- "The physical theory (philosophical and methodological analysis)" (Ed. Akchurin I.A. (1980);
- "Experiment. Model. Theory ". Moscow-Berlin (Ed. Omeljyanovsky P.E., H.Hertz) (1982);
- "Epistemology and Modern Physics” (Ed. Sachkov Yu.) (1984);
- "The methods of scientific knowledge and physics" (1985);
- "The Universe, astronomy and philosophy" (Ed. Kazjutinsky V.V.) (1988);
- "Natural Science: Consistency and dynamics” (Ed. Mamchur E.A.) (1990);
- "Newton and philosophical problems of physics of the twentieth century" (Ed. Akhundov M.D., Bazhenov L.B.) (1991);
- "Methodological Problems postnonclassical Science" (Ed. Mamchur E.A.) (1992);
- "The philosophy of elementary particle physics (30 years later)" (Ed. Molchanov Yu.B.) (1995);
- "Physics in the system of culture" (Ed. Sachkov Yu.V.) (1996);
- "Astronomy and the modern world picture" (Ed. Kazjutinsky V.V.) (1996);
- "Philosophical Problems of classical and nonclassical physics" (Ed. Illarionov S.V, Mamchur E.A.) (1998);
- "Socio-cultural context of science" (Ed. Mamchur E.A.) (1998);
- "Natural Science in the humanitarian context" (Ed. Mamchur E.A.) (1999);
- "The concept of virtual worlds and scientific knowledge" (Ed. Akchurin I.A., Konyaev S.N.) (2000);
- "Problems of the value status of science at the turn of the XXI Century" (Ed. Bazhenov L.B.) (2000);
- "Philosophy of science: a retrospective view" (Ed. Sachkov Yu.V.) (2000);
- "Spontaneity and determinism." M.: Science. (2006);
- "Einstein and the prospects of development of science”. M.: "Reproniks." (Ed. Mamchur E.A.) (2007)
- "Universal evolutionism and global issues." M.: IPh RAS. (Ed. Kazjutinsky V.V., Mamchur E.A.) (2007)
- Mamchur E.A. "Images of science in modern culture." Moscow.: "Canon +." (2008)
- "Theoretical virtualistics: new challenges, approaches and solutions." M.: "Science." (Ed. Mamchur E.A.) (2008)
- Sevalnikov A.Yu. Interpretation of quantum mechanics. In search of a new ontology. M.: Publishing house "LIBROKOM" (2009);
- Modern Cosmology: Philosophical horizons (Ed. Kazjutinsky V.V.). M.: "Canon +" (2010);
- Modern technology: philosophical and methodological problems (Ed. Konyaev S.N.) (2010);
- The future of fundamental science: conceptual, philosophical and social aspects of the problem (Ed. Krushanov A.A., Mamchur E.A.) (2011)
- Humanism and philosophical values (Ed. Krushanov A.A., Gezalov A.A.). - M.: “Canon +", 2011. - 384.
- Cosmology, physics, culture. (Ed. Kazjutinsky V.V.). M.: IPh RAS (2011).
- Metauniverse, space, time. (Ed. Kazjutinsky V.V.). M.: IPh RAS, 2013. - 141 p.
- Rodin A.V. Axiomatic Method and Category Theory (Springer Series in Philosophy, Synthese Library vol. 364), Springer 2014. 285 p. (bibliography 273 - 281, 60х84 1/16, ISBN 978-3-319-00404-4) Axiomatic Method and Category Theory
- The relationship of fundamental science and technology as an object of the philosophy of science / Ed. E.A.Mamchur. M.: IFRAN, 2014. - 227 p. ISBN 978-5-9540-0260-7.
- Space as a prerequisite knowledge of transcendental reality / Ed. E.A.Mamchur. M.: IFRAN, 2014. - 108 p. ISBN 978-5-9540-0262-1.
- The problem of reality in modern science / Ed. E.A.Mamchur. - M .: "Canon +" ROOI "Rehabilitation", 2015. - 384 p. ISBN 978-5-88373-491-4
- Antipenko L.G. Mathematical universe of Heidegger / L.G.Antipenko. - M .: "Canon +" ROOI "Rehabilitation", 2015. - 192 p. ISBN 978-5-88373-460-0