- M. Pronin. Virtualistics as a Philosophical and Antropological Turn in the Human Sciences // Philosophy: Theory and Practice / Russian Academy of Sciences, Institute of Philosophy; Ed.: V.Sharova, E. Trufanova, A. Yakovleva. - M.: IPhRAS, 2013. - p. 158 - 165;
- M. Pronin, A. Korolev. Image of the Person in the Virtualistics // Bioethics and Humanitarian Expertise. Vol. 7 / Russian Academy of Sciences, Institute of Philosophy. Editor-in-chief: F. Maylenova. - M.: Institute of Philosophy, RAS, 2013. - P. 223 - 235;
- M. Pronin. Virtualistics as a philosophical-antropological turn in the human sciences // XXIII World Congress of Philosophy: Philosophy as Inquiry and Way of Life. Abstracts. Athens, August 4-10, 2013. - P. 583;
- M. Pronin. Virtualistics: what for does the Leader need it? // What is the truth? Materials of the All-Russian Scientific-Practical Conference (Makhachkala, September 6-7, 2013). - Makhachkala: Dagestan State University"s Publishing House, 2013. - P. 187 - 192;
- M. Pronin, A. Korolev. Image of the Person in the Virtualistics // Bulletin of the Russian Philosophical Society, № 4(64), 2012. - P. 52-55;
- M. Pronin. Virtual of the team - phenomenology and theoretical model of team building // Bioethics and humanitarian expertise. Vol. 6 / Russian Academy of Sciences, Institute of philosophy. Editor-in-chief: F. Maylenova. - M.: Institute of Philosophy, RAS, 2012. - P. 194 - 210;
- M. Pronin. The virtual person as object of philosophical and anthropological researches // Philosophy in the modern world: dialogue of worldviews: Materials of the VI Russian Congress of Philosophy (Nizhny Novgorod, June 27-30, 2012), in 3 volumes. Vol. III. - N. Novgorod: Nizhny Novgorod Lobachevsky State University Publishing House, 2012. - P. 270 - 271;
- M. Pronin. Magical power of pornography: virtual psychology's sight at the nature of the phenomenon // World of Sexology. - 2012, № 2. - P. 76 - 87;
- М. Pronin. Homo virtualis - per se (re-publication) // Dialogue of cultures in the conditions of globalization / Materials of the Baku Forum devoted to the memory of G. Aliev / Ed. by: N. Mamedov, A. Chumakov. Editor-in-chief: A. Gezalov., I. Mamed-zade. - M.: “Canon +”, 2012. - P. 585 - 592. (June 29-30, 2010);
- M. Pronin. Magical power of pornography: hermeneutics of the mechanism of influence // Philosophical Sciences. - 2011, № 7. - P. 77 - 82;
- M. Pronin. Virtualistics and areteya: theory and operators // Bioethics and Humanitarian Expertise. Vol. 5 / IPhRAS. – M., 2011. - P. 170 - 182;
- M. Pronin. Virtual memory space of generations (re-publication) // Man in the intellectual and spiritual spaces / Editor-in-chief: M. Kiseleva. - M.: Progress-Tradition, 2010. - P. 467 - 482;
- М. Pronin. Homo virtualis - per se // Philosophy in the Dialogue of Cultures: Materials of the World Philosophy Day. - M.: 2010. - P. 681 - 692;
- M. Pronin. Ontology of Mistake and Intention // Science. Philosophy. Society. Materials of the 5th Russian Philosophical Congress. Vol. 1. - Novosibirsk: Parallel, 2009. - P. 48 - 49;
- M. Pronin, V. Zavyalova. Voice and Virtualistics // Philosophical Problems of Biology and Medicine: Vol. 3: Traditions and Innovations: Materials of the 3rd Annual Scientific Conference. - M.: "Printberri" Publishing House, 2009. - P. 239 - 244;
- M. Pronin, G. Yuryev. Ontology of an error: non-virtualistics and the virtual approach // Bioethics and Humanitarian Expertise. Vol. 3 / IPhRAS. - M., 2009. - P. 205 - 223;
- M. Pronin, G. Yuryev. Virtualistics of memories and Humanitarian Examination // Bioethics and Humanitarian Expertise. Vol. 3 / IPhRAS. - M., 2009. - P. 183 - 204;
- M. Pronin. Virtual memory spaces of generations // Man-Science-Humanism: To the 80th anniversary of the birth of the Full Member of the Russian Academy of Sciences I. Frolov [Editor-in-chief: A. Guseinov] / IPhRAS. - M.: Nauka, 2009. - P. 768 - 780;
- M. Pronin. To logic of the history of formation of virtualistics // Philosophical Problems of Biology and Medicine. Vol. 2: Interdisciplinary aspects of Biomedicine. - M.: "Printberri" Publishing House, 2008. - P. 268 - 271;
- M. Pronin. From the Head of School of Virtualistics: an introduction to concept // M. Pronin, G. Yuryev. Introduction to Virtualistics: Textbook / Ed. by: M. Pronin (Editor-in-chief), A. Zahryapin, E. Mochalov / Mordovia Institute for the Humanities. - Saransk: RuzPrint, 2008. - 130 p. - (Proceedings of the Researching Group "Virtualistics", Institute of Philosophy, RAS. Vol. 28). - P. 7 - 14;
- M. Pronin. Virtualistics at the Institute of Study of Man: History and results // M. Pronin, G. Yuryev. Introduction to Virtualistics: Textbook / Ed. by: M. Pronin (Editor-in-chief), A. Zahryapin, E. Mochalov / Mordovia Institute for the Humanities. - Saransk: RuzPrint, 2008. - 130 p. - (Proceedings of the Researching Group "Virtualistics", Institute of Philosophy, RAS. Vol. 28). - P. 15 - 53;
- M. Pronin. Propedeutics of Virtualistics and Areteya (plan of introductory lectures) // M. Pronin, G. Yuryev. Introduction to Virtualistics: Textbook / Ed. by: M. Pronin (Editor-in-chief), A. Zahryapin, E. Mochalov / Mordovia Institute for the Humanities. - Saransk: RuzPrint, 2008. - 130 p. - (Proceedings of the Researching Group "Virtualistics", Institute of Philosophy, RAS. Vol. 28). - P. 54 - 56;
- M. Pronin. Preparation of publication from N. Nosov archive: N. Nosov. Special course program "Virtual Psychology" // M. Pronin, G. Yuryev. Introduction to Virtualistics: Textbook / Ed. by: M. Pronin (Editor-in-chief), A. Zahryapin, E. Mochalov / Mordovia Institute for the Humanities. - Saransk: RuzPrint, 2008. - 130 p. - (Proceedings of the Researching Group "Virtualistics", Institute of Philosophy, RAS. Vol. 28). - P. 103 - 109;
- M. Pronin. Chronicle of major events of the appearance of Virtualistics and in the history of the Center of Virtualistics of the Institute of Study of Man // M. Pronin, G. Yuryev. Introduction to Virtualistics: Textbook / Ed. by: M. Pronin (Editor-in-chief), A. Zahryapin, E. Mochalov / Mordovia Institute for the Humanities. - Saransk: RuzPrint, 2008. - 130 p. - (Proceedings of the Researching Group "Virtualistics", Institute of Philosophy, RAS. Vol. 28). - P. 110 - 113;
- M. Pronin. The virtual linguistic // XXII World Congress of Philosophy "Rethinking Philosophy Today" / July 30 – August 5, Seoul, South Korea. – Seoul: Seoul National University, 2008. - P. 339 – 340;
- M. Pronin. Personal and professional longevity: the canon of Tibetan Medicine "Chzhud-shek" and Virtualistics // Philosophical Sciences. - 2008, № 3. - P. 107 - 131;
- M. Pronin. Virtualistics at the Institute of Study of Man: History and results // Genesis of the category Virtual Reality: Materials of the International Scientific Conference (February 15, 2008) / Ed. by: A. Zahryapin, etc. / Mordovia Institute for the Humanities. - Saransk: RuzPrint, 2008. - P. 5 - 43;
- M. Pronin, V.A. Zavialova. Philosophical and theoretical foundations of biorationality in the medieval canonof Tibetan Medicine "Chzhud-shek" and Virtualistics // Bioethics and Humanitarian Expertise. Vol. 2 / IPhRAS. - M., 2008. - P. 164 - 181;
- M. Pronin. Virtualistics today: history, space, illustrations, prospects // Philosophical Sciences. - 2007, № 8. - P. 5 - 32;
- M. Pronin. Preparation of publication from N. Nosov's archive: N. Nosov. Autobiographical history of virtualistics // Human potential as a critical resource of Russia / RAS, Institute of Philosophy. Editor-in-chief: B. Yudin. - M.: IPhRAS, 2007. - P. 160 - 174;
- M. Pronin. Nikolai Nosov (1952 - 2002) // Personalities of the Moscow Methodological Circle, Vol. 2 / Сompiler: M. Khromchenko. - M.: Non-Profit Research Foundation "The Schedrovitsky Institute for Development", 2007. - P. 100 - 104;
- M. Pronin. Linguistic virtualistics // Professional communication: verbal and cognitive aspects. Compilation of reports of the International Scientific and Practical Conference. - M.: Republican Institute for Vocational Education, Institute for the Humanities and IT, 2007. - P. 20 - 21;
- G. Yuryev, E. Lebed, M. Pronin. Virtual genealogy in the algorithms of immortality of the memory of generations // Line of fate: Compilation of articles and essays. - M.: Meeting, 2007. - P. 638 - 642;
- M. Pronin. Virtual of Nikolay Nosov. Speech at the opening session of seminar of the Russian Philosophical Society "Virtualistics", January 18, 2002) // Bioethics and Humanitarian Expertise: Problems of genomics, psychology and virtualistics. Vol. 1 / IPhRAS. - M., 2007. - P. 207 - 221;
- M. Pronin. Selfidentification // InterTraining: Journal for trainers and consultants from NPOs. - 2007, № 11-12. - P. 29 - 32;
- M. Pronin. Virtualistics // Globalistics: International Interdisciplinary Encyclopedia / Editor-in-chief: I. Mazur, A. Chumakov. - M. - St. Petersburg. - NY.: Elima Publishing Center, Piter Publishing House, 2006. - P. 105;
- M. Pronin. Sense of place: to the problem of ontology of the actual (virtual) objects // Materials of the International Conference "Man and the City: socio-ecological and ethnic problems", May 5, 2006 / Ustinov Baltic State Technical University "VoenMech": St. Petersburg, 2006. - P. 159 - 164;
- M. Pronin, A. Mikhailov, V. Karpinskiy. Virtual image of the accident of the professional race driver // 2nd All-Russian Scientific Conference "Sorokin readings - 2005" - "Russia's Future: Strategies of Development", December 14-15, 2005 / Sociology. - 2006, №2. - P. 80 - 82;
- M. Pronin (G. Yuryev, E. Lebed, M. Pronin). Reasonable Europeans "against" historical suicide. Ways and byways of virtual immortality // Vertical of power (July, 2005). - P. 42 - 47;
- M. Pronin (G. Yuryev, E. Lebed, M. Pronin, S. Skosyrev). In the State of spiritual nomocracy. Virtualistics of compatriots. Appeal to the leaders of parties // Vertical of power (May, 2005). - P. 43 - 56;
- M. Pronin (G. Yuryev, E. Lebed, A. Churkin, M. Pronin). Virtual ethics in the paradigm of the vertical of power. In the State of spiritual nomocracy // Vertical of power (January, 2005). - P. 45 -53;
- M. Pronin. Methodical recommendations on virtual approach to psychosocial diagnosis and medical-psychological correction of psychosomatic disorders of prenosological level among military personnel (project). Responsible executor: G. Yuryev // Main Military-Medical Department of the Ministry of Defense, State Scientific-Research Institute of Military Medicine, Ministry of Defense, Russia, 2005. - Inv. № 7236, May 13, 2005. - P. 53 - 103;
- M. Pronin, A. Mikhailov. Philosophical and theoretical problems of understanding the mechanisms of stress in extreme conditions: virtual approach // Mechanisms of stress in extreme conditions: Proceedings of the Symposium devoted to the 75th Anniversary of the State Scientific-Research Institute of Military Medicine, Ministry of Defense, Russia / Ed. by: I. Ushakov, Y. Bubeev. - M.: NP, 2005. - P. 15 - 18;
- M. Pronin, Virtualistics today: the agenda of philosophical studies // Philosophy and the Future of Civilization: Materials of the 4th Russian Philosophical Congress (May, 24-28, 2005), in 6 vols. - M., NP, 2005. - Vol. 6. - P. 570 - 571;
- M. Pronin, Epistemological problems of the study of virtual reality (re-publication) // Philosophy of Artificial Intelligence. Materials of the All-Russian Interdisciplinary Conference, M.: Moscow Institute of Electronics and Mathematics, January 17-19, 2005. - M.: IPhRAS, 2005. - P. 123 - 125;
- M. Pronin. Epistemological problems of the study of virtual reality // New in artificial intelligence. Methodological and theoretical issues / Ed. by: D. Dubrovsky, V. Lektorsky. - M.: IIteLL, 2005. - P. 110 -113;
- M. Pronin, A. Mikhailov. Possibilities of the virtual psychology to provide assistance in stress, occured as a result of military operations // Mechanisms of stress in extreme conditions: Proceedings of the 3rd All-Russian conference on the problems of combat stress / Ed. by: I. Ushakov. - M.: The Origins, 2004. - P. 115 - 117;
- M. Pronin. Virtuoso // Sheet music of the virtuoso. Album of Virtualistics and Areteya ("Art" Series, Vol. 1) / Edited by: M. Pronin, V. Zhdanov. - M.: Hotline - Telecom, 2004. - P. 60 - 108. - (Proceedings of the Center of Virtualistics. Vol. 24);
- M. Pronin. Humanitarian, civil capacity of society and human values: a virtual approach // Philosophical andlegal thought. Almanac. Vol. 5. - Saratov - St. Petersburg: Science Book Publishing House, 2003. - P. 64 - 78;
- M. Pronin. Post-non-classical epistemology: the fundamental question and major shifts of ontological grounds (re-publication) // XXI World Philosophical Congress : Philosophy facing world problems: August, 10 - 17, 2003. Summary. - Istanbul: NP, 2003. - P. 318 - 319;
- M. Pronin. Post-non-classical epistemology: the fundamental question and major shifts of ontological grounds (re-publication) // Philosophy of Education. - 2003, № 9. - P. 24 - 27;
- M. Pronin. Post-non-classical epistemology: the fundamental question and major shifts of ontological grounds // "Philosophical steamship": Materials of the XXI World Philosophical Congress: Philosophy facing world problems. Istanbul, August 10 - 17, 2003. Reports of the Russian participants. - Krasnodar - Moscow, 2004. - P. 275 - 278;
- M. Pronin. The case of Faina // N. Nosov. Virtual conflict: virtual Sociology of Medicine / Edited by: M. Pronin. - M.: The Way, 2002. - 140 p. - (Proceedings of the Center of Virtualistics. Vol. 18). - P. 105 - 135;
- M. Pronin. Virtual traps // Rationalism and Culture on the verge of the third millennium: Materials of the 3rd Russian Philosophical Congress (September 16 - 20, 2002), in 3 vols. - Rostov-on-Don: NP, 2002. - Vol.2. - P. 354;
- M. Pronin. Towards a new classification of short training programs for management: virtual approach: Abstracts of V All-Russian Сonference "Psychology and its applications, Moscow, January 30 - February 2, 2002 // Psychology in system of Sciences (Interdisciplinary Studies): Yearbook of the Russian Psychological Society. - M.: Autonomous Non-profit Organization, Educational and Methodological Union "Insight", 2002. - Vol. 9, Ed. 1. - P. 177 - 178;
- M. Pronin. Virtual organizational realities in management consulting (re-publication) // InterTraining: Journal for trainers and consultants from NPOs. - 2002, № 1(1). - P. 18 - 27;
- M. Pronin. Virtual organizational realities in management consulting // New approaches to the problem of human resources / Career counseling center of the Ministry of Labour and Social Development. - M.: NP, 2001. - P. 35 - 48.
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