Man in the Digital Age // Proxima. Problems of visual semiotics. No. 4 (34). Pp. 102-122. DOI: 10.23951/2312-7899-2022-4-102-122 (co-authors: A.A. Dydrov et al.).**
Epistemological realism as a necessary condition for dialogue // Studia Humanitatis Borealis. 2022. No. 4 (25). Pp. 3-13.
Transformations of cultural identity in the digital age // Vopr. filosofii. 2022. No. 12. pp. 84-94. DOI: 10.21146/0042-8744-2022-12-84-94 (co-author: Khan Sh.Dj).**
Man in captivity of a digital cocoon: socio-cultural identity in the era of digitalization (Ref. on: Lisenkova A.A. Transformation of socio-cultural identity in the digital space: monograph / A.A. Lisenkova. Perm: PGIIK, 2021. 286 p.) // Philosophical problems of information technologies and cyberspace. 2022. No. 2. Pp. 69-78. DOI: 10.17726/philip.2022.2.5.
Philosophers at the turn of the XXIth century: about the "philosophical generation" of the zero // Philosophical generations / Comp. and ed. by Yu.V. Sineokaya. M.: Ed. YASK House, 2022. pp. 925-935.
Man in the Digital World: "distributed" and whole // Bulletin of the Perm University. Series: "Philosophy. Psychology. Sociology". 2021. No. 3. Pp. 370-375. DOI: 10.17072/2078-78982021-3-370-375.
Man and his memory in a digitalizing world // Bulletin of the Chelyabinsk State University. Series: "Philosophical sciences". 2021. No. 8 (454). Issue 61. Pp. 30-38. DOI: 10.47475/1994-2796-2021-10804.
Escapism: between nature and culture // Bulletin of the Northern (Arctic) Federal University. Series: "Humanities and Social Sciences". 2021. No. 1. Pp. 125-134. DOI: 10.37482/2287-1505-V081.
Constructivism in epistemology and the sciences of man // Replicas: philosophical conversations / Author of the idea, comp. and ed. by Yu.V. Sineokaya. M.: Publishing house of YASK, 2021. Pp. 339-364 (co-authored with V.A. Lectorsky).
Paradoxes of identity // Replicas: philosophical conversations / Author of the idea, comp. and ed. by Yu.V. Sineokaya. M.: Publishing house of YASK, 2021. Pp. 449-472 (in co-authorship with P.S. Gurevich).
Is the "new ethics" ethical? // The Human world: normative dimension – 7.0. The problem of substantiating norms in various perspectives: from realism to constructivism and transcendentalism / Ed. by I. D. Nevvazhay. Saratov, 2021. Pp. 406-416.
Modern education: Digital subject vs physical subject // Digital humanities and technologies in education (DHTE 2021): collection of articles of the II All-Russian Scientific and Practical Conference with international participation. November 11-12, 2021 / Edited by V.V. Rubtsov et al. M.: Publishing House of the Moscow State Pedagogical University, 2021. Pp. 315-325 (co-authored with O.R.Yanovskaya).
Digital escape or escape from digitalization? // Mortal and Eternal: the Mythology of Digital Civilization. Proceedings of the All-Russian Scientific Conference. October 27-28, 2020 / NovSU im. Yaroslav the Wise. Velikiy Novgorod, 2021. Pp. 100-107.
Science as a possibility of meta-discourse. Aleshinskie readings-2020: The Orders of Discourse in Philosophy and Culture. Proceedings of the Scientific Conference. M.: Russian State University for the Humanities, 2020. Pp. 36-41.
The role of the humanities in the modern communicative space of science // Science as a public good: collection of scientific articles. Ed. and comp. I. T. Kasavin, L. V. Shipovalova. In 7 vol., vol. 5. Moscow: Publishing House "Russian Society for the History and Philosophy of Science", 2020. Pp. 81-83. (co-author. Yakovleva A. F.).
Philosophy of technology in Russia: origins, history, current picture //Mechane. 2020. № 1. P. 191–208.
Personal identity in the digital age: the loss of privacy, the boundaries of responsibility // Studie Culturae. 2020. No. 3 (45). Pp. 59-68.*
Man in the world of the ideal (thinking on new publications about the life and work of E.V. Ilyenkov) // Problems of philosophy. 2019. No. 2. Pp. 220-222.
Studies of consciousness at the Institute of Philosophy of the Russian Academy of Sciences (historical and philosophical review) // Social and humanitarian sciences in the far East. 2019. T. XVI. Vol. 3. Pp. 121-130.
Informational oversaturation: key problems // Philosophical problems of informational technologies and cyberspace. 2019. Vol. 16. No. 1. Pp. 4-21.
On hegemony, recognition of differences, and social construction of knowledge // Epistemology & Philosophy of Science. 2018. Vol. 55. No. 3. Pp. 76-90.
Elusive reality and social constructions // Philosophy of science and technology. 2017. Vol. 22. No. 1. Pp. 61-77.
Social Constructionist Approach to Consciousness in the Context of Classical and Present Philosophy (Sotsial'no-konstruktsionistskii podkhod k soznaniyu v kontekste klassicheskoi i sovremennoi filosofii) // Filosofia i kultura. No 6 (102). 2016. Pp.785-796. (in Russian)
Social Roles of the Scientist from “Escapist” to “Manager” (Social'nye roli uchenogo ot "jeskapista" do "menedzhera" ”) (in Russian)// Voprosy Filosofii. № 3. 2015. Pp.75-82. (co-authored with A.F.Yakovleva)
On the Advantages and Disadvantages of Social Constructionism (O preimushhestvah i nedostatkah social'nogo konstrukcionizma) (in Russian) // Jepistemologija i filosofija nauki. 2015. № 1. Pp.32-36.
Political vs Epistemological: Relativism in Social Constructionism and Feminist Philosophy (Politicheskoe vs jepistemologicheskoe: reljativizm v social'nom konstrukcionizme i feministskoj filosofii) (in Russian) // Reljativizm kak bolezn' sovremennoj filosofii. Moscow, 2015. Pp.228-264.
Split Consciousness as an Interdisciplinary Problem (Rasshheplennoe soznanie kak mezhdisciplinarnaja problema) (in Russian) // Filosofija nauki. Issue 19. Jepistemologija v mezhdisciplinarnyh issledovanijah. Moscow, 2014. Pp.183-199.
A Talk at the Round Table “Can We Measure the Scientific Creativity?” (Vystuplenie na kruglom stole «Mozhno li izmerjat' nauchnoe tvorchestvo?») (in Russian) // Voprosy filosofii. 2014. № 4. Pp.50-74.
Personal Identity in the Interdisciplinary Perspective (Lichnostnaja identichnost' v mezhdisciplinarnoj perspective) (in Russian) // Problema soznanija v mezhdisciplinarnoj perspektive. Moscow, 2014. Pp.174-182.
Escapism and Escapist Consciousness: Towards the Definition (Eskapism i eskapistskoe soznanie: k opredeleniju ponjatij (in Russian)// Filosofia i kultura. № 3. 2012. Pp.96-107.
Social Constructionism in the Theory of Knowledge: sources, problematics, contemporary potential (Sozialnyj konstrukzionizm v teorii poznanija: istoki, problematika, sovremennyj potenzial (in Russian) // Epistemologija: perspectivy razvitija. Moscow, 2012. Pp.389-400.
Role of Communication in the Construction of Personal Identity (Rol’ kommunikazii v postrojenii lichnostnoj identichnosti (in Russian). Filosofia Nauki. Iss.17. Epistemologicheskij analys kommunikazii. M., 2012. Pp.128-142.
Personal Identity as an Invariant of Individual Self-Knowledge (Lichnostnaja identichnost’ kak invariant znania individa o sebe) // Znanie kak predmet epistemologii. Moscow, 2011. Pp.169-188.
Social construction of the Subject Throught the Prism of Media and Network Technologies (Sozialnoe konstruirovanie subjekta cherez prizmu medijnyh i setevykh technologij (in Russian)) // Nauka I sozialnye technologii. Moscow, 2011. Pp.33-53.
Human in the Labyrinth of the Identities (Chelovek v labirinte identichnostej (in Russian)) // Voprosy filosofii. №2. 2010. Pp.13-22.
Self-Narrative and Its Author (Ya-narrativ I ego avtor // Filosofia nauki. Iss. 15. Moscow, 2010. Pp.183-193.
Social Constructionism: Sources and Perspectives (Sozialnyj konstrukzionism: istoki I perspektivy (in Russian))/ Na puti k neklassicheskoj epistemologii. Moscow, 2009. Pp.150-168.
The Self as Construction (Ya kak konstrukzija (in Russian) // Konstruktivism v epistemologii I naukah o cheloveke. Moscow, 2009. Pp. 288-307.
Constructivist Approach to the Self (Konstruktivistskij podhod k Ya (in Russian)// Filosofskije nauki. № 3. 2008. Pp.57-70.
Identity and the Self (Identichnost I Ya (in Russian))// Voprosy filosofii. № 6. 2008. Pp.95-105.