ResearcherID: W-5336-2018
Scopus Author ID: 57195640903
Current Academic Affiliation and Status
- Russian Academy of Sciences, Institute of Philosophy, head research fellow;
- Moscow City Normal University, professor of chair of Chinese language;
- Member of the Council of Directors of the International Confucian Association (Beijing (1994-2014), Councilor from 2014;
- Orient Academy of Ching studies, Beijing Councilor (from 2000).
Research interests
- History of Chinese philosophy;
- History of Chinese political thought;
- Contemporary Chinese philosophy and political thought;
- History of philosophy and political thought in Far lastern countries;
- Comparative studies of modernization in China and Russia;
- Chinese lexicography.
Education and Service
- Cand.Sc. USSR Academy of Sciences; History of Philosophy Title of dissertation: “The world-outlook of XVII-th century Chinese philosopher Wan Chuan-Schan” (1963);
- Dr.Sc. USSR Academy of Sciences; History of Philosophy Title of dissertation: “The contemporary Chinese philosophy” (1986);
- Professor 1994.
(Total number of publications more than 300)
Main Publications Books
- Selected works of Chinese social thought of XIX-th century. Moscow, Nauka Pubishers, 1961 (co-editor and contributor);
- The Anthology of ancient Chinese philosophy. Vol. I, II. Moscow, Mysl Publishers, 1972-1973 (co-editor and contributor);
- The world-outlook of XVII-th century Chinese philosopher Wang Chuan-Shan. Moscow, Nauka Pubishers, 1976;
- The Contemporary Chinese philosophy. Moscow, Nauka Pubishers, 1980 (translated into Chinese in 1986).
- A Russian scientist on Xi Jinping's ideas about socialism with Chinese specificity in a new era // Chinese social science newspaper. 28.11.2019
- Study of Russian Philosophy in China: A Look From Russia. International forum "Marxist Philosophy and Development of Chinese and Russian Philosophy" and the 17th All-China Conference on Russian Philosophy. Conference materials, 25 - 28.10.2019, Haikou (China), S. 53 - 60.
- The Government Strategy Towards Education in Modern RussiaThe 3-rd International Modernization Forum. Modernization and Human Development Proceedings. Beijing. May 24-26, 2019 P. 95 -104.
- Confucianism and “one Belt and one Road initiative”. International Conference in Honor of the 2570-th Anniversary of Confucius and Sixth Congress of the International Confucian Association. Vol. 4 Beijing. November 15-20, 2019, P. 73-80.
- People's Republic of China 70 years // Free thought. 2019, No. 5, S. 5-20. URL: https: svom.info/entry/970-kitajskoj-narodnoj-respublike-70-let
- Where Russia is going? : a look from China. On the pages of the book: Go Lishuan. Дандай шэхуэй елосы сычао яньцзю [A study of social ideas in modern Russia] // Voprosy Philosophy. 2019, No. 11, S. 78-89. Dоi: 10.31857/S004287440007355-5.
- Li Yan. The theoretical content and practical guiding significance of Xi Jinping’s concept of global governance // Free Thought. 2019, No. 2, S. 65-80. URL: https://svom.info/entry/912-teuticheskoe-soderzhanie-i-prakticheskoe-rukovodstvo
- Creative approach to Marxism // free thought. 2019. No 6. S. 85-96.
- Fight against corruption in China // Asia and Africa today. 2017. № 6 (719). P. 11-17.
- On the Socialism in the Twenty First Century // Socialism, the Inevitable Outcome of Mankind & 20th Anniversary of World Socialist Researth Center: Proceedings of the 5 th World Socialist Forum. (г. Пекин, Китай. 13-14 октября 2014 г.). Beijing. 2014. С. 180-183.
- Confucianism and modernization of society// The International Conference in Commemorating 2565th Anniversary of Confucius & the 5th Congress of the International Confucian Association (Beijing. 2014. P. 145-148.)
- Problems of translation of the Chinese classic texts // Proceedings of the 4-th International Conference on Chinese Ancient Texts and Traditional Culture. The Hong Kong Polytechnic University. (Hong Kong . 13-15 декабря 2013). Hong Kong. 2013. P. 421-425.
- Yu Yujun. Socialism in China (1919-1965). M.: Science: Oriental literature. 2019 (chapters 3, 8, 12, 15, 19, 21).
- An Qinian. Fyodor Dostoevsky and Karl Marx// Vopr. philosophies. RISC 2017. No. 3. P. 95-113.
- Guo Ziangning. On contradiction within socialist socialist. Modern reflections on Mao Zedong`s theory// Free thought. 2017. RISC No. 4. P. 87-102.
- Li Shenming, The October Revolution is like a painting. The more distant it is, the more reverence it arouses, the greater it appears. // Free thought. RISC 2017. No. 4. P. 9-20.
- Li Yan, Dialectical and historical approaches to V.I.Lenin and the October Revolution// Free thought. RISC 2017. No. 4. P. 29-36.
- Sun Weiping, Modern Marxist philosophy in China. The current state and trends in the study// Free thought. RISC 2017. No. 4. P. 117-130.
- Zhang Yibing, Hu Daping, Zhang Liang. Western Marxist philosophy in China. The logic of change and themes of the study// Free thought. RISC 2017. No. 4. P. 103-116.
- Zhang Shuhua, Leninism – A Brilliant example of the russification of Marxism// Free thought. RISC 2017. No. 4. P. 20-28.
- Shen Xiabgping, The philosophical universe of Deng Xiaoping// Free thought. RISC 2017. No. 4. P. 41-64.
- Che Yuling, The expansion of cities and the ensuing limitations on the production of space// Social. Scopus 2017. No. 7. P. 107-115. (co-author): A. D. Pavlova).
- Che Yuling, Holiness and Mysticism: Major Dimensions of Russian Culture.// Vopr. philosophies. RISC 2017. No. 11. P. 207-212. (co-author): A. D. Pavlova).
- Review on book: “New silk road and its meaning for Russia” RSCI, magazine "East", 2017, № 1, pp. 217-221
- Review on book: V.N.Zhuravleva “Biblografia of China” RISC, the Magazine "East", 2017, No. 2, pp. 212-216.