Year and place of birth
1988, Kovrov
ResearcherID: N-2369-2016
ORCID: 0000-0002-9942-772X
Scopus Author ID: 57203435199
Academia.edu ResearchGate РИНЦ
Education |
- PhD, Political Science, IPh RAS, Moscow, 2015 ("Knowledge and Power in Leo Strauss’ Political Philosophy");
- Sp., Political Science, State Academic University for Humanities, Moscow, 2011.
Professional Appointments |
- Research Fellow, Department of History of Political Philosophy, Institute of Philosophy, Russian Academy of Sciences;
- Associated Professor of the Department of Political Science, State Academic University for Humanities.
Research Interests
- Classical Political Philosophy;
- Concervative Political Thought;
- Practical Philosophy.
Lecturing Courses
- History of political thought. Classical Liberalism. (Since 2017).
- History of political thought. Philosophy of Friedrich Nietzsche (Since 2015).
- History of political thought in the 20th century. (Since 2014).
- History of political thought from Antiquity to the Renaissance. (Since 2014).
- Special Course "Between the Noble, Good and Beautiful. Xenophon and His Concept of the Beginnings of Social Life" (2022).
- Special Сourse "The Birth of Classical Political Philosophy: The Problem of Kalokagathia in Xenophon’s “Oeconomicus”" (2021).
- Special Course "Human Nature and Its Properties in Thucydides’ Philosophy" (2021).
- Special Course "The Slave Morality and the Master Morality: An Examination of F. Nietzsche’s “On the Genealogy of Morality”" (2020).
- Special Course "Virtues and Vices in the “Nicomachean Ethics”" (2020).
- Special Course "Socrates and the Birth of Political Philosophy in Xenophon’s Presentation" (2019).
- Special Course "Forms of Poiesis (Poetry, Politics, Philosophy) in Plato’s “Symposium”" (2019).
- Special Сourse "Socrates and the Birth of Political Philosophy in Plato’s Presentation" (2018).
- Special Сourse "What Did Zarathustra Say? Prolegomena to F. Nietzsche’s Philosophy" (2018).
- Special Сourse "Are the Athenians wise? A clash of philosophy and sophistry in Plato’s Protagoras" (2018).
- Special Сourse "Fear and hope: foundations of Thucydides’ political philosophy" (2017).
- Special Сourse “Freedom, happiness and the ideal state in Aristotle’s philosophy” (2017).
- Special Сourse ““We" and they: free minds and philosophers of the future in F. Nietzsche’s teaching” (2016).
Grants and State Tasks
- Practical and Applied Philosophy. 2020-2024.
- Political Dimension of Modernity: Classical Traditions and Newest Prospects. 2020-2022.
- The New Situation of Political Knowledge. 2017-2020.
- The Moving Forces of Social Development. 2013-2016.
- The State’s and Society’s Problems in Russian Sociological Research: 1991-2011. 2011.
Conference and Seminar Presentations
- Classical Political Philosophy as a Way of Life. Practical and Applied Philosophy. Institute of Philosophy, RAS, 2021.
- Good, Bad, Evil: The Master Morality and the Slave Morality in F. Nietzsche’s Presentation. Dialogues on the Human Being. Institute of Philosophy, RAS, 2019.
- On Some Strange Similarities Between Chapters XIV-XIX of Machiavelli's “The Prince” and the Fifth Book of Aristotle's “Politics”. The Concept of Ideology: The Tradition of Social Knowledge and Modern Interpretations. Institute of Philosophy, RAS, 2019.
- War and the Concept of Progress in Thucydides’ “History”. Lomonosov-2019. Lomonosov Moscow State University, 2019.
- Politics as Personal Freedom. Max Weber and His Speech “Politics as a Vocation”. Lomonosov-2018. Lomonosov Moscow State University, 2018.
- Politics as Personal Freedom. An Analysis of Max Weber’s Speech “Politics as a Vocation”. The Concept of Ideology: The Tradition of Social Knowledge and Modern Interpretations. Institute of Philosophy, RAS, 2018.
- Homogenization as a Tool to Prevent Civil Wars. Carl Schmitt and “The Concept of the Political”. CLIO 2018. Civil Conflicts and Civil Wars in History. Russian State Archive of Socio-Political History, 2018.
- Nietzsche Contra All. What Can Constitute F. Nietzsche’s Political Philosophy? Philosophy in the 21st Century: New Strategies of Philosophical Search. Lomonosov Moscow State University, 2017.
- The Problem of Freedom or Who is a Slave, According to the First Book of the “Politics”? 2016 Moscow International Aristotle Conference. Institute of Philosophy, RAS, 2016.
- Nullification of Values as the End of the Political in Leo Strauss’ Philosophy. Culture in the Globalized World: Challenges and Prospects. MES Academy, 2014.
- A Commentary on N. Machiavelli’s “The Prince”. The Celebration of the 500th Anniversary of Machiavelli’s “Prince”. Institute of Philosophy, RAS, 2014.
Book tranlations:
- Strauss L. Notes on Lucretius. Moscow, 2019.
- Burke E. Two Pamphlets. Moscow, 2018.
- Carlyle T. Chartism. Moscow, 2015.
Articles, translations of articles:
- The Power of Corruption: Xenophon on the Upbringing of a Good Citizen in Sparta // Russian Sociological Review. Vol. 20, No. 1, 2021.
- On Striking Similarities Between Chapters XIV-XIX of Machiavelli’s The Prince and the Fifth Book of Aristotle’s Politics // Filosofiya. Vol. 30, № 1. 2021.
- Strauss L. Xenophon's "Anabasis" // VOX. №32. 2021.
- Strauss L. Note on the Plan of Nietzsche's Beyond Good & Evil // Vox. № 28. 2020.
- Politics as Personal Freedom: An Analysis of Max Weber’s Speech “Politics as a Vocation” // Wisdom. Vol. 13, No 2. 2019.
- Strauss L. Preliminary Observations on the Gods in Thucydides' Work // Vox. № 26. 2019.
- Leo Strauss. The Last Partisan in Strauss L. Notes on Lucretius. Moscow, 2019.
- Some Remarks on the First Book of Aristotle’s “Politics” // Wisdom. Vol. 10, No 1. 2018.
- Thucydides’ Principles of War // VOX. № 24. 2018.
- Vulnerability of Carl Schmitt’s “The Concept of the Political” // Philosophical Thought. №10. 2018.
- Strauss L. Reason and Revelation (with a commentary) // Bulletin of the Ekaterinburg Theological Seminary. №1 (21). 2018.
- Strauss L. Farabi's Plato // VOX. №22. 2017.
- Strauss L. Jerusalem and Athens: some preliminary reflections // Philosophical Thought, №5. 2017.
- Who the slaves are according to the first book of Arustotel's Politics? // Aristotelevskoe nasledie kak konstituirujushhijj ehlement evropejjskojj racional'nosti, 2016.
- Strauss L. Exoteric teaching. Trans. Mishurin A.N. // Philosophical Thought, №9. 2015.
- Strauss L. Philosophy as rigorous science and political philosophy. Trans. Mishurin A.N. // Philosophical Thought, №8. 2015.
- Strauss L. On a forgotten kind of writing. Trans. Mishurin A.N. // Philosophical Thought, №6. 2015.
- How Leo Strauss read the “Minos” // Philosophy and culture №6. 2015.
- Strauss L. On the “Minos”. Trans. Mishurin A.N. // Philosophy and culture №6. 2015.
- Strauss L. On the Interpretation of Genesis. Trans. Mishurin A.N. // Philosophical Thought, №12. 2014.
- Leo Strauss and “The Problem of Socrates”// History of philosophy yearbook 2013, 2014.
- Strauss L. The Problem of Socrates. Trans. Mishurin A.N.// History of philosophy yearbook 2013, 2014.
- Some reflections on Machiavelli’s “Prince” // Philosophical sciences №6, 2014.
- The triumph of the civilization or the nihilistic revolution // Philosophy of politics yearbook №6. 2013.
- Strauss L. German nihilism. Trans. Mishurin A.N. // Philosophy of politics yearbook №6. 2013.
- Political regime in modern Russia: the stabilization problem // Philosophy. Politics. Culture. Papers of the Young philosopher school, 2011.