Date and place of birth ORCID ID: 0000-0002-0439-2019
10.07.1979, Moscow.
Russian State University for the Humanities, Faculty of Philosophy, 2001.
Ph.D. in philosophy since 2004.
Fields of research |
The history of philosophy, ontology, metaphysics. |
Professional appointments |
- Research Fellow in the department of Philosophical Problems in Social Sciences and Humanities, IPhRAS.
Teaching Experience |
- "Problems of Bioethics" in MSMSU, 2007-2009.
Scientific publications |
- The aporias of discourse / Ed. S.S. Neretina. Мoscow, IPhRAS, 2017 (with S.S. Neretina, A.P. Ogurtsov, K.A. Pavlov-Pinus)
- History and Nothingness. Moscow, "The Voice", 2010, 259 p.
Articles (selective):
- Gorky's Nietzscheanism: the superman between prose and poetry. / Yaroslavl Pedagogical Bulletin: scientific magazine, №4, 2018, p. 241-248. URL: https://cyberleninka.ru/article/n/nitssheanstvo-gorkogo-sverhchelovek-mezhdu-prozoy-i-poeziey
- The fight goes on. Review of the book of S.A. Nikolsky “Empire and Culture. Philosophical and literary understanding of October. " / VOX: the Journal of Philosophy, № 24, 2018, p. 1-20. URL: https://vox-journal.org/content/Vox%2024/Vox24-15-Murzin-Nikolsky.pdf
- Rejected God: Apollo from the Greeks to the present day (Part 2) / VOX: the Journal of Philosophy, № 24, 2018, p. 1-29. URL: https://vox-journal.org/content/Vox%2024/Vox24-14-MurzinN.%202.pdf
- Rejected God: Apollo from the Greeks to the present day / VOX: the Journal of Philosophy, № 23, 2017, p. 141-174. URL: https://vox-journal.org/content/Vox%2023/Vox23-MurzinN-InHalf.pdf
- Worlds of ancient thinking / VOX: the Journal of Philosophy, № 22, 2017. URL: https://vox-journal.org/content/Vox%2022/Vox22-Murzin.pdf
- Shalamovsky project: from rhetoric - to experience, or from experience - to art? / Train of Shalamov. Ed. S.A. Nikolsky. Moscow, "The Voice", 2017. (with K.A. Pavlov-Pinus)
- Unbreakable discourse: metaphysics as a fundamental ontology discursivity /VOX: the Journal of Philosophy, № 21, 2016.
- The myth of the ancient Eros: romantic origins installation / VOX: the Journal of Philosophy, № 21, 2016.
- "Lord of the Rings" Tolkien as an example of overcoming traditional cultural boundaries / International Conference "Marginalia 2015 borders of culture and the text" 27-30 August 2015, Polotsk (Belarus). https://uni-persona.srcc.msu.ru/site/ind_conf.htm
- Science between metaphysics and history / Philosophical sciences. 6.2014.
- Single: philosophy and communication / VOX: the Journal of Philosophy, № 10, 2011.
- The tragic era in mind / Moscow, "The Voice", 2011, p. 92-111.
- Nietzsche and the drama of his ideas / VOX: the Journal of Philosophy, № 11, 2011.
- Mental Health: "we" and "Greeks" / VOX: the Journal of Philosophy, № 8, 2010.
- Do the philosophy need a special language? / VOX: the Journal of Philosophy, № 9, 2010.
- The gods and philosophers: Heraclitus kitchen / VOX: the Journal of Philosophy, № 9, 2010.
- Heidegger about the technique: The subject matter / VOX: the Journal of Philosophy, № 6, 2009.
- What for philosophy of psychology? / VOX: the Journal of Philosophy, № 7, 2009.
- Existential Consciousness: Kierkegaard and Hegel? / VOX: the Journal of Philosophy, № 2, 2007.
- Descartes: doubt and discourse / Methodology of science: research programs. Moscow, IPhRAS, 2007, p. 200-211.
- War and reconciliation in ancient Greek literature (D. Konstan) / VOX: the Journal of Philosophy, № 18, 2015. URL: https://vox-journal.org/content/Vox18/Vox18-KonstanD.pdf
Contacts: |
Е-mail: shywriter@yandex.ru |