Institute of Philosophy
of the Russian Academy of Sciences

Home Page » Scholars » Academic Divisions » Department of philosophy of natural Sciences » Philosophical Problems in Natural Science » Publications » 2013


Some works were published in 2013

  • Metauniversespace, time. (Ed. Kazjutinsky V.V.). M.: IPh RAS, 2013. - 141 p.

Antipenko L.G. Through the pages of "Letters on the study of nature": a critical analysis of Herzen concept of the unity of being and non-being // Alexander Herzen and the historical fate of Russia. Proceedings of the International Conference on the 200th anniversary of Alexander Herzen (Institute of Philosophy, Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, 20-21 June 2012). M.: "The Canon +", 2013. P. 354-362.

Antipenko L.G. The role of the biosphere Vernadsky experience in the processes of global governance, human community // International scientific conference "Philosophical ideas of Vernadsky and modern scientific picture of the world" (to the 150th anniversary of VI Vernadsky) (25-26 March 2013). P. 92-100.

Antipenko L.G. About geometric and quantum-physical experience for the study and development of cosmic space (Science and philosophical analysis of the problem) // Philosophy of science. V.18. 2013. P. 162-176.

Konyaev S.N. Complexity problem and pure science development perspectives // Philosophy of science. V.18. 2013. P. 126-144.

Konyaev S.N. Practical issues in the philosophy of science teaching students of natural science specialties / / Epistemology and philosophy of science. 2013 1. P. 118-134.

Konyaev S.N. J.Steinbock. Distinctive structure of emotions. Chapter 6. (translation Konyaev S.N., Sultanova M.A.). Psychology and psychotechnic. № 6 (57) June - 2013. P. 556-565.

Konyaev S.N. J. Rouzgrant, Bion, Jung, Freud: similarities and differences between psychoanalytic concepts. (translation Konyaev S.N., Sultanova M.A.). Psychology and psychotechnic № 8 (59) August - 2013. P. 759-776.

Konyaev S.N. The problem of reality and new theoretical concepts // Logical and philosophical studies. № 6. P. 142-158.

Krushanov A.A. Vernadsky and the problem of the origin of life // International scientific conference "The philosophical ideas of V.I. Vernadsky and the modern scientific picture of the world" (to the 150th anniversary of V.I. Vernadsky) (25-26 March 2013). P. 105-112.

Krushanov A.A. How do the radical scientific ideas break through the dictatorship of the paradigms? // RFO. 2013, № 1. C. 36-42.

Krushanov A.A. Robizonada № 2. Is it time to say farewell to it? // RFO. 2013, № 2. P.72-79.

Krushanov A.A. Scientific revolution as stadial process // RFO. 2013. № 3. P. 108 - 114.

Krushanov A.A. About transdisciplinary content of system studies // Logical and philosophical studies. № 6. 2013.

Krushanov A.A. Science and faith in the context of knowledge // Knowledge - force. 2013 . Number 4 . P. 67 - 70.
Krushanov A.A.Transdisciplinary paradox of modern science // Knowledge - force. 2013. Number 5. P. 91 - 95;
Krushanov A.A. Science in fashion or fashion in science? // Knowledge - force. 2013. Number 6 (1032). P. 35-39.
Mamchur E.A. Herzen about philosophy, science, and realism // Alexander Herzen and the historical fate of Russia. Proceedings of the International Conference on the 200th anniversary of Alexander Herzen (Institute of Philosophy, Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, 20-21 June 2012). M.: "The Canon +", 2013. P. 380-387.

Mamchur E.A. Let's see, is there a reason for the dispute? // Epistemology and philosophy of science, T.XXXV, № 2, 2013. P. 65-71.

Mamchur E.A. Heuristic role of metaphysics in scientific knowledge // Philosophy and Science in the cultures of East and West. Moscow, "Science - Eastern Literature", 2013. P. 45-53.

Chernovitskaya Yu.V., Kalinin E.Yu. The reality of the complexity or the complexity of the reality (information and communicative approach) // The philosophy of science. M., 2013.

Chernovitskaya Yu.V. Means of countering social violence // Actual problems of the humanities and natural sciences. M., 2013. № 12.

Sevalnikov A. Time in the modern cosmology // Metauniverse, space, time. M.: IPH RAN, 2013. P. 104-121.

Sevalnikov A. Time in the modern quantum cosmology // Metaphysics. 2013, № 1 (7). P. 136-149.

Sevalnikov A. Socio-philosophical activity OPUS DEI // Bulletin of the Moscow State Linguistic University. № 11 (671). M., 2013. P. 95-105.

Sachkov Yu.V. Probability - on the way of studying complexity // Philosophy of science. M., 2013. P. 145-161.

Sachkov Yu.V. Independence as a category of being and knowing // RFO. 2013. № 3. P. 89 - 91.

Sachkov Yu.V. Science and Development // VOX. 2013. № 15.

Rodin A.V. Elements of Categorical Logic: 50 Years Later (with Valeria de Paiva), Logica Universalis 7 (2013). P. 265-273.

Rodin A.V. Scientific realism and philosophical history of science: an attempt to synthesize // Epistemology and philosophy of science. V. 35, № 1, 2013. P. 79-81 

Rodin A.V. To do and to show // Proof in mathematics. Moscow State University, Moscow, 2013. P. 219-251.

Rodin A.V. Interview with Oleg Aronson about the relationship of philosophy and mathematics // magazine "Blue Sofa", November 2013

Postgraduate's publications:

Taraborin D. Unified theories in physics – searching for simplicity in the world of complexity // Philosophy of science. V.18. 2013. P. 177-182.

Chuvasheva E. Complexity and symmetry // Philosophy of science. V.18. 2013. P. 183-190.