2024 Kasavin I. T. The Knowledge Society: Migration Discourse Captured by Capital // The Russian Sociological Review, 2023, vol. 23, No. 3, pp. 314-325 (Rus.)
2023 Kasavin I.T., Sakharova A.V. Creativity is not Essence, but Existence! // Epistemology and philosophy of science, 2023, vol. 60, No. 1, pp. 50-59 (Rus.) Kasavin I.T. Filosofiya: tsivilizatsionno-kul'turnyy proyekt (Philosophy: a civilizational and cultural project) / Tsivilizatsiya: mnogozvuchiye smyslov. Memoria (Civilization: a polyphony of meanings. Memoria). Moscow, St. Petersburg: Tsentr gumanitarnykh initsiativ, 2023, pp. 15-23 (Rus.) Kasavin I. T., Porus V.N. Philosophy of science: an existential turn // Epistemology and Philosophy of Science, 2023, vol. 60, No. 4, pp. 7-21 (Rus.) Kasavin I. T. Metaphysics of progress and the disciplinary structure of science // Epistemology and Philosophy of Science, 2023, vol. 60, No. 2, pp. 35-41 (Rus.) Kasavin I. T. Otkryvat' i sobirat' lyudey (To open and bring people together) / Konstruktivizm, realizm, chelovek. K 90-letiyu V.A. Lektorskogo (Constructivism, realism, human. On the 90th anniversary of V.A. Lektorsky). Moscow, St. Petersburg: Tsentr gumanitarnykh initsiativ, 2023, pp. 249-257 (Rus.)
2022 Kasavin I. T., Shipovalova L.V. The Contemporary Philosophy of Science: An Eternal Return // Epistemology & Philosophy of Science, 2022, vol. 59, No. 4, pp. 6-20 (Rus.) Kasavin I. T. Report / Analiziruya segodnya, govorim i dumaem o budushchem: Mater. zasedaniya Nauchno-konsul'tativnogo Soveta OON RAN i NII Doveriya, dostoinstva i prava 30 oktyabrya 2021 goda (Analyzing Today, Speaking and Thinking About the Future: Materials of the Meeting of the Scientific Advisory Council of the UN RAS and the Institute of Trust, Dignity, and Rights, October 30, 2021. Moscow: Novye pechatnye tekhnologii, 2022, pp. 98–114 (Rus.) Kasavin I. T. The Russian Project of Social Epistemology: Critical Considerations // Socium and Power, 2022, No. 3 (93), pp. 106-113 (Rus.) Kasavin I. T. Conceptualizing Scientific Progress Needs a New Humanism // Social Epistemology. A Journal of Knowledge, Culture and Policy, 2022 Kasavin I. T., Shipovalova L. Proliferation Update. Testing the Science and Technology Studies Mainstream Through Current Science’s Controversies // Philosophy of the Social Sciences, 2022, vol. 52, pp. 290-298 (Rus.) Kasavin I. T. Autonomy Plus Heterodoxy: On the Possibility of Deviations in Science // Chelovek, 2022, vol. 33, No. 5, pp. 27-44 (Rus.) Kasavin I. T. Cosmos: a big challenge and a global project // Epistemology & Philosophy of Science, 2022, vol. 59, No. 1, pp. 6-16 (Rus.) Kasavin I. T. Science and Modern Humanism // Voprosy Filosofii, 2022, No. 9, pp. 47-58 (Rus.) Kasavin I. T. Publikatsiya kak smert' avtora (Publication as the Death of the Author) // The Digital Scholar: Philosopher’s Lab, 2022, No. 3, pp. 6-16 (Rus.) Kasavin I.T., Kasavina N.A. The Split Existence: (An Analysis of F.M. Dostoevsky’s The Double) // Russian Studies in Philosophy, 2022, vol. 60. No. 1. pp. 74–83.
2021 Kasavin I. T. The Ambivalence of the Scientific Ethos Is Irresistible // Philosophy of Science and Education, 2021, vol. 30, No. 4, pp. 36-48 (Rus.) Kasavin I. T. The Myth of Science as a Source of Progress // Voprosy Filosofii, 2021, vol. 11, No. 11, pp. 76-82 (Rus.) Kasavin I. T. Social critique as a scientific virtue: an external scientific ethos in the making // The Digital Scholar: Philosopher’s Lab, 2021, vol. 4, No. 2, pp. 73-82 (Rus.) Kasavin I. T. Vitgenshtein i teoriya znacheniya (Wittgenstein and the Theory of Meaning) / The Union of Science and Humanism (collective monograph). Moscow: RSHPS, 2021 (Rus.) Kasavin I. T. Problema soznaniya: gumanizm vs. naturalism (The Problem of Consciousness: Humanism vs. Naturalism) / The Union of Science and Humanism (collective monograph). Moscow: RSHPS, 2021 (Rus.)
2020 Kasavin I. T. Knowledge and Reality in the Historical Epistemology // Epistemology & Philosophy of Science, 2020, vol. 57, No. 2, pp. 5-21 (Rus.) Kasavin I. T., Porus V. N. Turning back to Kuhn: is normal science conservative? // Epistemology & Philosophy of Science, 2020, vol. 57, No. 1, pp. 6-19 (Rus.) Kasavin I.T. Science as a political agent // Social Sciences, 2020, No. 3. pp. 72‒85 Kasavin I.T. Vlast znaniya. Sovremennost Frensisa Bekona (The Power of Knowledge: The Modernity of Francis Bacon) / Doklady Vserossiyskogo filosofskogo kongressa (Proceedings of the All-Russian Philosophical Congress), 2020. Moscow Kasavin I. T. Paradigm as an Ethics of Humility // Voprosy Filosofii, 2020, No. 4, pp. 132-138 (Rus.) Kasavin I. T. A raft or a pyramid: On the nature of intellectual courage // Filosofskii zhurnal, 2020, vol. 13, No. 4, pp. 5-16 (Rus.) Kasavin I. T. Priroda sovremennosti i vyzovy budushchego (The Nature of Modernity and the Challenges of the Future) // Natsional'nyy bankovskiy zhurnal, 2020, No. 191 (Rus.)
2019 Kasavin I. T. Deliberation and aggregation in the scientific communication // The Digital Scholar. Philosopher’s Lab, 2019, No. 2, pp. 29-37 (Rus.) Kasavin I. T. The future of humanity and the new picture of the world // The Digital Scholar. Philosopher’s Lab, 2019, No. 2, pp. 6-15 (Rus.) Kasavin I. T. Virtue Epistemology: on the 40th Anniversary of the Turn in Analytical Philosophy // Epistemology and Philosophy of Science, 2019, No. 3, pp. 6-19 (Rus.) Kasavin I. T. Science as an Ethical Project // Voprosy filosofii, 2019, No. 11, pp. 90-103 (Rus.) Kasavin I. T. Recalling Vyachelav Seemenovich Stepin // Chelovek, 2019, vol. 30, No. 2, pp. 69-94 (Rus.) Kasavin I. T. Krizis yevropeyskikh nauk zavershayetsya (The Crisis of European Sciences is Ending) / Chelovek v mire nauki i nauka v mire cheloveka (Man in the World of Science and Science in the World of Man). Collective Monograph. St. Petersburg, 2019 (Rus.) Kasavin I. T. Krizis evropeyskikh nauk zavershaetsya (The Crisis of European Sciences is Coming to an End) / Chelovek v mire nauki - nauka v mire cheloveka (Man in the World of Science - Science in the World of Man), 2019, St. Petersburg: Sankt-Peterburgskiy tsentr istorii idey Kasavin I. T. The Scientist’s Dilemma: After Weber / Book of Abstracts 16th International Congress on Logic, Methodology and Philosophy of Science and Technology Bridging Across Academic Cultures. Prague, 5–10 August 2019, pp. 251–253. Kasavin I. T. Gift versus Trade: On the Culture of Science Communication // Philosophy of the Social Sciences, 2019, vol. 49, No. 6, pp. 453-472 Kasavin I. T. From Avocation to Vocation: An Ambivalence of Professional Science (Introduction to the Special Issue) // Social Epistemology, 2019, 34(2), 101–104 Kasavin, I. T. Science and Public Good: Max Weber’s Ethical Implications. Social Epistemology, 2019, 34(2), 184–196 Kasavin I. T. The Great Second: William Whewell’s Role in the Making of the “Philosophy – Physics” Trading Zone // Tomsk State University Journal of Philosophy, Sociology and Political Science, 2019, No. 47, pp. 63-69 (Rus.) Kasavin I. T. The Birth of Philosophy of Science from the Spirit of Victorian Era // Epistemology & Philosophy of Science, 2019, vol. 56, No. 1, pp. 23-33 (Rus.) Kasavin I. T. The Gift Illusion: How Networks Turn Selfless Knowledge Sharing into Obsessive Crowdsourcing // Epistemology & Philosophy of Science, 2019, vol. 56, No. 4, pp. 29-36 (Rus.) Kasavin I. T. The Scientist’s Dilemma: Profession or Vocation // Voprosy filosofii, 2019, No. 7, pp. 18-22 (Rus.)
2018 Kasavin I. T. Social philosophy of science: origins, problems, prospects // Obshchestvennye nauki i sovremennost, 2018, No. 2, pp. 160-165 (Rus.) Kasavin I. T. The expert review of the science, the ethics of expert reviewing: The present and the future of B.G. Yudin’s ideas // Chelovek, 2018, No. 1, pp. 85-99 (Rus.) Kasavin I. T. Disciplinary classifications and normative regulation of science // Epistemology & Philosophy of Science, 2018, vol. 55, No. 1, pp. 23-30 (Rus.) Kasavin I. T. The Digital Scholar and the Strategy of a Scholarly Journal in Philosophy // The Digital Scholar. Philosophers’sLab, 2018, No. 1, pp. 6-22 (Rus.) Kasavin I. T. Migration: an interdisciplinary concept and its epistemological dimensions // Epistemology & Philosophy of Science, 2018, vol. 55, No. 1, pp. 8-18 (Rus.) Kasavin I. T. et al. Contemporary Tendencies of Epistemology’s Development (round table discussion) // Voprosy filosofii, 2018, No. 10, pp. 31-66 (Rus.) Kasavin I. T. O dobrosovestnosti v nauchnykh issledovaniyakh (On Integrity in Scientific Research) / Materials of the Round Table of IF RAN. Moscow, 2018, pp. 24–27 (Rus.) Kasavin I. T. Chto znachit znat'? Vot, drug moy, v chem vopros... (What Does It Mean to Know? Here, My Friend, Is the Question...) / Epistemologiya segodnya. Idei, problemy, diskussii (Epistemology Today. Ideas, Problems, Discussions). Nizhny Novgorod: Izdatel'stvo Nizhegorodskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta im. N.I. Lobachevskogo, 2018 (Rus.)
2017 Kasavin I. T. The Victorian Philosophy of Science: William Whewell (Reflections on book) // Voprosy Filosofii, 2017, vol. 3, pp. 63-73 (Rus.) Kasavin I. T. Trading Zones as a Subject-Matter of Social Philosophy of Science // Epistemology & Philosophy of Science, 2017, vol. 51, No. 1, pp. 8-17 (Rus.) Kasavin I. T. Towards a Social Philosophy of Science: Russian Prospects // Social Epistemology, 2017, 31(1), pp. 1–15 Kasavin I. T. Social Technologies: Between Science and Practice // Russian Studies in Philosophy, 2017, 55(1), pp. 1–9 Kasavin I. T. The Formation of Social Technologies: Stages and Examples // Russian Studies in Philosophy, 2017, 55(1), pp. 10-25 Kasavin I. T. Coine of science. Interdisciplinarity and mediation // Vestnik RAS, 2017, vol. 87, No. 11, pp. 1017-1025 (Rus.) Kasavin I. T. Teodor I. Oizerman: His Scholarship and Stages of His Intellectual Evolution // Russian Studies in Philosophy, 2017, vol. 55, No. 2, pp. 89-97 Kasavin I. T. et al. Communications in Science: Epistemological, Socio-cultural and Infrastructural Aspects. Materials of the Round Table // Voprosy Filosofii, 2017, No. 11, pp. 23-57 (Rus.) Kasavin I. T. Informatsionnye tekhnologii kak predmet sotsial'noy filosofii nauki (Information Technologies as the Subject of Social Philosophy of Science) / Filosofiya nauki i tekhniki v Rossii: vyzovy informatsionnykh tekhnologiy (Philosophy of Science and Technology in Russia: The Challenges of Information Technologies). Vologda, 2017, pp. 109–111 (Rus.) Kasavin I. T. Ob epistemicheskoy prirode normy (On the Epistemic Nature of the Norm) / Mir cheloveka: normativnoe izmerenie – 5. Postizhenie normativnosti i normativnost' poznaniya (The World of Man: The Normative Dimension – 5. Understanding Normativity and the Normativity of Knowledge). Saratov, 2017, pp. 22–27 (Rus.) Kasavin I. T. Norms in Cognition and Cognition of Norms // Epistemology & Philosophy of Science, 2017, vol. 54, No. 4, pp. 8-19 (Rus.) Kasavin I. T. The splendor and misery of linguistic universals // Epistemology & Philosophy of Science, 2017, vol. 54, No. 4, pp. 57-61 (Rus.) Kasavin I. T. Migratsiya: model' razvitiya dlya epokhi peremen (Migration: A Development Model for the Age of Change) / Revolyutsiya i evolyutsiya: modeli razvitiya v nauke, kul'ture, sotsiume (Revolution and Evolution: Development Models in Science, Culture, and Society). Nizhny Novgorod, 2017 (Rus.) Kasavin I. T. et al. Otvety na voprosy ankety (Answers to Questionnaire Questions) // Voprosy Filosofii, 2017, vol. No. 7, pp. 28-38 (Rus.) Kasavin I. T. Dolzhny byt' novye instituty i novye sub'yekty. Beseda s filosofom I. T. Kasavinyim (There Should Be New Institutions and New Subjects. A Conversation with Philosopher I. T. Kasavin) / Chelovek.RU. No. 12, 2017, pp. 245–254 (Rus.)
2016 Kasavin I. T., Porus V. N. Philosophy of Science in Russia: from Intellectual History to the Institutional Update // Epistemology & Philosophy of Science, 2016, vol. XLVIII, No. 2, pp. 6-17 (Rus.) Kasavin I. T. History of Science a la Belle Lettre: a Case of Laura Snyder // Epistemology & Philosophy of Science, 2016, vol. XLVIII, No. 2, pp. 233-237 (Rus.) Kasavin I. T. The Critique of Group Belief: A Discussion with Jennifer Lackey // Epistemology & Philosophy of Science, 2016, vol. 50, No. 4, pp. 63-73 (Rus.) Kasavin I. T. Filosofiya nauki i politicheskaya filosofiya: novoe partnerstvo (Philosophy of Science and Political Philosophy: A New Partnership) // The Political Conceptology, No. 1, pp. 92-104 (Rus.) Kasavin I. T. et al. The Self-Integrity of Knowledge as a Problem of Modern Epistemology». Materials of «Round Table» // Voprosy Filosofii, 2016, No. 8, pp. 20-56 (Rus.) Kasavin I. T. Philosophy of Science Meets Political Philosophy: A New Convergence / Conference Proceedings. Anthropology, Archaeology, History and Philosophy. Vol. I: The 3rd International Multidisciplinary Scientific Conference on Social Sciences and Arts-SGEM, VIENNA HOFBURG, Sofia, 2016, pp. 701–708
2015 Kasavin I. T. Cases of Interdisciplinarity: Between Habitus and Reflexion // Social Epistemology Review and Reply Collective, 2015, 4 No. 3, pp. 15-30 Kasavin I. T. In principio erat verbum... Na razvalinakh Vavilonskoy bashni (In the Beginning Was the Word... On the Ruins of the Tower of Babel) / Toposy filosofii Natalii Avtonomovoy. K yubileyu (Topoi of the Philosophy of Natalia Avtonomova. On the Occasion of the Anniversary). Moscow, 2015, pp. 89–108 (Rus.) Kasavin I. T. Philosophical Realism: The Challenges for Social Epistemologists // Social Epistemology, 2015, vol. 29, No. 4, pp. 431-444 Kasavin I. T. The philosophy of science: A political turn // Herald of Russian Academy of Sciences, 2015, vol. 85, No. 6, pp. 533-541 Kasavin I. T. How is Political Philosophy of Science Possible? // Epistemology & Philosophy of Science, 2015, vol. XLV, No. 3, pp. 5-15 (Rus.) Kasavin I. T. Collective Agent as a Matter of Epistemological Analysis // Epistemology & Philosophy of Science, 2015, vol. XLVI, No. 4, pp. 5-17 (Rus.) Kasavin I. T. Mega-projects and Global Projects: Science between Utopia and Technocracy // Voprosy Filosofii, 2015, No. 9, pp. 40-56 (Rus.) Kasavin I. T. We Live in the World of Self-Evident Illusions // Epistemology & Philosophy of Science, 2015, vol. XLVI, No. 4, pp. 44-48 (Rus.) Kasavin I. T. Scholarly Commentary on the Translation «The Philosophy of the Inductive Sciences, Founded upon their History. Book II» // Epistemology & Philosophy of Science, 2015, vol. XLV, No. 3, pp. 211-241 (Rus.) Kasavin I. T. Editors Remarks // Epistemology & Philosophy of Science, 2015, vol. XLV, No. 3, pp. 210-211 (Rus.) Kasavin I. T. et al. Humanities: Yesterday, Today, Tomorrow (Round Table discussion) // Chelovek, 2015, No. 3, pp. 5-25 (Rus.)
2014 Kasavin I. T. STS: Anticipatory Naturalization or Catching Up Modernization? // Epistemology & Philosophy of Science, 2014, vol. XXXIX, No. 1, pp. 5-17 (Rus.) Kasavin I. T. Infrastructural Revolution in Philosophy: Athena from the Head of Zeus? // Epistemology & Philosophy of Science, 2014, vol. XLI, No. 3, pp. 5-17 (Rus.) Kasavin I. T. Way through the century. Teodor Oizerman’s Philosophical Feat // Voprosy Filosofii, 2014, No. 5, pp. 32-37 (Rus.) Kasavin I. T. Sotsial'naya epistemologiya: dvadtsatipyatiletniy yubiley v Afinakh (Social Epistemology: Twenty-Fifth Anniversary in Athens) // Vestnik RFO, 2014, No. 1 (69), pp. 11-14 (Rus.) Kasavin I. T. Reka znaniya: k istokam infrastrukturnoy sredy (The River of Knowledge: To the Sources of the Infrastructural Environment) / Ponimanie v kross-kul'turnoy kommunikatsii (Understanding in Cross-Cultural Communication). Moscow, 2014 (Rus.) Kasavin I. T. Mezhdistsiplinarnye issledovaniya i sotsial'naya kartina mira (Interdisciplinary Research and the Social Picture of the World) / Filosofiya nauki. Ezhegodnik (Philosophy of Science. Yearbook). Moscow: IF RAN, 2014 (Rus.)
2013 Kasavin I. T. et al. Sotsial'nye tekhnologii i sotsial'nye praktiki, Kruglyy stol «Gumanitarnoye znaniye i sotsial'nye tekhnologii» (Social Technologies and Social Practices, Round Table "Humanities Knowledge and Social Technologies") // Voprosy Filosofii, 2013, No. 7 (Rus.) Kasavin I. T. Poznanie (Knowledge) / Novaya Rossiyskaya entsiklopediya (New Russian Encyclopedia), Vol. 13, Part 1. Moscow, 2013 (Rus.) Kasavin I. T. Rockmore T., Social Epistemology, Interdisciplinarity and Context // Epistemology & Philosophy of Science, 2013, vol. 37, No. 3, pp. 57-75 (Rus.) Kasavin I. T. "My sozdali chto-to vrodye malen'koy alternativnoy istorii mysli...". Interv'yu ("We Created Something Like a Small Alternative History of Thought...". Interview) // State, Religion and Church, 2013, No. 1, pp. 168-182 (Rus.) Kasavin I. T. Printsip miloserdiya: zasluzhivayet li doveriya sub'yekt poznaniya? (The Principle of Charity: Is the Knowing Subject Trustworthy?) // Epistemology & Philosophy of Science, 2013, vol. XXXVI, No. 2, pp. 5-15 (Rus.) Kasavin I. T. Ratsional'nost': dopolnitel'nost' i paradoksal'nost' (Rationality: Additivity and Paradoxality) / Ratsional'nost' i kul'tura (Rationality and Culture). Moscow, 2013 (Rus.) Kasavin I. T. Znaniye i kommunikatsiya: k sovremennym diskussiyam v analiticheskoy filosofii (Knowledge and Communication: On Contemporary Debates in Analytical Philosophy) // Voprosy Filosofii, 2013, No. 6, pp. 46-57 (Rus.) Ilya Kasavin. Underdetermination of Knowledge by Context: A Challenge for Social Epistemology / Proceedings of the 23rd World Congress of Philosophy, Athens, Greece, Section of Theories of Knowledge and Epistemology, 2013 Kasavin I. T. «Reply to Rockmore» // Social Epistemology Review and Reply Collective, 2013, 2 (2), pp. 26-29 (Rus.) Kasavin I. T. Kruglyy stol po knige V.S. Stepina «Tsivilizatsiya i kul'tura» (Round Table on V.S. Stepin's Book «Civilization and Culture») // Voprosy Filosofii, 2013, No. 11 (Rus.) Ilya Kasavin. Ambivalence as an Epistemological Approach. The Сase of David Hume / David Hume and Modern Philosophy. Cambridge: Cambridge Scholars Publishers, 2013 Ilya Kasavin. Hume: An Introduction to Non-Classical Philosophy // David Hume and Modern Philosophy. . Cambridge: Cambridge Scholars Publishers, 2013
2012 Kasavin I. T. Communication and Creativity // Epistemological analysis of communication, 2012, vol. 17, No. 1, pp. 7-23 (Rus.) Kasavin I. T. Filosofiya i literatura: dialog diskursivnykh kul'tur (Philosophy and Literature: A Dialogue of Discursive Cultures) / XII Mezhdunarodnye Likhachevskie nauchnye chteniya (12th International Likhachev Scientific Readings). 2012 (Rus.) Kasavin I. T. Soznaniye: mezhdu Khigginsom i Frankenshteynom (Consciousness: Between Higgins and Frankenstein) // Epistemology & Philosophy of Science, 2012, vol. XXXI, No. 1, pp. 5-17 (Rus.) Kasavin I. T. Abstraktsiya imenovaniya: net, individual'nykh ob'yektov ne sushchestvuyet! (The Abstraction of Naming: No, Individual Objects Do Not Exist!) // Epistemology & Philosophy of Science, 2012, vol. XXXII, No. 2, pp. 59-63 (Rus.) Kasavin I. T. Sotsial'naya ontologiya, konstruirovaniye znaniya i mezhdistsiplinarnye issledovaniya (Social Ontology, Knowledge Construction, and Interdisciplinary Research) / Ontologii artefaktov (Ontologies of Artifacts). Moscow, 2012, pp. 162–176 (Rus.) Kasavin I. T. Filosofskiy diskurs: problema, kontekst, smysl (Philosophical Discourse: Problem, Context, Meaning) / Chelovek v mire znaniya: K 80-letiyu V. A. Lektorskogo (Man in the World of Knowledge: On the 80th Anniversary of V. A. Lektorsky). Moscow, 2012 (Rus.) Kasavin I. T. Vvedenie (Introduction) / Kommunikativnaya ratsional'nost' i sotsial'nye kommunikatsii (Communicative Rationality and Social Communications). Moscow, 2012 (Rus.) Kasavin I. T. S chego nachat'? (Where to Start?) / Kommunikativnaya ratsional'nost' i sotsial'nye kommunikatsii (Communicative Rationality and Social Communications). Moscow, 2012 (Rus.) Kasavin I. T. K diskurs-tipologii institutov: uzkaya i shirokaya ratsional'nost' (Towards the Discourse Typology of Institutions: Narrow and Broad Rationality) / Kommunikativnaya ratsional'nost' i sotsial'nye kommunikatsii (Communicative Rationality and Social Communications). Moscow, 2012 (Rus.) Kasavin I. T. Podkhody k teorie diskursa v rossiyskoy kommunikativno-semioticheskoy traditsii (Approaches to Discourse Theory in the Russian Communicative-Semiotic Tradition) / Kommunikativnaya ratsional'nost' i sotsial'nye kommunikatsii (Communicative Rationality and Social Communications). Moscow, 2012 (Rus.) Kasavin I. T. Kreativnost' smysla (The Creativity of Meaning) / Kommunikativnaya ratsional'nost' i sotsial'nye kommunikatsii (Communicative Rationality and Social Communications). Moscow, 2012 (Rus.) Kasavin I. T. Epistemologicheskie paradoksy Devida Yuma (Epistemological Paradoxes of David Hume) / Devid Yum i sovremennaya epistemologiya (David Hume and Contemporary Epistemology). Moscow, 2012 (Rus.) Kasavin I. T. Vvedenie. Nazad k Yumu? (Introduction. Back to Hume?) / Devid Yum i sovremennaya epistemologiya (David Hume and Contemporary Epistemology). Moscow, 2012 (Rus.) Kasavin I. T. What Is It to Be a London Flower Girl? On Prometheus, Pygmalion, and Other Consciousness Experts // Voprosy Filosofii, 2012, No. 7, pp. 87-99 (Rus.) Kasavin I. T. et al. Knowledge in Modern Culture (A Round-Table Discussion) // Voprosy Filosofii, 2012, No. 9, pp. 3-45 (Rus.) Kasavin I. T. Yazyk i soznanie kak elementy sotsiokoda. Istoki sovremennogo diskurs-analiza (Language and Consciousness as Elements of the Sociocode. The Origins of Contemporary Discourse Analysis) / Metodologiya i istoriya psikhologii (Methodology and History of Psychology). Moscow, 2012 (Rus.) Kasavin I. T. Vvedenie. Sotsial'nye tekhnologii i sotsial'nye praktiki (Introduction. Social Technologies and Social Practices) / Obshchestvo. Tekhnika. Nauka. Na puti k teorie sotsial'nykh tekhnologiy (Society. Technology. Science. Towards the Theory of Social Technologies). Moscow, 2012 (Rus.) Kasavin I. T. Teoriya sotsial'nykh tekhnologiy: vozmozhnosti i granitsy (Theory of Social Technologies: Opportunities and Boundaries) / Obshchestvo. Tekhnika. Nauka. Na puti k teorie sotsial'nykh tekhnologiy (Society. Technology. Science. Towards the Theory of Social Technologies). Moscow, 2012 (Rus.) Kasavin I. T. Formirovaniya sotsial'noy tekhnologii. Etapy i primery (Formation of Social Technology. Stages and Examples) / Obshchestvo. Tekhnika. Nauka. Na puti k teorie sotsial'nykh tekhnologiy (Society. Technology. Science. Towards the Theory of Social Technologies). Moscow, 2012 (Rus.) Kasavin I. T. Nauka v strukture sotsial'noy tekhnologii (Science in the Structure of Social Technology) / Gumanitarnye i yestestvennye nauki: problemy sinteza (Humanities and Natural Sciences: Problems of Synthesis). Conference Materials. Moscow, 2012 (Rus.) Kasavin I. T. Sotsial'nye tekhnologii. Teoreticheskiye kontseptualizatsii i primery (Social Technologies: Theoretical Conceptualizations and Examples) // Social Sciences and Contemporary World, 2012, No. 6, pp. 100-111 (Rus.) Kasavin I. T. Ideya opyta: reabilitatsiya ili trizna? (The Idea of Experience: Rehabilitation or Requiem?) // Epistemology & Philosophy of Science, 2012, No. 3, pp. 5-18 (Rus.) Kasavin I. T. Kritery znaniya: sobstvenno epistemicheskie ili sotsial'nye (Criteria of Knowledge: Epistemic or Social) / Epistemologiya. Perspektivy razvitiya (Epistemology. Development Perspectives). Moscow, 2012 (Rus.) Kasavin I. T. To What Extent Could Social Epistemology Accept the Naturalistic Motto? // Social Epistemology, 2012, 26 (3-4), pp. 351-364
2011 Kasavin I. T. Devid Yum: paradoxy poznaniya (David Hume: Paradoxes of Cognition) // Voprosy Filosofii, 2011, No. 3, pp. 157-171 (Rus.) Kasavin I. T. Neischerpaemaya tayna soznaniya (The Inexhaustible Mystery of Consciousness) // Social Sciences, 2011, No. 2 Kasavin I. T. Devid Yum i sovremennaya epistemologiya (David Hume and Contemporary Epistemology) // Epistemology & Philosophy of Science, 2011, vol. 27, No. 1, pp. 5-17 (Rus.) Kasavin I. T. Sotsialnaya epistemologiya i problema istiny (Social Epistemology and the Problem of Truth) / Epistemologiya. Novye gorizonty (Epistemology: New Horizons). Moscow: Kanon+, 2011, pp. 35-51 (Rus.) Kasavin I. T. Subyekty innovatsionnogo protsessa. Kommunikatsionnyy razryv v obshchestve znaniya (Subjects of the Innovation Process: The Communication Gap in the Knowledge Society) //Tetradi Mezhdunarodnogo Universiteta v Moskve (Notebooks of the International University in Moscow), 2011, No. 13, pp. 277-291 (Rus.) Kasavin I. T. David Hume: Six Epistemological Paradoxes / David Hume and Modern Philosophy, The International Conference Proceedings. Moscow, 2011. Kasavin I. T. Das historische Apriori als erkenntnistheoretisches Problem / Das Geheimnis der Wirklichkeit: Kurt Hübner zum 90. Geburtstag. Freiburg/München: Verlag Karl Alber, 2011 Kasavin I. T. Introduction / Entsiklopedicheskiy slovar po epistemologii (Encyclopedic Dictionary of Epistemology). Moscow: Alfa-M, 2011 (Rus.) Kasavin I. T. Introduction / Nauka i sotsialnye tekhnologii (Science and Social Technologies). Moscow: IFRAS, 2011 (Rus.) Kasavin I. T. O subyektakh i sotsialnykh tekhnologiyakh innovatsionnogo protsessa (On Subjects and Social Technologies of the Innovation Process) / Nauka i sotsialnye tekhnologii (Science and Social Technologies). Moscow: IFRAS, 2011 (Rus.) Kasavin I. T. Knekht i Dezinyori. Sotsiokulturnye roli cheloveka intellektualnogo truda (Knecht and Designori: Sociocultural Roles of the Intellectual Worker) // Epistemology & Philosophy of Science, 2011, vol. 29, No. 3, pp. 5-16 (Rus.) Kasavin I. T. Preface / Yazyk. Znanie. Realnost. (Language. Knowledge. Reality.). Moscow: Alfa-M, 2011 (Rus.) Kasavin I. T. Vsegda inoy i prezhnij (Always Different and the Same) / Yazyk. Znanie. Realnost. (Language. Knowledge. Reality.). Moscow: Alfa-M, 2011 (Rus.) Kasavin I. T. Poznanie i yazyk (Cognition and Language) // Epistemology & Philosophy of Science, 2011, vol. 30, No. 4, pp. 1-15 (Rus.) Kasavin I. T. Mif, magiya, religiia: istoricheskie tipy vnenauchnogo znaniia (Myth, Magic, Religion: Historical Types of Non-Scientific Knowledge) / Znanie v sotsiokulturnom prostranstve (Knowledge in the Sociocultural Space). Moscow: Ekonomicheskoe obrazovanie, 2011 (Rus.) Kasavin I. T. Povsednevnoe soznanie v tekhnogennom obshchestve (Everyday Consciousness in a Technogenic Society) / Znanie v sotsiokulturnom prostranstve (Knowledge in the Sociocultural Space). Moscow: Ekonomicheskoe obrazovanie, 2011 (Rus.)
2010 Kasavin I. T. Kontekstualizm (Contextualism) / Sotsialnaya epistemologiya: idei, metody, programmy (Social Epistemology: Ideas, Methods, Programs). Moscow: Kanon+, 2010 (Rus.) Kasavin I. T. Smysl (Meaning) / Sotsialnaya epistemologiya: idei, metody, programmy (Social Epistemology: Ideas, Methods, Programs). Moscow: Kanon+, 2010 (Rus.) Kasavin I. T. Diskurs (Discourse) / Sotsialnaya epistemologiya: idei, metody, programmy (Social Epistemology: Ideas, Methods, Programs). Moscow: Kanon+, 2010 (Rus.) Kasavin I. T. U istokov kommunikativno-semioticheskogo podkhoda v sotsialnoy epistemologii (At the Origins of the Communicative-Semiotic Approach in Social Epistemology) / Sotsialnaya epistemologiya: idei, metody, programmy (Social Epistemology: Ideas, Methods, Programs). Moscow: Kanon+, 2010 (Rus.) Kasavin I. T. Mezhdistsiplinarnost v epistemologii (Interdisciplinarity in Epistemology) / Sotsialnaya epistemologiya: idei, metody, programmy (Social Epistemology: Ideas, Methods, Programs). Moscow: Kanon+, 2010 (Rus.) Kasavin I. T. Oksfordskie dony: opyt mikrosotsiologii (Oxford Dons: An Experience in Microsociology) / Sotsialnaya epistemologiya: idei, metody, programmy (Social Epistemology: Ideas, Methods, Programs). Moscow: Kanon+, 2010 (Rus.) Kasavin I. T. How to Make Wittgenstein’s Concept of Meaning Complete? / Language and World. Part One: Essays on the Philosophy of Wittgenstein. Heusenstamm: Ontos Verlag, 2010, pp. 135-145 Kasavin I. T. Ratsionalnye osnovaniya tsennostnogo diskursa v nauke i teologii (Rational Foundations of Value Discourse in Science and Theology) / Ekzistentsialnyy opyt i kognitivnye praktiki v naukakh i teologii (Existential Experience and Cognitive Practices in Sciences and Theology). Moscow: Alfa-M, 2010 (Rus.) Kasavin I. T. Smirennyy razum i nepokornaya vera. Sluchay Iova (Humble Mind and Rebellious Faith: The Case of Job) / Ekzistentsialnyy opyt i kognitivnye praktiki v naukakh i teologii (Existential Experience and Cognitive Practices in Sciences and Theology). Moscow: Alfa-M, 2010 (Rus.) Kasavin I. T. Neischerpaemaya tayna soznaniya. Retzenziya (The Inexhaustible Mystery of Consciousness. A Review) // Vestnik RAS, 2010, vol. 80, No. 8, pp. 750-754 (Rus.) Kasavin I. T. Chelovek ili telo? K voprosu o prirode nositelya soznaniya (Person or Body? On the Nature of the Consciousness Bearer) // Epistemology & Philosophy of Science, 2010, vol. 23, No. 1, pp. 53-56 (Rus.) Kasavin I. T. Ob odnom li predmete my sporim? (Are We Arguing About the Same Subject?) // Epistemology & Philosophy of Science, 2010, vol. 24, No. 2, pp. 54-60 (Rus.) Kasavin I. T. Poznanie i tvorchestvo (Cognition and Creativity) // Epistemology & Philosophy of Science, 2010, vol. 24, No. 2, pp. 5-16 (Rus.) Kasavin I. T. Mezhdistsiplinarnoe issledovanie: k ponyatiyu i tipologii (Interdisciplinary Research: Towards the Concept and Typology) // Voprosy Filosofii, 2010, No. 4, pp. 61-73 (Rus.) Kasavin I. T. O semiotichesko-kommunikativnoy teorii soznaniya (v razvitie idey L. S. Vygotskogo) (On the Semiotic-Communicative Theory of Consciousness. Developing L. S. Vygotsky's Ideas) / Rossiya v dialoge kul'tur (Russia in the Dialogue of Cultures). Moscow: Nauka, 2010 (Rus.) Kasavin I. T. Istina v sotsial'noy epistemologii (Truth in Social Epistemology) // Istina v naukakh i filosofii (Truth in Sciences and Philosophy). Moscow: Alfa-M, 2010 (Rus.). Kasavin I. T. K istorii voprosa (On the History of the Issue) // Rabinovich V. L. Imitafory Rabinovicha, ili Nebesnyi zakroishchik (Imitaphors of Rabinovich, or The Celestial Developer). Moscow: Zakharov, 2010. (Rus.) Kasavin I. T. Obshchuzhdenie knigi «Entsiklopediya epistomologii i filosofii nauki» (Discussion of the Book "Encyclopedia of Epistemology and Philosophy of Science") // Voprosy Filosofii, 2010, No. 11, pp. 3-24 (Rus.) Kasavin I. T. Obshchuzhdenie knigi «Entsiklopediya epistomologii i filosofii nauki» (Discussion of the Book "Encyclopedia of Epistemology and Philosophy of Science") // Epistemology & Philosophy of Science, 2010, vol. 25, No. 3, pp. 58-78 (Rus.) Kasavin I. T. Sotsial'nye tekhnologii i nauchnoe znanie (Social Technologies and Scientific Knowledge) // Epistemology & Philosophy of Science, 2010, vol. 26, No. 4, pp. 5-15 (Rus.) Kasavin I. T. Kto govorit o znanii? (Who Speaks of Knowledge?) // Philosophy of Sciences, 2010, No. 15 (Rus.) Kasavin I. T. Povsednevnost': sakral'noe i proffanoe (Everyday Life: The Sacred and the Profane) // The World of Russian Word, 2010, No. 2, pp. 6-13 (Rus.) Kasavin I. T. Znanie i obshchenie: u istokov odnoi filosofsko-psikhologicheskoi teorii soznaniya (Knowledge and Communication: At the Origins of a Philosophical-Psychological Theory of Consciousness) / Filosofiya poznaniya. K iubileiu L. A. Mikeshinoi (Philosophy of Cognition. In Celebration of L. A. Mikeshina's Anniversary). Moscow: ROSSPEN, 2010 (Rus.) Kasavin I. T. Polemicheskie glavy (Polemic Chapters) / Filosofiya poznaniya. K iubileiu L. A. Mikeshinoi (Philosophy of Cognition. In Celebration of L. A. Mikeshina's Anniversary). Moscow: ROSSPEN, 2010 (Rus.)
2009 Kasavin I. T. 40 Articles / Entsiklopediya epistomologii i filosofii nauki (Encyclopedia of Epistemology and Philosophy of Science). Moscow: Kanon+, 2009 (Rus.) Kasavin I. T. Razmyshlenie o smysle (Reflection on Meaning) / Pamyati V. S. Shvyreva (In Memory of V. S. Shvyrev). Moscow, 2009 (Rus.) Kasavin I. T. et al. Kruglyi stol «Filosofiya i literatura» (Round Table "Philosophy and Literature") // Voprosy Filosofii, 2009, No. 9, pp. 56-96 (Rus.) Kasavin I. T. Tekst, diskurs, kontekst. Vvedenie v sotsial'nuyu epistomologiyu yazyka. Zamysel knigi (Text, Discourse, Context. Introduction to the Social Epistemology of Language. The Concept of the Book) // Epistemology & Philosophy of Science, 2009, vol. 19, No. 1, pp. 53-56 (Rus.) Kasavin I. T. Istina: vechnaya tema i sovremennye vyzovy (Truth: The Eternal Theme and Contemporary Challenges) // Epistemology & Philosophy of Science, 2009, vol. 20, No. 2, pp. 5-12 (Rus.) Kasavin I. T. Chto nedostatochno znat' o znanii (What Is Insufficiently Known About Knowledge) // Epistemology & Philosophy of Science, 2009, vol. 21, No. 3, pp. 81-84 (Rus.) Kasavin I. T. Tsennosti novoi tsivilizatsii: osnovaniya poiska i ikh kriticheskaya otsenka (The Values of the New Civilization: The Foundations of the Search and Their Critical Evaluation) / Tsennostnyi diskurs v naukakh i teologii (Value Discourse in Science and Theology). Moscow: IFRAS, 2009 (Rus.) Kasavin I. T. Tabu, moral' i epistomologiya zapreta (Taboo, Morality, and the Epistemology of Prohibition) / Filosofiya i etika. K 70-letiyu A. A. Guseynova (Philosophy and Ethics. In Honor of Academician A. A. Guseynov's 70th Anniversary). Moscow: Alfa-M, 2009 (Rus.) Kasavin I. T. Introduction / Kommunikativnaya ratsional'nost': epistomologicheskii podkhod (Communicative Rationality: An Epistemological Approach). Moscow: IFRAS, 2009 (Rus.) Kasavin I. T. Spor o ponyatiyakh ili razlichiya po sushchestvu? (A Dispute About Concepts or Differences in Essence?) / Kommunikativnaya ratsional'nost': epistomologicheskii podkhod (Communicative Rationality: An Epistemological Approach). Moscow: IFRAS, 2009 (Rus.) Kasavin I. T. Smysl – ne osnovanie, a sledstvie (Meaning is Not the Foundation, But the Consequence) / Kommunikativnaya ratsional'nost': epistomologicheskii podkhod (Communicative Rationality: An Epistemological Approach). Moscow: IFRAS, 2009 (Rus.) Kasavin I. T. O semiotichesko-kommunikativnoi teorii soznaniya (v razvitie idei L. S. Vygotskogo) (On the Semiotic-Communicative Theory of Consciousness: In the Development of L. S. Vygotsky's Ideas) // Epistemology & Philosophy of Science, 2009, vol. 21, No. 3, pp. 152-167 (Rus.) Kasavin I. T. How to make the Wittgenstein’s theory of meaning complete? / 32nd International Wittgenstein’s Symposium. Kirchberg am Wechsel, 2009 Kasavin I. T. O prirode filosofskoi refleksii (On the Nature of Philosophical Reflection) // Filosofskii zhurnal, 2009, No. 2 (3), pp. 12-21 (Rus.) Kasavin I. T. Diskurs-analiz kak metod issledovaniya soznaniya (Discourse Analysis as a Method of Consciousness Research) / Problema soznaniya v filosofii i nauke (The Problem of Consciousness in Philosophy and Science). Moscow: Kanon+, 2009 (Rus.) Kasavin I. T. Religion, Science and Lebenswelt: New Interdisciplinary Crossroads / Global Perspectives on Science and Spirituality. West Conshohocken: Templeton Press, 2009 (Rus.) Kasavin I. T. Problema kak forma znaniya (The Problem as a Form of Knowledge) // Epistemology & Philosophy of Science, 2009, vol. 22, No. 4, pp. 5-13 (Rus.) Kasavin I. T. Postizhenie povsednevnosti: ot rechi k tekstu, ot obraza k smyslu (Understanding Everyday Life: From Speech to Text, From Image to Meaning) / Iazyki kul'tur. Obraz-poniatie-obraz (Languages of Culture. Image-Concept-Image). Moscow: Russian Christian Humanitarian Academy, 2009 (Rus.) Kasavin I. T. Chelovek – sushchestvo nedostatochnoe. Interv'yu (Man – an Inadequate Being. Interview) // Chelovek bez granits, 2009, No. 11 (Rus.) Kasavin I. T. Poznanie v shirokom smysle. Interv'yu (Knowledge in a Broad Sense. Interview) // NG-Nauka, 18.11.09, Moscow, 2009 (Rus.) Kasavin I. T. Obshchuzhdaem stat'i o konstruktivizme (Discussing Articles on Constructivism) // Epistemology & Philosophy of Science, 2009, vol. 20, No. 2, pp. 142-156 (Rus.) Kasavin I. T. The Idea of Interdisciplinary Approach in Contemporary Epistemology // Diogenes, 2009, vol. 56, No. 2-3, pp. 110-124 (Rus.)
2008 Kasavin I. T. Konstrukktivizm: zaiavlennye programmy i nereshennye problemy (Constructivism: Declared Programs and Unresolved Problems) // Epistemology & Philosophy of Science, 2008, vol. 15, No. 1, pp. 5-14 (Rus.) Kasavin I. T. Povsednevnost' kak epistemologicheskaya problema (Everyday Life as an Epistemological Problem) // Epistemology & Philosophy of Science, 2008, vol. 16, No. 2, pp. 5-13 (Rus.) Kasavin I. T. Spor o ponyatiyakh ili razlichiya po sushchestvu? (A Dispute About Concepts or Differences in Essence?) // Epistemology & Philosophy of Science, 2008, vol. 17, No. 3, pp. 78-82 (Rus.) Kasavin I., Stepin H. C. V. Value choice and the dialogue of cultures // International Journal of Communication, 2008, vol. 18, No. 1-2, pp. 51-65 Kasavin I. T. On the Demarcation of Science and Theology as a Problem of Science Genesis / The Problem of Demarcation between Science and Theology: A Modern View. Moscow. Moscow: IFRAS, 2008, pp. 9-25 (Rus.) Kasavin I. T. Social Epistemology: Naturalization VS Socialization? / Proceedings of the XXII World Congress of Philosophy. Seoul, 2008 Kasavin I. T. Integratsionnost' i mezhdistsiplinarnost' v sociogumanitarnom prostranstve (Integration and Interdisciplinarity in the Socio-Humanitarian Sphere) // Labour and Social Relations Journal, 2008, vol. 19, No. 5, pp. 19-26 (Rus.) Kasavin I. T. Prostranstvo: bytiystvennaya osnova znaniya (Space: The Ontological Basis of Knowledge) // Epistemology & Philosophy of Science, 2008, vol. 18, No. 4, pp. 5-15 (Rus.) Kasavin I. T. Smysl – ne osnovanie, a sledstvie (Meaning is Not the Foundation, But the Consequence) // Epistemology & Philosophy of Science, 2008, vol. 18, No. 4, pp. 65-68 (Rus.).
2007 Kasavin I.T. Boyle R. Skepticheskii khimik. Fragmenty (The Skeptical Chemist. Fragments) / transl. and comm. I.T. Kasavin // Epistemology & Philosophy of Science, 2007, No. 1, pp. 14-17 (Rus.) Kasavin I.T. Nauka i kul'tura v trudakh Roberta Boilia (Science and Culture in the Works of Robert Boyle) // Epistemology & Philosophy of Science, 2007, vol. 11, No. 1, pp. 206-220 (Rus.) Kasavin I.T. et al. Kruglyi stol po gumanitarnym naukam (Round Table on the Humanities) // Epistemology & Philosophy of Science, 2007, vol. 12, No. 2, pp. 38-74 (Rus.) Kasavin I.T. Smysl kak problema epistemologii i nauki (Meaning as a Problem of Epistemology and Science) // Epistemology & Philosophy of Science, 2007, vol. 13, No. 3, pp. 5-16 (Rus.) Kasavin I.T. et al. Teorii znacheniia (Theories of Meaning) // Epistemology & Philosophy of Science, 2007, vol. 14, No. 4, pp. 178-189 (Rus.) Kasavin I.T. Sotsial'naia epistemologiia... kak epistemologicheskaia problema (Social Epistemology... as an Epistemological Problem) // Epistemology & Philosophy of Science, 2007, vol. 14, No. 4, pp. 30-34 (Rus.) Kasavin I.T. "Entsiklopediia epistemologii i filosofii nauki" - itog i perspektiva ("Encyclopedia of Epistemology and Philosophy of Science" - Results and Prospects) // Epistemology & Philosophy of Science, 2007, vol. 14, No. 4, pp. 5-12 (Rus.) Kasavin I.T. Kosmologicheskii i epistemologicheskii diskurs v teatre Uiliama Shekspira (Cosmological and Epistemological Discourse in the Theatre of William Shakespeare) // Voprosy Filosofii, 2007, No. 4, pp. 114-131 (Rus.) Kasavin I. T. et al. Obsuzhdenie knigi V. S. Stepina "Filosofiya nauki. Obshchie voprosy" (Discussion of V. S. Stepin's book "Philosophy of Science. General Issues") // Voprosy Filosofii, 2007, No. 10, pp. 64–88 (Rus.) Kasavin I. T. et al. Gumanitarnaya nauka kak predmet filosofsko-metodologicheskogo analiza (Humanitarian Science as the Subject of Philosophical and Methodological Analysis) // Voprosy Filosofii, 2007, No. 6, pp. 57–82 (Rus.) Kasavin I. T. U istokov kommunikativno-semioticheskogo podkhoda k soznaniyu: M. Bakhtin i Yu. Lotman (At the Origins of the Communicative-Semiotic Approach to Consciousness: M. Bakhtin and Yu. Lotman) // Russian Journal of Philosophical Sciences, 2007, No. 12, pp. 27–47 (Rus.) Kasavin I. T. Diskurs-analiz i ego primenenie v psikhologii (Discourse Analysis and Its Application in Psychology) // Voprosy Psikhologii, 2007, No. 6, pp. 97–119 (Rus.) Kasavin I. T. Predmet i metody sotsialnoy epistemologii (The Subject and Methods of Social Epistemology) / Yazyk, znanie, sotsium: Problemy sotsialnoy epistemologii (Language, Knowledge, Society: Problems of Social Epistemology). Moscow: IFRAS, 2007, pp. 3–13 (Rus.)
2006 Kasavin I. T. Diskurs i khaos. Problema tityulyarnogo sovetnika Golyadkina (Discourse and Chaos. The Problem of Titular Counselor Golyadkin) // Psychology. Journal of Higher School of Economics, 2006, vol. 3, No. 1, pp. 3–18 (Rus.) Kasavin I. T. Sotsialnaya epistemologiya: ponyatie i problemy (Social Epistemology: Concept and Problems) // Epistemology & Philosophy of Science, 2006, vol. 7, No. 1, pp. 5–15 (Rus.) Kasavin I. T. Problema teksta: mezhdu epistemologiey i lingvistikoy (The Problem of Text: Between Epistemology and Linguistics) // Epistemology & Philosophy of Science, 2006, vol. 8, No. 2, pp. 34–57 (Rus.) Kasavin I. T. Znanie i sotsialnost (Knowledge and Sociality) // Epistemology & Philosophy of Science, 2006, vol. 8, No. 2, pp. 89–93 (Rus.) Kasavin I. T. Zamechaniya po povodu primechaniya k kommentariyu: konteksty odnogo esse Iosifa Brodskogo (Remarks on a Note to a Commentary: Contexts of an Essay by Joseph Brodsky) // Voprosy Filosofii, 2006, No. 4, pp. 56–70 (Rus.) Kasavin I. T. Science and Other Forms of Thinking: An Emerging Interdisciplinary Paradigm / Knowledge and Belief: Different Cultural Approaches. Moscow, 2006 (Based on Symposium Materials) Kasavin I. T. Filosofiya nauki: neschastnaya doch, schastlivaya padcheritsa? (Philosophy of Science: Unhappy Daughter, Happy Stepdaughter?) // Epistemology & Philosophy of Science, 2006, vol. 9, No. 3, pp. 5–14 (Rus.) Kasavin I. T. O vozmozhnosti novogo napravleniya issledovaniy: "Science & Spirituality" (On the Possibility of a New Direction in Research: "Science & Spirituality") / Nauka i religiia: Mezhdistsiplinarnyi i kross-kulturnyi podkhod (Science and Religion: An Interdisciplinary and Cross-Cultural Approach). Moscow: Kanon+, 2006 (Rus.) Kasavin I. T. Mir nauki i zhiznennyi mir cheloveka (The World of Science and the Lifeworld of a Human) / Nauka i religiia: Mezhdistsiplinarnyi i kross-kulturnyi podkhod (Science and Religion: An Interdisciplinary and Cross-Cultural Approach). Moscow: Kanon+, 2006 (Rus.) Kasavin I. T. Magiya i nauka: k teorii i istorii vzaimootnosheniy (Magic and Science: Toward a Theory and History of Relations) / Nauka i religiia: Mezhdistsiplinarnyi i kross-kulturnyi podkhod (Science and Religion: An Interdisciplinary and Cross-Cultural Approach). Moscow: Kanon+, 2006 (Rus.) Kasavin I. T. Nauka i inye tipy myshleniya (Science and Other Types of Thinking) / Nauka i religiia: Mezhdistsiplinarnyi i kross-kulturnyi podkhod (Science and Religion: An Interdisciplinary and Cross-Cultural Approach). Moscow: Kanon+, 2006 (Rus.) Kasavin I. T. et al. Filosofiya nauki: problemy i perspektivy (Philosophy of Science: Problems and Perspectives) (Round Table Materials) // Voprosy Filosofii, 2006, No. 10, pp. 3–44 (Rus.) Kasavin I. T. Diskurs-analiz kak mezhdistsiplinarnyi metod gumanitarnykh nauk (Discourse Analysis as an Interdisciplinary Method in the Humanities) // Epistemology & Philosophy of Science, 2006, vol. 10, No. 4, pp. 5–16 (Rus.) Kasavin I. T. Otvet opponentam (Response to Opponents) // Epistemology & Philosophy of Science, 2006, vol. 10, No. 4, pp. 78–82 (Rus.) Kasavin I. T. Diskurs: spetsialnye teorii i filosofskie problemy (Discourse: Special Theories and Philosophical Problems) // Human Being, 2006, No. 6, pp. 1–21 (Rus.)
2005 Kasavin I. T. Opening Speech / Knowledge and Society. Papers of International Symposium. Moscow, 2005 Kasavin I. T. Epistemology and Idea of Interdisciplinarity / Knowledge and Society. Papers of International Symposium. Moscow, 2005 Kasavin I. T. Comments to the Paper of Eui Soo Kim / Knowledge and Society. Papers of International Symposium. Moscow, 2005 Kasavin I. T. Epistemology and the Interdisciplinary Idea // Social Sciences, 2005, No. 2 Kasavin I. T. Epistemology and Idea of Interdisciplinarity. Abstract / Materialy 4 Rossiyskogo filosofskogo kongressa (Proceedings of the 4th Russian Philosophical Congress), vol. 3. Moscow, 2005 Kasavin I. T. How is the Future Value Synthesis Possible? / Global Perspectives on Science & Spirituality. 2005 Kasavin I. T. Epistemologiya i istoricheskoe soznanie (Epistemology and Historical Consciousness) // Epistemology & Philosophy of Science, 2005, vol. 3, No. 1, pp. 5–14 (Rus.) Kasavin I. T. Povsednevnost kak teoretiko-poznavatelnaya problema (Everyday Life as a Theoretical and Cognitive Problem) / Nauka glazami gumanitariya (Science Through the Eyes of a Humanitarian). Moscow: Progress-Traditsiya, 2005 (Rus.) Kasavin I. T. Nauka i inye tipy znaniya: pozitsiya epistemologa (Science and Other Types of Knowledge: The Position of an Epistemologist) // Epistemology & Philosophy of Science, 2005, vol. 4, No. 2, pp. 5–15 (Rus.) Kasavin I. T. Mir nauki i zhiznennyi mir cheloveka (The World of Science and the Lifeworld of a Human) // Epistemology & Philosophy of Science, 2005, vol. 5, No. 3, pp. 5–11 (Rus.) Kasavin I. T. et al. Posvyashchaetsya Lvu Nikolaevichu Mitrokhinu (Dedicated to Lev Nikolaevich Mitrokhin) (Meeting Materials) // Voprosy Filosofii, 2005, No. 10, pp. 16–37 (Rus.) Kasavin I. T. et al. Ratsionalnost kak tsennost kultury (Rationality as a Cultural Value) // Vestnik Rossiyskoy Akademii Nauk, 2005, vol. 75, No. 11, pp. 1028–1037 (Rus.) Kasavin I. T. Staryi i novyi ratsionalizm (Old and New Rationalism) / Dialog kultur v globalizuyushchemsya mire (Dialogue of Cultures in a Globalizing World). Moscow: Nauka, 2005 (Rus.) Kasavin I. T. Kontekstualizm kak metodologicheskaya programma (Contextualism as a Methodological Program) // Epistemology & Philosophy of Science, 2005, vol. 6, No. 4, pp. 5–17 (Rus.)
2004 Kasavin I. T. Articles: Blur, Laudan, Feyerabend, Hübner, Vremya (Time), Krititsizm (Criticism), Magiya (Magic), Paranauka (Parascience), Poznanie (Knowledge), Prichinnost (Causality), Prostranstvo (Space), Relyativizm (Relativism), Situatsionnye issledovaniya (Situational Studies), Traditsii v nauke (Traditions in Science), Kholizm (Holism) / Filosofiya. Entsiklopedicheskiy slovar (Philosophy. Encyclopedic Dictionary). Moscow, 2004 (Rus.) Kasavin I. T. Robert Boyle i nachalo empiricheskogo estestvoznaniya (Robert Boyle and the Beginning of Empirical Natural Philosophy) // Filosofiya Nauki, 2004, vol. 10, No. 1, pp. 86–117 (Rus.) Kasavin I. T. O vozmozhnosti ratsional'noy filosofii (On the Possibility of Rational Philosophy) // Polignozis, 2004, No. 3 (Rus.) Kasavin I. T. Zhurnal "Epistemologiya i filosofiya nauki". Kontury zamsyla (The Journal "Epistemology and Philosophy of Science". Outlines of the Idea) // Epistemology & Philosophy of Science, 2004, vol. 1, No. 1, pp. 5–14 (Rus.) Kasavin I. T. Relyativizm: abstraktnaya teoriya ili metodologicheskaya praktika? (Relativism: Abstract Theory or Methodological Practice?) // Epistemology & Philosophy of Science, 2004, vol. 1, No. 1, pp. 67–69 (Rus.) Kasavin I. T. Predstavlyaem rubriku "Kontekst" (Introducing the "Context" Column) // Epistemology & Philosophy of Science, 2004, vol. 1, No. 1, pp. 141–142 (Rus.) Kasavin I. T. How to Construct the Values of a New Civilization / Preprints of the International Symposium “Philosophy and Society in the 21st Century”. Gunsan, 2004 Kasavin I. T. et al. Filosofiya v sovremennoy kulture: novye perspektivy (Philosophy in Contemporary Culture: New Perspectives) (Round Table Materials) // Voprosy Filosofii, 2004, No. 4, pp. 3–46 Kasavin I. T. et al. Filosofiya i integratsiya sovremennogo sotsial'no-gumanitarnogo znaniya (Philosophy and the Integration of Contemporary Social and Humanitarian Knowledge) (Round Table Materials) // Voprosy Filosofii, 2004, No. 7, pp. 3–39 Kasavin I. T. Preface / Chelovek. Nauka. Tsivilizatsiya. K 70-letiyu akademika V. S. Stepina (Human. Science. Civilization. In Honor of the 70th Anniversary of Academician V. S. Stepin). Moscow, 2004 (Rus.) Kasavin I. T. Filosofskaya refleksiya i universalii kultury (Philosophical Reflection and Cultural Universals) / Chelovek. Nauka. Tsivilizatsiya. K 70-letiyu akademika V. S. Stepina (Human. Science. Civilization. In Honor of the 70th Anniversary of Academician V. S. Stepin). Moscow, 2004 (Rus.) Kasavin I. T. Vazhno, chtoby rabota ne prekrashchalas (It Is Important That the Work Does Not Stop) / Interv'yu s akademikom V. S. Stepinym (Interview with Academician V. S. Stepin) // Voprosy Filosofii, 2004, No. 9, pp. 16–71 (Rus.) Kasavin I. T. Filosofiya poznaniya i ideya mezhdistsiplinarnosti (Philosophy of Knowledge and the Idea of Interdisciplinarity) // Epistemology & Philosophy of Science, 2004, vol. 2, No. 2, pp. 5–14 (Rus.) Kasavin I. T. Zona otvetstvennosti za sud'bu filosofii (The Zone of Responsibility for the Fate of Philosophy) // Epistemology & Philosophy of Science, 2004, vol. 2, No. 2, pp. 90–95 (Rus.) Kasavin I. T. Problema i kontekst. O prirode filosofskoy refleksii (The Problem and the Context. On the Nature of Philosophical Reflection) // Voprosy Filosofii, 2004, No. 11, pp. 19–32 (Rus.) Kasavin I. T. Obrazovanie – kommunikatsiya – zhurnal: novye proekty v oblasti epistemologii (Education – Communication – Journal: New Projects in the Field of Epistemology) // Sotsial'nye transformatsii, 2004, No. 6 Kasavin I. T. Mir nauki i zhiznennyi mir cheloveka (The World of Science and the Lifeworld of a Human) // Sotsiemy, 2004, No. 10 Kasavin I. T. Tipy tekstovykh epokh (Types of Textual Eras) / Filosofiya. Metodologiya. Nauka (Philosophy. Methodology. Science). Moscow, 2004 (Rus.)
2003 Kasavin I. T. Imenovanie i tabu: v poiskakh Boga (Naming and Taboo: In Search of God) // Religiovedenie, 2003, No. 1 (Rus.) Kasavin I. T. Theory as Image and Concept // Russian Studies in Philosophy, 2002, vol. 41, No. 2, pp. 37–49 Kasavin I. T. Yazyk povsednevnosti: mezhdu logikoy i fenomenologiyami (The Language of Everyday Life: Between Logic and Phenomenologies) // Voprosy Filosofii, 2003, No. 5, pp. 14–29 (Rus.) Kasavin I. T. Povsednevnost' i alternativenye miry (Everyday Life and Alternative Worlds) // Filosofskie Nauki, 2003, No. 5 (Rus.) Kasavin I. T. Poznanie i kul'tura. Beseida s I. T. Kasavinyim (Knowledge and Culture. A Conversation with I. T. Kasavin) // Voprosy Filosofii, 2003, No. 12, pp. 64–71 (Rus.) Kasavin I. T. Povsednevnost' v kontekste fenomenologicheskoy sotsiologii (Everyday Life in the Context of Phenomenological Sociology) // Sotsiemy, 2003, No. 9 (Rus.) Kasavin I. T. Gde zhivet povsednevnost' (Where Does Everyday Life Live?) / Znanie v svyazyakh sotsial'nosti (Knowledge in the Connections of Sociality). Yekaterinburg: Izdatel'stvo Uralskogo universiteta, 2003, pp. 38–60 (Rus.)
2002 Kasavin I. T. Die Situation der Philosophie in Russland (The Situation of Philosophy in Russia) // Information Philosophie, 2002, No. 1 Kasavin I. T. Povsednevnost' v sotsial'nom kontekste (Everyday Life in the Social Context) / Lichnost'. Poznanie. Kultura. K 70-letiyu L. A. Mikeshinoy (Personality. Knowledge. Culture. In Honor of the 70th Anniversary of L.A. Mikeshina). Moscow, 2002 (Rus.) Kasavin I. T. Chelovek posle krusheniya Vavilonskoy bashni (Man After the Fall of the Tower of Babel) / Yazyki kul'tur. Vzaimodeystviya (Languages of Cultures. Interactions). Moscow, 2002 (Rus.) Kasavin I. T. Preface / Sub'yekt. Poznanie. Deyatel'nost'. K semidesyatiletiyu V. A. Lektorskogo (Subject. Knowledge. Activity. In Honor of the 70th Anniversary of V. A. Lektorskiy). Moscow, 2002 (Rus.) Kasavin I. T. Svoe i chuzhoe. Situatsiya Edipa glazami fenomenologa (Own and Other. The Oedipus Situation through the Eyes of a Phenomenologist) / Sub'yekt. Poznanie. Deyatel'nost'. K semidesyatiletiyu V. A. Lektorskogo (Subject. Knowledge. Activity. In Honor of the 70th Anniversary of V. A. Lektorskiy). Moscow, 2002 (Rus.) Kasavin I. T. L. A. Mikeshina. Filosofiya poznaniya. Polemicheskie glavy (L.A. Mikeshina. Philosophy of Knowledge. Polemical Chapters) // Voprosy Filosofii, 2002, No. 11, pp. 238–242 (Rus.) Kasavin I. T. K teoreticheskim osnovaniyam zamysla (On the Theoretical Foundations of the Idea) / Yazyki kul'tur: vzaimodeystviya (Languages of Cultures: Interactions). Moscow, 2002 (Rus.) Kasavin I. T. Alltäglichkeit: Diesseits ansässiger Erfahrung (Everyday Life: Experience on This Side of Residence) / The Scientific Community in Russia and European Integration. Symposium der Alexander von Humboldt-Stiftung, 2002
2001 Kasavin I. T. Teoriya kak obraz i ponyatie (Theory as Image and Concept) // Voprosy Filosofii, 2001, No. 3 (Rus.) Kasavin I. T. Vystuplenie na kruglom stole "Nauka i psevdonauka" (Speech at the Round Table "Science and Pseudoscience") // Voprosy Filosofii, 2001, No. 6 (Rus.) Kasavin I. T. Risk i rutina kak izmereniya sotsial'nogo liderstva (Risk and Routine as Dimensions of Social Leadership) // Sotsiemy, 2001 (Rus.) Kasavin I. T. Philosophy and Education in Russia: The New Shifts / The Crisis of Humanities and a Structural Reform of Educational Policy. 2001 International Conference of Philosophy. Pusan, 2001 Kasavin I. T. Problema povsednevnosti (The Problem of Everyday Life) // Filosofskiy fakultet. Ezhegodnik, 2001, No. 2 (Rus.) Kasavin I. T. Articles: Istina (Truth), Poznanie (Cognition), Znanie (Knowledge), Zabluzhdenie (Delusion), Filosofiya nauki (Philosophy of Science), Traditsii v nauke (Traditions in Science), Paranauka (Pseudoscience), Tvorchestvo (Creativity), Situatsionnye issledovaniya (Situational Studies), Relyativizm (Relativism), Blur, Hyubner / Novaya filosofskaya entsiklopediya (New Philosophical Encyclopedia). Moscow, 2001 (Rus.) Kasavin I. T. Poznanie kak inoskazanie. Chelovek posle krusheniya Vavilonskoy bashni (Knowledge as Allegory. Man After the Fall of the Tower of Babel) // Voprosy Filosofii, 2001, No. 11 (Rus.) Kasavin I. T. Mir cheloveka kak ontologiya znaniya (prostranstvenno-vremennye aspekty) (The World of Man as the Ontology of Knowledge: Spatio-Temporal Aspects) / Uranos i Kronos. Khronotop chelovecheskogo mira (Uranus and Kronos. The Chronotope of the Human World). Moscow, 2001 (Rus.) Kasavin I. T. Philosophy and Education in Russia: The New Shifts // Daedong Chulhag, 2001, No. 14 Kasavin I. T. Filosofiya i obrazovanie v Rossii: novye techeniya (Philosophy and Education in Russia: The New Trends) (in Korean) // Daedong Chulhag, 2001, No. 14 Kasavin I. T. Migratsionnyy arkhetip i ego transformatsii (pastukhi i piraty) (The Migration Archetype and Its Transformations: Shepherds and Pirates) // Daedong Chulhag, 2001, No. 14
2000 Kasavin I. T. Prostranstvo i vremya: v poiskakh "estestvennoy ontologii" znaniya (Space and Time: In Search of the "Natural Ontology" of Knowledge) // Obshchestvennye nauki i sovremennost', 2000, No. 1 (Rus.) Kasavin I. T. Shtrikhi k obrazu. Individual'naya kul'turnaya laboratoriya Vasiliya Grossmana (Brushstrokes to the Image. The Individual Cultural Laboratory of Vasily Grossman) // Voprosy Filosofii, 2000, No. 7 (Rus.) Kasavin I. T. Chelovek pereput'ya. Poznanie kak inoskazanie (The Man at the Crossroads. Knowledge as Allegory) // Filosofskiy fakultet. Ezhegodnik, 2000, No. 1 (Rus.) Kasavin I. T. Pervobytnoye soznanie i ego tvortsy. Vozhdi i shaman (Primitive Consciousness and Its Creators. Chiefs and Shamans) / Alternativnye mira znaniya (Alternative Worlds of Knowledge). Moscow, 2000 (Rus.)
1999 Kasavin I. T. Predtechi nauchnoy revolyutsii (Predecessors of the Scientific Revolution) // Filosofiya nauki, 1999, No. 5 (Rus.) Kasavin I. T. et al. O nekotorykh itogakh i perspektivakh analiza nauki (On Some Results and Perspectives of Science Analysis) // Filosofiya nauki, 1999, No. 5 (Rus.) Kasavin I. T. Russische Philosophie heute (Russian Philosophy Today) // Sonderdruck, Bremen, 1999 Kasavin I. T. Na puti ot pismennogo stola k biblioteke i obratno. Inter'er laboratorii Kh. Borhesa (On the Way from the Writing Desk to the Library and Back. The Interior of H. Borges' Laboratory) // Istoriko-filosofskiy ezhegodnik, 1999 (Rus.) Kasavin I. T. From the Editors / Razum i ekzistentsiya (Reason and Existence). St. Petersburg, 1999 (Rus.) Kasavin I. T. Sputniki i poputchiki nauki. Srednevekov'ye i Novoye vremya (Companions and Fellow Travelers of Science. The Middle Ages and the Modern Era) // Germetizm, magiya, naturfilosofiya v kulture XIII-XIX vv. (Hermeticism, Magic, and Natural Philosophy in European Culture of the 13th-19th Centuries). Moscow, 1999 (Rus.) Kasavin I. T. Magiya kak parallel'naya gumanitaristika (Magic as Parallel Humanities) // Germetizm, magiya, naturfilosofiya v kulture XIII-XIX vv. (Hermeticism, Magic, and Natural Philosophy in European Culture of the 13th-19th Centuries). Moscow, 1999 (Rus.) Kasavin I. T. Yustinus Kerner – vrach-romantik (Justinus Kerner – The Romantic Doctor) // Germetizm, magiya, naturfilosofiya v kulture XIII-XIX vv. (Hermeticism, Magic, and Natural Philosophy in European Culture of the 13th-19th Centuries). Moscow, 1999 (Rus.) Kasavin I. T. Ratsionalist, romantik, mistik (Rationalist, Romantic, Mystic) // Germetizm, magiya, naturfilosofiya v kulture XIII-XIX vv. (Hermeticism, Magic, and Natural Philosophy in European Culture of the 13th-19th Centuries). Moscow, 1999 (Rus.) Kasavin I. T. Fiziognomika i frenologiya na puti k "filosofii tela" (Physiognomy and Phrenology on the Way to "Philosophy of the Body") // Germetizm, magiya, naturfilosofiya v kulture XIII-XIX vv. (Hermeticism, Magic, and Natural Philosophy in European Culture of the 13th-19th Centuries). Moscow, 1999 (Rus.) Kasavin I. T. Son, yazyk i priroda. G. Shubert kak avtor antinaturalisticheskoy psikhologii (Sleep, Language, and Nature. G. Schubert as the Author of Anti-Naturalist Psychology) // Germetizm, magiya, naturfilosofiya v kulture XIII-XIX vv. (Hermeticism, Magic, and Natural Philosophy in European Culture of the 13th-19th Centuries). Moscow, 1999 (Rus.) Kasavin I. T. Na perekrestke religioznoy metafiziki i eksperimental'noy psikhofiziki (At the Crossroads of Religious Metaphysics and Experimental Psychophysics) // Germetizm, magiya, naturfilosofiya v kulture XIII-XIX vv. (Hermeticism, Magic, and Natural Philosophy in European Culture of the 13th-19th Centuries). Moscow, 1999 (Rus.) Kasavin I. T. Ritsar' siderizma (The Knight of Siderism) // Germetizm, magiya, naturfilosofiya v kulture XIII-XIX vv. (Hermeticism, Magic, and Natural Philosophy in European Culture of the 13th-19th Centuries). Moscow, 1999 (Rus.)
1998 Kasavin I. T. Traditsii chteniya. K tipologii tekstov i tekstovykh epokh (Traditions of Reading. On the Typology of Texts and Textual Epochs) // Nauka v kulture, 1998 (Rus.) Kasavin I. T. Nauka, kul'tura, tsivilizatsiya. Vystupleniye na "kruglom stole" (Science, Culture, Civilization. Speech at the "Round Table") // Voprosy filosofii, 1998, No. 3 (Rus.) Kasavin I. T. Izobreteniye very. Avraam i Iov (The Invention of Faith. Abraham and Job) // Voprosy filosofii, 1998, No. 2 (Rus.) Kasavin I. T. Nauka kleimit psevdonauku (Science Brands Pseudoscience) // Izvestiya, July 17, 1998, No. 130 (Rus.) Kasavin I. T. Articles: Blur, Laudan, Krititsizm (Criticism), Kumulyativizm (Cumulativism), Nesoyzmerimosti teory tesis (Incommensurability of Theory Thesis), Otkrytoe obshchestvo (The Open Society), Ratsional'nost' (Rationality), Relyativizm (Relativism), Filosofiya nauki (Philosophy of Science), Feyerabend, Kholizm (Holism), Tsientizm-antitsientizm (Scientism-Antiscientism) / Sovremennaya zapadnaya filosofiya. Slovar' (Modern Western Philosophy. Dictionary). Moscow, 1998 (Rus.)
1997 Kasavin I. T. Chelovek migriruyushchiy: ontologiya puti i mestnosti (The Migrating Man: Ontology of the Path and the Locale) // Voprosy Filosofii, 1997, No. 7 (Rus.) Kasavin I. T. Introduction / Religiya. Magiya. Mif. Sovremennyye filosofskiye issledovaniya (Religion. Magic. Myth. Contemporary Philosophical Studies). Moscow, 1997 (Rus.) Kasavin I. T. Magiya i tvorchestvo: teoretiko-poznavatel'nyy podkhod (Magic and Creativity: A Theoretical and Epistemological Approach) / Religiya. Magiya. Mif. Sovremennyye filosofskiye issledovaniya (Religion. Magic. Myth. Contemporary Philosophical Studies). Moscow, 1997 (Rus.) Kasavin I. T. Migratsiya i istochniki kreativnosti poznaniya (Migration and the Origins of the Creativity of Knowledge) // Filosofiya nauki, 1997, No. 3 (Rus.)
1996 Kasavin I. T. Berkeley revised: A new metaphysics for the social epistemology // Epistemologia, 1996, No. 3 Kasavin I. T. K ponyatiyu predel'nogo opyta (On the Concept of Ultimate Experience) / "Nauchnye doklady 1 simpoziuma TsNF 'Nauchnye i vnenauchnye formy myshleniya'" ("Scientific Reports of the 1st CNF Symposium 'Scientific and Non-Scientific Forms of Thinking'"). Moscow, 1996 Kasavin I. T. Zum Begriff der Grenzerfahrung (On the Concept of Ultimate Experience) / Wissenschaftliche und ausserwissenschaftliche Denkformen. Moscow, 1996
Kasavin I. T. Zur geistigen Situation in Europas Osten. Diskussion mit Ilia Kassavine und Wlodzimierz Borodziej (On the Intellectual Situation in Eastern Europe. Discussion with Ilia Kassavin and Wlodzimierz Borodziej) / Alfred Herrhausen Gesellschaft. Frankfurt, 1996 Kasavin I. T. Opyt kak znanie o mnogoobrazii (Experience as Knowledge of Diversity) // Filosofiya nauki, 1996, No. 2 (Rus.) Kasavin I. T. Preface / Znanie za predelami nauki (Knowledge Beyond Science). Moscow, 1996 (Rus.) Kasavin I. T. Translator's Preface / K. Hübner. Istina mifa (The Truth of Myth). Moscow, 1996 (Rus.)
1995 Kasavin I. T. Oxford-1990: a case-study of contemporary British philosophers // Journal for General Philosophy of Science, 1995, vol. 26 Kasavin I. T. Situatsii problematizatsii ratsional'nosti (Situations of Problematizing Rationality) / Ratsional'nost' kak predmet filosofskogo issledovaniya (Rationality as the Subject of Philosophical Inquiry). Moscow, 1995 (Rus.) Kasavin I. T. Nauki o prirode i nauki o kulture: poiski skhodstva i razlichiya (Sciences of Nature and Sciences of Culture: Searching for Similarities and Differences) / Poznanie sotsial'noy real'nosti (Knowledge of Social Reality). Moscow, 1995 (Rus.) Kasavin I. T. Zagadka Al'sifrona: vremya v teории Dzhordzha Berkli (The Riddle of Alcifron: Time in George Berkeley's Theory) // Voprosy Filosofii, 1995, No. 9 (Rus.) Kasavin I. T. Kontekst dlya traditsii: k ponyatiyu individual'noy kul'turnoy laboratorii (Context for Tradition: Towards the Concept of the Individual Cultural Laboratory) / Kognitivnaya evolyutsiya i tvorchestvo (Cognitive Evolution and Creativity). Moscow, 1995 (Rus.)
1994 Kasavin I. T. Ponyatiye znaniya v sotsial'noy gnoseologii (The Concept of Knowledge in Social Epistemology) / Poznanie v sotsial'nom kontekste (Knowledge in the Social Context). Moscow, 1994 (Rus.) Kasavin I. T. Zur deskriptiven Auffassung der Wahrheit (On the Descriptive Conception of Truth) // Allgemeine Zeitschrift fuer Philosophie, 1994, No. 3 Kasavin I. T. Oxford-1990: case-study britanskikh filosofov (Oxford-1990: A Case Study of British Philosophers) // Voprosy Filosofii, 1994, No. 7 (Rus.)
1993 Kasavin I. T. In the Former Soviet Union. Studies in Social Epistemology // Social Epistemology, 1993, No. 2 Kasavin I. T. Kurt Hübner. Kritika i samokritika metafiziki. Perevod i kommentariy (Kurt Hübner. Critique and Self-Critique of Metaphysics. Translation and Commentary) // Voprosy Filosofii, 1993, No. 1 (Rus.) Kasavin I. T. Tipy sotsial'nosti v strukture znaniya (Types of Sociality in the Structure of Knowledge) / Poznanie kak istoricheskiy protsess (Knowledge as a Historical Process). Moscow, 1993 (Rus.)
1992 Kasavin I. T. I nepovinnoy glave... Vmesto vvedeniya (And to the Innocent Chapter... Instead of the Introduction) / Nakazanie vremenem. Filosofskie idei v sovremennoy russkoy literature (Punishment by Time. Philosophical Ideas in Contemporary Russian Literature). Moscow, 1992 (Rus.) Kasavin I. T. Etot strannyy, taynyy mir (This Strange, Secret World) / Magicheskiy kristall (The Magical Crystal). Moscow, 1992 (Rus.) Kasavin I. T. Okkul'tizm i magiya v sovremennom mire (Occultism and Magic in the Modern World) / Magicheskiy kristall (The Magical Crystal). Moscow, 1992 (Rus.) Kasavin I. T. O magii, astrologii i ... nauke (On Magic, Astrology, and ... Science) // Znanie – sila, 1992, No. 7-8 (Rus.) Kasavin I. T. Kuda vedet shaman? Vvedenie k perevodu M. Kharnara "Put' shamana" (Where Does the Shaman Lead? Introduction to the Translation of M. Harner's "The Way of the Shaman") // Znanie – sila, 1992, No. 4 (Rus.) Kasavin I. T. Oksfordskie dony: case-studies ratsional'nosti zakrytogo tipa (Oxford Don's: Case Studies of Closed-Type Rationality) / Tipy ratsional'nosti v kul'ture (Types of Rationality in Culture). Moscow, 1992 (Rus.)
1991 Kasavin I. T. Agassi D., Jarvi I. (Eds.) Ratsional'nost': kriticheskiy vzglyad (Rationality: A Critical View) // Obshchestvennaya mysl' za rubezhom, 1991, No. 4 (Rus.) Kasavin I. T. On the Subject Matter of the Social Theory of Knowledge / 9th International Congress of Logic, Methodology and Philosophy of Science. Uppsala, 1991
1990 Kasavin I. T. Filosofskiy avtograf. Na voprosy I. T. Kasavina otvechayet chlen-korrespondent AN SSSR V. S. Stepin (Philosophical Autograph. Responding to I. T. Kasavin's Questions, Corresponding Member of the USSR Academy of Sciences V. S. Stepin) / Znanie za predelami nauki (Knowledge Beyond Science). Moscow, 1990 (Rus.) Kasavin I. T. Chelovek i drugie miry. Chary rasseyennogo soznaniya (Man and Other Worlds. Charms of Expanded Consciousness) // Chelovek i priroda, 1990, No. 10 (Rus.) Kasavin I. T. Znanie za predelami nauki: o prakticheskikh traditsiyakh v metallurgii (Knowledge Beyond Science: On the Practical Traditions in Metallurgy) // Filosofskaya i sotsiologicheskaya mysl', 1990, No. 12 (Rus.) Kasavin I. T. Postigaya mnogoobraziye razuma (Understanding the Diversity of the Mind) / Zabluzhdayushchiesya razum (The Deluded Mind). Moscow, 1990 (Rus.) Kasavin I. T. Magiya: yeye mnimye otkrytiya i podlinnye tayny (Magic: Its False Discoveries and True Mysteries) / Zabluzhdayushchiesya razum (The Deluded Mind). Moscow, 1990 (Rus.) Kasavin I. T. Deyatel'nost' i ratsional'nost' (Activity and Rationality) / Deyatel'nost': teorii, metodologii, problemy (Activity: Theories, Methodologies, Issues). Moscow, 1990 (Rus.) Kasavin I. T. Opredelyat' deyatel'nost' v kontekste issledovatelskoy zadachi (Defining Activity in the Context of the Research Problem) / Deyatel'nost': teorii, metodologii, problemy (Activity: Theories, Methodologies, Issues). Moscow, 1990 (Rus.) Kasavin I. T. Ratsional'nye granitsy i perspektivy chelovecheskoy deyatel'nosti (Rational Boundaries and Perspectives of Human Activity) / Deyatel'nost': teorii, metodologii, problemy (Activity: Theories, Methodologies, Issues). Moscow, 1990 (Rus.) Kasavin I. T. Activity and Rationality / Activity: The Theory, Methodology, and Problems. Orlando, 1990 Kasavin I. T. Defining Activity in the Context of a Research Task / Activity: The Theory, Methodology, and Problems. Orlando, 1990 Kasavin I. T. Rational Limits and Prospects of Human Activity / Activity: The Theory, Methodology, and Problems. Orlando, 1990 Kasavin I. T. O deskriptyvnom ponimanii istiny (On the Descriptive Conception of Truth) // Filosofskie nauki, 1990, No. 7 (Rus.) Kasavin I. T. Svidanie s mnogoobraziem: Filosofskie idei v romane V. Grossmana "Zhizn' i sud'ba" (Meeting with Diversity: Philosophical Ideas in V. Grossman's Novel "Life and Fate") // Zvezda, 1990, No. 9, pp. 166–174 (Rus.) Kasavin I. T. Tipy sotsial'nosti v strukture znaniya (Types of Sociality in the Structure of Knowledge) / Problemy poznaniya sotsial'noy real'nosti (Problems of Knowledge of Social Reality). Moscow, 1990 (Rus.) Kasavin I. T. Situatsii proizvodstva znaniya: traditsiya i individual'naya kul'turnaya laboratoriya (Situations of Knowledge Production: Tradition and the Individual Cultural Laboratory) / X Vsesoyuznyy kongress po logike, metodologii i filosofii nauki (10th All-Union Congress on Logic, Methodology, and Philosophy of Science). Minsk, 1990 Kasavin I. T. Sovremennaya zapadnaya sotsiologiya nauki (Contemporary Western Sociology of Science) // Voprosy istorii estestvoznaniya i tekhniki, 1990, No. 2 (Rus.)
1989 Kasavin I. T. Sotsial'nye struktury matematicheskogo znaniya (Social Structures of Mathematical Knowledge) / Poznavatelnaya traditsiya (Cognitive Tradition). Moscow, 1989 (Rus.) Kasavin I. T. Traditsii v matematike: opyt gnoseologicheskoy rekonstruktsii (Traditions in Mathematics: An Epistemological Reconstruction) / Traditsii v poznanii i kulture (Traditions in Knowledge and Culture). Moscow, 1989 (Rus.) Kasavin I. T. Ponyatiye znaniya v sotsial'noy gnoseologii (The Concept of Knowledge in Social Epistemology) / Ne naukoy edinoy... (Not by Science Alone...). Moscow, 1989 (Rus.) Kasavin I. T. Introduction / Analiz nenauchnogo znaniya (Analysis of Non-Scientific Knowledge). Moscow, 1989 (Rus.) Kasavin I. T. Nechto neoboznachennoye: ratsional'nost' i yeye paradoksy (Something Unnamed: Rationality and Its Paradoxes) / Filosofskie issledovaniya fenomena ratsional'nosti (Philosophical Investigations of the Phenomenon of Rationality). Moscow, 1989 (Rus.) Kasavin I. T. Evoliutsionnyy organitsizm i sotsial'naya gnoseologiya (Evolutionary Organicism and Social Epistemology) / Filosofiya i sotsiologiya nauki i tekhniki. Ezhegodnik (Philosophy and Sociology of Science and Technology. Yearbook). Moscow, 1989 (Rus.) Kasavin I. T. Alfred North Whitehead. Science and the Modern World. Translation and Commentary / Filosofiya i sotsiologiya nauki i tekhniki (Philosophy and Sociology of Science and Technology). Moscow, 1989 (Rus.)
1988 Kasavin I. T. Znanie i ego sotsial'noye soderzhaniye (Knowledge and Its Social Content) // Voprosy Filosofii, 1988, No. 3 (Rus.) Kasavin I. T. Dialektika ratsional'nosti (Dialectics of Rationality) / Teoriya poznaniya, dialektika (Theory of Knowledge, Dialectics). Moscow, 1988 (Rus.) Kasavin I. T. Kak vozmozhna sotsial'naya gnoseologiya? (How Is Social Epistemology Possible?) / Teoriya poznaniya, dialektika (Theory of Knowledge, Dialectics). Moscow, 1988 (Rus.) Kasavin I. T. Preemstvennost' znaniya i nauchnye revolyutsii v kontekste poznavatel'nykh traditsiy (The Continuity of Knowledge and Scientific Revolutions in the Context of Epistemological Traditions) / Dialektika. Poznanie. Nauka (Dialectics. Knowledge. Science). Moscow, 1988 (Rus.) Kasavin I. T. J Losee. Filosofiya nauki i istoricheskoe issledovanie (Losee J. Philosophy of Science and Historical Research) // Novye knigi za rubezhom, 1988, No. 8 (Rus.) Kasavin I. T. Shaman i ego praktika (The Shaman and His Practice) // Priroda, 1988, No. 11 (Rus.) Kasavin I. T. Perspektivy sotsial'noy teoryi poznaniya: razmyshleniya o rabotakh shotlandskogo filosofa Devida Blura (Perspectives of the Social Theory of Knowledge: Reflections on the Works of Scottish Philosopher David Blur) / Istoriko-filosofskiy ezhegodnik. Moscow, 1988 (Rus.)
1987 Kasavin I. T. Rutherford U. Shamanizm. Osnovaniya magii (Rutherford U. Shamanism. The Foundations of Magic) // Novye knigi za rubezhom, 1987, No. 9 (Rus.) Kasavin I. T. Ideya sotsial'noy gnoseologii i sovremennyye diskussii na Zapade (The Idea of Social Epistemology and Contemporary Debates in the West) / Poznanie v sotsial'no-kul'turnoy sisteme (Knowledge in the Socio-Cultural System). Moscow, 1987 (Rus.) Kasavin I. T. Temporal'nyy analiz kak metod filosofskogo issledovaniya (Temporal Analysis as a Method of Philosophical Inquiry) / O spetsifike metodov filosofskogo issledovaniya (On the Specificity of Methods in Philosophical Inquiry). Moscow, 1987 (Rus.) Kasavin I. T. George Berkeley as a Critic of Science and Methodology / International Congress for Logic, Methodology, and Philosophy of Science. Moscow, 1987 Kasavin I. T. Sfera i granitsy nauchnoy ratsional'nosti: sovremennyye zarubezhnye diskussii (The Scope and Boundaries of Scientific Rationality: Contemporary Foreign Debates) / Logika, metodologiya i filosofiya nauki (Logic, Methodology, and Philosophy of Science). Moscow, 1987 (Rus.) Kasavin I. T. Filosofiya v Indii: zametki i vpechatleniya (Philosophy in India: Notes and Impressions) // Voprosy Filosofii, 1987, No. 5 (Rus.)
1986 Kasavin I. T. Issledovanie evolyutsii burzhuaznoy metodologii nauki (The Study of the Evolution of Bourgeois Methodology of Science) // Voprosy istorii estestvoznaniya i tekhniki, 1986, No. 1 (Rus.) Kasavin I. T. Gupta S. Kritika Vitgenshteyna (Gupta S. Critique of Wittgenstein) // Novye knigi za rubezhom, 1986, No. 7 (Rus.) Kasavin I. T. Paul Feyerabend v poiskakh "svobodnoy teorii poznaniya" (Paul Feyerabend in Search of a "Free Theory of Knowledge") / Istoriko-filosofskiy ezhegodnik. Moscow, 1986 (Rus.)
1985 Kasavin I. T. Kategorii filosofii i kategorii kul'tury (Categories of Philosophy and Categories of Culture) // Voprosy Filosofii, 1985, No. 2 (Rus.) Kasavin I. T. Kuntz P. A. N. Whitehead // Novye knigi za rubezhom, 1985, No. 1 (Rus.) Kasavin I. T. Ratsional'nost' v nauke i politike (Rationality in Science and Politics) // Novye knigi za rubezhom, 1985, No. 6 (Rus.) Kasavin I. T. Stroud B. Vazhnost' filosofskogo skeptitsizma (Stroud B. The Importance of Philosophical Skepticism) // Novye knigi za rubezhom, 1985, No. 6 (Rus.) Kasavin I. T. Materialisticheskaya dialektika (Materialist Dialectics) // Obshchestvennye nauki, 1985, No. 1 (Rus.) Kasavin I. T. Sovremennyye problemy dialektičeskogo materializma (Contemporary Problems of Dialectical Materialism) // Voprosy Filosofii, 1985, No. 9 (Rus.) Kasavin I. T. O sotsial'nom soderzhanii ponyatiya "ratsional'nost'" (On the Social Content of the Concept of "Rationality") // Filosofskie nauki, 1985, No. 6 (Rus.) Kasavin I. T. Traditsii poznaniya i poznanie traditsiy (Traditions of Knowledge and Knowledge of Traditions) // Voprosy Filosofii, 1985, No. 11 (Rus.)
1984 Kasavin I. T. Novyy ratsionalizm Feyerabenda: kul'turnye traditsii v nauke i iskusstve (Feyerabend's New Rationalism: Cultural Traditions in Science and Art) / Vsesoyuznye chteniya molodykh uchenykh (All-Union Readings of Young Scientists). Moscow, 1984 (Rus.) Kasavin I. T. O levoradikal'noy kritike sotsiologii kriticheskogo ratsionalizma (On the Left-Radical Critique of the Sociology of Critical Rationalism) / Vsesoyuznye chteniya molodykh uchenykh (All-Union Readings of Young Scientists). Moscow, 1984 (Rus.) Kasavin I. T. Predislovie k razdelu "Burzhuaznaya ideologiya: sostoyanie, tendentsii, protivorechiya" (Introduction to the Section "Bourgeois Ideology: State, Trends, Contradictions") / Vsesoyuznye chteniya molodykh uchenykh (All-Union Readings of Young Scientists). Moscow, 1984 (Rus.) Kasavin I. T. K. Marx i sovremennost': filosofiia, sotsiologiia, ideologiia (K. Marx and Modernity: Philosophy, Sociology, Ideology) / Informatsionnyy byulleten' FO SSSR. Moscow, 1984 (Rus.) Kasavin I. T. Woolhize J. John Locke // Novye knigi za rubezhom, 1984, No. 4 (Rus.) Kasavin I. T. Istoriya nauchnykh traditsiy v interpretatsii Feyerabenda (The History of Scientific Traditions in Feyerabend's Interpretation) // Voprosy istorii estestvoznaniya i tekhniki, 1984, No. 4 (Rus.) Kasavin I. T. Traditsii i plyuralizm: k kritike kul'turologii P. Feyerabenda (Traditions and Pluralism: A Critique of P. Feyerabend's Cultural Studies) // Voprosy Filosofii, 1984, No. 6 (Rus.)
1983 Kasavin I. T. Nauka i ideologiya v "epistemologicheskom anarkhizme P. Feyerabenda" (Science and Ideology in the "Epistemological Anarchism of P. Feyerabend") // Vestnik MGU, seriya "Filosofiya", 1983, No. 1 (Rus.)
1982 Kasavin I. T. Epistemologicheskiy anarkhizm i burzhuaznaya interpretsiya filosofii marksizma (Epistemological Anarchism and the Bourgeois Interpretation of Marxist Philosophy) / Aktual'nye problemy filosofskoy nauki (Current Problems of Philosophical Science). Moscow, 1982 (Rus.) Kasavin I. T. K kritike gnoseologicheskogo anarkhizma P. Feyerabenda (On the Critique of P. Feyerabend's Epistemological Anarchism) / Vsesoyuznye chteniya molodykh uchenykh (All-Union Readings of Young Scientists). Moscow, 1982 (Rus.) Kasavin I. T. Kak vazhno byt' neser'yezным: ironicheskiy ratsionalizm P. Feyerabenda (How Important It Is to Be Unserious: The Ironic Rationalism of P. Feyerabend) / Problemy sotsial'nogo razvitiya v istorii filosofii (Problems of Social Development in the History of Philosophy). Moscow, 1982 (Rus.) |