- Burov V.G. Study of Russian Philosophy in China: A Look From Russia. International forum "Marxist Philosophy and Development of Chinese and Russian Philosophy" and the 17th All-China Conference on Russian Philosophy. Conference materials, 25 - 28.10.2019, Haikou (China), S. 53 - 60.
- Burov V. The Government Strategy Towards Education in Modern RussiaThe 3-rd International Modernization Forum. Modernization and Human Development Proceedings. Beijing. May 24-26, 2019 P. 95 -104.
- Burov V. Confucianism and “one Belt and one Road initiative”. International Conference in Honor of the 2570-th Anniversary of Confucius and Sixth Congress of the International Confucian Association. Vol. 4 Beijing. November 15-20, 2019, P. 73-80.
- Bogdan V. Grachev. Philosophy of project management // Project management: career and business. 2019, 14-15 May.
- Bogdan V. Grachev. Modern civilization projects and civilizational identity: factors of nationality, ideology culture. // Big Eurasia. 2019, 18-19 September.
- I.A. Krylova. International scientific-practical conference "Big Eurasia: national and civilizational aspects of development and cooperation." Report "The Role of Russia in Ensuring the Security of Big Eurasia." September 18-19, 2019, Moscow. Institute of World Civilizations.
- I.A. Krylova. XIX National Scientific Conference with international participation "Modernization of Russia: Priorities, Problems, Solutions" in the framework of the public-scientific forum "Russia: Key Problems and Solutions." Report "The Current State of Russian Science in the Context of Reforms and the Status of Scientists"; Report "Russia as a social state: Myth or Reality." December 18-19, 2019, Moscow. Plekhanov Russian University of Economics.
- Spiridonova V. I. international scientific conference "XVII PANARIN READINGS". Moscow. November 13-14, 2019 faculty of Philosophy of Lomonosov Moscow state University. Report at the plenary session " Reconstruction of identity as a challenge to unipolar globalization: European and Russian positions»
- Speech at the problem-search seminar No. 9 Of the Institute of philosophy of the Russian Academy of Sciences "Modern problems of the philosophy of history". June 20, 2019 (video broadcast) //
- Ugrin I.M. Scientific conference Man as a natural, social and existential being: sore spots of philosophical anthropology. A report on “the Integral model: is a holistic outlook on man possible?”. Institute of philosophy of the Russian Academy of Sciences and Nizhegorodsky state university named after N.I. Lobachevsky. Moscow, 2019, 11 June.
- Ugrin I.M. Scientific conference Philosophy of creativity, a report on Creativity as a sacred act. Institute of philosophy of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Lomonosov Moscow state university, Academic board of the Russian Academy of Sciences on methodology of artificial intelligence and cognitive research. Moscow, 2019, 11 April.
- Ugrin I.M. Scientific conference Cosmism and organicism: evolution and nowness, a report on Cosmos, Chaos and Logos: metaphisical trinity. Russian philosophical society, Internation center for research of Russian philosophy, Saint-Petersburg economic university, etc., Saint-Petersburg, 2019, 19-20 November.
- Shevchenko V.N. Report “Civilizational development and the choice of the national path: the complexity of interaction. Scientific Conference "Philosophy and Civilizational Future of Russia". Institute of Philosophy of the Russian Academy of Sciences. May 16, 2019. Conference program (attached).
- Shevchenko V.N. Report “Russia is returning to itself. The problem of choosing a civilizational future”. The second scientific conference "Philosophy and the Civilizational Future of Russia". Institute of Philosophy of the Russian Academy of Sciences. November 8, 2019. Conference program (attached).
- Shevchenko V.N. Report "Socio-philosophical foundations of a civilization project for modern Russia". International scientific conference XVII Panarin Readings. “Russia and Europe: a common fate and alternative projects of civilizational development”. Philosophical Faculty of Moscow State University by M.V. Lomonosov. November 13, 2019. Conference program:
- Shevchenko V.N. The role of the dialogue of political cultures in the achievement by the peoples of Greater Eurasia of a high level of mutual understanding and trust // Greater Eurasia: development, security, cooperation. Yearbook. Issue 1. Part 1. RAS. INION. Ed. by V.I. Gerasimov. M.: 2018, P. 556-558. ISBN 978-5-248-00878-0 (circulation not specified)
- Spiridonova V. I. international scientific conference. XVI Panarin readings "The World of civilizations and modern "barbarism": the role of Russia in overcoming global nihilism.
- Spiridonova V. I. Paper: «Globalist discourse as «civilization against barbarism» as a tool for the implementation of modern world hegemony». Moscow. 8-9 November 2018 Moscow state University.
- Shevchenko V.N. Second World Congress on Marxism. Report "The significance of socialist China`s achievements for Russia and for the world." May 5-6, 2018. Beijing. China.
- Sokolova R. I. Traditionalism as the basis of relations between Russia and Germany // Traditionalism in the era of revolutions. Cultural policy and the choice of civilization: materials of the XIV international. Panarin. readings / Resp. ed. V. N. Rastorguev; nauch. edited by A. V. Nikandrov. M.: In-t Heritage, 2017. P. 141-155.
- SPIRIDONOVA V. I. Accession to the" New Modernity": European and Russian perception of Tradition and Prospects of development // Traditionalism in the era of revolutions. Cultural policy and civilization’ choice: Papers of the XIV international A.S. Panarin’s readings / Resp. ed. V. N. Rastorguev; Moscow: Institute of Heritage, 2017. P. 156-174.
- Shevchenko V.N. Marxist and liberal understanding of the October Revolution:scientific dispute or ideological confrontation? // The Great Russian Revolution of 1917: a project of alternative historical development. XII Plekhanov`s reading. Materials: to theinternational Conference (30 May -1 June 2017). SPb.: KultInInformPress, 2017. Pp. 18-28.
- Shevchenko V.N. Socialist values, economic pragmatism, civilizational specificsofRussia: how can they be combined? // Economics in the human dimension. Roundtable materials with international participation: to the 100th anniversary of the October Revolution (Moscow,March 29, 2017). M.: Klyuch-S, 2017. Pp. 43-50.
- I. Krylova. On the obstacles to the modernization of Russia // Modernization and culture: the modus of coupling: Collection of materials of the international scientific conference (Dubna, April 25, 2016) / Under the general edition of N. Bagdasaryan, V. Fedotova. Dubna: National University of Dubna, 2016. P. 118-123. (not included in the 2016 report).
- I. Krylova. The threat of a planetary catastrophe and the problem of ensuring collective security // Ecological interaction of nature and society: theory and practice: Collection of articles on the materials of the international scientific-practical conference (Pavlovsky Posad, May 18, 2017) / Executive editors: I. Liseev, Т. Borzova. Pavlovsky Posad, 2017. P. 193-203.
- Ugrin I.M. The 13th All-Russian Conference of the Institute of Philosophy of the Russian Academy of Sciences with the regions of Russia – Problems of Russian Self-consciousness: Politics and Culture. May 26th, 2016, Moscow, Institute of Philosophy of the RAS. A report. The Problem of Transforming Russian Civilization in the context of Globalization.
- Ugrin I.M. The All-Russian Scientific Conference – Philosophy of Law in Russia (dedicated to the 150th anniversary of P.I. Novgorodtsev). September 15th, 2016, Moscow, Lomonosov Moscow State University. A report. Right as set out in the Concept of the State of Warranties by N.N. Alekseev
- Ugrin I.M. The International Scientific and Public Conference under the aegis of the Commission of the Russian Federationon UNESCO affairs – Lyudmila V. Shaposhnikova: scientist, thinker and public figure. Commemorating the 90th anniversary. October 8-11, 2016, Moscow, International Roerich Centre. A report. The Vision of New Russia in the Philosophy of the Living Ethics and Works by L.V. Shaposhnikova.
- Ugrin I.M. International Scientific Conference – Daniel Andreev: biography, heritage, context (dedicated to 110th anniversary). November 1-3, 2016, Moscow, Gorky Institute of World Literature of the RAS, Institute of Philosophy of the RAS. A report. A Philosophy of Russian History through the Metahistorcal Paradigm of Daniel Andreev.
- Spiridonova V. I. international Conference "Russia: Trends and Prospects". February 2016. INION. Moscow. The paper: "Civilization: a new Meaning in the era of the Transformation of the Modern world order" //
- Spiridonova V. I. International conference XXX HARAKSKY FORUM "Political Space and Social Time: Identity and everyday life in the structure of the Human world". 26 - 30 of may. 2016.Yalta. Gaspra (Haraks). The Paper: "Information War as a kind of "Absolute War" - a New type of Wars of the XXI century".
- Spiridonova V. Speech at the Conference "the Philosophy of war and peace: the 70th anniversary of Victory in the great Patriotic war". 28 April 2015 Moscow.: Institute of Philosophy, Russian Academy of Sciences. Report "the Origins of the New world order and world war II".
- Spiridonova V. Speech at the XV International scientific conference «Modernization of Russia: key problems and solutions». Institute of scientific information, Russian Academy of Sciences., December 18-19, 2015. Report "New features of the modern world processes».
- Spiridonova V. Speech at the Plenary meeting of the all-Russian scientific and public conference "The Problem of sovereignty in modern Russia". Moscow. June 6, 2014. Report "Globalist theory of the "end of territory" and a rejection of the idea of sovereignty: challenges for Russia".
- Spiridonova V. Speech at all-Russian scientific and public conference "State ideology and modern Russia". Moscow. March 28, 2014. Report "New strategy of indirect "soft" ideology of globalism".
- Spiridonova V. Speech at the XIV International conference "Russia: Tendencies and development prospects". Moscow. Institute of scientific information, Russian Academy of Sciences. 19-20 December 2014, Report "New ideological strategy of modern globalism and Russia".
- Spiridonova V. Speech at the Round table "the Futurological model of a State (a thought experiment)" // the Center for problem analysis and state-administrative planning. Moscow. April 6, 2013. Report "the Moral state and the common good".
- Sokolova R. Civilization features of Russia and its role in BRICS//the Countries in BRICS: strategy of development and mechanisms of interaction and cooperation in the changing world (Works I of the International scientific and practical conference. M, on November 2-3, 2015). M.: INION of the Russian Academy of Sciences, 2016.S. 135-139.
- Sokolova R. Subject of geopolitical sovereignty of Russia//Problem of a sovereignty of modern Russia. Materials of the All-Russian scientific and public conference (Moscow, on June 6, 2014). M.: Science and policy, 2014. Page 464-1092.
- Sokolova R. State ideology as modernization basis (Moscow. INION of the Russian Academy of Sciences. On December 19-20, 2013)//Russia: Tendencies and prospects of development. Year-book. Issue 9. Ch.I. M.: INION. 2014. Page 320-325.
- Sokolova R. Relevance of the national and state ideology // State ideology and modern Russia. (Materials of the All-Russian scientific and public conference. (M, 28 marta2014). M.: Science and policy, 2014. Page 1075-1092.
- Shevchencko V. Information War against the Great Patriotic War // The Philosophy of War and Peace (to the 70th Anniversary of the Great Victory), Materials of all-Russian Scientific-Practical. Conf. "The Philosophy of War and Peace": the 70th Anniversary of the Great Patriotic War. 28-29 April 2015. M.: 2016. P. 75-91.
- Ugrin I. M. The birth of a citizen: revisiting the development of a civic culture // Culture in a globalizing world: challenges and perspectives. Proceedings of an International Multidisciplinary Applied Science Conference M.: State Fire Academy of Emercom of Russia, 2014.