Born May 23, 1969 ORCID ID: 0000-0001-9790-6340
Senior Research Fellow, Doctor of Philosophical Sciences, Associate Professor
Institute of Philosophy, Russian Academy of Sciences
Education |
- Philosophy, Faculty of Philosophy, Moscow Lomonosov State University, 1991.
- Postgraduate studies, Philosophy, Faculty of Philosophy, Moscow Lomonosov State University, 1996.
Degrees |
- Cand. Sc. Philosophy [Ph.D.], Odessa I.I. Mechnikov National University, 2007 (“Philosophical anthropology as a methodology for the synthesis of knowledge about man”).
Titles |
- Associate Professor, 2011.
Research interests |
- Philosophical anthropology, philosophy of culture, philosophy of religion, Russian philosophy, methodology of interdisciplinary research.
Professional appointments |
- Senior Research Fellow of the Institute of Philosophy, Russian Academy of Sciences: 2023 – present;
- Associate Professor, Department of Philosophy, Odessa I.I. Mechnikov National University: 2011 – 2023;
- Head of the Department of Philosophy, Odessa I.I. Mechnikov National University: 2015 – 2016;
- Deputy Dean of the Faculty of Philosophy, Odessa I.I. Mechnikov National University: 1999 – 2016;
- Senior Lecturer, Department of Philosophy, Natural Science Faculties, Odessa I.I. Mechnikov National University: 1999 – 2011.
Professional activities
- Member, Editorial Board, journals: “Actual Problems of Philosophy and Sociology”.
- International program participant «Comparative and Interdisciplinary History of Religious Traditions in Eastern, Central and South-Eastern Europe» with the support of the program HESP-ReSET (Regional Seminar for Excellence in Teaching) (Central European University, Moscow Lomonosov State University, St. Petersburg State University, Ivanovo State University).
- Organizer and curator of the educational program “Modern Judaic and Israeli Studies” at the Odessa I.I. Mechnikov National University (with the support of the Hebrew University of Jerusalem (Israel)).
- Scientific editor of publications: “Judaica in Odessa: Collection of articles based on the results of the work of the program on Judaica and Israeli studies at Odessa I.I. Mechnikov National University. Issue 1-5. Odessa. 2011–2019"; "Urban Studies: Primary Sources and Research".
Teaching Experience |
- Special course “Problems of modern anthropology”, Department of Philosophy, Faculty of Philosophy, Odessa I.I. Mechnikov National University.
- Special course “Cultural Anthropology”, Department of Cultural Studies, Faculty of Philosophy, Odessa I.I. Mechnikov National University.
- Special course “Orthodoxy in the 20th century”, Department of Philosophy, Faculty of Philosophy, Odessa I.I. Mechnikov National University.
- Special course “Science and Theology”, Department of Philosophy, Faculty of Philosophy, Odessa I.I. Mechnikov National University.
- Special course “Modern Concepts of Culture”, Department of Philosophy, Faculty of Philosophy, Odessa I.I. Mechnikov National University.
- Cultural Anthropology. Basic methodological handbook for students. Odessa: ONU, 2019. 110 p.
- Problems of Modern Anthropology. Part 1. Self-determination of Anthropology. The Structure of Anthropological Knowledge. Textbook allowance for students of the Faculty of Philosophy / (co-authored) I.V. Golubovich, E.S. Petrikovskaya, F.A. Tikhomirova; Odessa I.I. Mechnikov National University. Odessa: “Aquatoria”, 2015.
Articles, Reports and Chapters in books:
- Neopatristics as an Experience of Fruitful Cooperation between Philosophy and Theology // Philosophy in Neopatristics. Historical and Systematic Studies. Book of Abstracts. Krakow, 2022. Р. 38–39.
- The Human Position in Urban Space // Philosophy & Cosmology (Web of Science). Vol. 27. 2021. P. 135–144.
- Principles of Anthropologism, Microurbanism and Interdisciplinarity in Modern Urbanism // In the searches of exposing the world: Practices of self-representation of the place of Ukraine in industrial and post-industrial production / zag. ed. V. Kravchenko and S. Posokhova. Kharkiv: Vidavnitstvo Tochka, 2021. P. 73–86.
- Academic Status of Practical Philosophy // Philosophy and challenges of our time: to the 90th anniversary of the Institute of Philosophy of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus: materials of the International. scientific conf. (April 15–16, 2021, Minsk). In 3 volumes. Vol. 1 / Institute of Philosophy of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus; redol.: A.A. Lazarevich (prev.) [and others]. Minsk: Four quarters, 2021. P. 113–117.
- Reinvent the University // University online. Awareness of the Pandemic in the Minds: materials of the International Scientific and Practical Conference (M. Odessa, April 7, 2021) / Odessa I.I.Mechnikov National University, Faculty of History and Philosophy; editorial board: I.V. Golubovich [ta in.]; order i vdp. ed. O.S. Petrykivska. Odessa: ONU, 2021. P. 178–182.
- The Problem of Human Integrity in the Perspective of Philosophical Anthropology // Man as a Whole: Philosophical, Psychological, Medical and Legal Polylogues - from Theory to Practice: Collection of materials of the 3rd International Scientific Conference, dedicated to the 12th 0-credit to Odessa National Medical University (June 1, 2020, Odessa) / Odessa National Medical University, Department Philosophy and Bioetics; International Academy of Psychosynergetics and Alphalogy and others.; ed. count: V.B. Hanzhi (ed.) and in. Odessa, 2020. P. 57–62.
- Metamodernism as a Way of Conceptualizing Modernity in the Satirical Tragicomedies of Paolo Sorrentino // Δοξα: Collection of Scientific Works from Philosophy and Philology. Odessa, 2020. Issue 2. (34). P. 143–158.
- On the Issue of “practicalization” of Philosophy // Les tendances actuelles de la mondialisation de la science mondiale: collection de papiers scientifiques “LOГОΣ” avec des materiaux de la conference scientifique et pratique international.Volume 3, 3 avrill, 2020. Monaco, Principaute de Monaco: Platforme scientifique europeenne.
- Toward the Source. Judaica in the funds of the National Library of ONU and Modern Studies of Jewish History and Culture // Judaica in Odessa. Issue 5. Odessa: Phoenix, 2019.
- “Daily Incidents of Damascus” by Ahmad al-Budayri and the series “Urban Studies: Primary Sources of Research” at Odessa I.I.Mechnikov National University // Δοξα: Collection of Scientific Works from Philosophy and Philology. Odessa, 2019. Issue 2 (32). P. 328–337.
- Justification of the Problems of Philosophical Anthropology in the works of I. Kant and H. Plesner // History of Philosophy as a Way to Understand History. A collection of articles based on materials from testimonies of participants in historical and philosophical readings in memory of Marat Vernikov. Odessa: ONU, 2019. P. 116–133.
- “A city like a jug of milk”: Damascus on the pages of the chronicle of Ahmad al-Budayri // Ahmad Al-Budayri. Daily incidents in Damascus. Odessa: ONU, 2019. P. 4–10.
- Philosophical Anthropology as Self-Criticism of Humanitarian Technologies // Imperatives of civil society development in promoting national competitiveness: Proceedings of the 1st International Scientific and Practical Conference. December 13-14, 2018. Volume II. Batumi, Georgia: Publishing House “Kalmosani”, 2018. P. 303–306.
- Philosophical guidelines of the Orthodox in the post-Soviet space // Δόξα: Collection of Scientific Works from Philosophy and Philology. Odessa. Issue. 2 (30). Odessa, 2018. P. 40–53.
- Judaica in the collections of the National Library of ONU and current research into Jewish history and culture // “Judaica in the Scientific Library of ONU named after I.I. Mechnikova: Bibliographical display.” Series “Book collections of the Scientific Library of Odessa I.I. Mechnikov National University." Odessa: Phoenix, 2018. 154 p.
- Foolish Laughter as a Manifestation of Blasphemy: an Experience of Problematization // Δόξα: Collection of Scientific Works from Philosophy and Philology. Odessa. Issue. 1 (27). Odessa, 2017. P. 92–108.
- Philosophical Anthropology after the Twentieth Century // Totallogy. Post-non-classical investigations. 33 edition. Kiev, 2016.
- Neopatristics // Ideas in Russia. Russian-Polish-English lexicon. Lodz: Ibidem, 2014. P. 286–296.
- Historical Psychology: Origins and Current State: monograph: ed. I.N. Kovalya, V.I. Podshivalkina, O.V. Yaremchuk. Odessa: ONU, 2012. P. 16–33.
- Image of Judaism and Problem of Synthesis of Religions in Philosophy of a "new religious consciousness» // The Influence of Jewish Culture on the Intellectual Heritage of Central and Eastern Europe. Krakow, 2011. P. 341–356.
- Russian Symbolism in the Context of the Davos discussion between E. Cassirer and M. Heidegger // Symbol w kulturzerosyjskiej. Krakow, 2010. P. 341–356.
E-mail: lenape.69@mail.ru