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of the Russian Academy of Sciences

  David I. Dubrovsky
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David I. Dubrovsky

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Born on March the 3d, 1929, in Orekhov (Zaporozhye)                                           


 Researcher ID: V-9097-2018 

Scopus Author ID: 57195545576

   Science Index Profile



Kiev State University, Philosophy Department (graduated in 1952) 


1962 – Ph.D. in Philosophy, thesis subject “On analytico-synthetical character of the reflection activity of the brain”

1969 – Dr. Sc. In Philosophy, thesis subject “Philosophical analysis of psychophysiological problem”

Main Research Interests philosophy of consciousness, mind-body problem, brain studies, NBIC
Professional Appointments Since 1988 - Leading Research Fellow of the Iph RAS
Teaching experience Has taught in several secondary schools in Donezk, then at the Donezk University of Medicine (Philosophy Department)Since 1970 has been working in Moscow.1981-1987 - professor at the Lomonosov Moscow State UniversityRecently - lecturer at SAUH (GAUGN) 
Publications Monographs: 
  • Problem of consciousness. Theory and criticism of alternative concepts. Moscow: URSS, 2018. 400 p.
  • The "Mind and brain" problem: a theoretical solution. Moscow: "Canon+" ROOI "Rehabilitation", 2015. 208 p.
  • Subjective reality and the brain: the experience of theoretical problem solving. Palmarium Academic Publishing, Saarbrucken, 2013. 284 p.
  • The problem of consciousness in philosophy and science. Collective monograph (Editor-in-chief D.I. Dubrovsky). M.: Kanon+, 2009.
  • Deception. Philosophical and psychological analysis. Moscow: Ray, 1994; second ed. M.: Kanon+, 2010.
  • The problem of the ideal. Moscow: Thought, 1983; second, additional ed. Moscow, 2002.
  • Information, consciousness, brain. Moscow: Higher school, 1980.
  • Mental phenomena and the brain. Philosophical analysis of the problem in connection with some actual problems of neurophysiology, psychology and cybernetics" (Moscow: Nauka, 1971).

Selected articles: 

  • The problem of ergonomic evaluation of evolving sociotechnical systems with artificial intelligence // Ergodesign. 2022. No. 3 (17). Pp. 206-213. DOI: 10.30987/ 2658-4026-2022-3-206-213 (co-author: Sergeev S.F.).

  • The importance of neuroscientific research of consciousness for the development of General artificial intelligence // Voprosy filosofii. 2022. No. 2. Pp. 83-93. DOI: 10.21146/0042-8744-2022-2-83-93.**

  • Can an intelligent robot have ethical properties? // Voprosy filosofii. 2022. No. 9. Pp. 193-197. DOI: 10.21146/0042-8744-2022-9-193-197 (co-author: Efimov A.R. et al.).**

  • The development of artificial intelligence and the global crisis of terrestrial civilization (to the analysis of socio-humanitarian problems) // Philosophy of science and technology. 2022. No. 2. Pp. 100-107. DOI: 10.21146/2413-9084-2022-27-2-100-107.**

  • Epistemological analysis of the sociohumanitarian significance of artificial intelligence innovations in the context of general artificial intelligence // Philosophical Sciences. 2022. Vol. 65. No. 1. Pp. 10-26. DOI: 10.30727/0235-1188-2022-65-1-10-26.**

  • General Artificial Intelligence in Self-developing Reflective-Active Environments // World Organization of Systems and Cybernetics 18. Congress-WOSC2021. WOSC 2021. Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems. 2022. Vol. 495. Springer, Cham. Pp. 3-13 (co-authors:  Lepsky V.E., Raikov A.N.).**

  • Artificial intelligence fetish // Philosophical Sciences. 2022. Vol. 65. No. 1. Pp. 44-71. DOI: 10.30727/0235-1188-2022-65-1-44-71 (co-author: Efimov A.R.,  Lepsky V.E.  et al.).**

  • To the 77th anniversary of the Great Victory. The Great Patriotic War. Patriotism and courage of the people. The question of the price of Victory // Social and humanitarian sciences in the Far East. 2022. Vol. XIX. Issue. 2. Pp. 11-31. DOI: 10.31079/1992-2868-2022-19-2-11-31.

  • About my philosophical generation of 1950-s, philosophy and philosophers. Facts and reflections // Philosophical generations / Comp. and ed. by Yu.V. Sineokaya. M.: Ed. YASK House, 2022. Pp. 143-193.

  • Consciousness, brain, general artificial intelligence: new strategic tasks and prospects // Man in the artificial intelligence system / Edited by V.A. Lectorsky. St. Petersburg: Publishing house "Law Center", 2022. Pp. 128-159.
  • Walking Through the Turing Wall // IFAC-PapersOnLine. 2021. Vol. 54. No. 13. P. 215-220. URL: DOI: 10.1016/j.ifacol.2021.10.448 (co-autors: Efimov A.R., Matveev F.M.).*

  • The task of creating a general artificial intelligence and the problem of consciousness // Philosophical Sciences. 2021. Vol. 64. No. 1. Pp. 13-44. DOI: 10.30727/0235-1188-2021-64-1-13-44.*
  • Solving the Mind-Brain Problem: Thomas Nagel Article “Concerning the impossible and the Mind-Body Problem” Revisited // Russian Philosophy in the Twenty-First Century. An Antology. Ed. By M.Sergeev, A. Chumakov and M. Theis. With a Foreword by Alissa DeBlasio. Leiden/Boston, 2020. P.51–73.
  • Conscience. Problems and prospects of interdisciplinary research (Round table "The problem of consciousness: research opportunities", Lomonosov Moscow State University, Moscow, January 28, 2019) //  Philos. Sciences / Russ. J. Philos. Sci. 2020. No. 63(2). Pp. 144-159. DOI: 10.30727/0235-1188-2020-63-2-144-159. (co-author: I. Y. Bulov).
  • Problems with the Mind-Brain problems // Neuroscience and Neurological Surgery. 2020. № 1. P. 3–21. DOI:10.31579/2578-8868/102. URL:
  • Once again about consciousness, the unconscious and about the "revolutionary" theory in psychology // Problems of philosophy. 2020. No. 7. Pp. 78-81. DOI: 10.21146/0042-8744-2020-7-78-81.
  • Philosophy as a profession, career and lifestyle. Part 2. //  Personality. Culture. Society. 2020. Vol. XXII. Issue 1-2 (No. 105-106). Pp. 200-211. DOI: 10.30936/1606-951X-2020-22-1/2-200-211. (in co-authorship with Reznik Yu. M.)
  • Neuroethics: some actual philosophical and methodological issues //  Philosophy. Journal of the Higher School of Economics. 2020. Vol. IV. No. 1. pp. 24-41. DOI: 10.17323/2587-8719-2020-1-24-41.
  • The Great Patriotic War. The Price of Victory? // Personality. Culture. Society. 2020. Vol. XXII. Issue 1-2 (No. 105-106). Pp. 7-17. DOI: 10.30936/1606-951X-2020-22-1/2-7-17.
  • Book review: A. P. Lyubimov. Philosophy of law. - M.: Yurayt, 2019 / 257 p. / / Philos. sciences / Russ. J. Philos. Sci. 2019. No. 62(12). Pp. 135-140. DOI: 10.30727/0235-1188-2019-62-12-134-139. (co-authored with V. S. Stepin).
  • Main aspects of the problem of subjective reality / / Social sciences and the Humanities in the far East. 2019. Vol. XVI. Vol. 3. Pp. 11-25. DOI: 10. 31079/1992‒2868‒2019‒16‒3‒11‒25.
  • Philosophy as a profession and way of life. Part 1 // Personality. Culture. Society. 2019. T. XXI. Vol. 3-4 (No. 103-104). Pp. 236-257. DOI: 10.30936/1606-951X-2019‒21‒3/4‒236‒257 (co-authored with Reznik Yu. M.).
  •  “The Hard Problem of Consciousness”. Theoretical solution of its main questions // AIMS Neuroscience. 2019. Vol. 6. Iss. 2. P. 85‒103. DOI: 10.3934/Neuroscience.2019.2.85.
  •  Prospects of Neuroscientific Approaches to the Problem of Consciousness in the Situation of Growing Global Crisis of Our Terrestrial Civilization // Biomedical Journal of Scientific & Technical Research. Vol. 21. No. 2. P. 15677‒15680. DOI: 10.26717/BJSTR.2019.21.003565.15676‒15680.
  •  The Problem of Free Will and Modern Neuroscience // Neuroscience and Behavioral Physiology. 2019. Vol. 49. No. 5. P. 629‒639. DOI: 10.1007/s11055‒019‒00781‒5.
  • Prospects of neuroscientific approaches to the problem of consciousness (in connection with the growing global crisis of the Earth's civilization) // Philosophical  sciences. 2018.  No. 3. Pp. 99-109.
  • Does brain research make reading another's thoughts possible? // Russian Studies in Philosophy. 2018. Vol. 56. Iss. 1. P. 18-28. DOI: 10.1080/10611967.2018.1448639. *
  • The main question of the problem of consciousness // Philosophical sciences. 2017.  No. 1. Pp. 57-70.
  • Consciousness as a "riddle" and "mystery": to the paradoxes of "radical cognitivism" // Problems of philosophy. 2017.  No. 9. Pp. 151-161. *
  • Subjective reality: dynamic structure, ontological and epistemological dimensions // Problems of philosophy. 2016.  No. 12. Pp. 82-95. *
  • On solving theoretical questions of a psychophysiological problem. To the program of consciousness research // World of psychology. 2016.  No. 2 (86). Pp. 31-48.
  • To the question of "other consciousness". Are there any manifestations of consciousness in people who are in a "vegetative state"? // Philosophy of science. Vol. 20.  No. 1. Moscow, 2015. Pp. 191-208.
  • Neurophilosophy and the problem of consciousness // Philosophical sciences.  No. 11. 2015. Pp. 8-21.
  • The biological basis of cognition and anthropotechnic evolution // Cognition and consciousness in the interdisciplinary perspective. Part 2 / Ed. by V. A. Lectorsky. Moscow, 2014. Pp. 5-25.
  • Human nature, mass consciousness and the global future // Global future 2045: Anthropological crisis. Convergent technologies. Transhumanist projects. Moscow, 2014. Pp. 188-200.
  • Subjective reality and the brain: the experience of a theoretical solution to a problem // Bulletin of the Russian Academy of Sciences. 2013. No. 1. C. 45-57.
  • Modern mass consciousness and the future of earth civilization // Social and humanitarian sciences in the far East. 2013. No. 1. C. 78-83.
  • The problem of knowing someone else's subjective reality // Philosophy of science. Issue 17. Epistemological analysis of communication. Moscow, 2012. Pp. 24-39.
  • Subjective reality and the brain. On the question of half a century of experience in developing the "difficult problem of consciousness" in analytical philosophy // Epistemology: prospects for development. Moscow, 2012. Pp. 229-272.
  • The problem of virtuous deception. Kant and modernity // On the right to lie. Moscow, 2011. Pp. 289-314.
  • Consciousness as a subject of neurophysiological research (epistemological and methodological issues). Issue 15. Epistemology: current problems. Moscow, IPh RAS, 2010.P. 194-213.
  • What is social epistemology? // Epistemology of yesterday and today. Moscow, 2010. Pp. 69-82.
  • The problem of consciousness: the experience of reviewing the main issues and theoretical difficulties // The problem of consciousness in philosophy and science. Edited by D. I. Dubrovsky. Moscow, 2009. P. 5-52.
  • Man in the information society // Chelovek. 2009, No. 1. P. 143-47.
  • On the question of virtuous deception // Logos. 2008. No. 5. P. 15-18.
  • The problem of "other consciousness" // Problems of philosophy. 2008. No. 1.