Institute of Philosophy
of the Russian Academy of Sciences

  Department of the Philosophical Problems of Politics
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Department of the Philosophical Problems of Politics

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Head of the Department: PhD in Political Science Svetlana Ilinskaya



The main trend of research

In the context of the transition from a unipolar world order to a multipolar one, the main contradiction is the awareness of the problem of civilizational diversity, the reconstruction of cultural identity and national identity. Important aspects of the research are the questions of the relationship between personality-culture-civilization-state, which offer a new basis for the civilizational identity of Russia. The main directions of the analysis involve the study of the geopolitical conditions of Russia's civilizational choice, including its Eurasian aspect; the revival of the idea of utopia as an integral part of project thinking; prospects for reforming the political system; ensuring security as an internal core of the national idea.


The topic of the sector  tasks according to the Research plan and State task for 2018-2022: «Russian project of civilizational development» (head chief - A.V. Smirnov, administrator - S. A. Nikolsky), No. 156-2018-0030. Reference number AAAA-A18-118052990107




Major publications (collective research) 

  • «New modernity» and tradition in a multipolar world: philosophical-political analysis.: Moscow.2018. 117 PP. (with Vladimir Shevchenko, Valeria Spiridonova, Rimma Sokolova)
  • Ugrin I. Russian statehood and imperial paradigm: philosophical analysis. Moscow, IPhRAS, 2017. 
  • Modern problems of the Russian state. Philisophycal essays / Collective of authors. General editing by V.N.Shevchenko. M.: Progress-Traditsia, 2015
  • Social-historical and ideologic foundation of the modern Russian state / Editor-in-chief V. Shevchenko. М.: IPH RAS, 2014
  • Dynamics of interaction of the external and internal factors and the trend of the development of the Russian society. / Editor in chief - V.N.Shevchenko. M.: IPh RAS, 2013
  • Shevchenko V., Sokolova R., Spiridonova V. The Russian State: a trial of the philosophical interpretation. М.: Progress-Traditsia, 2012.
  • Political strategies of the Russian state as a philosophical problem / Editor-in-chief V. Shevchenko. М.: IPH RAS, 2011.
  • The modern state, society, human: the Russian specificity / Editor-in-chief V. Shevchenko. М.: IPH RAS, 2010. (PDF)
  • Bureaucracy in the modern world: theory and the reality of life / Editor-in-chief V. Shevchenko. М.: IPH RAS, 2008. (PDF)
  • Resiliency of the Russian state as the philosophical and political problem / Editor-in-chief V. Shevchenko. М.: IPH RAS, 2006. (PDF)
  • Destiny of the state in the epoch of globalization / Editor-in-chief V. Shevchenko. М.: IPH RAS. (PDF)
  • Russia in the beginning of the XXI century: the new course / Editor-in-chief V. Semenov. М.: IPH RAS, 2005.  (PDF)
  • The spiritual dimension of the modern politics / Editor-in-chief V. Shevchenko. М.: IPH RAS, 2003.  (PDF)
  • Sokolova R., Spiridonova V. The state in the modern world. М.: IPH RAS, 2003. (PDF)
  • Etatist models of modernization / Editor-in-chief V. Shevchenko. М.: IPH RAS, 2002. (PDF)


Research projects, provided by grants:

Within the last years the department took part in several research projects, including the next ones:

  • RHSF project “Resiliency of the Russian state as the philosophical and political problem”, 2005–2006;
  • RHSF project “Bureaucracy in the modern world: theory and the reality of life”, 2007–2008;
  • RHSF project  “The new philosophy of the Russian state as the answer to the challenges and threats of the XXI century” №10-03-00594а, 2010–2011.


International relationships

The department cooperates with several scientific organizations of China, including the Institute of Philosophy of the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences.



Adress: Goncharnaya 12/1, Moscow, 109240, Russian Federation, off. 219

Tel.: (495)697-91-89. 

