Year and place of birth
1986, Primorsky krai
ResearcherID: O-8765-2018
ORCID: 0000-0002-1659-9025
Education |
- Moscow State University named after M.V.Lomonosov, faculty of philosophy, Moscow, 2008. Subject of diploma - «Competitiveness of welfare state theories (based on example of L.Tikhomirov's "combined power" concept)».
Academic Degrees |
- PhD in Political Science, Institute of philosophy, Russian academy of sciences, 2015. Subject of thesis - «Features of social policy justification in English conservative thought in the XIX century».
Field of research interests
- British political philosophy;
- Conservative political thought;
- Social policy;
Professional activity
- Research Fellow, Department of History of Political Philosophy, IPhRAS;
- Assistant professor, Faculty of Political Science, State Academic University for the Humanities (GAUGN).
Lecture courses
- Political decision making theory
- Methods in political science
- History of XIX century political philosophy
Teaching and training materials
- History of English conservative thought in XIX century;
Scientific Publications
Articles (in Russian):
- The theories of Félicité de Lamennais and Frédéric Le Play: two approaches to social policy in French political philosophy of the XIXth century // Humanities Research in the Russian Far East. № 2 (64). 2023.
- Two approaches to social policy in the German conservative political philosophy of the late XX century // SOCIETY and POWER. № 2 (96). 2023.
- Applied and practical philosophy of responsible leadership in the book of Nehemiah // Humanities Research in the Russian Far East. № 2 (60). 2022.
- Interpretation of social policy in political philosophy french conservatives of the early XIX century // Bulletin of Tula State University. Film Humanities. № 3. 2022.
- Social policy and paternalism in the traditionalistic political philosophy of 17th century France // Society and Power. № 3 (93). 2022.
- Social Policy in Conservative Political and Philosophic Heritage of Russian Empire // Essays on Conservatism. №2. 2022.
- Applied and practical philosophy of Philanthropy in Byzantine Political Thought // Сentral russian journal of social sciences. V. 17. № 5. 2022
- The Attitude of the French Conservatism of the Late 19th — Early 20th Century towards Social Policy: The Case of Count Albert de Mun and Marquis de La Tour du Pin // Bulletin of Moscow University. Series 12. Political Science. № 1. 2021.
- The nineteenth century political philosophy “tory-socialism” and its role in forming the social policy in Great Britain // Bulletin of Moscow University. Series 7. Philosophy. № 5. 2021.
- Philosophy of the social policy in German conservatism of the XIX century // Philosophy journal. Vol. 14. № 3. 2021.
- Attitude Toward Social Politics in the American Conservative Thought // Central Russian Bulletin of Social Sciences. Vol. 15 №4. 2020.
- Philosophy of Social Politics in the 16th Century Europe on the Example of Spanish Thinker Juan Luis Vives // Philosophical Thought. №9. 2020.
- Social policy in the context of modernization and individualism: analysis of the ideas of British conservative publicist Wiliam H. Mallock // Herald of the Perm University. Political science. 2018 Vol.12, №4. 2018.
- Analysis of the differences between traditionalism and conservatism as exemplified by the Luddites movement // Society and Power, № 4 (72). 2018.
- About stages of British individualism establishment: category of dignity in British political philosophy as exemplified by J.F.Stephen's stoicism // Sociodynamics, №8. 2017.
- ИIndividual and the society: modernisation of the English society from the perspective of British political novel in XIX century // Politics and Society, №6. 2017.
- ОSocial policy justification in English conservative thought in the XIX century // Issues of Philosophy, №3. 2015.
- Philosophical background of conservatism // Philosophical sciences, № 5. 2014.
- Competitiveness of welfare state theories (based on example of L.Tikhomirov's "combined power" concept) // Studies in humanities in Eastern Siberia and the Far East, №6, (26). 2013.
- Evaluation of social foundation of revolutions by English conservatives in XX century // Political and Philosophical Yearbook, Issue 6. 2013.
Conference presentations (in Russian):
- Contribution of L.Tikhomirov's theory of monarchy to political philosophy and Russian tradition of academic conservatism // Russian philosophical community: history, contemporary state, development perspectives. Proceedings of a scientific conference. Ed. by Mironov V.V. (Moscow, 2-7 October, 2014). Moscow: Moscow State University, 2015.
- Progressiveness and reaction in the Victorian age. // Culture in globalizing world: challenges and perspectives. Proceedings of an international interdisciplinary scientific and practical conference (Moscow, 16-17 October, 2014). Moscow: Academy of firefighting service, Ministry of emergencies, 2014.