- V. Schalack. "On the origins of the plurality of logics". All-Russian Conference XIX Tauric Philosophical readings "Anacharsis", September 14-16, 2022, Republic of Crimea, Sudak, village The New World.
- V. Schalack. "On the problem of adequate translation of Aristotle's logical texts". International Conference "Sense and the Making of Sense", June 2-4, 2022, St. Petersburg State University.
- V. Schalack. "To the problem of adequate translation of Aristotle's logical texts". All-Russian Scientific Conference "Philosophy in the face of New civilizational challenges" dedicated to the 80th anniversary of the restoration of the Faculty of Philosophy in the structure of Moscow University, report, February 4-5, 2022, Moscow.,
- L. Devyatkin. Referencial'no dvuznachnye semantiki dlja inferencial'no mnogoznachnyh logik [Referentially two-valued semantics for inferentially multi-valued logics] // Posle postpozitivizma. Materialy Tret'ego Mezhd. Kongressa Russkogo obshhestva istorii i filosofii nauki [After post-positivism. Materials of the Third Intl. Congress of the Russian Society of History and Philosophy of Science] / Scientific ed. and comp. I.T. Kasavin et al. M.: ROIFN, 2022. P. 497-500.
- V. Schalack. Algoritmy v prirode [Algorithms in Nature] // Dvenadtsatye Smirnovskie chteniya: materialy Mezhdunar. nauch. konf. [Twelfth Smirnov readings: materials of the international conference], Moscow, 24–26 June 2021. M., 2021. P. 151-153.
- L. Devyatkin. Closed Classes of Functions Generated by Maximally Paraconsistent and Paracomplete Four-Valued Expansions of FDE // Dvenadtsatye Smirnovskie chteniya: materialy Mezhdunar. nauch. konf. [Twelfth Smirnov readings: materials of the international conference], Moscow, 24–26 June 2021. M., 2021. P. 12-15.
- N. Tomova. Ob odnom algoritme konstruirovaniya literal'nykh paraneprotivorechivykh / parapolnykh logik [On an algorithm for constructing literal paraconsistent/paracomplete logics] // Dvenadtsatye Smirnovskie chteniya: materialy Mezhdunar. nauch. konf. [Twelfth Smirnov readings: materials of the international conference], Moscow, 24–26 June 2021. M., 2021. P. 55-58.
- V. Schalack. Logicheskii analiz ontologii protsessov [Logical analysis of processes ontology] // Nauka kak obshchestvennoe blago: sb. nauchn. st. [Science as a Public Good: collected papers] / Ed. by I.T. Kasavin, L.V. Shipovalova. Vol. 4. M.: Russkoe obshchestvo istorii i filosofii nauki, 2020. P. 244‒246.
L. Devyatkin. Maksimal'no paraneprotivorechivye i parapolnye chetyrekhznachnye yazykovye rasshireniya FDE [Maximally paraconsistent and paracomplete four valued expansions of FDE] // Nauka kak obshchestvennoe blago: sb. nauchn. st. [Science as a Public Good: collected papers] / Ed. by I.T. Kasavin, L.V. Shipovalova. Vol. 4. M.: Russkoe obshchestvo istorii i filosofii nauki, 2020. P. 213‒215.
- N. Tomova. Svoistva paraneprotivorechivosti i parapolnoty v logikakh [Paraconsistency and paracompleteness properties in logics] // Nauka kak obshchestvennoe blago: sb. nauchn. st. [Science as a Public Good: collected papers] / Ed. by I.T. Kasavin, L.V. Shipovalova. Vol. 4. M.: Russkoe obshchestvo istorii i filosofii nauki, 2020. P. 241‒243.
- V. Schalack. Tezis Pirsa: logicheskii analiz i ontologicheskie sledstviya [Peirce's thesis: logical analysis and ontological consequences] // Odinnadtsatye Smirnovskie chteniya: materialy Mezhdunar. nauch. konf. [Eleventh Smirnov readings: materials of the international conference], Moscow, 19–21 June 2019. M., 2019. P. 91-92.
- L. Devyatkin. Not Every Genuine Paraconsistent Logic is a Logic of Formal Inconsistency // Odinnadtsatye Smirnovskie chteniya: materialy Mezhdunar. nauch. konf. [Eleventh Smirnov readings: materials of the international conference], Moscow, 19–21 June 2019. M., 2019. P. 16-17.
- N. Tomova. Functional properties of four-valued paralogics // Logiko-filosofskie shtudii. 2018. Vol 16, № 1-2 (with A. Nepeivoda). P. 130-132
- V. Schalack. Tri paradigmy logiki [Three paradigms of logic] // Materialy vserossiiskoi konferentsii XIV Tavricheskie filosofskie Chteniya «Anakharsis», Simferopol': IT «ARIAL», 2018. P. 191-194.
- V. Schalack. V poiskakh sovershennogo yazyka [In search for the perfect language]. The report at the conference «Horizons of the logical pluralism», 24 november 2018.
- V. Schalack. Аnaliticheskie tablitsy dlya poiska gipotez [Analytic tableaux for search of hypotheses]// Logiko-filosofskie shtudii. Vol 16, № 1-2. 2018. P. 133-134.
- L. Devyatkin. O kvazimatrichnykh semantikakh [On quasi-matrix semantics] // Logiko-filosofskie shtudii. Vol 16, № 1-2. 2018. P. 101-102.
- N. Tomova. O sravnenii chetyrekhznachnykh paranormal'nykh matrits [Comparing four-valued paranormal matrices] // Odinnadtsatye Smirnovskie chteniya: materialy Mezhdunar. nauch. konf. [Eleventh Smirnov readings: materials of the international conference], Moscow, 19–21 June 2019. P. 54-55.
- V. Schalack. Vidy deduktivnykh zadach i ikh reshenie [Types of deductive problems and their solution] // 10-e Smirnovskie chteniya: materialy Mezhdunar. nauch. konf. [10-th Smirnov readings: materials of the international conference] (Moscow, 15–17 june 2017). M., 2017. P. 121–123.
- L. Devyatkin. True Lies Matrices: Undervaluation of Truth and Overvaluation of Falsity // 10-e Smirnovskie chteniya: materialy Mezhdunar. nauch. konf. [10-th Smirnov readings: materials of the international conference] (Moscow, 15–17 june 2017). M., 2017. P. 15–17.
- L. Devyatkin. Many-Valued Paraconsistent Extensions of Classical Positive Propositional Calculus. ISRALOG17: 15-17 Oct. 2017, Haifa.
- N. Tomova. Izomorfy klassicheskoi logiki i chetyrekhznachnye literal'nye paralogiki // 10-e Smirnovskie chteniya: materialy Mezhdunar. nauch. konf. [10-th Smirnov readings: materials of the international conference] (Moscow, 15–17 june 2017). M., 2017. P. 54–56.
- A.S. Karpenko, N. Tomova. Lattice of Three-Valued Literal Paralogics // Logico-Philosophical Studies. 2016. V. 13. № 2. The 12th International Conference “Logic Today: Developments and Perspectives”. June 22–24, 2016, St. Petersburg.
- L. Devyatkin. On finite-valued logical matrices which induce the classical consequence relation // Logico-Philosophical Studies. 2016. V. 13. № 2. The 12th International Conference “Logic Today: Developments and Perspectives”. June 22–24, 2016, St. Petersburg.
- N. Prelovskiy On the power of the set of maximal classes for an arbitrary closed class of functions // Logico-Philosophical studies. 2016. V. 13. № 2. The 12th International Conference “Logic Today: Developments and Perspectives”. June 22–24, 2016, St. Petersburg.
- V. Schalack. The deceptive simplicity of Aristotle's logic // The Legacies of Aristotle as Constitutive Element of European Rationality (Proceedings of the Moscow International Conference on Aristotle). Ed. by V.V. Petrov. M.: Akvilon. 2017. P. 399–40
- V. Schalack. Deductive analysis of action planning // Logico-Philosophical Studies. 2016. V. 13. № 2. The 12th International Conference “Logic Today: Developments and Perspectives”. June 22–24, 2016, St. Petersburg.
- Alexander Karpenko. Reshetka fundamental'nyh chetyrehznachnyh modal'nyh logik [The lattice of fundamental four-valued logics] // 9-e Smirnovskie chteniya: materialy Mezhdunar. nauch. konf. [9-th Smirnov readings: materials of the international conference] (Moscow, 17–19 june 2015). M., 2015. P. 24–26.
- Irina Gerasimova. [Gerasimova I.A. roundtable talk]. Atomizm/atomisticheskii podkhod v fizike i matematike i kul'turnyi kontekst [Atomism/atomistic approach in physics and mathematics and the cultural context] // Vopr. filosofii [Problems of philosophy]. 2015. № 5. P. 131–157.
- Irina Gerasimova. Istoriya drevnerusskoi meditsiny v kontekste mezhdistsiplinarnykh issledovanii [History of Old Russian medicine in the context of interdisciplinary research] // Vspomogatel'nye istoricheskie distsipliny i istochnikovedenie: sovremennye issledovaniya i perspektivy razvitiya: Materialy XXVII Mezhdunar. nauch. konf [Auxiliary sciences of history and source studies: modern research and perspectives of development: Materials of XXVII international conference]. (Moscow, 9–11 apr. 2015). M., 2015. P. 164–166.
- Irina Gerasimova. «Khimicheskie elementy» i ‘στοιχεῖα’. Problema klassifikatsii [«Chemical elements» and ‘στοιχεῖα’. The problem of classification ] // 9-e Smirnovskie chteniya: materialy Mezhdunar. nauch. konf. [9-th Smirnov readings: materials of the international conference] (Moscow, 17–19 june 2015). M., 2015. P. 144–145.
- Leonid Devyatkin. The Maximal Three-Valued Matrix for the Classical Propositional Logic // 9-e Smirnovskie chteniya: materialy Mezhdunar. nauch. konf. [9-th Smirnov readings: materials of the international conference] (Moscow, 17–19 june 2015). M., 2015. P. 18–19.
- Vladimir Shalack. First-order theories which are definitionally embeddable into predicate calculus // 9-e Smirnovskie chteniya: materialy Mezhdunar. nauch. konf. [9-th Smirnov readings: materials of the international conference] (Moscow, 17–19 june 2015). M., 2015. P. 46–48.
- Natalya Tomova. Modus ponens i ponyatie estestvennoi implikatsii [Modus ponens and the notion of natural implication] // 9-e Smirnovskie chteniya: materialy Mezhdunar. nauch. konf. [9-th Smirnov readings: materials of the international conference] (Moscow, 17–19 june 2015). M., 2015. P. 100–102.
- Leonid Devyatkin. Multi-valued generalizations of classical logic: their role in the teaching of multi-valued logics // Problems of Logical Education. VI International Conference, Kiev, 2014. P. 33-34.
- Irina Gerasimova. Logic in the course in philosophy of science for chemical technologists // Problems of Logical Education. VI International Conference, Kiev, 2014. P. 21-23.
- Nikolai Prelovskiy. Multi-valued logics and the didactic imperatives of the teaching of non-classical logics // Problems of Logical Education. VI International Conference, Kiev, 2014. P. 97-99.
- Alexander Karpenko. Suszko thesis and its functional refutation (Eighth Smirnov's Readings in logic: International conference, Moscow, 19-21 June 2013).
- Alexander Karpenko Non-classical logics vs. classical logic (Philosophy and Logic International Workshop, Kiev, May 23-25, 2013).
- Irina Gerasimova. Problem of the logical analysis of the Old Russian hexahemerons (Eighth Smirnov's Readings in logic: International conference, Moscow, 19-21 June 2013).
- Irina Gerasimova. Palaea Tolkovaja, antique science and everyday experience (International scientific conference "Palaea Tolkovaja in the context of Old Russian of XI-XVII centuries", 22 January 2013. Moscow. Maxim Gorky Literature Institute.
- Irina Gerasimova. Humoral medicine in the context of cognitive science and convergent technologies (Sixth all-Russian scientifico-practical conference with international participation "Current problems of modern cognitive science", 17-19 October 2013, Ivanovo).
- Leonid Devyatkin. A note on equality of logical matrices (Eighth Smirnov's Readings in logic: International conference, Moscow, 19-21 June 2013).
- Natalya Tomova. Implicative fragments of natural three-valued logics (Eighth Smirnov's Readings in logic: International conference, Moscow, 19-21 June 2013).
- Vladimir Shalack. Comparative analysis of different approaches to the construction of logic (Eighth Smirnov's Readings in logic: International conference, Moscow, 19-21 June 2013).
- Irina Gerasimova. Logic for politologists // Problems of Logical Education. V International Conference, Kiev. Pp. 33–36.
- Irina Gerasimova. Corpus Areopagiticum: an experience of the synergetic reading // Philosophy in the Modern World: the dialogue of worldviews. Materials of VI Russian Philosophical Congress (Nizhny Novgorod, 27-30 June 2012): In 3 vols, V. II. Nizhny Novgorod, 2012. P. 336.
- Leonid Devyatkin. One problem of specialization in logic and the possible role of multi-valued logic in it's solution // Problems of Logical Education. V International Conference, Kiev, 3-4 May 2012. Pp. 50–51.
- Nikolai Prelovskiy. Free logic in China and Russia // Problems of Logical Education. V International Conference, Kiev, 3-4 May 2012. Pp. 145–147.
- Natalya Tomova. The problem of interrelation of three-valued logics // Problems of Logical Education. V International Conference, Kiev, 3-4 May 2012. Pp. 173–174.
- Peter Bystrov. Logic of Unbelief // Seventh Smirnov readings in logic. Materials of the international conference 22-24 June 2011. М. 2011. P. 49.
- Irina Gerasimova. International conference Seventh Smirnov readings in logic. M., 22-24 June, 2011. Report: P.A. Florensky on contradiction: logic, argumentation, rhetoric.
- Irina Gerasimova. All-Russian scientific seminar "Models of reasoning - 5: argumentation and rhetoric", Svetlogorsk, 22–24 September 2011. Report: Antinomy and logical contradiction.
- Irina Gerasimova. International conference "David Hume and modern philosophy", 15-17 november 2011. Report: David Hume and the problem of development of the scientific method.
- Vladimir Shalack. Universality of the logical principles // Seventh Smirnov readings in logic. Materials of the international conference 22-24 June 2011. М. 2011. P. 117.
- Natalya Tomova. On some functional properties of natural p-logics // Seventh Smirnov readings in logic. Materials of the international conference 22-24 June 2011. М. 2011. Pp. 37-38.
- Peter Bystrov. Sequent inferences in paraconsistent logics // Materials of the conference "Modern logic: problems of theory and history". SPb., 2010.
- Leonid Devyatkin. On some functional properties of three-valued logical matrices with classical consequence relation // Materials of XI international science conference "Modern Logic: problems of history and theory". SPb, 2010, pp. 320-322.
- Nikolai Prelovskiy. Suszko's Thesis and the algorhythms of construction of the bivalent semantics // Materials of the XI international conference "Modern logic: problems of theory and history". SPb., 2010. Pp 368-371.
- Vladimir Shalack. Functions vs Relations // Materials of the XI international conference "Modern logic: problems of theory and history". SPb., 2010. Pp. 262-265.
- Peter Bystrov. "Paradoxes" of material implication: proof-theoretical approach // Materials of the conference "Smirnov readings". M., 2009.
- Vladimir Shalack. On the blank spots in logic // Materials of VI Smirnov's Readings in Logic. M., 2009. P. 110.