Institute of Philosophy
of the Russian Academy of Sciences

Home Page » Scholars » Academic Divisions » Department of philosophy of natural Sciences » Philosophical Problems in Natural Science » Publications » 2010


Some works were published in 2010


Mamchur E.A. Is the cosmology an "ironic" science // Modern Cosmology: Philosophical horizons. M.: "Canon +", 2010;

Mamchur E.A. Science, metaphysics, ideology // Landmarks. Issue 6. M.: Institute of Philosophy Russian Academy of Sciences, 2010. P. 58-76;

Mamchur E.A. Do physicists need philosophy? // Philosophy of Physics: Current problems. Proceedings of the Conference on June 17-18, 2010), 2010. S. 102-105;

Mamchur E.A. Once again about the subject of Social Epistemology // Epistemology and philosophy of science. Quarterly Journal, Vol XXIV, № 2, pp. 44-54;

Mamchur E.A. The answer to my opponents // Epistemology and philosophy of science. Quarterly magazine, V.XXIV, № 2, pp. 72-74;

Mamchur E.A. Current views on the concept of truth // Truth in the sciences and philosophy. Ed. by V.A.Lectorskiy, I.T.Kasavin, H.N.Knyazeva, M.: Alfa M, 2010;

Mamchur E.A. Is there a cumulative aspect in scientific knowledge (the contribution at the conference) // Logic, Methodology, Science of Science: Current Issues and Prospects. The materials of the Scientific Conference, Rostov-on-Don 2010. P. 15-30;

Mamchur E.A. Basic Science and Technology: Searching for mechanisms of interaction // Modern technology: philosophical and methodological problems in 2010.

Mamchur E.A. Philosophy of Science, Yearbook 2010. M.: IPh RAN, P.219-235

Mamchur E.A. The phenomenon of techscience: epistemological aspect // Philosophy of Science, Yearbook 2010. M.: IPh RAN, P. 219-235;

Mamchur E.A. Contradictions, Synthesis and the Growth of Knowledge // International Studies in Philosophy of Science, vol. 24, Number 4, December 2010;

Mamchur E.A. Is the concept of technoscience adequate to modern science? // Modern technologies. Philosophical and Methodological Problems, 2010, P. 21-36;

Sachkov Yu.V. Physics and the development of the scientific method / / Philosophy of Physics: Current Issues (Proceedings of the Conference on June 17-18, 2010). Moscow: 2010;

Sachkov Yu.V. Fundamental science in the development of structures / / Journal of Novosibirsk State University, vol.8, No.2, 2010, SS. 5-17;

Sachkov Yu.V. Scientific School and the scientific method as the sources of skill of the researcher / / Bulletin of RFO. 2010. № 4;

Sachkov Yu.V. The concept of probability and modern scientific thinking / / Logic, Methodology, Science of Science: Current Issues and Prospects. Sat reports and abstracts of the Scientific Conference, Rostov-on-Don, 2010;

Sachkov Yu.V. Nanoscience in the light of the history of knowledge // Modern Technology: philosophical and methodological problems. M., 2010.

Konyaev S.N. Materials Round Table "Social and philosophical aspects of nanomedicine: Prospects, Problems and risks." Philosophy. 2010;

Konyaev S.N. Physics, Mathematics, and the notion of boundary of the biological system. // Philosophy of Physics: Current problems. Proceedings of the conference on 17-18 June 2010;

Konyaev S.N. Modern technology and prospects for development of scientific methodology // Modern technology: philosophical and methodological problems in 2010;

Krushanov A.A. Strategy for Sustainable Development - the path to the instability? // Dialogue of Cultures in the times of Globalization: The Baku forum. Moscow, 2010;
Krushanov A.A. Transdisciplinary search as cognitive strategy of the XXI century // Humanism and philosophical values. Moscow, 2010;
Krushanov A.A. Perfect technologies in an imperfect society // Modern technologies: philosophical and methodological problems. Moscow, 2010;
Krushanov A.A.  Science beyond the tradition // Bulletin of RFO. 2010. Number 2.;
Krushanov A.A. Panpsychism of Tsiolkovsky in the light of contemporary transdisciplinary researches // Konstantin Tsiolkovsky and the Present: Materials of the XLV Scientific Readings of Tsiolkovsky. Kaluga, 2010;
Krushanov A.A. Twilight Zone of scientific search // Journal of RFO. 2010. № 4;

Chernovitskaya Yu.V. New technologies and social reality // Modern Technology: philosophical and methodological problems. Moscow, 2010;

Chernovitskaya Yu.V. Prospects for survival of indigenous peoples in the context of globalization "// Russia: cultural diversity and globalization / Ed. Liseev I.K. - M.: "The Canon +", 2010;

Chernovitskaya Yu.V. Transformation of social violence - an urgent problem of our time / / Logic, Methodology, Science of Science: Current Issues and Prospects. Sat reports and abstracts of the Scientific Conference, Rostov-on-Don, 2010

Sevalnikov A.Yu. Thomism and modern interpretation of quantum mechanics // Philosophy of physics: Current problems. Proceedings of the conference on 17-18 July 2010. M. URSS. 2010. P. 364-366;
Sevalnikov A.Yu. The ratio of teaching and research in the works of Louis de Broglie // Proceedings of the Second All-Russian Scientific Conference 2-3 December 2010 "Modern educational technologies and their use in the preparation of human engineers." M. Bauman. Bauman. 2010. P. 64-65;
Sevalnikov A.Yu. Philosophical analysis of the ontology of quantum theory // Melyuhin Selected Works: Heritage and modernity. 3 vols. V. 3. Philosophical ontology today.Scientific articles. M.: Savin. 2010. P. 23 - 41;
Sevalnikov A.Yu. The Concept of Final Cause and Contemporary Science // Russian Study in Philosophy, vol. 49, no. 3 (Winter 2010-2011), pp. 43-57;
Sevalnikov A.Yu. Quantum computer: technology and theory // Modern technology: the philosophical and methodological aspects. M.: IPH RAS, 2010. P. 130-150.