Born on June 26th, 1945 in Ryazan'
Researcher ID: C-4463-2017
Scopus Author ID: 56803776100
Science Index Profile
Lomonosov Moscow State University, Philology Department (graduated in 1969), post-graduate studies (finished in 1972)
1973 - Ph.D. in Philosophy, thesis subject: "Philosophical problems of the sctructural analysis in humanities (critircal analysis of french structuralism theories)", IPh RAS;
(contains special analysis of Levi-Strauss, Lacan, Althusser, Foucault, Bart, Derrida conceptions)
1988 - D. Sc. in Philosophy. Thesis subject: "Rationality as theoretical and cognition problem", IPh RAS
Main Research Interests
theory of knowledge (epistemology), philosophy and methodology of social sciences and humanities
Professional Appointments
Teaching Experience
- Lection courses “Philosophy and Philology”, “Philosophy of Postmodernism” (RSUH, PFUR, Moscow);
- Seminars at the Collège international de philosophie (2001-2004);
- Teaching courses at the universities Paris-VII (Humanitarian Clinical Sciences), Paris VIII (Philosophy), Paris-10 (Nanterre) (Philosophy); Lausanne (Slavistics, Epistemology), Besançon (Psychology, Epistemology), Orleans (Linguistics, Epistemology), Paris-III „New Sorbonne“ (Linguistics, Epistemology).
Research Projects |
“Strategies of Humanitarian Cognition: Bakhtin and Lotman” (Grant RFH 05-03-03362а 2005-2007).
Publications |
Over 300 publications, among them:
Cognition and translation. Experiments in the philosophy of language. M.; SPb.: Center for the humanitarian initiatives, 2016. (series “Humanitas”). 736 Pp.
Open structure: Jacobson – Bakhtin – Lotman – Gasparov. M.; SPb.: Center for the humanitarian initiatives, 2014.
The Philosophical Language of Jacques Derrida. Moscow: ROSSPEN, 2011.
Open Structure: Jakobson – Bakhtin – Lotman – Gasparov. Moscow: ROSSPEN, 2009.
Cognition and Translation. Experiences in the Philosophy of Language. Moscow, ROSSPEN, 2008.
Reason. Mind. Rationality. Moscow, Nauka, 1988.
Philosophical Problems of Structural Analysis in Humanities (A Critical Analysis of French Structuralist Concepts). Moscow, Nauka, 1977.
Selected Articles:
The categorical imperative of Elena Shumilova // Connecting link. Collection in memory of Elena Petrovna Shumilova. M.: RSUH, IVGI named after E.M. Meletinsky, 2022. Pp. 112-124.
Notes on Translation and Untranslatability in Philosophy and Culture (Russia and Europe) // Journal of Comparative Literature and Aesthetics. 2022. Vol. 45. No. 1. Spring Special Issue. Untranslatability: A Problem, or a Practice? Dedicated to Prof. Gayatri Chakravorty Spivak on her 80th Birth Anniversary. Vishvanatha Kaviraja Institute, India. P. 201–211.
Existential aspects of the philosophy of cognition in the works of Lyudmila Aleksandrovna Mikeshina // Values and meanings. 2021. No. 1 (71). Pp. 24-32. DOI: 10.24412/2071-6427-2021-1-24-32.
- Juri Lotman and the Moscow-Tartu School of Semiotics: Contemporary Epistemic and Social Contexts // The Palgrave Handbook of Russian Thought / Eds.: M.F. Bykova, M.N. Forster, L. Steiner. Cham: Palgrave Macmillan, 2021. P. 737-753.
- Interdisciplinary perspective in understanding the possibilities of translation // Man and his time: problems of interdisciplinarity of social and humanitarian sciences / Ed. by M.S. Kiseleva. M.: Cultural Revolution. 2021. Pp. 160-181.
Between "liberty" and "exactness": on the experiments of M.L. Gasparov in the field of translation and translation studies // Humanitarian Studies in Eastern Siberia and the Far East. 2020. No. 2 (52). Pp. 92-98. DOI: 10.24866/1997-2857/2020-2/92-98.
Deconstruction and translation: on the reception of Derrida in Russia / / Revue ITER. 2020. No. 2. - Traduire Derrida aujourd'hui. URL: https://lire-travailler-derrida.org/revue/natalia-s-avtonomova-deconstruction-et-traduction-sur-la-reception-de-derrida-en-russie.
Philosophy, Translation, «Untranslatabilitу»: cultural and conceptual aspects // Philosophy’s Treason: Studies in Philosophy and Translation / Ed. by E.M.Spitzer. Vernon Press, Series in Language and Linguistics, 2020. P. 87–110.
Experiments in translating the "untranslatable". "Words and Things" by Michel Foucault in the Soviet and post-Soviet cultural context // Des réalités intraduisibles? La traduction au prisme des sciences sociales de l’Antiquité à nos jours / Sous la direction deVincent Bénet. Untranslatable reality? Translation through the prism of social sciences from antiquity to the present day. Editions nouveaux angles; Centre for Franco-Russian Studies-CEFR: Centre d'études franco-russe de Moscou, Moscou, 2019. Pp. 16-30.
Between “Voice” and “Code”: Encounters and Clashes in the Communication Space // Philosophical Thought in Russia in the second half of the 20th Century. A Contemporary View from Russia and Abroad / Ed. by Vladislav A. Lektorsky & Marina F. Bykova. N.Y., London: Bloomsbury Academic, 2019. P. 261‒275.
Translation in the context of culture: the fate of "Words and things" by Michel Foucault // Steps. 2019. Vol. 5. No. 3. Pp. 10-37. DOI: 10.22394/2412-9410-2019-5-3-10-37.
Gustav Shpet's translation problem: history, criticism, practice // Problems of philosophy. 2019. No. 4. Pp. 69-77. DOI: 10.31857/S004287440004795-9.
Soviet miracle: about the translation of "Words and things". Interview with a foreword by Elena Smirnova // Logos. 2019. Vol. 29. No 2. C. 151-176. DOI: 10.22394/0869-5377-2019-2-151-176.
Portrait essay // Self-will of philosophy: collection of philosophical essays / Comp. and edited by O. P. Barb. Moscow: Editorial YASK house, 2019. P. 237.
"Romanticist (s) in science" and the problem of translation and untranslatability // History of linguistics, history of ideas: Festschrift in honor of Patrick Serio = Histoires des linguistiques, histoires des idées: Mélanges offers à Patrick Sériot / edited by S. Moret and A. de La Fortel. M: OGI, 2019. Pp. 11-27.
Gasparov and the translation: from Aristotle to Derrida // Self-will of philosophy: collection of philosophical essays / Comp. and edited by O. P. Barb. Moscow: Editorial YASK house, 2019. Pp. 238-253.
On some philosophical meanings of the philologist's work // Roman Jakobson, linguistica e poetika. A cura di Edoardo Esposito, Stefania Sini, Marina Castagneto. Milano: Ledizioni, 2018. P. 151-162 (not included in the 2018 report).
Comparative epistemology of Patrick Serio as "perspective" // Book about the book: rereading "Structure and integrity" / Epistemologica et historiographica linguistic Lausannensia. Moscow: Indrik, 2019. No. 1. C. 21-27.
"Conversation from two corners": to the history of the failed book project of M.L. Gasparov // Vestnik RSUH. Series «History. Philology. Culturology. Orientalism». 2018. No. 3(36). Pp. 162-190. DOI: 10.28995/2073-6355-2018-3-162-190.
Discussions "in the margins": based on the materials of the archive of sectoral discussions // Problems of philosophy. 2018. No. 10. Pp. 20-30. DOI: 10/31857/S004287440001150-0.
Yvon Bres: philosopher, psychologist, teacher (for the 90-th anniversary of his birth) // Philosophical sciences. 2017. No. 9. Pp. 7-21.
Roman Yakobson's "Russian science": idea and context // Roman Osipovich Yakobson / Ed.: N. S. Autonomova, H. Baran, T.G. Shchedrin. Moscow, 2017. Pp. 167-184.
Travels between philosophy and philology // Philology: scientific research. No. 1 (21) 2016. Pp. 58-69.
From language experiments to the analysis of aporic situations (on the so-called "postmodern relativism" in the concept of Jacques Derrida) // Relativism as a disease of modern philosophy. Moscow, 2015. Pp. 265-298.
French rulers of souls in the Soviet-Russian context (experience of the reader and translator) // Philosophical sciences. 2015. No. 9. Pp. 7-24.
The Problem of the Philosophical Language in Gustav Shpet’s Works // Kronos. Philosophical Journal. 2015. Vol. IV. P. 91-101. (Polish Philosophical Quarterly).
Between "voice" and "code": meetings and collisions in communication space // Problems and discussions in the philosophy of Russia in the second half of the XX-th century: contemporary view / Ed. by V.A. Lektorsky. Moscow, 2014. Pp. 313-331.
Perspectives of rationality: a new round of problematization // Cultural and historical epistemology: problems and prospects: to the 70-th anniversary of B.I. Pruzhinin. Moscow, 2014. Pp. 209-223.
Lotman and Jacobson: romanticism, scientism and the ethos of science // Humanitarian studies in Eastern Siberia and the far East. 2014. No. 3 (29). Pp. 13-22.
Roman Jakobson's Life in Language and the epistemological potential of his idea of structure // XXIII World Congress of Philosophy. Philosophy as Inquiry and Way of Life. Abstracts. Athens 04 – 10 August 2013. Greek Philosophical Society & FISP, 2013. P. 43.
Le problème de la traduction et l’intraduisible dans la conception sémiotique de Lotman // Glissemens, décentrements, déplacement. Pour un dialogue sémiotique franco-russe / Sous la dir. de M.Costantini. Paris, 2013. P. 49–57. (https://www.bibliotheque-numerique-paris8.fr/fre/cms/Fonds/Colloques_de_Paris_8.html; https://www.bibliotheque-numerique-paris8.fr/fre/ref/164239/COLN3/ )
Sur le contexte de la philosophie contemporaine en Russie // Revue philosophique de la France et de l’étranger. Paris: PUF, № 2, avril-juin 2013. Philosopher en Russie aujourd’hui. P. 165–170. (resumé: https://www.cairn.info/resume.php?ID_ARTICLE=RPHI_132_0165).
Roman Jakobson's Life in Language and the epistemological potential of his idea of structure // Philosophy as Iquiry and Way of Life. Moscow, IphRAS, 2013. 0,25 а.л.
Überzetzen als universelle Praxis and als philosophisches Problem // Russische Übersetzungswissenschaft an der Schwelle zum 21. Jahrhundert / Birgit Menzel/Irina Alekseeva (Hg.) unter Mitarbeit von Irina Pohlan. Berlin: Frank und Timme, Verlag für wissenschaftliche Literatur, 2013. S.103–112.
Les 20 ans du Collège // Intersections. 1983-2013: Trente ans, et au-delà (livre interactif). 30e anniversaire du Collège International de Philosophie. P. 125–126. (https://30ansciph.org; Intersections_pdf; https://s339402801.onlinehoe.fr/30ans2013.htlm).
A talk at the «Knowledge in Modern Culture» round table // Questions of Philosophy, 2012, № 9. (In Russian)
On the problem of ghosts: Marx, Derrida, and others // Annual Journal of Politics and Philosophy. Issue 4. Institute of Philosophy at the Russian Sciences Academy, 2011. (In Russian)
Epistemology through the prism of language: dialogue, understanding, translation // Epistemology: Prospects of Development. Moscow, Kanon+, 2012. (In Russian)
The problem of philosophical language in Gustav Shpet’s works // Gustav Shpet and his Philosophical Legacy: At the Cradle of Semiotics and Structuralism. Moscow, ROSSPEN, 2010. (In Russian)
A dictionary of psychoanalysis: conceptual languages and the problem of translation // Questions of Philosophy, 2010, № 4. (In Russian)
Translation and untranslatability: the European perspective // Culture and form. Celebrating the 60th Anniversary of Alexander Dobrokhotov: A collection of essays. Moscow, Higher School of Economics Publishing House, 2010. (In Russian)
Claude Lévi-Strauss – in memoriam: Lessons of structural anthropology and humanism of the 21st century. // Questions of Philosophy, 2010, № 8. (In Russian)
History, Structure, Explosion (Contexts of Our Memory of Lotman) // // Russian Studies in Philosophy (On the Eightieth Anniversary of the Institute of Philosophy II). Fall 2009, Vol. 48, № 2.
Yury Lotman, descending into memory // Yury Lotman / Series: Russian Philosophy in the Second Half of 20th Century. Moscow, ROSSPEN, 2009. (In Russian)
Les principles épistémologiques de la critique de l’ethnodéterminisme // Slavica Occitania. Gustav Chpet et son héritage aux sources russes du structuralisme et de la sémiotique. 2008, № 26;
The Use of Western Concepts in Post-Soviet Philosophy: Translation and Reception // Kritika. Explorations in Russian and Eurasian History. Bloomington, Indiana. 2008, Winter;
On philosophical translation // Questions of Philosophy, 2006, №2. (In Russian)
Philosophy and philology (on Russian discussions of 1990s) // Logos, Journal of Philosophy and Literature, 2001, № 4. also in: Elusive Context. Russian Philosophy in the 20th Century. Ad Marginem, 2002. (In Russian)
Prefix as a philosophical category / How should Derrida be translated? // Questions of Philosophy, 2001, №7. (In Russian)
Derrida and Grammatology // Derrida J. Of Grammatology. Moscow, Ad Marginem, 2000. (In Russian)
Freud in Europe and Russia: Paradoxes of the «second coming» // Questions of Philosophy, 2000, № 10. (In Russian)
Notes on the philosophical language: traditions, problems, perspectives // Questions of Philosophy, 1999, № 11. (In Russian)
Main Scientific Results |
Nataliya S. Avtonomova was first (in the beginning of the 1970s) to bring to the Russian intellectual scene the problematics of French Structuralism and Poststructuralism; she was the author of the first publications in Russia dedicated to Foucault and Lacan and of the first monograph (and the only one during two decades) dedicated to the principle figures of this school of thought.Main scientific results of N.S.Avtonomova are connected with research of philosophical problems of the humanitarian cognition, such as:revelation of epistemological problematics of French Structuralism and Poststructuralism, particullary, the transformation of the problem of subject and consciousness under the influence of language and subconsciousness mechanisms, and how these problems manifest themselves in linguistics, anthropology, in the literature research, history of ideas etc..;grounding of the idea of rationaliy as an interaction of “intellect” and “reason”, countable and intuitive, creative, and, in the broad cultural and historical context suggesting overcoming of incomprehension;approach to psychoanalysis (as a special form of practical and congnitional interaction) from the point of relations between unconscious and linguistic, affective and discoursive; comparison of psychoanalytical forms of work with manipulation and hypnosis techincs, that has preceded psychoanalysis; new understanding of translation – in a broad sense – as of fundamental category of philosophical and humanitarian scientific cognition, as of reflexive resource of understanding; grounding of the role of translation in the process of (re)creation of Russian conceptual language; development of relations between translation and dialogue;reactualization of structuralist ideas (as a research program in Russian and world science of XX century: Jacobson, Lotman, Gasparov etc.), with the help of idea of the “open structure” suggested by N.S.Avtonomova; it gives hope for the new methodological moves, among them the development of interdisciplinary synthesis. |
Awards |
Leninskiy Komsomol Award for the monograph “Philosophifcal problems of structural analysis in humanities” (1978); several awards in the Iph RAS competitions as a part of the group of authors, Andrei Belyj prize in nomination “Humanities” for the monograph “Open Structure: Jacobson – Bakhtin – Lotman – Gasparov” (Moscow, 2009); 1st prize of the Institute of Philosophy RAS for the best individual monograph “Cognition and Translations. Essays on the Philosophy of Language” (Moscow, 2008).
E-mail: avtonomovanatalia@gmail.com