Born in Chita region
Faculty of Philosophy, Moscow State University for Humanities (1997)
Cand. Sc. Philosophy [Ph.D.], 2006 : "Conceptions of the mind in contemporary french philosophy (М. Foucault and Jacque Derrida: the context of controversy )»
- "Conceptions of the mind in contemporary french philosophy. М. Foucault and Jacque Derrida. Moscow, 2011
Selected articles:
- Nation archive: Political history of memory // Fragments of Soviet Experience in 1920-1930s (Ed. H.Petrovsky) Moscow, 2012. Ch.2
- The touch and the gaze: anthropology of the body // Siniy Divan, Moscow, 2006, №9.
- M.Blanchot and his "Michel Foucault as I imagine him" // The critical mass, Moscow, 2003, №3.
- Formations of truth // Political Journal, Moscow, 2004, № 21 (24).
- «Les anormaux» by Michel Foucault: «abnormal» or somewhat other ? // Siniy Divan, Moscow, 2005, № 6.
- Our Derrida? (reception and strategies of rereading) // New Literary Observer, Moscow, 2005, № 72.