian Foundation for Humanities, 2009–2010.
  • Political ethics: its normative ground and forms of social regulation – Russian Foundation for higher school potential promotion 2009–2010 (проект РНП. «Политическая этика: нормативные основания и формы социальной регуляции» аналитической ведомственной целевой программы «Развитие научного потенциала высшей школы (2009-2010 годы)».

