Department of Social Philosophy |
Head of the Department – Alexander Vl. Pavlov, Leading Research Fellow, Doctor of Sciences in Philosophy, Candidate of Sciences in Law.
The history of the Department starts in 1966, when the Institute's already existing Department of Historical Materialism that was headed by Ts.A. Stepanyan was divided in two independent parts – the Department of Scientific Communism and the Department of Historical Materialism. The first Head of the DEpartment was V.Zh. Kelle, who was in charge until 1975. In this position he was changed by Yu.K. Pletnikov. In 1978 the Department of Social Cognition separated itself from the Department of Historical Materialism. The first was headed by doctor of philosophical sciences, professor V.V. Denisov and after him by Doctor of Sciences in Philosophy professor V.G. Fedotova. The Department of Historical Materialism, that later was renamed as the Department of Social Philosophy, was headed by DoS in Philosophy Yu.K. Pletnikov and then DoS in Philosophy, professor A.S. Panarin. After Panarin’s death the Department was united with the Center of Social Cognition Methodology, but saved its name. Until 2014 the Department’s Head was V.G. Fedotova. From 2014 to 2016 this position belonged to DoS in Philosophy V.A. Kolpakov. From the end of 2016 the sector’s Head is Doctor of Sciences in Philosophy, Candidate of Sciences in Law A.V. Pavlov.
To know more about the Department's history address the Memorial and Historical Section.
Department's News and Events
- Pavlov Alexander V. – Head of the Department, D.Sc. in Philosophy, Candidate of Sciences in Law, Leading Research Fellow.
- Kanarsh Grigory Y. – Head of the Department’s Deputy, Ph.D. in Political Science, Senior Research Fellow.
- Afanasov Nikolai Borisovich – Junior Research Fellow
- Veryaskina Valentina P. – Ph.D. in Philosophy, Docent, Senior Research Fellow
- Morozov Artem V. – Junior Research Fellow
- Oleinikov Yury V. – D.Sc. in Philosophy, Leading Research Fellow
- Petrenko Natalia Sergeevna – assistant
- Pisarev Alexander A. – Junior Research Fellow
- Podoroga Boris V. – Ph.D. in Philosophy, Junior Research Fellow
- Safronov Eduard E. – Junior Research Fellow
- Sizemskaya Irina N. – D.Sc. in Philosophy, Main Research Fellow
- Fedotova Valentina G. – D.Sc. in Philosophy, Main Research Fellow
The book of the Head of the Department's Deputy G.Yu. Kanarsh has been published:
Kanarsh G.Yu. Justice, Democracy, Capitalism: The Ways of Russian Modernization in the XXIst Century. Moscow, 2020. (In Russian).
The meeting of the regular seminar "Contemporary Social Theory" took place 11 February 2020
Topic: "Topography as an Instrument of the Empire's Expansion"
The visiting scholar: K.V. Ivanov, Doctor of Scinces in History, Candidate if Science in Mathematics and Physics
Associated Staff:
- Aliev Mukhu Gimbatovich – Doctor of Sciences in Philosophy
Ph.D. D.Sc. |
Research Subject (within State Scientific Program):
- 2020-2022: “Practical and Applied Philosophy”
- 2017-2019: “Social Trends and the Changing Images of Modernity in the XXIst Century”
- 2012-2016: “Social-Philosophical Analysis of History and Theory of Modernization”
- 2008-2012: “The Changing Sociality"
The materials of the Department’s scientific reports within the State Scientific Program are available in the Section of “Scientific Results”.
Main Research Areas:
- Social-Philosophical Analysis of the Revolution Phenomenon
- Social-Philosophical Analysis of Mass Culture
- History and Theories of modernization
- Historical Dynamics of Capitalism and Alternative Concepts of Social Development (Marxism, Neomarxism, Postmarxism etc.)
- Development Megatrends and Future Forecasting
- Human Factor in the Context of Modernization
- Conflicts, Riscs, Challenges and Security
- Methodology of Social-Humanitarian Sciences
- Russian Philosophy of history
Latest Books:
- Kanarsh G.Yu. Justice, Democracy, Capitalism: The Ways of Russian Modernization in the XXIst Century. Moscow, 2020. (In Russian).
- Pavlov A.V. Postpostmodernism: How Social and Cultural Theories Explain Our Time. Moscow, 2019. (In Russian).
- Pavlov A.V. The Prestigious Pleasure: Social-Philosophical Interpretations of “Series Boom”. Moscow, 2019. (In Russian).
- Zygmont A.I. Holy Negativeness. Violence and Sacred in Georges Bataille’s Philosophy. Moscow, 2018. (In Russian).
- Oleynikov Yu.V. The Concept of New World Viewing Paradigm and the Megatrends of Socio-Natural Universum’s Evolution. Tver, 2018. (In Russian).
- Pavlov A.V. Inglorious Bastards, Reservoir Dogs. Moscow, 2018. (In Russian).
- Pavlov A.V. Tell Your Children: One Hundres and Eleven Essays on Cult Cinema. Moscow, 2016. (In Russian).
The full list of the books as well as the book translations that were published by the Department’s staff can be found on the “Books” Section. The whole lists of the staff’s publications can be overviewed on personal pages.
Department's Regular Seminars:
- “Contemporary Social Theory”, headed by A.V. Pavlov
- “Social Philosophy and Civil’s Society Development in Russia”, headed by V.G. Fedotova
Dissertation Council D002.015.02
On the Department’s base works Dissertation Council D002.015.02, in which can be obtained the degrees of the Candidate of Sciences and Doctor of Sciences in the speciality 09.00.11 – “Social Philosophy”. Since 2013 the Dissertation Council’s Head is Doctor of Sciences in Philosophy V.G. Fedotova.
Address: 12/1 Goncharnaya Str., Moscow, 109240, Russian Federation
Room 413
Tel.number: 8 (495) 697-98-93