Education: ORCID ID: 0000-0003-1747-6366
Reseacher ID: W-1085-2018
1997 - Lomonosov Moscow State University, faculty of Philology.
2000 - Postgraduate in MSU, faculty of Philology, Department of general and comparative linguistics.
Fields of research |
The philosophy of the Middle Ages, the history of Linguistic Studies, Philosophy of Language.
Professional appointments |
Junior Research Fellow in the department of Philosophical Problems in Social Sciences and Humanities, IPhRAS.
Teaching Experience |
- Latin language - Faculty of Philosophy in GAUGN.
- Church Slavonic language - Sunday School "Philothea" 2016/2017
- Seminar "Human. Peace. Text." - Sunday School Church, 2016.
Educational and methodological teaching aids |
- "Philosophical Principles of Linguistics" // Program training courses for graduate students of philosophy and political fields. IPhRAS, GAUGN, Moscow, 2012, p. 10-15.
Scientific publications |
- Discourse-analysis and discursive practices. Moscow, IPhRAS, 2016, 134р. (with F.N. Blukher, S.L. Gurko, G.B. Gutner).
Articles (selective):
Double Face Enlightenment? (translation from German: V. Oittinen) / VOX. The Journal of Philosophy, № 23, 2017. URL: https://vox-journal.org/content/Vox%2023/Vox23-OittinenV-Auf.pdf
Justin the Philosopher and the historical problem in man / VOX. The Journal of Philosophy, № 22, 2017. URL: https://vox-journal.org/content/Vox%2022/Vox22-Guseva.pdf
Live speech and value of reviews / Philosopher and the science. Alexander P. Ogurtsov. Moscow, The Voice, 2016, pp 469-475.
What is the grammar? Grammar as a philosophical problem /VOX. The Journal of Philosophy, № 16, 2014.
The problem of the internal form and genesis of idioms: the idiom as a part and as a whole / Methodology of science and discourse analysis. Moscow, IPhRAS, 2014, pp 205-249.
The philosophical and theological idiom by I.G.Gamanna / VOX. The Journal of Philosophy, № 16, 2013.
Idiom as a problem of the philosophy of language. / Moscow, IPhRAS, 2013.
Philosophical form of idioms / Philosophy and culture, № 6 (42), June 2011, pp 73-87.
Understand of idioms from the perspective of the internal grammar / Philosophical shares. Moscow, IPhRAS, The Voice, 2011. pp 182-200.
Philosophical reflection of idioms: the internal shape and internal grammar / VOX. The Journal of Philosophy, № 10, 2011.
Some terms in the translation of Heraclitus by V.O. Nilender / VOX. The Journal of Philosophy, № 9, 2010.
Е-mail: guseva@iphras.ru