Department of the Theory of Knowledge
(in Russian language)
Collective works
Philosophical thought in Russia in the second half of the 20th century. A contemporary view from Russia and abroad. Ed. By Vladislav A. Lektorsky, Marina F. Bykova. London, N.Y.: Bloomsbury Academic, 2019. 427 p.
ISBN 978-1-3500-4058-8
Focusing on philosophical ideas produced during the late 1950s – early 1990s the book reconstructs the development of genuine philosophical thought in the Soviet period and introduces those non-dogmatic Russian thinkers who saw in philosophy a means of reforming social and intellectual life.
Cognition and consciousness in the interdisciplinary perspecitve. Part 1. Moscow: IphRAS, 2013.
The book discusses contemporary problems of theory of knowledge and philosophy of consciousness as seen in the interdisciplinary perspective. The main problems discussed in this book are: productivity of the interdisciplinary approach, problem of translation between the scientific languages of different disciplines, problem of subjective reality from the informational approach point of view, critical analysis of the naturalized approach to the understanding of consciousness in the contemporary analytical philosophy etc. Special subjects of research concern problem of scientific foresight and problems of utopia and escapism as special forms of consciousness.
Relativism, Pluralism, Scepticism: Epistemological Analysis. Ed. by V.A.Lektorsky. Moscow, 2012.
The contemporary discussion of relativism in epistemology is the central subject of this book. The authors represent different viewpoints, they show the difference between relativism, relationism, pluralism, scepticism. They analyse relativistic ideas in different spheres of philosophic and scientific knowledge. Aside from fundamental problems of conceptualization of relativism and its types, some more specific problems are discussed, such as: value of truth in scepticism and relativism, sociologism in epistemology, relativism in social constructionism, relativism and universalism in works of J.Derrida etc.
The Human in the World of Knowledge. For the 80th Jubilee of V.A.Lektorsky’s. N.S.Avtonomova, B.I.Pruzhinin. M., 2012.
This book is dedicated to the 80th Jubilee of the principal contemporary Russian philosopher, specialist in epistemology, full member of the Russian Academy of Sciences V.A.Lektorsky. The authors are international philosophers and scientists, discussing the most acute problems of contemporary theory of knowledge – the problem of the nature of knowledge, relations between different types of knowledge, the status of knowledge in contemporary culture, the possibilities of its research in philosophy and special disciplines, perspectives of sciences and human in the upcoming “knowledge society”.
Epistemology: Perspectives for Development. Ed. by V.A.Lektorsky. Moscow, 2012.
Authors of this volume have an ambitious goal – to research the contemporary transformations in the ways of discussing fundamental epistemological problems and to describe the problem field of contemporary epistemology. They research transformation that are currently occuring in epistemology, analyse such parts of modern epistemology as social, evolution, formal epistemology, research new type of relations between epistemology and cognitive sciences, epistemology and philosophy of mind, epistemological relativism and social constructionism, as well as of the relation between contemporary epistemology and “knowledge society”.
Rationality and its Limits
This volume contains papers by the participants of the international scientific conferenve "Rationality and its Limits" that took place during the meeting of the International Institude of Philosophy in September 2011 in Moscow. The main topics discussed in the papers are the various types and aspects of rationality, the connection between rationality and morality, the possibility of rationality outside of science, rationality as a cultural value and the limits and boundaries of the concept of rationality.
These texts are directed to readersv who are interested in current trends in epistemology and philosophy of science, and especially in the fate of European scientific rationality.
- Knowledge as a Subject of Epistemology. Ed. V.A.Lektorsky. Moscow, IF RAN, 2011.
- Epistemology: New Horizons. Ed. V.A.Lekstorsky. Moscow, Kanon+, 2011.
- Epistemology Yesterday and Tomorrow. Ed. V.A.Lektorsky. Moscow, IF RAN, 2010.
- Philosophy of Science. Issue 15. Epistemology: Topical Problems. Ed. V.A.Lektorsky. Moscow, IF RAN, 2010.
- Problem of Conscioussness in Philosophy and Science. Ed. D.I.Dubrovsky. Moscow, Kanon+, 2009.
- Constructivist Approach in Epistemology and Human Sciences. Ed. V.A.Lektorsky. Moscow, 2009.
- Towards Non-Classical Epistemology (in memory of V.S.Shvyrev). Ed.V.A.Lektorsky. Moscow, IF RAN, 2009.
- Constructivism in the Theory of Knowledge. Ed. V.A.Lektorsky. Moscow, IF RAN, 2008. (PDF)
- Cognitive Approach: Philosophy, Cognitive Science, Cognitive Disciplines. Ed. V.A.Lektorsky. Moscow, Kanon+, 2008.
- Cognition, Comprehension, Construction. Ed. V.A.Lektorsky. Moscow, IF RAN, 2008. (PDF)
- Science through the Eyes of Humanist. Ed. V.A. Lektorsky. Moscow, 2005.
- Bonifatiy Mikhailovich Kedrov. Essays, Memoirs, Materials. Ed. V.A. Lektorsky. Moscow, 2005.
- Human. Science. Civilization. 70th Anniversary of Academy Member V.S.Stepin. Ed. I.T.Kassavin. Moscow, 2004.
- Knowledge in the Social Structures. Eds.V.A.Lektorsky, V.E.Kemerov. Ekaterinburg, 2003.
- Subject, Congition, Activity. 70th Anniversary of V.A.Lektorsky. Ed. I.T.Kassavin. Moscow, 2002.
- Social Philosopy and Modern Social Sciences. Eds. V.A.Lektorsky, V.E.Kemerov. Ekaterinburg, 2002.
- Rationality at the Crossroads. V.1. Ed.V.A.Lektorsky. Moscow, 2000.
- Alternative Worlds of Knowledge. Eds. V.N.Porus, E.L.Chertkova. Saint-Petersburg, 2000.
- Reason and Existence. Ed.I.T.Kassavin, V.N.Porus. Saint-Petersburg, 1999.
- E.V.Ilyenkov. Personality and Works. Ed. V.A.Lektorsky. Moscow, 1998.
- Science in Culture. Ed. V.N.Porus. Moscow, 1998.
- Self-consciousness: mine and ours. Towards Stating the Problem. Ed. F.T.Mikhailov. Moscow, 1997.
- Ideal, Utopia and Critical Reflection. Ed.V.A.Lektorsky. Moscow, 1996.
- Historical Types of Rationality.V.1. Ed.V.A.Lektorsky. Moscow, 1995.
- Scientific and Extra-Scientific Forms of Thinking. Eds. I.T.Kassavin, V.N.Porus. Moscow, 1996.
Principle individual monographs
Pavlov S.A.
Unified metatheory of logical semantics: ontological justification and construction of logic. Moscow: Canon+ROOI "Rehabilitation", 2019. 176 p. ISBN 978-5-88373-576-8 (edition of 1000 copies.)
In the current book there is considered a united meta-theory of logical semantics, which includes the basic and compatible provisions of the semantics of logics of Boole and Frege, the meta-theory of semantics of logic with multivalued interpretation and meta-science of the Tarski's semantic theory of truth. The domain of defining logical operators extends to the universe of symbolic expressions of the language, which increases the expressive capabilities of the logic language in relation to formal philosophy. Semantics of a number of logics are constructed, including von Wrigt's truth logics and Belnap's logics for computer reasoning. Starting from three dimensions of the semiosis of Ch. Morris, taking into account the four components of the semiosis process, the semiosis tetrahedron is constructed.
Trufanova E.O.
Subject and cognition in the world of social constructions / E. O. Trufanova. - Moscow: Canon+ ROOI "Rehabilitation", 2018. - 320 p. ISBN 978-5-88373-512-6
The book presents a critical analysis of social constructionism - the trend that is widely used in modern socio-humanitarian research abroad, but is relatively rarely mentioned in the Russian scientific literature. The history and main provisions of this direction are briefly considered. The main attention is paid to the analysis of the subject and scientific knowledge through the prism of criticism of the socio-constructionist approach. Such problems as social construction, Self, personal identity, narrative, discourse, "situational knowledge", scientific objectivity, etc. are studied. The author gives a critique of relativism and antirealism and substantiates the perspective of the position of realism not only for epistemology and philosophy of science, but also for solving problems of mutual understanding between people and communities. The book is addressed to specialists in the field of philosophy, psychology and other sciences of man and society, as well as to anyone interested in the problems of modern scientific and philosophical discussions about knowledge and its subject.
V.A.Lektorsky. Philosophy, Cognition, Culture. Moscow, 2012.
In his new book V.A.Lektorsky discusses the variety of problems touching the main subject: transformation of knowledge, subject, subjectivity and culture in contemporary world: the world of “knowledge society”, increasing risks, new technologies, projects of human body brain and mind modifications. The author is showing that traditional philosophical problems – rationality, relations between faith and knowledge, realism and constructivism, human nature – appear different now, asking for new interpretations, for revision of the traditional concepts. V.A.Lektorsky attempts to rethink the role of philosophy in this new world.
Ivanov D. The Nature of Phenomenal Consciousness. Moscow: Librokom, 2013.
The book deals with the classical problem of philosophy of mind – the mind-body problem. It aims to clarify one of the aspects of this problem – the problem of consciousness, or the problem of explanation of phenomenal aspects of conscious experience.
- G.D.Levin. Truth and Rationality. Moscow, Kanon+, 2011.
- E.O.Trufanova. Unity and Multiplicity of the Self. Moscow, Kanon+, 2011.
- D.I.Dubrovsky. A Fraud. Philosophical and Psychological Analysis. Moscow, Kanon+, 2010.
- G.D.Levin. Treatise on Freedom. Moscow, 2009.Левин Г.Д. Трактат о свободе. Мoscow, Kanon+, 2009.
- N.T.Abramova, A.A.Voronin, F.T.Mikhailov. Self-Consciousness and Culture. Moscow, 2009.
- N.S.Avtonomova. Open Structure: Jacobson – Bakhtin – Lotman – Gasparov. Moscow, 2009.
- N.S.Avtonomova. Cognition and Translation. Essays on Philosophy of Language. Moscow, 2008.
- G.D.Levin. Categories of Philosophy in Modern Discourse. Moscow, 2007.
- M.A.Rozov. Social Relay Races Theory and Epistemology Problems. Smolensk, 2006.
- F.M.Morozov. Schemes as a Mean of Activity Description. Epistemological Analysis. Moscow, 2005. (PDF)
- G.D.Levin. Problem of Universalia. Modern Approach. Moscow, 2005.
- A.A.Voronin. Myth of Technics. Moscow, 2004.
- F.T.Mikhailov. Self-Definition of Culture. Moscow, 2003.
- V.S.Shvyrev. Rationality as a Cultural Value. Tradition and Present Time. Moscow, 2003.
- N.T.Abramova. Non-verbal Thinking. Moscow, 2002. (PDF)
- N.S.Mudragey. Essays on History of West European Irrationalism. Moscow, 2002. V.N.Porus. Rationality. Science. Culture. Moscow, 2002.
- V.A.Lektorsky. Classical and Non-Classical Epistemology. Moscow, 2001.
- E.P.Nikitin, N.E.Kharlamenkova. Philosophy of Human Self-Assertion. Saint-Petersburg, 2000.
- I.T.Kassavin. Tradition and Interpretation. Fragments of Historical Epistemology. Saint-Petersburg, 2002.
- I.T.Kassavin. Migration, Creativity, Text. Moscow, 1999.
- V.N.Porus. Paradoxical Rationality. Moscow, 1999.
- Farman I.P. Social and cultural projects of Jurgen Habermas. Moscow, 1999.(PDF)
- F.T.Mikhailov. Social Consciousness and Self-Consciousness of the Individual. Moscow, 1990.
Publications in foreign languages
- I.T.Kassavin. Soziale Erkenntnistheorie. Migrationsmetaphern. Wissenstypen. Textepochen. Nichtklassische Ansätze. Georg Olms Verlag, Hildesheim, 2003.
- V.A. Lektorsky Subject, Object, Cognition. Moscow, Progress, 1980. English Translation, 1984.