Some works were published in 2009 Mamchur E.A. Science and Ethics / / Man.Nauka.Humanism. On the 80th anniversary of akad.I.T.Frolov. M. IFRAN, "Science", 2009. P.224-233; Mamchur E.A. Social epistemology or the sociology of language? // Epistemology and philosophy of science, № 1, t.XIX, 2009. P. 61-65; Mamchur E.A. About the Book Carlo Rovelli, "Loop Quantum Gravity" // Epistemology and philosophy of science, t.XIX, 2009. P. 230-238 (coauthored with V.D.Zakharov); Mamchur E.A. On the concept of "inner truth" // Philosophical Magazine, № 1 (2), 2009, pp. 73-87; Mamchur E.A. Once again, the concept of epistemic relativism: once again // Polignozis, № 4, 2009, p.43-53; Mamchur E.A. How can the empirical confirmation of theoretical knowledge is possible (the example of modern cosmology) // Philosophical Magazine, № 2 (3), 2009. P. 64-76; Mamchur E.A. Sociology of knowledge, epistemology and social epistemology // Philosophical Sciences, № 10, 2009, pp. 113-125; Mamchur E.A. Philosophy of science and epistemology // Science. Philosophy. Society. Proceedings of V Russian Congress of Philosophy. T.I. - Novosibirsk: Parallel, 2009. S. 266-267; Mamchur E.A. Physics and Reality // Encyclopedia. Epistemology and philosophy of science. M., 2009. P. 1040-1041; Mamchur E.A. The relationship between physics and philosophy // Encyclopedia. Epistemology and philosophy of science. M., 2009. P. 1061-1065; Mamchur E.A. Social conditioning of knowledge // Encyclopedia. Epistemology and philosophy of science. M., 2009. P. 906-907. Krushanov A.A. Ontological innovations of cybernetics // Philosophy of Sciences. No. 14. The ontology of sciences. Moscow, 2009; Krushanov A.A. Global Challenges of the XXI century and Russia // Proceedings of the International Scientific Congress "Global Studies - 2009." T.I; Chernovitskaya Yu.V. New technologies and social reality // Science. Philosophy. Society. Proceedings of V Russian Congress of Philosophy. T. III. - Novosibirsk: Parallel, 2009; Sevalnikov A.Yu. Interpretation of quantum mechanics. In search of a new ontology. URSS, Book House "Librokom." 2009. 192 p. Sevalnikov A.Yu. On the possibility of a new understanding of reality // Philosophy of Science, Issue 14, M.: IPH of RAS, 2009. P.144-157; |