Year and place of birth
18 april 1955, Kaunas
Graduate, Department of philosophy of the MSU, 1984.
Fields of research
Theory of logical consequence, logical analysis of the Internet, content analysis of the texts, antique logic, combinatory logic, definition theory, logical methods of consistent pattern detection.
ORCID ID: 0000-0002-3116-437X; Researcher ID (Web of Science): V-1569-2018; Scopus Author ID: 55256360200
Scientific publications
- Essays on the foundations of logic – M.: IPh RAS, 2017.
- Introduction to logic for philosophers / V. Shalack, N. Tomova – M., 2014.
- On the notion of logical consequence. – M., 2007.
- Logical analysis of the Internet. – M.,2005.
- Modern content analysis: applications in the fields of political science, sociology, psychology, culturology, economics and advertising. – M.: Omega-L, 2004.
Selected papers
- Estestvennoe obobshhenie t'juringovoj modeli vychislimosti [A natural generalization of the Turing computability model] // Logicheskie Issledovaniya / Logical Investigations. 2023. Vol. 29. № 2. C. 9-35.
- Minimal'naja logika dlja analiza tehnologij [Minimal logic for technology analysis] // Intellektual'nye Sistemy. Teoriya i Prilozheniya [Intelligent Systems. Theory and Applications]. Vol. 26. № 1. P. 436–439.
- O probleme adekvatnogo perevoda logicheskih tekstov Aristotelja [On the Problem of Adequate Translation of Aristotle's Logical Works] // Logiko-filosofskie studii. 2022. Vol. 20. № 2. P. 76–88. DOI: 10.52119/LPHS.2022.40.97.005.
- Ob istokah mnozhestvennosti logik [On the origins of logical pluralism] // Filosofskii zhurnal | Philosophy Journal. 2022. VOL. 15. № 4. P. 88-97.
- Teleologija i celenapravlennoe povedenie: logicheskij analiz [Teleology and Goal-directed Behavior: A Logical Analysis] // Logicheskie Issledovaniya / Logical Investigations. 2023. Vol. 28. № 2. P. 9-39.
- Algoritmicheskaya model' social'nyh processov [Algorithmic model of social processes] // Philosophical Problems of IT & Cyberspace (PhilIT&C). 2021; (1):46‒62. (In Russ.) https://doi.org/10.17726/philIT.2021.1.3
- Logika v ontologii processov [Logic in the Process Ontology] // Logicheskie Issledovaniya / Logical Investigations. 2021. Vol. 27. № 2. P. 48‒65. DOI: 10.21146/2074-1472-2021-27-2-48-65.
- Mashina T'yuringa [Turing machine] // Elektronnaya filosofskaya entsiklopediya. 2019. Vol. 3. URL: https://www.elenph.org/library/collection/elphilenc/document/HASH01da89fe605d5da81ba2d0f9.
- O protsessual'noi logike [On logic of processes] // Vopr. filosofii. 2019. № 2. P. 35‒40. DOI: 10.31857/S004287440003872‒4.
- O stat'e A.V. Nekhaeva «Paradoks Yablo: Lzhet li nam beskonechnyi lzhets?» [On “Yablo’s Paradox: Is the Infinite Liar Lying to Us?” by Andrei V. Nekhaev] // Epistemology & Philosophy of Science. 2019. Т. 56. № 3. P. 103‒109. DOI: 10.5840/eps201956352.
- Ontologiya i logika protsessov [Ontology and Logic of Processes] // Russian Journal of Philosophical Sciences. 2019. Т. 62. № 6. P. 138‒150. DOI: 10.30727/0235‒1188‒2019‒62‒6‒138‒150.
- Tezis Pirsa: logicheskii analiz i ontologicheskie sledstviya [Peirce's thesis: logical analysis and ontological consequences] // Logical Investigations. 2019. Т. 25. № 2. P. 138‒163. DOI: 10.21146/2074‒1472‒2019‒25‒2‒138‒163.
- Weak consequence relation between lambda-terms // Logical Investigations. 2018. Vol. 24. № 2. P. 151-157.
- Analysis vs Deduction // Logical Investigations. 2018. Vol. 24. № 1. P. 26-45.
- Logika – territoriya somnenij [Logic – The territory of doubt]// Sovremennaya logika: osnovaniya, predmet i perspektivy razvitiya. Sbornik nauchnykh statej. M.: Forum. 2018. P. 83-95.
- Some Remarks on A. Tamminga’s Paper “Correspondence Analysis for Strong Three-valued Logic” // Logical Investigations. 2017. Vol. 23. No. 2. P. 96–97. DOI: 10.21146/2074-1472-2017-23-2-96-97.
- Analiticheskii podkhod k resheniyu zadach [Analytical Approach to Problem Solving] // Logical Investigations. 2017. Vol. 23. № 1. P. 121-139.
- Logitsizm. Sto let spustya [Logicism. A Hundred Years Later] // Logiko-filosofskie shtudii. SPb.: RKhGa Publishers, 2016. Vol. 14. P. 61-69.
- Sotsial'noe programmirovanie [Social Software] // SocioTime / Sotsial'noe vremya. 1(5), 2016. P. 51-60.
- On First-order Theories Which Can Be Represented by Definitions // Логич. исслед./Logical Investigations. 2016. № 22 (1). P. 125–135.
- On the definitional embeddability of the combinatory logic theory into the first order predicate calculus // Logical Investigations. 2015. V. 21. № 2. P. 9–14.
- On the definitional embeddability of some elementary algebraic theories into the first-order predicate calculus // Logical Investigations. 2015. V. 21. № 2. P. 15–20.
- Sintaksicheskaya interpretatsiya kategoricheskikh atributivnykh vyskazyvanii [Syntactic Interpretation of Categorical Attributive Propositions] // Logical Investigations. 2015. № 21 (1). P. 60–78.
- On some applied first-order theories which can be represented by definitions // Bulletin of the Section of Logic. 2015. 44/1–2. P. 19–24.
- Protologic and its structure // Logical Investigations. Vol 20. – M.-SPb: C.G.I., 2014.
- Semiotic foundations of logic // Logical Investigations. Vol. 19 (Special Issue). M. Spb.: C.G.I., 2013. P. 225-237.
- Points of singularity // Epistemology and philosophy of science. 2013. V. XXXV. № 1. Pp. 95–97.
- The logic of functional consequence // Logical Investigations. Vol 18. – M.-SPb: C.G.I., 2012. - Pp. 234-238.
- About genetic method // Logical Investigations. Vol 17. – M.-SPb: C.G.I., 2011. - Pp. 281-292.
- Two approaches to the construction of logic. // Logical Investigations. Vol 17. – M.-SPb: C.G.I., 2011. - Pp. 269-280.
- Author's summary for the D.Sc. thesis "Protologic: the new view of the nature of the logical", 2010.
- The report at the session of the scientific seminar of the Department of logic of the Institute of philosophy of RAS, 6th of May 2010.
- Logic of functions vs logic of relations // Logical investigations. Issue 16. M.: Nauka, 2010. - P.259-271.
- Linguistic apriorism // Works of the scientific seminar of the logical center of the Institute of philosophy of Russian Academy of Sciences. Issue XIX. M., 2009. - P. 104-114.
- Protologic // Vestnik VyatGGU. 2009, № 1(1). - P. 12-17.
- Logic of aporiae // Polygnosis. 2009, №1. - P.25-31.
- Schonfinkel and the combinatorial logic // Logical investigations. Issue 15. -М.: Nauka, 2009. - P. 247-265.
- Logical analysis of the definitial deduction // Logical investigations. Issue 15. - М.: Nauka, 2009. - P. 266-283.
- On the hidden mathematical structures of language // Polygnosis. 2008, №3. - P. 31-36.
- Canon and organon // Epistemology and philosophy of science. 2008, V.XIV, №4. - P. 210-217.
- Against aporiae // Oppositions and paradoxes. M.: Canon+-Rehabilitation, 2008. - P.189-204.
- On the notion of proof // Logical investigations. Issue 14. M.: Nauka, 2007. - P.301-305.
- Logic of terms // Logical investigations. Issue 14. M.: Nauka, 2007. - P. 286-300.
- On tha alternative definition of the logical consequence relation // Epistemology and philosophy of science. 2007, V. XIII, №3, - P.199-205.
- On logical consequence // Vestnik MGU, Seriya 7: Filosofiya. N5. 2007. P.89-100.
- Alternative theoty of consequence // Logical investigations. Issue 13. – M.: Nauka, 2007.
- Logical model of the Internet // Works of the scientific seminar of the logical center of the Institute of philosophy of Russian Academy of Sciences 2006. – M., 2007.
- On the notion of logical consequence // Logical investigations. Issue 13. – M.: Nauka, 2006.
- Logic of the Abelian groups // Logical investigations. Issue 11. – М.: Nauka, 2004.
- Logic of groups and free groups // Logical investigations. Issue 11. – M.: Nauka, 2004.
- Logic of groups // Works of the scientific seminar of the logical center of the Institute of philosophy of Russian Academy of Sciences 2003. – M., 2004.
- Theory of the propositional programs II// Logical investigations. Issue 5. - M.: Nauka, 1998 г.
- Relational interpretation of the classical propositional logic // Works of the scientific seminar of the logical center of the Institute of philosophy of Russian Academy of Sciences 1998. – M., 1999.
- theory of the propositional programs // Works of the scientific seminar of the logical center of the Institute of philosophy of Russian Academy of Sciences 1997. – M., 1998.
- Dynamic interpretation of the propositions // Logical investigations. Issue 2. – M.: Nauka, 1993.
- Syllogistic, predicate logic, modal logic and authomatic proof of theorems // "Logical methods in computer sciences". – Works of the scientific seminar on logic of the Institute of philosophy of the Academy of Sciences of USSR, Moscow, 1991.
- Towards the categorial characterization of relevant logic // "Syntactic and semantic investigations of the non-extensional logics" – M.: Nauka, 1989.
Publications at the website https://www.vaal.ru
- "Artificial intelligence and getting rid of illusions", All-Russian Conference XIX Tauric Philosophical readings "Anacharsis", September 13-15, 2023, Republic of Crimea, Sudak, village The New World.
- "A generalization of Turing computability model", International conference "XIII Smirnov Readings in Logic", Moscow, 22-24 June 2003.
- "Philosophical and practical meaning of non-Turing computability". International conference "Third Stepin Readings", Moscow, 20-21 June 2003.
- "On the origins of the plurality of logics". All-Russian Conference XIX Tauric Philosophical readings "Anacharsis", September 14-16, 2022, Republic of Crimea, Sudak, village The New World.
- "On the problem of adequate translation of Aristotle's logical texts". International Conference "Sense and the Making of Sense", June 2-4, 2022, St. Petersburg State University.
- "To the problem of adequate translation of Aristotle's logical texts". All-Russian Scientific Conference "Philosophy in the face of New civilizational challenges" dedicated to the 80th anniversary of the restoration of the Faculty of Philosophy in the structure of Moscow University, report, February 4-5, 2022, Moscow.
- Algoritmy v prirode [Algorithms in Nature] // Dvenadtsatye Smirnovskie chteniya: materialy Mezhdunar. nauch. konf. [Twelfth Smirnov readings: materials of the international conference], Moscow, 24–26 June 2021. M., 2021. P. 151–153.
- O ponyatii fizicheskogo algoritma [On the concept of a physical algorithm] // Vos'moj Rossijskij Filosofskij Kongress «Filosofiya v policentrichnom mire». Sekcii (I). M.: Logos; Novye pechatnye tekhnologii, 2020. P. 222–225.
- Logicheskii analiz ontologii protsessov [Logical analysis of processes ontology] // Nauka kak obshchestvennoe blago: sb. nauchn. st. [Science as a Public Good: collected papers] / Ed. by I.T. Kasavin, L.V. Shipovalova. Vol. 4. M.: Russkoe obshchestvo istorii i filosofii nauki, 2020. P. 244‒246.
- Tezis Pirsa: logicheskii analiz i ontologicheskie sledstviya [Peirce's thesis: logical analysis and ontological consequences] // Odinnadtsatye Smirnovskie chteniya: materialy Mezhdunar. nauch. konf. [Eleventh Smirnov readings: materials of the international conference], Moscow, 19–21 June 2019. M., 2019. P. 91-92.
- Tri paradigmy logiki [Three paradigms of logic] // Materialy vserossiiskoi konferentsii XIV Tavricheskie filosofskie Chteniya «Anakharsis», Simferopol': IT «ARIAL», 2018. P. 191-194.
- V poiskakh sovershennogo yazyka [In search for the perfect language]. The report at the conference «Horizons of the logical pluralism», 24 november 2018.
- Аnaliticheskie tablitsy dlya poiska gipotez [Analytic tableaux for search of hypotheses]// Logiko-filosofskie shtudii. Vol 16, № 1-2. 2018. P. 133-134.
- Vidy deduktivnykh zadach i ikh reshenie [Types of deductive problems and their solution] // 10-e Smirnovskie chteniya: materialy Mezhdunar. nauch. konf. [10-th Smirnov readings: materials of the international conference] (Moscow, 15–17 june 2017). M., 2017. P. 121–123.
- Obmanchivaya prostota logiki Aristotelya [The deceptive simplicity of Aristotle's logic] // The Legacies of Aristotle as Constitutive Element of European Rationality (Proceedings of the Moscow International Conference on Aristotle). Ed. by V.V. Petrov. M.: Akvilon. 2017. P. 399–40.
- Deductive analysis of action planning // Logico-Philosophical Studies. 2016. V. 13. № 2.
- First-order theories which are definitionally embeddable into predicate calculus // 9-e Smirnovskie chteniya: materialy Mezhdunar. nauch. konf. [9-th Smirnov readings: materials of the international conference] (Moscow, 17–19 june 2015). M., 2015. P. 46–48.
- Comparative analysis of different approaches to the construction of logic (Eighth Smirnov's Readings in logic: International conference, Moscow, 19-21 June 2013).
- Universality of the logical principles // Seventh Smirnov readings in logic. Materials of the international conference 22-24 June 2011. М. 2011. P. 117.
- Functions vs Relations // Materials of the XI international conference "Modern logic: problems of theory and history". SPb., 2010. Pp. 262-265.
- On the blank spots in logic // Materials of VI Smirnov's Readings in Logic. M., 2009. P. 110.
Institute of Philosophy
Russian Academy of Sciences
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