Institute of Philosophy
of the Russian Academy of Sciences

  Nikolay Chizhkov
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Nikolay Chizhkov


Nikolay Chizhkov


Year and place of birth

1993, Moscow




  • 2010-2014 - Bachelor's degree, State Academic University for Humanities, Philosophy Department
  • 2014-2016 - Master's degree, State Academic University for Humanities, Philosophy Department 


Fields of research

The history of Russian philosophical and political thought



ResearcherID: J-3890-2018                                      


ORCID iD                       SPIN - 1379-9039, AuthorID: 768431





  • Ideological criticism of Nikolay Karamzin in pre-revolutionary Russian thought // Polylogos. 2024. V. 8. № 1.URL: DOI: 10.18254/S258770110030500-2
  • The influence by Iohannes Matthias Schaden on the formation of Karamzin's worldview // Polylogos. 2019. V. 3. № 4 [Electronic resource]. Access for registered users. URL: DOI: 10.18254/S258770110008021-5
  • Liberal and conservative foundations of the concept of freedom by N.M. Karamzin // Philosophical sciences. 2016. No. 11. - P. 49-58. ISSN 0235-1188
  • The concept of freedom by N.M. Karamzin and its origins // Nikolai Karamzin and the historical destinies of Russia. To the 250th anniversary of his birth / Common. ed. and comp. A.A. Kara-Murza, V.L. Sharova, A.F. Yakovleva. - M .: Aquilon, 2016. P. 338-354. ISBN 978-5-906578-16-7
  • The idea of freedom in Karamzin`s conservatism. // Historical documents and actual problems of archeography, source study, Russian and general history of new and modern times. Collection of materials of the IV International Conference of Young Scientists and Specialists "Clio-2016" / [Common. ed. A.K. Sorokin, responsible Ed. S. A. Kotov]. - Moscow: Political Encyclopedia, 2016. - P. 617-620. ISBN 978-5-8243-2037-4
  • N.M. Karamzin about meaning of the history // Philosophy. Tolerance. Globalization. East and West - a dialogue of worldviews: abstracts of the VII Russian Philosophical Congress. (Ufa, October 6-10, 2015). In 3 volumes. T.1. - Ufa: RIC BashGU, 2015. - P. 316-317. ISBN 978-5-7477-3897-3.
  • Ideas of the Enlightenment and the formation of a conservative worldview of N.M. Karamzin. / / Material and spiritual heritage of society since the time of origin until today. All-Russian scientific Internet conference with international participation, December 11, 2013 / Virtual conference service PaxGrid; Comp. Sinyaev D.N. - Kazan: IP Sinyaev D.N., 2014. - P. 83-87. ISBN 978-5-96217-40-0
  • Karamzin about the mission of the monarchy in Russia. / / B.N. Chicherin and the traditions of philosophical and socio-political thought in Russia: the materials of the student section of the International Scientific Conference. 20-23 November 2013; No. Arr. And science of the Russian Federation; Ed. T.S. Pronina, Z.K. Fedotov. - Tambov, TROO "Business-Science-Society", 2014. - P. 171-175. ISBN 978-5-443-0511-2 /
  • The urgency of Karamzin's conservatism. // Historical documents and actual problems of archeography, source study, Russian and general history of new and modern times. Collection of materials of the IV International Conference of Young Scientists and Specialists "Clio-2014" / [Ch. Ed. AK Sorokin, responsible. Ed. S. A. Kotov]. - Moscow: Political Encyclopedia (ROSSPEN), 2014. - P. 461-464. ISBN 978-5-8243-1860-9



Conference Papers:

  • June 1, 2017 International Conference Prince Pyotr Andreevich Vyazemsky and the historical destinies of Russia (on the 225th anniversary of his birth) (Moscow). Paper: "Constitutional views of P.A. Vyazemsky and NM. Karamzin (comparative analysis)".
  • November 17, 2016 International Scientific Conference "The Philosophy of the Russian History of N. M. Karamzin" (on the 250th anniversary of his birth) (Moscow). Paper: "The concept of freedom NM. Karamzin and its origins".
  • April 8, 2016 VI International Conference of Young Scientists and Specialists "Clio-2016" (Moscow). Paper: "The idea of freedom in conservatism. Karamzin".
  • October 07, 2015. VII Russian Philosophical Congress (Ufa). Paper: "N.M. Karamzin on the meaning of history".
  • April 10, 2014. IV International Conference of Young Scientists and Specialists "Cleo-2014" (Moscow). Paper: “The urgency of Karamzin's conservatism”
