- «New modernity» and tradition in a multipolar world: philosophical-political analysis.: Moscow.2018. 117 PP. (with Vladimir Shevchenko, Valeria Spiridonova, Rimma Sokolova)
- Ugrin I. Russian statehood and imperial paradigm: philosophical analysis. Moscow, IPhRAS, 2017.
- Modern problems of the Russian state. Philisophycal essays / Collective of authors. General editing by V.N.Shevchenko. M.: Progress-Traditsia, 2015
- Social-historical and ideologic foundation of the modern Russian state / Editor-in-chief V. Shevchenko. М.: IPH RAS, 2014
- Dynamics of interaction of the external and internal factors and the trend of the development of the Russian society. / Editor in chief - V.N.Shevchenko. M.: IPh RAS, 2013
- Shevchenko V., Sokolova R., Spiridonova V. The Russian State: a trial of the philosophical interpretation. М.: Progress-Traditsia, 2012.
- Political strategies of the Russian state as a philosophical problem / Editor-in-chief V. Shevchenko. М.: IPH RAS, 2011.
- The modern state, society, human: the Russian specificity / Editor-in-chief V. Shevchenko. М.: IPH RAS, 2010. (PDF)
- Bureaucracy in the modern world: theory and the reality of life / Editor-in-chief V. Shevchenko. М.: IPH RAS, 2008. (PDF)
- Resiliency of the Russian state as the philosophical and political problem / Editor-in-chief V. Shevchenko. М.: IPH RAS, 2006. (PDF)
- Destiny of the state in the epoch of globalization / Editor-in-chief V. Shevchenko. М.: IPH RAS. (PDF)
- Russia in the beginning of the XXI century: the new course / Editor-in-chief V. Semenov. М.: IPH RAS, 2005. (PDF)
- The spiritual dimension of the modern politics / Editor-in-chief V. Shevchenko. М.: IPH RAS, 2003. (PDF)
- Sokolova R., Spiridonova V. The state in the modern world. М.: IPH RAS, 2003. (PDF)
- Etatist models of modernization / Editor-in-chief V. Shevchenko. М.: IPH RAS, 2002. (PDF)