The Department of Analytical Anthropology (former “Laboratory for Post-classic Studies in Philosophy: Literature, Politics and Art", 1987-1997) was established in Perestroika times as a center of innovative studies in philosophy and humanities for collaborative work with scholars from European and American universities. It gathered together Valery Podoroga and Mikhail Ryklin, who are now internationally known intellectuals. In seminar discussions organized by Department took part Jacques Derrida, Jean-Luc Nancy, Fredric Jameson, Susan Buck-Morss, Antonio Negri, Giorgio Agamben. From the very beginning research projects of the Department integrated a broad spectrum of contemporary thought in an original manner, and included a large space mapped out by French theory, philosophical anthropology, Marxism and critical theory, psychoanalysis and media studies. The materials from Russian and Soviet intellectual and cultural history also play an important part in this collective research.
Main Publications:
Projects: International Conference "Critical Thought in the XXIth Century", with A.Negri, F.Jameson, S. Buck-Morss, V. Podoroga. Institute of Philosophy, National Center for Contemporary Art Moscow, June 2009. International Colloquium «Mythos of the Nation: Russian Philosophy and Russian Literature at the turn of the century, with V. Podoroga, V.Molchianov (Russian State University for Humanities), A.Kozirev (Moscow State University), К.Ичин (Belgrad University), N.Plotnikov (Ruhr University Bohum). Institute of Philosophy, September, 2008 Workshop in Auto-Bio-Graphy, Institute of Philosophy, 1998-1999
International Liasons: The Departement is working in the continuing collaboration with collegues from Cornell and Duke Universities (USA), University of Strasburg (France), Ruhr University Bohum and Leipzig University (Germany), Belgrad University (Serbia)
Department's Address: Department for Analytic Anthropology Institute of Philosophy of the Russian Academy of Sciences Goncharnaya 12/1, Moscow, 109240, Russian Federation +7(495) 697-89-96 e-mail: |