Institute of Philosophy
of the Russian Academy of Sciences

  Ivan A. Ivanyushkin
Home Page » Scholars » Academic Divisions » Department of Humanitarian Expertise and Bioethics » Personalia » Ivan A. Ivanyushkin

Ivan A. Ivanyushkin


Date and Place of birth

1976, Moscow, Russia 


ORCID: 0000-0001-8558-345X

РИНЦ SPIN: 1603-6122

AuthorID: 929467




Ph.D. in Philosophy, Institute of Philosophy, 2018;

BEng, Moscow Technical University of Communication and Informatics (MTUCI), 1998.

Professional appointments


  • Associated Research Fellow, Department of Bioethics, Institute of Philosophy, Russian Academy of Science;
  • Senior Lecturer, Department of Bioethics, Pirogov Russian National Research Medical University (RNRMU)



  • Ivanyushkin I. Sergey Sergeyevich Averintsev: the difficult path of the author of  “Philosophical Encyclopedia” // “We were called to the fellowship”: the challenges of the modern era. The compilation of the VII Averintsev readings. November 23–24, 2018. Tver State University. 2022. P. 89–100.
  • Ivanyushkin A.Ya., Ivanyushkin I.A., Smirnov I.E., Lyaush L.B. Actual problems of philosophy of health in the context of bioethics // Russian Pediatric Journal. 2022; 25(5): 362–368.
  • Ivanyushkin A.Ya., Danilova S.V., Ivanyushkin I.A. «Saint doctor» Fedor Petrovich Haass: the ethical and pedagogical lessons // M.: Mental health, 2022;  17(11): 139–148.
  • Ivanyushkin A.Ya., Smirnov I.E., Ivanyushkin I.A., Fisenko A.P. Propaedeutics of bioethics in the philosophy of education of the Russian doctor in the XXI century // Russian Pediatric Journal, 2021; 24(1): 41–49.
  • Ivanyushkin A.Ya., Ivanyushkin I.A. Psychiatry and philosophy: discourse interaction in modern culture // M.: Mental health, 2021; (8): 70-80.
  • Ivanyushkin I. Bunin, Bely, Blok: anniversary triptych - 2020// The horizons of humanitarian knowledge. 2021. Vol. 2. P. 77–111.
  • Ivanyushkin A.Y., Ivanyushkin I.A., Popova O.V. The problem of brain death: philosophical and socio-cultural context // Aporia of modern transplantology / ed. O.N. Reznik. M.: Kanonplus, 2020. P. 87–111.
  • Ivanyushkin I. The “Trinity” by Andrei Rublev: The Mystery and a Clue // The horizons of humanitarian knowledge. 2020. Vol. 3. P. 33–58.
  • Ivanyushkin I. Artificial Intelligence: the prospects of sociocultural transformations // Bulletin of the Moscow City Pedagogical University. Series: Philosophical Sciences. 2019. Vol. 4 (32). P. 10–20.
  • Ivanyushkin I. About the legitimacy of the diagnosis of Internet addiction // Philosophy and sociology of technology in the XXI century. To the 70th anniversary of V.G. Gorokhov. Moscow: Akvilon, 2018. P. 345–351
  • Ivanyushkin A.Y., Tikhonenko V.A., Ivanyushkin I.A. Chapter 5. Ethical aspects of mental health care / Psychiatry: National Tutorial. Moscow: GEOTAR-Media, 2018. P. 63–72.
  • Ivanyushkin I. Relationship between science and religion: The Argument Against Richard Dawkins // Bulletin of the Russian Christian Humanitarian Academy. 2018.Vol. 19 (4). P. 173–179.
  • Ivanyushkin I. Reflection on “a human problem” in the Nietzsche’s philosophy // Friedrich Nietzsche and the present: a collective monograph . M.: MGPU, 2017. P. 82–100.
  • Ivanyushkin I. Human cloning in the light of Christian anthropology // Problems of ethics: Philosophical and ethical almanac. Vol. V. Part II / Faculty of Philosophy, Moscow State University / Ed. A.V. Razin, I.A. Avdeeva. Moscow: Publisher A.V. Vorobiev. 2015. P. 50–66.
  • Ivanyushkin I. Thomas More / Ethics: a tutorial. M.: Moscow City Pedagogical University. 2015. P. 67–71.
  • Ivanyushkin I. Stay yourself  on the sheet! (On the example of the artist Vladimir Yakovlev) // Independent Psychiatric Journal. 2015. Vol. II. P. 93–98.
  • Ivanyushkin I. Ethical regulation of the Internet / Bulletin of the Moscow City Pedagogical University. Series: Philosophical Sciences. 2014. Vol. 4 (12). P. 118–123.
  • Interpersonal communication on the Internet (an overview from the standpoint of  M. McLuhan) // Psychology of the development and stagnation of personality in the framework of modern society. Materials of the II International Scientific Internet Conference. Кazan: IP Sinyaev D.N. 2014. P. 72–78.
  • Ivanyushkin I. Internet Addiction: Normal State or Pathology? Philosophical view // Bioethics and Humanitarian Expertise. Moscow: IF RAS, 2013. Vol. 7. P. 32–46.
  • Ivanyushkin I. Internet Addiction: Socio-Cultural Context (Pediatric Aspects) / Russian Pediatric Journal. M.: Medicine. 2013. Vol. 3. P. 57–61.
  • Ivanyushkin I. Historical and philosophical prolegomena to the ontology of the Internet (the nature of the Internet in the light of classical philosophical thought) // Bulletin of the Murmansk State Technical University. 2013.Vol. 16 (2) .P. 312–317.
  • Ivanyushkin I. On the question of the ontology of the Internet (historical and philosophical context) // Bulletin of the Moscow City Pedagogical University. Series: Philosophical Sciences. 2013. Vol. 1 (7). P. 81–90.

