Institute of Philosophy
of the Russian Academy of Sciences

  Nina T. Abramova
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Nina T. Abramova

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Born on December 25th, 1932, Lenino, Moscow region.                                                                 

            ORCID iD           

Researcher ID: V-6191-2018  

       Scopus Author ID: 57195809304    

 Science Index Profile 




Lomonosov Moscow State University, Philosophy Department, graduated in 1956



Ph.D. in Philosophy, 1963, thesis subject: "Dialectics of the whole and of the part in the structure of matter", IPh RAS

Dc.Sc. in Philosophy, 1975, thesis subject: "Integrity and Control", IPh RAS

Main Research Interests

philosophy and methodology of science


Professional Appointments

Leading Research Fellow of the IPh RAS


Research Projects

  • Philosophical Questions of the Technical Knowledge (collective): 1981-1984;
  • Unity of Scientific Knowledge (collective of the authors from the USSR, the GDR and  Cuba)

In total, over 120 works have been published



Self-consciousness and culture. Moscow, 2009. 210 p. (co-authored with A. A. Voronin and F. T. Mikhailov)

Non-verbal thinking. M., 2002. 235 p. 

Unity of scientific knowledge and cybernetics, 1985. 180 p. 

Synthesis of knowledge and the problem of management. M., 1978. 199 p. (co-authored with V. I. Kremyansky and A.D. Ursul)

Integrity and Management. Moscow, 1974. 248 p.


Selected articles:

The Idea of one's own Virtue in Aristotle's Eudemian Ethics // Moral and humanistic ideas of P.A. Kropotkin and prospects for improving law in the face of new challenges: monograph / ed. V.M. Artemov. M.: Prospect, 2021. Pp. 82-95.

Human nature: reflexive and non-reflexive entities // Philosophy of Biology in a new dialogue with nature. To the 90-th anniversary of the birth of R. S. Karpinskaya, International. conf. (January 30, 2018) / Ed. by Yu. V. Khen. M.: IPh RAS, 2018. Pp. 118-128.

A new reading of Aristotle's "Eudemian Ethics" // Bulletin of the Russian philosophical society. 2017. No. 3 (83). Pp. 55-57.

How is the invincibility of a belief possible // Problems of philosophy. 2016. № 1.

Chronicles of Nina Melyukhina's school life during the Great Patriotic War // Philosophy of War and Peace (to the 70-th anniversary of the Great Victory). Materials of the All-Russian scientific and practical conference "Philosophy of War and Peace: to the 70-th anniversary of the Great Victory". April 28-29, 2015. Moscow, Institute of Philosophy of the Russian Academy of Sciences. Moscow, 2016.

Logical and methodological analysis of the phenomenon of "relativism". The origins and ways of extensive development // Relativism as a disease of modern philosophy. M., 2015. Pp. 356-389.

Ontology as a central problem in the works of S. T. Melyukhin // Problems of philosophy. 2015. № 4. 

Direct knowledge (man as a non-mental being) // Cognition and consciousness in an interdisciplinary perspective. Part 1. Moscow: IPh RAS, 2013. Pp. 150-167.

Direct knowledge in the history of philosophical thought // Cognition and consciousness in an interdisciplinary perspective. Part 2. Moscow, IPh RAS, 2014.

Assimilation: from the history of the concept of similarity to the clarification of semantic boundaries // Epistemology: prospects for development. Moscow, 2012. Pp. 472-511.

Is a person always free? Arbitrary and involuntary identification // Freedom and creativity (interdisciplinary research). Moscow, 2011. Pp. 53-74.

Practical knowledge and experience of identification // Knowledge as a subject of epistemology. Moscow, 2011. Pp. 151-168.

Serafim Timofeyevich Melyukhin. Pages of life // Serafim Timofeyevich Melyukhin. Selected works: Heritage and modernity. In 3 vol. / Vol. 1. Lectures. Memoirs. M., 2010.

Unity of knowledge as a problem: a variety of lines of unity reconstruction // Serafim Timofeyevich Melyukhin. Selected works: Heritage and modernity. In 3 vol. Volume 3. Philosophical Ontology today. Scientific articles. Moscow, 2010.



Main Scientific Results

In the recent years N.T. Abramova is researching the problems of consciousness and self-consciousness and of non-verbal forms of thinking. She is proposing the idea of mozaic structure of the consciousness, of the fragmentation of its inner structure, and she specializes a few modes of consciousness. New subject of N.T.Abramova’s recearch is models of generelization and types of experience.

