Date and place of birth Reseacher ID: U-5447-2018 28.04.1941, Moscow. Scopus Author ID: 16414115000
Lomonosov Moscow State University, faculty of history, 1963.
Ph.D. in philosophy since 1978. Ph.D thesis: "Specifics of medieval knowledge (on example of "Scholastic history of Peter Komestora")". D.Sc. in philosophy since 1994. D.Sc. thesis "Specifics of medieval philosophy. Peter Abelard's conceptualism" (1994).
Fields of research |
The history of philosophy, ontology, metaphysics. |
Professional appointments |
- Primary: Major Research Fellow in the department of Philosophical Problems in Social Sciences and Humanities, IPhRAS.
- Additionally: Professor of the Department of Foreign Philosophy of the Russian State Humanitarian University.
Teaching Experience |
- "The history of medieval philosophy" (32 hours), course "Philosophy of the Renaissance and the Reformation" (32 hours) - Philosophical Faculty of Russian State Humanitarian University.
- "Ontology" - Faculty of Philosophy GAUGN.
- Latin language - Faculty of Philosophy and Political Science Faculty in GAUGN.
Scientific publications |
- The aporias of discourse / Ed. S.S. Neretina. Мoscow, IPhRAS, 2017 (with A.P. Ogurtsov, K.A. Pavlov-Pinus, N.N. Murzin)
- Philosopher and science. Aleksandr Pavlovich Ogurtsov / Ed. S.S. Neretina. Moscow, "The Voice", 2016.
- Ontology process. The process and time. Moscow, "The Voice", 2014 (with Ogurtsov A.P.)
- Resurrection of political philosophy and political action. Paris uprising of Etienne Marcel 1356-1358 period. Moscow, 2012.
- Artwork - text - work. SPb., 2012.
- The concepts of political culture. Moscow, 2011. (with Ogurtsov A.P.)
- Rehabilitation of things. SPb., 2010. (with Ogurtsov A.P.)
- Philosophical loneliness. Moscow, IPhRAS, 2008.
- Ways to universals. SPb., 2006. (with Ogurtsov A.P.)
- Points on the vision. SPb., 2005.
- Culture Time. SPb., 2000. (with Ogurtsov A.P.)
- Trails and concepts. Moscow, IPhRAS, 1999.
- Believer mind. On the history of medieval philosophy. Arkhangelsk, 1995.
- Believer mind. The book of life, and Salic Law. Arkhangelsk, 1995.
- Word and text in medieval culture. History: myth, time, mystery. Moscow, 1993
- Word and text in medieval culture. Abelard's conceptualism. Moscow, 1993.
Articles (selective):
- Ontology of memory. To the 100th anniversary of M.Y. Gefter / VOX: the Journal of Philosophy, № 24, 2018, p. 1-17. URL: https://vox-journal.org/content/Vox%2024/Vox24-4-NeretinaGefter.pdf
- "La "Fraternite" Vernadsky" / "Vernadsky, la France et l'Europe". Bordeaux: MSHA. 2017. p. 113-124.
- Poetic history of Vico: about the sense of marginal / VOX: the Journal of Philosophy, № 22, 2017. URL: https://vox-journal.org/content/Vox%2022/Vox22-Neretina-Viko.pdf
- A pause of contemplation, or a subjunctive mood in history / Ideas and ideals. No. 3 (33), 2017.
- Uchroniya: time of negative experience / Shalamov Train. Problems of Russian identity: the fate and worldview of VT Shalamov (on the occasion of the 100th anniversary of his birth). Moscow, "The Voice", 2017.
- Years 1917: Sacrifices of history / Russian Studies in Philosophy. V.55. № 3 - 4, 2017.
- Freedom as a historical fact / VOX: the Journal of Philosophy, № 23, 2017. URL: https://vox-journal.org/html/issues/408/409
- The great lie of our time / VOX: the Journal of Philosophy, № 23, 2017.
- The will to the truth / Russia - Ukraine: Review or reproduction of political paradigms. Rostov-on-Don, 2016, pp 632 - 645.
- Free will as a problem node / Russian Way Russia. The new old order - the eternal return? Moscow, NLO, 2016.
- Time Steps. Without preface / Moscow, Philosophy and science, 2016.
- XVII century: Habakkuk and the beginning of the philosophy of consciousness / Russian Issues. Proceedings of the 12th All-Russian Conference. Moscow, IPhRAS, 2016.
- Repetition as a Stilistic Device in the Work of Mikhail Lermontov // Russian Studies in Philosophy. 2016. V. 54. № 2.
- Lermontov and Littell: repeats the semantics // Culture and Art, №2, 2015, p. 157-170.
- Agon War // VOX: the Journal of Philosophy, № 18, 2015. URL: https://vox-journal.org/html/issues/299/303
- Oddities of alienation. A comparison of the ideas of alienation and estrangement in the Ogurtsov's A.P. work. VOX: the Journal of Philosophy, № 18, 2015. URL: https://vox-journal.org/html/issues/299/303
- On the death and rebirth of art. VOX: the Journal of Philosophy, № 19, 2015. URL: https://vox-journal.org/html/issues/324/328
- Event discourse. Science methodology and discourse analysis. Moscow, IPhRAS, 2014, p. 86-116.
- "Brotherhood" of Vernadsky. "The landmarks", Vol. 9, Moscow, IPhRAS, 2014.
- Augustine about indivisible. World of Psychology. 2014. № 2.
- Augustin's time, from verb to noun. VOX: the Journal of Philosophy, № 16, 2014.
- Discourse run. Philosophy and culture. 2013. № 6. (https://www.nbpublish.com/fkmag/view_page_74.html)
- Derrida vs Augustine. Likhachev Readings 2013, SPb., 2013.
- Subsistentsiya and the person. Variety priori. Moscow, 2013, p. 63-86.
- Dialogue, self-determination and mass subject. Problems of Cultural Studies. №3, 2013. (Http://www.panor.ru/journals/culturolog/).
- Armstrong D.M. Universals. Opinionated introduction. Trans. from English, Moscow, 2011.
- Peter Abelard. History of my distress. Trans. from latin, Moscow, 2011.
- Peter Abelard. Theological treatises. Trans. from latin, Moscow, 1995. (2nd revised edition: Moscow, 2010).
- Anthology of medieval thought. Theology and philosophy of the European Middle Ages. T.1-2. SPb., 2000-2001.
Contacts: |
Е-mail: abaelardus@mail.ru |