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  Department of Social Philosophy: Research Report for 2012
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Department of Social Philosophy: Research Report for 2012


1. A Historical Changes of Sociality are fixed in the sector’s work. It is shown, that in contrast to term society, this term is changing historically. It fixes changes of society’s conditions and accent of one of its components, and also expansion of its conceptions. So, forming of the Westphalian system (XVII c.) contribute to interpretation of sociality as society, that has a center – the state. In XIX century sociality is interpreted as part of society, which is a social sphere, researched by sociology predominantly. In te second half of XX century there was a sociality’ crisis and even its ‘death’ (J.Baudrillard) in connection with the transition to the mass society, increased role of electronic mass-media, replacing social reality with virtual reality in many respects. However, in 1990th there was a sharp turn of post-communistic, and then the other non-west countries to modernism, and to the term sociality, that can be understood as society, where one emphasized the economy, others the politic. At the beginning of XXI century in connection with exacerbated problems of lack of energy, resources, climate changes, social complaint, the new complex of sociality’ interpretation is originated. It demands taking into account of modernity, progress, capitalism, small social groups. But today this blurred and at some case tautological characteristic of the sociality (society with multitude of its aspects) substantially complemented by techno-social sphere; networks, reorganizing society; understanding of human as a part of social-natural universe and a planet Earth as a part of the Universe. Conclusion is that these principal changes in interpretation of the sociality creates new methodological base of interpretation of the future’s contours. 


Publications: Changing Sociality: Contours of Future / Edit. by V.G.Fedotova. Moscow: IPh RAS. 2012.


2. There is analysis of modernization in a range of non-west countries – Russia, China, Singapore, Malaysia. It is shown that after doubts upon possibilities of continuing Modern the Third Modern is appeared as new New Era for non-west countries, where the process of modernization is closely correlate with culture. This previously made conclusion applied to particular countries and was confirmed on three Russian-Chinese conferences (Centre of Modernization of China Academy of Sciences (Beijing), March 2012; Institute of Entrepreneurship (Shanghai), April 2012; IPhRAS) and Centre of Modernization Studies (CAS), May 2012) in a reports of Fedotova V.G., Kanarsh G.U., Kuznetsov D.A. V.G.Fedotova examined this question, paying attention on the range of concrete factors: the presence of antecedence, owners, population’ conditions and its readiness to modernization, leadership’ will, competence of the elites. There is a conclusion, that implementation of the process of modernization in non-west countries runs not on the base of the overtaking model but by the partial westernization on the base of domestic culture. 


Publications: Changing Sociality: Contours of Future / Edit. by V.G.Fedotova. Moscow: IPh RAS. 2012. Fedotova V.G. Thomas’ Theorem of Chinese Modernization // Voprosy filosofii, 2012. N.6. P.17-23; Fedotova V.G. The End of the Catch-Up Model of Modernization // Strategy. Journal of Institute of economic strategies RAS department. 2012. N.3. P.14-23; Fedotova V.G. A Successful Lessons of Modernization: How to Turn Weakness Into The Strength? // Politicheskaya nauka. 2012. N.2. P.135-158.


3. Analysis of the influence of political culture on the processes of modernization. Examples of development in a conditions of absence of democratic politic regimes (China, Singapore, Malaysia) with following modernization, and development on the base of politic revolutions in Europe, Russia, Mexico. It is shown that success of the latter depends on presence of the owners and democratic evolution. There is conclusion, that political revolutions do not lead to the fast success until the owner is not generated, and corruption is not weeded out. In a both cases the political culture, taking into consideration the diversity of population, seeking the balance of inequalities and the effectiveness of the law, is need. 


Publications: Fedotova V.G. Civil Culture: A Concept For Societies That Enter Into the Democracy // Civil society: Ideas and Practice. Annual. Cheboksary, 2012. Vol. 5. P. 8-23; Fedotova V.G. “Which Models of Political Culture Are Needed to a Civil Society?” report on the common seminar of IPhRAS and The University of Milan “Philosophy in a Public Space” which is supervised by academic A.A.Guseinov and doctor of science in philosophy A.A.Kara-Murza (October, 30 2012).


4. Research of the influence of the regional culture’ influence on the specific of Russian modernization. It is shown, that there is impossibility of common modern project for all regions, there is need to consider that specifics.


Publications: Fedotova V.G. Economy in Modernization’ projects // Regional Problems of Reorganization of Economy: The Interdisciplinary Approach to Forming a Mechanism of Stimulation of Development. Makhachkala, 2012. P. 88-105.