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  Ilshat Nasyrov
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Ilshat Nasyrov

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 Date and place of birth

October 20, 1960

Abish Village, Haybullinskii District, Republic of Bashkortostan (Russian Federation)

ORCID 0000-0001-8365-6491

ResearcherID: T-3772-2017

SPIN-код: 8383-6041, AuthorID: 393112


  • 1979-1985   Uralsky State University, Faculty of Philosophy (Ekaterinburg, Russia)



Academic degrees


  • 2008   D.Sc. in Philosophy. Thesis title: “Ontological and gnoseological bases of Islamic mysticism”, later published under the title “Foundations of Islamic mysticism” (Institute of Philosophy RAS)
  • 1999  Ph.D. in PhilosophyThesis title: “The Gnoseological traditions in Western classical Philosophy and Islamic philosophy”, later published under the title “The Gnoseologia in Western classical Philosophy and Islamic philosophy” (Bashkir State University, Ufa, Republic Bashkortostan)

Main Fields of research


Islamic Philosophy, Islamic Mysticism (Sufism)

Current position


Leading Research Fellow at the IPhRAS Department of Philosophy of Islamic World








● Ibn Khaldun in Ottoman Historiography. Moscow: Sadra, 2021. 248 p. [Russian]

Osnovaniya islamskogo mistisizma (Foundations of Islamic mysticism). Moscow: Languages of Slavonic Culture, 2009, 552 p. (2nd ed. 2012) [Russian]  



● Abu Hamid al-Gazali al-Tusi. “Ihya ulum al‑din” (Vozrozdenie religioznih nauk) (The Revival of the Religious Sciences). Vol. I-III. Translation from the Arabic by Ilshat Nasyrov and Abdulla Atsaev). Makhachkala, Nur al‑Irshad Publishing Hause , 2011. [Russian]

● Gasan Alkadari. Divan al-Mamnun / Transl. from the Arabic and Comments by Ilshat Nasyrov. — Moscow: Nauka – Vostochnaya Literatura Publishers, 2020. 391 p. [Russian]

● Ibn Arabi. Selected works. Vol. 1 / Translation from the Arabic, commentaries and introductory article by Ilshat Nasyrov. — Moscow: Languages of Slavonic Culture: Sadra, 2013. 216 p. (2nd ed. 2015) [Russian]

● Galen. Two Fragments of Galen’s The Doctrines of Hippocrates and Plato (De placitis Hippocratis et Platonis) in Arabic Translation. Translated from the Arabic by Ilshat Nasyrov / Galen. Collected works. Vol. III. Moscow: Practical Medicine Publishers, 2016. P. 150–152. [Russian]

● Al-Kindi on the Nature of the Soul: An Analytical Introduction and the Russian Translation of Three Short Kindian Treaties / Translated from the Arabic by Ilshat Nasyrov / Ishraq. Islamic philosophy yearbook: Russian Institute of Philosophy, Iranian Institute of Philosophy, № 8. Vostochnaya Literatura Publishers, Moscow, 2017, P. 137–150. [Russian]

● Shayh Zain Allah al‑Rasuli al‑Naqshbandi. Izbrannii proizvedeniya. Vvedenie, perevod, kommentarii (Shayh Zain Allah al‑Rasuli al‑Naqshbandi. Al‑Maqalat al‑zainiyya. Introduction, translation from the Arabic and commentary. Translated from the Arabic by Ilshat Nasyrov)). Ufa, 2000, 152 p. [Russian]

● Shaykh Muhammad Amin al‑Kurdi. “Kniga vechnih darov”. Vvedenie, perevod, kommentarii (Shaykh Muhammad Amin al‑Kurdi. Kitab al‑mawahib al‑sarmadiyya fi manaqib al‑Naqshbandiyya. The Book of eternal gifts. Introduction, translation from the Arabic and commentary. Translated from the Arabic by Ilshat Nasyrov). Ufa, 2000, 380 p. [Russian]

● Shaykh Ibn ‘Ata’Illah al‑Iskandari. Kniga mudrostei. Vvedenie, perevod, kommentarii (Shaykh Ibn ‘Ata’Illah al‑Iskandari. Kitab al‑Hikam (Sufi Aphorisms).  Introduction, translation from the Arabic and commentary. Translated from the Arabic by Ilshat Nasyrov)). Ufa, 2000, 290 p. [Russian]

● Mustafa Naima. On History, State and Society: Fragments from the Tarih-i Naima [Annals of the Turkish Empire from 1591 to 1659 of the Christian era, by Mustafa Naima]. Introduction, translation from the Ottoman Turkish and commentary. Translated from the Ottoman Turkish by Ilshat Nasyrov // Ishraq. Islamic philosophy yearbook: Russian Institute of Philosophy, Iranian Institute of Philosophy, № 7. Vostochnaya Literatura Publishers, Moscow, 2016, P. 217–236. [Russian]

Abu Hamid al-Ghazali. Fragments from the Ihya’ ‘Ulum al-Din (The Revival of the Religious Sciences) / Transl. from the Arabic and Comments by Ilshat Nasyrov. Philosophy of Religion: Analytic Researches, 2017, Vol. 1, No. 1. P. 106 – 117. [Russian]

Shaqīq al-Balkhī. The Rules of Worship (‘Ādāb al‑‘ibādāt). Introduction, translation from the Arabic and commentary. Translated from the Arabic by Ilshat Nasyrov / Ishraq. Islamic philosophy yearbook: Russian Institute of Philosophy, Iranian Institute of Philosophy, № 7. Vostochnaya Literatura Publishers, Moscow, 2016, P. 237–247. [Russian]

Ibn 'Arabi. O znanii chisla [bozhestvennyh] tain, chto dostayutsya svidetel'stvuyushemu pri predstoyanii naprotiv [Boga] // Ibn ‘Arabi. Concerning the Knowledge of the Number of [Divine] Secrets Received by the Witness During an Encounter [with God]: Fragments from the "Meccan Openings" (conclusion). Introduction, translation from the Arabic and commentary. Translated from the Arabic by Ilshat Nasyrov // Ishraq. Islamic philosophy yearbook: Russian Institute of Philosophy, Iranian Institute of Philosophy, № 3. Vostochnaya Literatura Publishers, Moscow, 2012, P. 77–97. [Russian]

Ibn 'Arabi. O znanii chisla [bozhestvennyh] tain, chto dostayutsya svidetel'stvuyushemu pri predstoyanii naprotiv [Boga] // Ibn ‘Arabi. Concerning the Knowledge of the Number of [Divine] Secrets Received by the Witness During an Encounter [with God]: Fragments from Chapter 73 of the "Meccan Openings". Introduction, translation from the Arabic and commentary. Translated from the Arabic by Ilshat Nasyrov // Ishraq. Islamic philosophy yearbook: Russian Institute of Philosophy, Iranian Institute of Philosophy. Moscow, 2011, № 2. P. 548–568. [Russian]

Al-Gazali. "O serdtsce cheloveka, znanii ratscional'nom i religioznom i o prichine ogranichennosti ludei v Bogopoznanii (ma'rifa) // Man heart, rational and religious cognition and cause of human limited nature of the "Knowledge of God" (ma'rifa)". Selected chapters from "Ihya ulum al-din" (The Revival of the Religious Sciences). // History of Philosophy. No. 14 – Russian Institute of Philosophy, Moscow, 2009. P. 207–239. [Russian]

Abu Hamid al-Gazali. “Vozrozdenie religioznih nauk”. Vvedenie, perevod, kommentarii. (Abu Hamid al‑Gazali. From Ihya ulum al‑din. The Revival of the Religious Sciences. Introduction, translation from the Arabic and commentary. Translated by Ilshat Nasyrov and Abdulla Atsaev). Moscow, Nur al‑Irshad Publishing Hause , 2006, 580 p. [Russian]

Shaykh Hasan Hilmi al-Dagestani al-Naqshbandi al-Shadhili al-Qadiri. Kratkoe izlozenie sokrovennih znanii dlya nastavleniya Muhammada ‘Arifa. Vvedenie, perevod, kommentarii. (Shaykh Hasan Hilmi al‑Dagestani al‑Naqshbandi al‑Shadhili al‑Qadiri. Talkhis al‑ma’arif fi targib Muhammad ‘Arif. Introduction, translation from the Arabic and commentary. Translated by Ilshat Nasyrov and Abdulla Atsaev). Moscow, 2005, 344 p. [Russian]

Abu Hamid al‑Gazali. “Vozrozdenie religioznih nauk”. Selected chapters from “Ihya ulum al‑din” (The Revival of the Religious Sciences). Translated from the Arabic by Ilshat Nasyrov // Abu Hamid al‑Gazali. Exhortation to the rulers (Nasihat al‑muluk). Moscow, Ansar Publishing House, 2004. [Russian]

Hamid Algar. Shaykh Zaynullah Rasylev. The Last Great Naqshbandi Shaykh of the Volga-Urals Region / Transl. from English by Ilshat Nasyrov / Monthly Socio-Political, Scientific and Literary Journal “Vatandash” (Compatriot). Ufa: 1998, No. 9, P. 123–138. [Russian]




2023 2022 2021 2020 2019  2018  2017  2016  2015  2014  2013  2012  2011  2010  2009  2008  2007  2006  2005  2000  1998  1986


Islamic Mysticism (Sufism) and Modernization of the Muslim Community of Russia at the Beginning of the 20th Century: the Case Study on Khalil Rahimov / History of Philosophy. 2023, Vol. 28, No. 2, pp. 89–108.

● The Importance of Interdisciplinary Collaboration in the Studies of the Islamic East / Ishraq. Islamic Philosophy Journal. 2023, Vol. 1 No. 2, pp. 24–47.



● The Place and Role of Tradition in Renewal. Islam in the modern world. 2022;18(2):75-102. (In Russ.)

● The Islamic Reformist Musa Bigiev as Portrayed by Hilmi Ziya Ülken . Islam in the modern world. 2022;18(3):59-78. (In Russ.)





● On Preconditions for Ibn Khaldun’s Philosophy of History // Islam in the modern world. 2021;17(2):51-76. (In Russ.)

● The Dagestani Thinker Hasan Alqadari // Islam in the modern world. 2021; 17 (3):85-106. (In Russ.)





● Abu Hamid al-Ghazali in Russian Islamology: Soviet and Early Post-Soviet Period // Islam in the modern world. 2020; 16 (1):147–160. (In Russ.)

● Research on Abu Hamid Al-Ghazali in the Russian Federation at the End of the 20th Century and the Beginning of the 21th Century // Islam in the modern world. 2020;16 (2):107–122. (In Russ.)

● Ibn ‘Arabi and Religious Tolerance // Philosophy of Religion: Analytic Researches, 4 (1), 104-127.

● Zaki Validi Togan on Social Dynamics in the Islamic East // Revolution and evolution in Islamic thought and history ; executive editor Yu.E. Fedorova. Moscow: OOO Sadra, 2020. PP. 54–71.



● Murad Ramzi. On the Science of History and the Past and the Present of the Peoples of Eurasia. Translated from the Arabic and Comments by Ilshat Nasyrov / Ishraq. Islamic philosophy yearbook: Russian Institute of Philosophy, Iranian Philosophy, № 9. OOO Sadra, Moscow, 2019. PP. 375–412.

● Proofs of the existence of God in Islamic Theology (Kalam) / Islam in the modern world. 2019; 15(2): 23–46. [Russian]

● Greek Legacy in value system of Abbasid caliphs in the eighth and ninth centuries / Philosophical Anthropology. 2019, Vol. 5, No. 2. P. 62–88. [Russian] DOI: 10.21146/2414-3715-2019-5-2-62-88

● The Role of Islamic Studies in the context of intercultural dialogue / Russia and Turkey: Dialogue of Philosophers. Moscow: Gnosis Rubl. House, 2019. P.185–201. [Russian]




● Ibn ‘Ata’ Allah al‑Iskandari  and his Sufi aphorisms (Kitab al-Hikam) / Islam in the modern world. 2018. Vol.14. No. 3. P. 73–92. [Russian]

● Views of Katib Celebi on State and Society / Islam in the modern world. 2018. Vol.14. No. 2. P. 95–110. [Russian]

● Post-Islam or cultural Islam? / Philosophical Anthropology. 2018, Vol. 4, No. 1. P. 46–54. [Russian]

Cultural Islam: An Alternative to Political Islam / Justice & Responsibility: Cultural and Philosophical Foundations. Cultural Heritage and Contemporary Change. Series VII, Seminars: Culture and Values, Volume 36. Washington DC: Council for Research in Values and Philosophy, 2018, pp. 227–237.

● Revelation in Islam / Philosophy of Religion: Analytic Researches. 2018. Vol. 2. No. 2. P. 99-109. [Russian]

Arab “Dantes” and their “Beatrices” (Early Islamic Arabic poetry in the context of Muslim courtliness) / Philosophical emanations of love. Edited by Yulia V. Sineokaya. Moscow: LRC Publishing House, 2018. P. 531–556. [In Russian]




● Al-Gazali on Ascent to the Transcendental Realm / Philosophy of Religion: Analytical Researches, 2017, Vol. 1, No. 1. P. 100–105. [Russian]

● Al‑Kindi and his treatise “On the Soul Abridged from the Books Aristotle and Plato and the Other Philosophers” / The Legacy of Aristotle as Constitutive Element of European Rationality. Proceedings of the Moscow International Conference on Aristotle. RAS Institute of Philosophy, October 17–19 2016. Edited by Valery V. Petroff. Moscow: Aquilo Press, 2017. P. 347 – 354. [Russian]

● Proofs for the existence of God in medieval Islamic Theology (Kalam) / St. Tikhon’s University Review. Series I: Theology. Philosophy. Religious studies. 2017. Vol. 73. P. 53–68. [Russian]

● Formation of Metaphysics in Islamic Theology in the 9th–12th Centuries / Islamovedenie. 2017. V. 8. № 1. P. 54–69. [Russian]




● Al‑Ghazzāli’s critique of Philosophy / Anatomy of Philosophy: How the Text works. Moscow: Languages of Slavonic Culture, 2016. P. 309–331. [Russian]

● Ibn ‘Arabi on Islamic mysticism / Philosophical Anthropology. 2016, Vol. 2, No. 2. P. 90–109. [Russian]

● On Ash’arite ethical voluntarism as the traditional ethics of Islam / Ethical Thought. 2016, Vol. 16, No. 2. P. 84–105. [Russian]




● ‘Ibn Khaldunizm’ in the Ottoman intellectual tradition (16th – 20th century) / Philosophy Journal. 2015, Vol. 9, No. 3. P. 106–120. [Russian]

● Research on Classical Islamic Philosophy in the Post-Soviet Russia (in the 1990s and the early XXI century) / Islamic Culture Research Foundation. 2015. [Persian] URL:  – (accessed on 24.11.2015)

● Abu Hamid al‑Ghazzali’s critique of Philosophy // Philosophy, Tolerance, Globalization. East and West: Dialogue of Outlooks. Theses of 7th Russian Philosophical Congress (Ufa, October 6–10, 2015). 3 Vols. Ufa: RIC BashGU, 2015. P. 80–81. [Russian]

● Zaki Validi Togan and Ibn Khaldun’s Philosophy of History in the context of Ottoman Historiography of the seventeenth and nineteenth centuries // X All-Russian congress of Orientalists “Russia and the East: interaction of countries and people” (to the 125th Birth Anniversary of Akhmet-Zeki Velidi Togan). Ufa, October 7–10, 2015). P. 413–415. [Russian]

● Al‑Ghazzāli’s critique of philosophy / Philosophy Journal. 2015, Vol. 8, No. 3. P. 60–77. [Russian]

● On Tolerance in Islam // Russia in the Architecture of a Global World: civilizational dimension. Moscow: Languages of Slavonic Culture: Znak. 2015. P. 294–313. [Russian]

● “Depuration – likening” (tanzihtashbih) as a paradigm of the structurization of a cultural space in Islam (by the example of the Quran and sunna) // “Scattered and organized”: sense-making strategies of Islamic culture. – Moscow: Languages of Slavonic Culture: Sadra, 2015. P. 195–213. [Russian]




● On Criticism of Reason in Philosophy of al-Ghazali // Philosophy and Science in Cultures of East and West / Edited by Marietta Stepanyants. – (Cultural Heritage and Contemporary Change. Series IVA, Eastern and Central European Philosophical Studies, Volume 50) (Russian philosophical studies; 8). Washington, D.C. 2014. P. 297–306. [in English]

● The Problem of a priori supposition in historical and philosophical studies of other culture / History of Philosophy: 21st  Century Challenges / Edited Nelly V. Motroshilova. Moscow, Canon, 2014. P. 250–257. [Russian]

● The Views of Ibn ‘Ata’ Allah al‑Iskandarī in the Context of the Akbarian Teachings // Ishraq. Islamic philosophy yearbook: Russian Institute of Philosophy, Iranian Institute of Philosophy, № 5. Vostochnaya Literatura Publishers, Moscow, 2014. P. 352–382. [Russian]




● On Criticism of Reason in Philosophy of al-Ghazali / “Philosophy and Science in the Western and Eastern cultures”. Moscow: “Vostochnaya Literaturs” Publishers, 2013. P. 320–329. [Russian]




● “Turetskii istorik Zaki Validi Togan o shodstve v reformah v Rossii i Turtsii v seredine XIX – nachale XX veka” (Views of Turkish historian Zaki Validi Togan on the similarities between Russia’s and Turkey’s Reforms in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries) / Between Turkey and Russia, Historical, Cultural and Economic Relations Symposium. 5 April 2012 Istanbul, Turkey. Moscow: Turkish–Russian Cultural center. P. 115–122. [Russian]

Views of Ibn Khaldun and Aristotle on State // Religious and Philosophical Texts: Re-reading, Understanding and Comprehending them in the 21st Century (Dînî ve Felsefî metinler. Yirmibirinci Yüzyilda Yeniden Okuma, Anlama ve Algilama), Vol. 1 / Istanbul University-Sultanbeyli Belediyesi. Istanbul, Turkey, 2012. P. 67–75. [English]

● Kak sravnivat’ i razlichat asketicheskii praktiki raznyh kultur? (How to compare ascetic practices of different cultures and distinguish between them?) // Philosophy in the Modern World: Dialogue of world outlooks / Proceedings of the VI Russian Philosophical Congress (Nizhny Novgorod, June 27–30, 2012.). In three volumes. T.I. - Nizhny Novgorod: Publishing House of the Nizhny Novgorod State University named Lobachevsky, 2012. P. 164 [Russian]

● Vzglyadi Murada Ramzi po voprosam reformirovaniya i modernizatscii islama (Views of Murad Ramzi on reformation and modernization of Islam) / Yearbook “Arabic studies”. Peoples’ Friendship University of Russia (PFUR). Moscow, 2012. P. 27–34. [Russian]

● Abu Yazid al-Bistami / Yearbook “Arabic studies”. Peoples’ Friendship University of Russia (PFUR). Moscow, 2012. P. 295–299. [Russian]

● Al-Junaid / Yearbook “Arabic studies”. Peoples’ Friendship University of Russia (PFUR). Moscow, 2012. P. 299–306. [Russian]

● ‘Abd al-Wahid ibn Zayd / Yearbook “Arabic studies”. Peoples’ Friendship University of Russia (PFUR). Moscow, 2012. P. 307–310. [Russian]

● Abu Zarr / Yearbook “Arabic studies”. Peoples’ Friendship University of Russia (PFUR). Moscow, 2012. P. 310–313. [Russian]

● Ibn al-Mubarak / Yearbook “Arabic studies”. Peoples’ Friendship University of Russia (PFUR). Moscow, 2012. P. 326–331. [Russian]

● Ibrahim ibn Adham / Yearbook “Arabic studies”. Peoples’ Friendship University of Russia (PFUR). Moscow, 2012. P. 334–338. [Russian]

● Rabi’a al-‘Adawiyya / Yearbook “Arabic studies”. Peoples’ Friendship University of Russia (PFUR). Moscow, 2012. P. 341-345. [Russian]

● Sahl al-Tustari / Yearbook “Arabic studies”. Peoples’ Friendship University of Russia (PFUR). Moscow, 2012. P. 346–351. [Russian]

● Salman al-Farisi / Yearbook “Arabic studies”. Peoples’ Friendship University of Russia (PFUR). Moscow, 2012. P. 351–354. [Russian]

● Fudayl ibn ‘Iyad  / Yearbook “Arabic studies”. Peoples’ Friendship University of Russia (PFUR). Moscow, 2012. P. 354–357. [Russian]

● Shaqiq al-Balkhi / Yearbook “Arabic studies”. Peoples’ Friendship University of Russia (PFUR). Moscow, 2012. P. 357–359. [Russian]

● The Instant (waqt) / Yearbook “Arabic studies”. Peoples’ Friendship University of Russia (PFUR). Moscow, 2012. P. 359–361. [Russian]

● Zuhd / Yearbook “Arabic studies”. Peoples’ Friendship University of Russia (PFUR). Moscow, 2012. P. 362–368. [Russian]




● The Problem of Faith and Knowledge in Qutal-qulub (The Food of Hearts), a Sufic Treatise by Abu Talib al-Makki // Knowledge and Belief in the Dialogue of Cultures / Edited by Marietta Stepanyants. – (Cultural Heritage and Contemporary Change. Series IVA, Eastern and Central Europe; V. 39). 2011. P. 159–166. [English]

● Zaki Validi Togan’s Critique of Muslim Reformism’s Utopianism / Proceedings of 8th All-Russian Conference “Problems of Russian self-consciousness: the people, intellectuals and the power” (Moscow–Ufa, May 30–June 2 2011). Ufa, RIC BashGU, 2011. P. 265–270. [Russian]

● Musul'manskii kul'turnyi yazyk»: dostoyanie proshlogo ili real'nost'? // Muslim cultural language – dead or alive? // Elmi eserler. Scientific works. The International Scientific and Theoretical Journal, No. 1 (16), Baki-Baku – 2011. P. 123–127. [Russian]




Repliki postoronnego nabludatelya // Outside onlooker remark // 2010 Russian Census // AB IMPERIO. 4/2010. P. 383–392. [Russian]

● K voprosu o sotscial'nom utopizme musul'manskogo reformatorstva // On the social utopianism of Muslim reformism // The world of Islam: History, Society and culture // Peoples’ Friendship University of Russia (PFUR) Press, Moscow, 2010. P. 133–134. [Russian]

● Vzglyadi Zaki Validi Togana na problemu vzaimootnosheniya zapadnoi i islamskoi tscivilizatscii // Views of Zali Validi Togan on relationships between the Western and Islamic civilizations // Islamic civilization in the Volga-Ural region / Ufa, Bashkir State University, 2010. P. 419–422. [Russian]

● Issledovaniya klassicheskoi islamskoi filosofii v Rossii v 1990-h godah i nachale XXI veka // Research on Classical Islamic Philosophy in the Post-Soviet Russia (in the 1990s and the early XXI century) // Ishraq. Islamic philosophy yearbook: Russian Institute of Philosophy, Iranian Institute of Philosophy. Moscow, 2010, № 1. P. 536–564. [Russian]

Zapad i islamskii mir v filosofii istorii Zaki Validi Togana: problema natscionalnoi i kul'turnoi identichnosti v usloviyah globalizatscii (The West and Muslim World in Zekī Welīdī Togan’s Philosophy of History: The Problem of National and Cultural Identity at the Age of Globalization) // Ishraq. Islamic philosophy yearbook: Russian Institute of Philosophy, Iranian Institute of Philosophy. Moscow, 2010, № 1. P. 61–79. [Russian]

● O perspektivah dialoga kul'tur v usloviyah globalizatscii // The outlook for dialogue of cultures in a global age // Interaction of cultures in a global age. Moscow: Canon, 2010. P. 269–275. [Russian]

● Islamskaya kontsceptsciya spravedlivosti v kontekste globaliziruyushchegosya mira (The Islamic Conception of Justice at the Age of Globalization) // The Phenomenon of Globalization in the Dialogue of Cultures. Moscow: Canon, 2010. P. 145–156. [Russian]




● Al-Gazali ob intuitivnom poznanii trantscendentnogo // Al‑Gazali's theory of intuitive knowledge of transcendence // Readings in honor of Prof. Arthur Sagadeev. Peoples’ Friendship University of Russia (PFUR). Moscow, 2009. P. 31–36. [Russian]

● Uroki tolerantnosti // Tolerance Lessons // Enlightenment traditions of Islam in Volga-Ural Region. Readings in honor of R. Fakhr al‑Din. Collected articles. Nizhny Novgorod: Medina Publishing House, 2009. P. 102–103. [Russian]

Duhovnaya praktika v islamskom mistitscime (sufizme): alternativa otkroveniyu ili imitatsciya (The Spiritual Practice in Islamic Mysticism: an Alternative to Revelation or an Imitation) // Philosophical Journal: Russian Institute of Philosophy. Moscow. № 2 (3) 2009. P. 49–63. [Russian]




● Problemi veri i znaniya v sufiiskom traktate Abu Taliba al‑Makki "Qut al‑kulub" (Pisha serdets) // The Problem of Faith and Knowledge in Qutal-qulub (The Food of Hearts), a Sufic Treatise by Abu Talib al-Makki // Сomparative philosophy: Knowledge and Belief in the Dialogue of Cultures. Institute of Philosophy. Russian Academy of Sciences. Vostochnaya Literatura Publishers, Moscow, 2008. P. 180–186. [Russian]

● Duhovnoe nasledie bashkirskogo religioznogo myslitelya i sufiiskogo sheikha Zain Allaha ar‑Rasuleva (Rasuleva) v dialoge proshlogo i nastoyashchego // Bashkir religious thinker and Sufi Shaykh Zain Allah al‑Rasuli (Pasulev): his spiritual heritage in the dialogue of past and present // International scientific and practical conference "Zain Allah Rasulev as thinker, theologian and enlightener of the Muslim world". Ufa, Bashkir State University Publishing Center, 2008. P. 41–46. [Russian]

● Predeli duhovnoy praktiki v islamskom mistitscizme // The limits of spiritual practice in Islamic mysticism (Sufism). Journal "Tochki-Puncta": St Thomas Institute of Philosophy, Theology and History. Moscow, 1–4 /8/ (2008). P. 114–148. [Russian]

Kontsceptsciya sufiiskogo poznaniya: Put' k Bogu (tarik) // The Sufi concept of knowledge: The Path to God // Mysticism: theory and history. Russian Institute of Philosophy, Moscow, 2008. P. 122–154. [Russian]




● Islamskoe predstavlenie o Boge (Allah) kak vershitele spravedlivosti i ego filosofskie i religioznie osnovaniya // The Islamic idea of God (Allah) as impartial Judge (philosophical and religious bases) // Globalization and Justice. Collected articles. Peoples’ Friendship University of Russia (PFUR). Moscow, 2007. P. 75–85. [Russian]

● "Dostizhenie istinnosti" (tahkik) v gnoseologii doktrinal'nogo sufizma // "Achievement of the Validity (tahqiq) in the gnoseology of doctrinal Sufism. Journal of Philosophy, No. 10, Moscow, 2007. P. 138–150. [Russian]

● Opyt ratscionalizatscii misticheskogo mirovideniya v tvorchestve al‑Halladzha // Attempts at rationalization of mystical experience by al‑Hallaj // Bulletin of Tajik Academy of Sciences (Division of social sciences): Philosophy and Law, No. 3, 2007. P. 50–55. [Russian]

● K voprosu o sushchnosti islamskogo mistitscizma // On the essence of Islamic Mysticism. Journal "Study of religion", No. 4, 2007. P. 37–43. [Russian]

● Sufizm – edinstvo znaniya i deistviya // Russian scientific practical conference "Sufism as socio-cultural phenomenon". Kazan, 21 November 2006. Nizhny Novgorod: Medina Publishing House, 2007. P. 19–32. [Russian]




● Vzglyadi Murata Ramzi na dzhadidizm // Views of Murad Ramzi on Jadidizm // The religious aspects of globalization: Islamic factor. Vol. III: V Russian Congress of orientalists, 26–27 September 2006. Ufa, Willie Oksler Publishing House, 2006. P. 138–140. [Russian]

● "Dostizhenie istinnosti" (tahkik) kak alternativa asketizmu (zuhd) v sufizme // "Achievement of the Validity (tahqiq) as alternative to asceticism (zuhd) in Sufism. Journal "Study of religion", No. 3, Moscow, 2006. P. 85–95. [Russian]

● K voprosu o perehode ot asketizma (zuhd) rannego islama k doktrinal'nomu sufizmu (tasavvuf) // The transition from asceticism (zuhd) to doctrinal Sufism (tasawwuf)” // International conference in Alma-Ata, Kazakhstan. Sufism in Iran and Central Asia. Conference date: May 2–3, 2006. P. 22–35. [Russian]




● La Shadhiliyya en Russie //«La voie soufie des Shadhilis”. Paris: «Maisonneuve & Larose», 2005. P. 443–450. [French]

● K voprosu o transformatscii asketizma (zuhd) rannego islama v mistitscizm (tasavvuf) // On transition from asceticism (zuhd) of early Islam to mysticism (tasawwuf) // IV Russian Congress of Philosophy, Moscow, 24–28 May, 2005. Moscow: Sovremennie Tetradi, 2005. Vol. II. P. 22–35. [Russian]




● Lubov' i seks v kontekste islamskoy kulturi // Love and sex in the context of Islamic culture // Sharia: theory and practice. Ufa, 26–28 September 2000. Ufa, TAY Publishing House, 2000. P. 201-211. [Russian]




● K probleme interpretatscii termina "akl" (razum, intellekt) // On interpretation of the term "'aql" (reason, intellect) // Prof. N. K. Dmitriev and bashkirian Philology. Abstracts of papers. Ufa, Bashkir State University, 1998. P. 168–170. [Russian]

● K probleme interpretatscii semanticheskogo znacheniya simvola islamskoy veri // On interpretation of the semantic meaning of the declaration of Islamic faith // Prof. N. K. Dmitriev and bashkirian Philology. Abstracts of papers. Ufa, Bashkir State University, 1998. P. 171–172. [Russian]




● Vopros o predmete filosofii i osnovnoy vopros filosofii // The question of the subject-matter of Philosophy and basic question of Philosophy // The topical issues of social development, education and teaching. Abstracts of papers. Ufa, Bashkir State University, 1986. P. 27. [Russian]

● Nauchnaya kartina mira kak issledovatelskaya programma // Scientific picture of the world as investigation programme // Scientific picture of the world and Scientific-Technical Progress // Abstracts of papers. Ufa, Bashkir State University, 1986. P. 25–27. [Russian] 



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