Date and Place of birth
1988, Bishkek
ORCID: 0000-0002-4490-4066
ResearcherID: V-1873-2018
RSCI Author ID:991170
- Ph.D., Moscow State University, May 2016
Professional appointments
Scientific interests
- Philosophy of Religion, Atheism, Philosophy of Judaism
- Sleptsova V. Criticism of Positive Theistic Arguments in the Polemic of Theism and Atheism. In St. Tikhon's University Review. Theology. Philosophy. Religious Studies. 2022. Iss.101. P.82-95.
- Sleptsova V. Jewish Religious and Philosophic Thought through the Lens of Analytical Philosophy. In Concept: philosophy, religion, culture. 2022. Vol.6. No.3. P. 171-178.
- Sleptsova V. Dawkins Richard. In Nauchno-obrazovatel'nyi entsiklopedicheskyi portal Znaniya. 2022. URL: https://znaniya.org/c/dokinz-richard-ac6170
- Sleptsova V. Harris Sam. In Nauchno-obrazovatel'nyi entsiklopedicheskiy portal Znaniya. 2022. URL: https://znaniya.org/c/kharris-sem-12b121
- Sleptsova V. Schellenberg John. In Nauchno-obrazovatel'nyi entsiklopedicheskyi portal Znaniya. 2022. URL: https://znaniya.org/c/shellenberg-dzhon-51a063
- Sleptsova V. Polemics on Concepts of Evil and Divine Providence in Jewish Medieval Philosophy: Cases of Gersonides and Crescas. In Ideas and Ideals.2021. Vol. 13. Iss. 3. Pt 1. P. 35-47.
- Sleptsova V. In Hasdai Crescas on Divine Omniscience and Human Choice: Comparative Metaphysics. In Philosophy of Religion: Analytic Researches. 2020. Vol. 4. No. 2. P. 129–155. DOI: 10.21146/2587-683X-2020-4-2-129-155.
- Sleptsova V. Concepts of “Possible” and “Necessary” in H. Crescas' Second Book of “Light of the Lord”. In Study of Religion(Religiovedenie). 2020. No. 3. P. 62-68. DOI: 10.22250/2072-8662.2020.3.62-68.
- Sleptsova V. The Cosmological Argument in the Modern Polemic of Theism and Atheism (Debate of J. Haldane and J. Smart). In Proceedings of the Department of theology of SPbTHA. 2019. No. 1 (3). P. 112‒120. DOI: 10.24411/2541‒9587‒2019‒10008.
- Sleptsova V.V. Cosmological argument by R. Gale and A. Pruss: advantages and problems. In St. Tikhon's University Review. Theology. Philosophy. Religious Studies. 2019. Iss. 82. P. 63‒73. DOI: 10.15382/sturI201982.63‒73.
- Sleptsova V.V. Some Judaic attitudes to other religions. In Nations and religions of the Eurasia. 2019. No. 3 (20). P. 121‒127. DOI: 10.14258/nreur(2019)3‒08.
- Grimm S. (transl. by V.V.Sleptsova) Logika mistitsizma (The Logic of Mysticism). In Philosophy of Religion: Analytic Researches. 2018. Vol. 2, no.1. P. 67-81.
- Sleptsova V.V. The Tetragrammaton and 20-th Century Philosophers. In Philosophy of Religion: Analytic Reseachers. 2017. Vol.1, no.1. P. 148-153.
- Sleptsova V.V. Anglo-American Freethinking in XIX – early XX cent. and Its Adoption in XXI cent. In Barashkov V.V., Damte D.S., Panin S.A.(eds) At the Source of Religious Studies: On the History of Religious Studies of the 19th and the first half of the 20th Centuries. Moscow: LENAND, pp. 196–224.
- Sleptsova V.V.Theological Critique of The «New Atheism». In St. Tikhon's University Review. Theology. Philosophy. Religious Studies. 2016. Vol. 3 (65). P. 112-125
- Sleptsova V.V.Prospects of “New Atheism” Development. In Historical, Philosophical, Political and Law Sciences, Culturology and Study of Art. Issues of Theory and Practice. 2015. no 12. part 4. P. 167-171.
- Sleptsova V.V.Philosophical Origins and Characteristics of the "New Atheism". In Study of Religion(Religiovedenie). 2015. Vol. 3. P. 77-85.
- Sleptsova V.V. . «New atheism» as a phenomenon of modern freethinking. In Moscow University Bulletin. Series 7. Philosophy 2015. No 1, P. 107-118.
- Sleptsova V.V.Some features of Sam Harris’s criticism of religion. In Study of Religion(Religiovedenie), 2014, Vol. 4. P.101-110.
Conference Presentations (selected)
- The Third Congress of Russian Scholars of Religion: “Academic Research and Conceptualization of Religion in 21 century: Traditions and New Challenge”, 2016 (Vladimir).
- Contemporary Issues of Religious Studies 2015 (Moscow)
- Lomonosov-2014, 2014 (Moscow)
Е-mail: valeriya.v.sleptsova@gmail.com