Date and Place of birth
1951, Moscow
ORCID: 0000-0002-2111-8740
ResearcherID: V-4638-2018
Scopus Author ID: 38261907500
RSCI Author ID: 105425
Philosophy, Faculty of Philosophy, Moscow State University, 1974.
Dr. Sc., Philosophy, Institute of Philosophy, Russian Academy of Sciences, 1991
Academic rank
Honoris causa of St. Petersburg Theological Academy, 2021
Professional appointments |
Head, Sector of Philosophy of Religion, Institute of Philosophy, Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow: 2005 – present
International links
President of Central and East Society for Philosophy of Religion, 2018 - 2022
Medal of Ministry of Education of Russia (2022)
Scientific interests
Philosophy of Religion, History of Philosophy, Axiology
Fellowships and Grants
- Stratification of Reality in the History of Philosophy. Russian Foundation for Humanities, 2001.
- The "value" as a category of European culture. Russian Foundation for Basic Research, 2002.
- Categorical system of Indian metaphysics. Russian Foundation for Humanities, 2004.
Courses Taught |
- "Introduction to comparative theology". State University of Humanities (Russian Academy of Sciences).
- "Introduction to comparative theology". Moscow State University.
- "Introduction to the Philosophy of Culture". Moscow State University.
Publications (selected)
- My 1970s Philosophical Generation / Compiled and edited by Yulia V. Sineokaya. Moscow: LRC Publishing House. 2022. P. 542-544.
- “Philosophy as the Handmaid of Theology” in India: Šaňkara and the Initial Sūtras of Vedānta. In Philosophy of Religion: Analytic Researches. 2022. 6(1). 125-146.
- Why is the Dialogue between Analytic Philosophy and “Postmetaphysicians” so Difficult? (remark) In Philosophy of Religion: Analytic Researches. 2021. 5(1). 173-181.
- Šaňkara versus Sāňkhya:A Competition for the Vedic Heritage and Logical Rationality. Šaňkara, Brahmasûtrabhāṣya II.2.1–10, Trans. by Vladimir K. Shokhin. In Voprosy Filosofii. 2021. Vol. No. 7. P. 125–144.
- Modern Evolutionist Naturalism and Šaňkara’s Arguments Contra Sāňkhya. In Journal of Research in Philosophy and History. 2021. Vol.4. No.4. P. 5-19.
- The Narrative of Secularism and the Religion of German Enlightenment. In St. Tikhon’s University Review . Series I: Theology. Philosophy. Religious Studies. 2021. Vol. 96. P. 61–76.
- Theories of Redemption within Analytic Theology and Some Disregarded Metaphors. In Proceedings of the Department of Theology of the Saint Petersburg Theological Academy. 2021. No. 3 (11). P. 68–96.
- Axiology and Agathology. In Journal of Siberian Federal University. Humanities & Social Sciences. 2020. Vol. 13 (8). P.1370–1383. DOI: 10.17516/1997-1370-0648.
- Which Attitude to Interreligious Interrelations is Presented by Udayana’ Philosophy? In Voprosy Filosofii. 2020. No. 6. PP. 43–52. DOI: https://doi.org/10.21146/0042-8744-2020-6-43-57.
- Nyāyakusumaňjali. Haridāsa, Vyākhyā, Initial Portions, Trans. and Comm. by Vladimir K. Shokhin. In Voprosy Filosofii. 2020. No. 6. PP. 52–57.
- Can Theism Be Anything but Personalistic? In Khristianskoye Chteniye. 2020, no. 5, pp. 23–36. DOI 10.47132/1814-5574_2020_5_23.
- “Vishnu the Greater” and “Vishnu the Smaller”, or on the Continued Widening of Philosophy of Religion’s Zone. In European Journal for Philosophy of Religion. 2019. Vol. 22. No. 4. P. 197‒207. DOI: 10.24204/EJPR.V11I4.3143.
- Rational Theology and Problems with Rationality. In Proceedings of the Department of Theology. 2019. No 1 (3). P. 58‒77. DOI: 10.24411/2541‒9587‒2019‒10005.
- The philosophical struggle of early Advaita with Indian atheism. In Voprosy filosofii (Problems of Philosophy). 2019. Iss.8. P. 185-197. DOI: 10.31857/S004287440006056‒6.
- Philosolhical and Theological Discourse and Defnitions of Dogmata in Spiritual and Academic School of Synodal Period. In St. Tikhon’s University Review . Series I: Theology. Philosophy. Religious Studies. 2019. Iss. 82. P. 11‒33. DOI: 10.15382/sturI201982.11‒33.
- Philosophical theology: the Canon and the Variability. Moscow, 2018. 496 p.
- Copernican Upheaval in Philosophy of Religion or Updating of the Old Heritage? John Hick and Classical Deism. In Philo-Sophia. 2018. Vol. 42. P. 93‒106. URL: https://www.filo-sofija.pl/index.php/czasopismo/article/view/1220/1196.
- The Basic Categories of Interreligious Consciousness: from Pretended Self-Evidence to Scrutiny. In Christian Reading. 2018, no.3. P.183-191.
- The Phenomenon of Atheistic Fideism. In Proceedings of the Department of theology of SPbTHA. 2018, no. 1. P.6-18.
- Why Atheism has not Become a Subject of Philosophy of Religion. In European Journal for Philosophy of Religion. 2017, Vol. 9. № 3, P. 65-80.
- Definitions of the Mystical: the First Experience in their Exposition. In Philosophy of Religion: Analytic Researches. 2017. №1. P. 7-29.
- Reality and “a Smell of Reality”: Advaita on the Way to a Stratified Ontology. In Voprosy filosofii (Problems of Philosophy). 2017. Iss. 10. P.182-198.
- Philosophical Theology: Design Facets. Moscow, 2016.
- Natural Theology, Philosophical Theology and Illustrative Argumentation. In Open Theology. 2016. Vol. 2. P. 804–817.
- The Problem of Evil and A Critique of Religious Reason. In European Journal for Philosophy of Religion. 2016. Vol. 8. №3. P. 201-212
- How Was the Classical Metaphysics Made? In St. Tikhon's University Review. Theology. Philosophy. Religious Studies. 2015. Vol. 5(51). P.41-58.
- Agathology: Contemporaneity and Classics. Moscow, 2014.
- Philosophy of religion and its historical forms (Antiquity - the end of XVIII century). Moscow: Alpha-M, 2010.
- Introduction to the philosophy of religion. Moscow: Alpha-M, 2010.
- Tetens und Kant vom "absoluten Wert". In Kant im Spiegel der russischen Kantforschung heute. Herausg. Von N. Motroschilova und N. Hinske. Stuttgart-Cannstatt, 2007. S. 127-143.
- Kant's "absolute value" and its importance in the history of axiological reflection. In Immanuel Kant. Heritage and design. Ed. Stepin V.S., Motroshilova N.V. M., 2007. P. 470-479.
- Vasubandhu and the stratification of the levels of reality. Vasubandhu.Determination of the three levels of reality. Translated from Sanskrit, commentaries. In Journal of People's Friendship University. Series of Philosophy 1 (13) 2007. P. 117-132.
- Indian philosophy. Shramans period. St. Peterburg: St. Petersburg State University, 2007.
- Stanislav Shayer on Nyaya and Vaisheshika Philosophy. In Research Analytical Heritage Lvov-Warsaw School. Issue 1. Ed. Vasyukov V.L. St. Peterburg, 2006. P. 122-160.
- New philosophical-theological discourse to the area of modern Russia. In The problem of evil and theodicy. Proceedings of International Conference June 6-9, 2005. Ed. Shokhin V.K. Moscow, 2006. P. 5-15.
- The Indian version of theodicy. In The problem of evil and theodicy. Proceedings of International Conference June 6-9, 2005. Ed. Shokhin V.K. Moscow, 2006. P. 226-236.
- The philosophy of values and axiological early thought. Moscow: Publishing House of Peoples' Friendship University of Russia, 2006.
- Indian philosophy: the first period. Lectures. Moscow: Publishing House of Peoples' Friendship University of Russia, 2006.
- Theology. Introduction to the theological disciplines. Moscow: IFRAN, 2002. - 122.
- Nyaya Sutras. Nyaya Bhashya. Historical and philosophical study. Translated from the Sanskrit, commentary. Moscow: Oriental Literature, 2001.
- Shcherbatskoy F.I. and Comparative Philosophy. Moscow: IPh RAS, 1998.
- Sutra of Sankhya philosophy. Tattva-samasa, Krama-Dipika, Sankhya Sutras; Sankhyasutra-Vritti. Ed. Shokhin V.K. Moscow: Ladomir-Janus-K, 1997.
- The first philosophers of India. Moscow: Ladomir, 1997.
- Moonlight Sankhya. Ishvarakrishna. Gaudapada. Vachaspati Mishra. Ed. Shokhin V.K. Moscow: Ladomir, 1995.
- Brahmanic Philosophy. Initial and early classical periods. Moscow: Oriental Literature, 1994.
- Ancient India in the culture of Russia (XI - mid XV). Source study of the problem. Moscow: Nauka, 1988.
Shokhin V.K. proposed a new periodization of history of Indian philosophy (based on the development of methods of theoretical reflection and institutional principles - "history of schools"). He wrote history of its primary and earlier periods on the basis of Sanskrit and Pali primary sources and his understanding of philosophy as a theoretical reflection, which is realized in the criticism of judgments (dialectics) and systematization of concepts (analytics).
Also Shokhin V.K. differentiates fiels that are usially mixed in the history of philosophy. He thinks that there are two types of ontology on the bases of non-identicy of notions "being" and "reality". In the "ontology of Being" the knowing subject is not included in hierarchization of being, but in "ontology of Reality" it is organized with respect to the subject. Similarly Shokhin distinguishes generally confuses terms "preferences", "good" and "values".
In Philosophy of Religion Shokhin insists on a clear distinction between the philosophy of religion and philosophical theology (which also tends to "merge" in the Analytical and recently in Continential traditions). He offers to take into account that there is no less distance between the philosophy of religion and philosophy in religion and between history of science and science itself.
Е-mail: vladshokhin@yandex.ru