Institute of Philosophy
of the Russian Academy of Sciences

  Sergei L. Chizhkov
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Sergei L. Chizhkov

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Sergei Chizhkov


Year and place of birth 


1958,  Leningrad





1984, Leningrad State University, Philosophy Department





Ph.D. in Political Sciences   

ResearcherID - V-1743-2018


Scopus Author ID: 57029332400




РИНЦ SPIN - 1772-4442, AuthorID: 521859

Fields of research

  • History of liberalism and the philosophy of law in Russia
  • Ethical self-regulation issues in journalism

Professional appointments

Since 2011, Senior Research Fellow at the Institute of Philosophy, Russian Academy of Sciences.

Director of the regional public organization “Guild of court reporters”. 


Research projects

  • UNESCO, October 2007;
  • RGNF GRANTS, 2009-2010.



  • The Metaphysics of Freedom and the Idea of a State in the Philosophy of Boris Chicherin. Moscow. IPhRAS, 2017.
  • Boris Nikolayevich Chicherin: evolution of ideas. M.: Novaya Yustitsiya. 2008. – 122 p. 



  • Vladimir Soloviev and Boris Chicherin: law, morality and some philosophical questions of criminal law // Polylogos. 2019. V. 3. № 1 [Electronic resource]. Access for registered users. URL: DOI: 10.18254/S258770110005004-6
  • Boris Chicherin: the originality of Russian history and universalism of law // Polylogos. 2018. Vol. 2. № 1. URL: DOI: 10.18254/S0000035-0-1
  • Ways of development of the philosophy of law in Russia: Round Table of the Interdisciplinary Center Philosophy of law of the Institute of Philosophy RAS December 7, 2016 Moscow // Russian journal of legal studies. 2017. № 1(10)  P. 9–49. (co-authored with Guseynov A.A., Stepin V.S., Smirnov A.V., Chizhkov S.L., Rozin V.M., Tukhvatulina L.A., Bondar N.S., Hajiyev G.A., Grafsky V.G., Lapaeva V.V., Bochkarev S.A., Kerimov A.J., Barenboim P.D., Zakharov A.V., Voynikanis E.A., Kravchenko D.V.)
  • Liberalism, religious worldview and the idea of freedom in philosophy of Boris Chicherin // Polylogos. 2017. Vol. 1. № 1. URL:
  • Law and national traditions. The materials of the «round table». Discussants: A. A. Guseynov, V. S. Stepin, A. V. Smirnov, G. A. Hajiyev, N. S. Bondar’, E. Yu. Solovyov, V. M. Mezhuev, P. D. Barenboim, V. V. Lapaeva, S. L. Chizhkov // Voprosy Filosofii. 2016. Vol. 12. P. 5-41.
  • Vladimir Solovyov's concept on personality and its dignity. On the issue of ethical and philosophical foundations of liberalism // Psychology and Psychotechnics. 2015, №10.
  • Metaphysics of the person in the system of absolute idealism of B.N. Chicherin // Psychology and Psychotechnics. 2015, №11.
  • Political Philosophy of Russian liberalism // Philosophy. Tolerance. Globalization. East and West - dialogue of worldviews: abstracts of VII Russian Philosophical Congress (Ufa, October 6-10, 2015) T. II - Ufa: Bashkir State University, 2015. P. 356.
  • B.N. Chicherin and N.A. Berdyaev. Two approaches to understanding conservatism // Herald RHGA. 2014. V. 15. №2. P. 165–176.
  • The problem of the relationship of civil and political rights and teaching of B.N. Chicherin about moral policy.// Polignozis. 2013. №1–4. P. 75–80.
  • Philosophy of Freedom B.N. Chicherin // B.N. Chicherin in conjunction with tradition of philosophical and socio-political thought in Russia: Proceedings of the International Scientific Conference. 20-23 November 2013 / Ed. by: N.V. Medvedev, N.M. Averin, A.N. Allenov ; Ministry of Education and Science of Russian Federation. Tambov: Publishing House of TSU G.R. Derzhavin. 2013. P. 149–152.
  • Public benefit and the problem of the relation of civil and political rights in the political and philosophical doctrine of B.N. Chicherin // Philosophical traditions and Modernity. Yearbook. 2013. №2. P. 87–94.
  • The fate of ideas of "protective liberalism" of Boris Chicherin // Ideology and Processes of Social Modernization. M.: Academia, 2013. P. 279-283.
  • Boris Nikolayevich Chicherin and the ideology of Russian liberalism // Ideology and Processes of Social Modernization. M.: Academia, 2013. P. 262-278.
  • Boris Chicherin’s idea of "protective" liberalism and its fate (Intr. to publ.) // Guidelines... Vol. 7. M., 2011. P. 148-152.
  • Death penalty in the Russian legal thought in the second half of the 19th and early 20th centuries. (Part 1) // Polignozis. 2011. No. 1. P. 56-68; (Part 2.) No. 2. P. 100-109.
  • B.N. Chicherin: individual, freedom, religious outlook // Russia. History. Politics. M.: Idea-Press, 2011. P. 115-132.
  • B. N. Chicherin and ideology of Russian liberalism // Guideline... Vol. 6. IPhRAS. 2010
  • Social liberalism of Vladimir Solovyov and its origins // Polignozis. M.: 2010, №4. 
  • Boris Chicherin: Liberalism and the idea of law // Comparative constitutional review. 2009. № 1 (68). P. 182-199. 
  • The notary has a special drama // Notary Journal. 2007, №10
  • Legal atmosphere // Notary Journal. 2007, №5. 
  • I. V.Michailovski: "The idea of the individual is the highest normative idea"// Russian liberalism: ideas and people. 2-nd Edition, revised. M.: New publishing house. 2007
  • The social context of transparency of justice // Problems of justice transparency. - M.: Izd. «LexEst», 2005.
  • Transparency of Justice: issues of interaction between the media and the judiciary. - M.: Izd. «LexEst», 2005.
  • Appendix to the book “Trasprarency of justice”. - M.: Izd. «LexEst», 2005.


Conference Papers

  • The Conference "Transparency of justice and developing forensic journalism in Russia», 2-4 December 2010, Moscow (organizer of the Conference, plenary paper).
  • Invited speaker. Paper: "The practice of lighting in Russian media judgements" at the plenary session of the International Conference on "Improving coverage of judicial and legal reform in the mass media", Tashkent, October 5, 2007 
  • Paper: "Access to judicial decisions" at the Conference "Transparency of the judiciary: a new phase", Moscow, June 1, 2007 
  • “Forensic journalism: ethical and professional standards”, 7-12 December 2006, Moscow region. 
  • International meeting of experts on the issue of transparency of justice: Russian and European experience ", 20-21 January 2006, 1 – 3 September 2006. Moscow. 
  • Interregional Conference of magistrates "Access of victims to justice", 23-25 May 2005, Saint-Petersburg. 

Editing and reviews

  • Comments on a draft Federal law “On ensuring the rights of citizens and entities to information about activities of the trial courts of general jurisdiction in the Russian Federation”, submitted to the Committee for constitutional law and nation-building by the State Duma of the Russian Federation.
  • Design, production, management, and provisioning the site "Liberalism in Russia" ( The site posted the biggest (available in English) electronic database of bibliographies on Russian liberalism.
  • Writing article "Boris Nikolayevich Chicherin" for the Encyclopedia of Russian liberalism "
  • Website editor and author – “Liberalism in Russia” (“Liberalism in Russia: aims and objectives of the site”) –
  • Website editor and author – “Sudinform”, “Great victory of little people” –

Personal websites 
