ResearcherID: U-8846-2018
Scopus Author ID: 57084632200
Gorelov Anatoly Alekseevich was born 23.09.1946 in Zarajsk of the Moscow region.
Gorelov A.A. has higher education; he has ended geological faculty of the Moscow state university of a name of M.V. Lomonosov in 1971 and postgraduate study of Institute of philosophy of the Russian Academy of Sciences in 1974.
Gorelov A.A. is the D.Sc. in Philosophy. In 1974 has protected the master's thesis on a theme: «Philosophical questions of modelling of biosphere». In 1988 has prepared and has protected the thesis for a doctor's degree on a theme: «the Person and the nature: ways of harmonisation of relations».
Area of interests is philosophical questions of mutual relations between the person and the nature, development of culture of informative activity of the person.
Professional activities
Gorelov A.A. works at the Institute of Philosophy, since 1973; currently he is the lead researcher of the Department of Philosophical problems of cteativity.
Teaching activity
Professor of Orthodox St. Tikhon Humanitarian University.
Lecture courses
«Philosophy», «Ecology», «Concepts of the modern natural sciences», «the Science and religion».
Textbooks and teaching works
- Philosophy and methodology of science: A textbook for undergraduates and postgraduates / A.A. Gorelov, T.A. Gorelova, A.V. Kostina. M.: KNORUS, 2021. 258. ISBN 978-5-406-08326-0.
- Philosophy and methodology of science: A textbook for undergraduates and postgraduates / A.A. Gorelov, T.A. Gorelova, A.V. Kostina. M.: Publishing House of Moscow University for the Humanities, 2020. 250 p.
- Gorelov A.A., Gorelova T.A. Fundamentals of Philosophy: a Tutorial. M.: KnoRus, 2017. 228 p.
- Sociology. Moscow, 2016;
- Political science. M., 2016;
- Concepts of the modern natural sciences. Moscow, 1996-2016;
- The History of Native Culture. Moscow, 2015.
- History of Russian Culture. M., 2008-2015;
- Social Science: Textbook for secondary vocational education. Moscow, 2011-2015 (co-authored with A. T. Gorelova);
- Social Studies: practical work for secondary vocational education. Moscow, 2011-2015 (co-authored with A. T. Gorelova).
- Fundamentals of Philosophy. Moscow, 2003-2014;
- Philosophy. Moscow, 1995-2010;
- The Basic of Ecology. Moscow, 2013.
Ecology. M., 1998-2009;
- Social Ecology. Moscow, 2002-2007;
- Ethics. M., 2002-2007 (co-authored with A. T. Gorelova);
- Cultural science. M., 2001-2007;
- History of World Culture. M., 2007-2011;
- History of World Religions. M., 2005-2008.
Research projects
«Man and Nature», «The problem of truth in scientific knowledge», «Globalization and the Future of Russia».
- Gorelov A.A., Gorelova T.A. Self-creation as a life strategy. Monograph. M. : RUSAINS, 2021. 186 p. ISBN 978-5-4365-8943-5.
Anatoly Gorelov, Stanislava Filipenok, Elena Yaroslavtseva. Creativity, Human Being, Science. Moscow, IPH RAS, 2018. - 101 p. ISBN 978-5-9540-0336-9.
Gorelov A.A Russian Revolution and the Civilizational Principles of Russia. Moscow, Telecom, 2018. 166 p. ISBN 978-5-9912-0717-1.
Gorelov A. A. Russian revolution and civilizational bases of Russia. M.: Hotline-Telecom, 2018. 166 p
- Smirnova N.M., Gorelov A.A., Morkina J.S. Creativity, Meaning, Interpretation. M.: Russian Academy of Science, 2016. 139 p.
- Global Neocolonialism in Action: the War of the West against Russia. M.: Letni Sad, 2016. 358 p.
- Evolution and Meaning of Culture. Moscow: Letniy Sad, 2016. 480 p. (co-authored by T.A Gorelova)
- Global Neocolonialism in the Activity: a War of the West against Russia and World. Moscow: Letniy Sad, 2016. 358 p.
- Spiritual Birth and Going away by L. Tolstoy. Moscow: LENAND, 2015. 288 p.
- Global Neocolonialism and Russian Idea. Moscow: LENAND, 2014. 256 p.
- Truth and meaning. Moscow, 2010.
- Globalization and the future of Russia. Moscow, 2009
- Individuality and evolution. Moscow, 2006
- The evolution of culture and ecology. Moscow, 2002
- Split people and integrated personality. Moscow, 1990
- Man – Harmony – Nature. Moscow, 1990
- Ecology – the science – modeling. Moscow, 1986
The main articles (from 2008 to 2022):
- Gorelov A.A. The significance of F. M. Dostoevsky in Russian and world philosophy // Znanie. Ponimanie. Umenie. 2021. No. 2. pp. 111-125. DOI: 10.17805/zpu.2021.2.7
- Gorelov A.A. On the question of the specifics of philosophical creativity // Yearbook "Philosophy of creativity".
- Gorelov A.A. Love and creativity (A. K. Tolstoy) // The Eighth Russian Philosophical Congress - "Philosophy in a polycentric world". Sections (II). Collection of scientific articles M.: RFO - IFRAN - MSU. Logos Publishing House, LLC "New Printing Technologies" (Moscow), 2020. – 1366 p. (pp. 1385-2750). pp. 2542-2546. ISBN 978-5-6045241-5-2. E-resource:
- Gorelov A. A., Gorelova T. A. Svobodomudrie vs svobodomyslie // Znanie. Ponimanie. Umenie. 2021. No. 1. Pp. 125-138. DOI 10.17805/zpu.2021.1.9. (0,5/1).
- Gorelov A. A., Gorelova T. A. Religious aspects of the modern paradigm of self-creation // Znanie. Ponimanie. Umenie. 2021. No. 3. Pp. 57-33. DOI: 10.17805/zpu.2021.3.4
- Gorelov A. A., Gorelova T. A. Modern failures of free thinking // Higher education for the XXI Century: Digital Transformation of Society: new opportunities and new challenges: The XVI International Scientific Conference, Moscow University for the Humanities, November 18-19, 2020: Reports and materials: at 2 p.m. 2. / ed. by I. M. Ilyinsky. Moscow : Publishing House of Moscow University for the Humanities. 2020. 492 p. Pp. 294-301. E-resource:
- Gorelov A. A., Gorelova T. A. Vernadsky's biosphere, P. Teilhard de Chardin's noosphere, P. A. Florensky's pneumatosphere // IV Moiseev’s readings : reports and materials of the Russian (National) Scientific Conference. Moscow, April 15-16, 2021 / ed. by A.V. Kostina. Moscow: Publishing House of Moscow University for the Humanities. 2021. 492 p. C. 191-200. ISBN 978-5-907410-41-1. Electron. Resource: Access mode:
- Gorelov A. A., Gorelova T. A. The concept of the pneumatosphere through the prism of the basic principles of modern natural science // Materials XXX International scientific symposium "Non-traditional eco-friendly crop production and agriculture. Cosmology and protection of the bio-noosphere. Philosophy of biopolitics and education in the trinity of economics, ecology and health. September 8-12, 2021, Alushta. Simferopol: "Forma", 2021. 485 p. Pp. 365-382 ISBN 978-5-907263-82-6
- Gorelov A. A. Russian Intellectual Club: Speech at the 29th meeting // Russian Intellectual Club: Transcripts of meetings and other materials. In 4 v. V. IV. M. : Socium, 2020. Pp. 379-383. ISBN 978-5-907194-91-5
- Gorelov A. A. Russian Intellectual Club: Speech at the 30th meeting // Russian Intellectual Club: Transcripts of meetings and other materials. In 4 v. V. IV. M. : Gorelov A. A. Russian Intellectual Club: Speech at the 31t meeting // Russian Intellectual Club: Transcripts of meetings and other materials. In 4 v. V. IV. M. : Socium, 2020. Pp. 534-537. ISBN 978-5-907194-91-5
- Gorelov A.A. Freedom-wisdom and anti-creativity // The philosophy of creativity. Yearbook. 6 th Issue / Ed. by Smirnova N. M., Bescova I. A. M.: Voice, 2020.
- Gorelov A.A., Gorelova T. A. The role of self-creation in the formation of individuality in Antiquity: a spiritual exercise "learning to live" // Knowledge. Understanding. Skill. 2020. № 1. P. 54-72.
- Gorelov A.A., Gorelova T. A. The role of self-creation in the formation of individuality in antiquity: spiritual exercises “learning to communicate with Others" and "learning to die» // Knowledge. Understanding. Skill. 2020. № 2. P. 68-83.
- Gorelov A.A., Gorelova T. A. Self-creation as an ascent to the "mountain world": spiritual practice of Plotinus // Knowledge. Understanding. Skill. 2020. № 3. P. 125-139.
- Gorelov A.A. Relationship of creativity of culture and creativity of life. // Philosophy of Creativity. 5 th Issue. Meaningful dimensions of the sociocultural spaces of creativity /Eds.: Natalia Smirnova, Irina Beskova. Moscow: IIntell, 2019.
- Gorelov A.A., Gorelova T.A. Awareness of the possibility of self-creation in antiquity: the school of Pythagoras // Knowledge. Understanding. Skill. 2019. № 3. P. 44-54.
- Gorelov A.A., Gorelova T.A. Self-creation as a protest potential of spiritual culture // Scientific researches of Moscow University for the Humanities. 2019. № 1. С. 148-170.
- Gorelov A.A., Gorelova T.A. Two faces of the Russian idea in the light of the thesaurus approach [El. res] // Horizons of humanitarian knowledge. 2019. № 2. С. 21–44. URL: DOI: 10.17805/ggz.2019.2.2.
- Gorelov A.A., Gorelova T.A. Two faces of the Russian idea // Tesaurus and problems of culture: III Academic readings for memory of V.L. Lukova: reports and materials of the all-Russian (national) scientific conference, 4 April 2019. М. : Moscow University for the Humanities, 2019. 401 p. P. 59-83. index.php/main/catalog/book/13
- Gorelov A.A., Gorelova T.A. The dynamics of the ecological niche of a man // Educational technology. 2019. № 2. P. 36-46.
- Gorelov A.A., Gorelova T.A. Humanitarian aspects of the ecological niche of man // II Moiseev’s readings: Culture as a factor of national security: reports and materials of the all-Russian (national) scientific conference. Moscow, 26 June 2019. М. : Moscow University for the Humanities, 2019. 517 p. P. 176-186. ISBN 978-5-907194-29-8.
- Gorelov A.A., Gorelova T.A. Contradictions of the ecological niche of man // Proceedings of the XXVIII International scientific Symposium “Unconventional ecorastenievodstvo, selection, genetics and bio-agriculture. Protection of the bio-noosphere and Cosmology. Philosophy of natural science and ecological education in the Trinity of Economics, ecology and health". Contradictions of the ecological niche of man. 8-15 September 2019, Alushta. Simferopol: ООО «Forma», 2019. P. 47-58.
- Gorelov A.A. the creativity and the principles of work with performances in the school of Epictetus // Knowledge. Understanding. Skill. 2018. No. 3. P. 63-78. DOI: 10.17805/zpu.2018.3.6.
- Gorelov A.A. (In et al. with Gorelova T.) The Evolution of the cultural meaning of sacrifices // scientific works of the Moscow humanitarian University. 2018. No. 2. P. 86-99. DOI: 10.17805/trudy.2018.2.8
- Gorelov A. A. The Concepts of N. Danilevsky, F. Dostoevsky and L. Tolstoy as spiritual alternatives to the Russian revolution // Revolution, evolution and dialogue of cultures. Reports on the 100th anniversary of the Russian revolution at the world philosophy day at the Institute of philosophy RAS on November 14 and 16, 2017. / edited by A.V. Chernyaev. Moscow : Gnosis. P. 119-133. ISBN 978-5-94244-061-9.
- Gorelov A.A. F. M. Dostoevsky: the Russian Idea and the Russian Socialism // Knowledge. Understanding. Skill. 2017. N 1. P. 50-65.
- Gorelov A.A. A. S. Khomyakov: Doctrine on “Sobornost” (Collegiality) and Russian Comminity // Knowledge. Understanding. Skill. 2017. N 2. P. 78-97.
- Gorelov A.A. Civilizational Factor of the Russian Revolution // Knowledge. Understanding. Skill. 2017. N 3. P. 102-122.
- Osvald Spengler’s Decline of the West and Possible Decline of the World // Knowledge. Understanding. Skill. 2016. № 1. P. 29-44 (co-auth. by T.A. Gorelova).
- “Cold War” between Russia and the United States: what are we defending? // Strategic Priorities. 2015. № 3. P. 44-54.
- N. Ya. Danilevsky’s Concept of Cultural-historical Types and the Contemporary Sociopolitical Reality // Knowledge. Understanding. Skill. 2015. № 4. P. 53-62.
- Experience as an Evolutional Process // Knowledge. Understanding. Skill. 2015. № 1. P. 18-28 (co-authored by T.A Gorelova).
- The Dialectics of the Concept of Immortality as the Realization of the Idea of a Common Cause of Nikolai Fyodorov // Vestnik of MCTTU. Series “Philosophical Sciences”. 2015. № 1. P. 28-38.
- Global Neocolonialism and the Problem of Sovereignty // “Vlast” (Power). 2015. № 2. P. 19-25 (co-authored by I.A. Bronnikov).
- Tolstoy about the Social Destination of the Creation // Philosophy of the Creation: materials of Russia Scientific Congress. 8-9 April 2015. M.: Institute of Philosophy of the Russian Academy of Sciences, 2015. P. 285-293.
- Experience, Truth and Meaning // Experience and Meaning. M.: Institute of Philosophy of the Russian Academy of Sciences, 2014. P. 134-154 (co-authored by T.A Gorelova).
- The Existential Foundations of the “Spiritual Birth” of Leo N. Tolstoy // Knowledge. Understanding. Skill. 2014. № 1. P. 141-152.
- From the World Colonial System till Global Neocolonialism // Age of Globalization. Journal of Global Studies. 2014. № 2. P. 42-64.
- Religion and modern biological view of the world // Philosophy and Culture. 2011, № 4 (co-authored with T.A. Gorelova) (0,6/1,2 p.s.).
- Creativity and true // Creativity: epistemological analysis. М: Institute of philosophy of the Russian Academy of Sciences, 2011 (1,3 p.s.).
- The global crisis and development of spirituality // Philosophy and Culture. 2010, № 1 (1,2 p.s.).
- «Integral» knowledge and complete true // Bulletin ПСТГУ. A series 1: «Theology, Philosophy». 2010. Release 1 (1,0 p.s.).
- A problem of integrity of true // True in sciences and philosophy. М: Alpha-M, 2010 (1,0 p.s.).
- A spiritual birth and leaving in eternity // Philosophy and culture. 2010, № 5 (1,2 p.s.).
- Globalization as an objective tendency of world development // the Century of globalization. 2009. № 1 (1,0 p.s.).
- About meaning of the life // Philosophy and culture. 2009, № 6 (1,2 p.s.).
- The concept of a passionarity and a problem of meaning of the life // Knowledge. Understanding. Ability. 2009. № 1, 2 (co-authored with T.A. Gorelova) (0,6/1,2 p.s.).
- A victim as a point of a bifurcation of spiritual culture // Philosophy and culture. 2008. № 6 (co-authored with T.A. Gorelova) (0,5/1,0 p.s.).
- Trues and disputes (historico-philosophical introduction in a true problem) // Multidimensionality of true. М: Institute of philosophy of the Russian Academy of Sciences, 2008 (1,2 p.s.).
The reports at international conferences (from 2008 to 2022):
- Report on the theme "Relationship of creativity of culture and creativity of life" at the conference "Philosophy of creativity", April, 2019. Institute of philosophy RAS.
- Report on "Humanitarian aspects of human ecological niche" at the all-Russian conference "II Moses readings: Culture as a factor of national security", Moscow, June 26, 2019. Moscow University for the Humanities.
- Tolstoy about the Social Destination of the Creation. International Scientific Congress “Philosophy of the Creation”. M.: Institute of Philosophy of the Russian Academy of Sciences. 8-9 April 2015.
- The Language of Tolstoy and Modernity // International Scientific Congress “Tolstoy’s Readings” M.: State Museum of L. Tolstoy, 19-20 November 2014.
- Pro et contra: Leo Tolstoy about Patriotism. 10 International Scientific Congress: Patriotism, Civility, Culture. M.: Institute of Philosophy of the Russian Academy of Sciences. 3 October 2013.
- «The involution of culture and modernization – are incompatible» // Culture Information Society and the problems of modernization in Russia. International Scientific Conference. Moscow, MosSU, 2011 (invited plenary lecture).
- «Tolstoy as a philosopher» // V International Congress of Tolstoy. Moscow – Tula, 2010 (invited plenary lecture).
- «Consumer Society and the current crisis» // International Conference «International Politics: Problems and Prospects». Drohobych, 2009 (invited plenary lecture).
- The report «Tolstoy and religion» // 3rd International congress Of Tolstoy. Moscow, 2008 (the invited plenary report).
- «Education in an informational society» // V International scientific conference «Higher education for the XXI century». Section 5. Higher education and development of the person. М, 2008 (the section report).
Scientifically-organizational work
The editor-in-chief of the collected papers «Multidimensionality of true» (together with M.M. Novoselov).
Member of the Expert Council of the contest of the best works of the Institute of Philosophy of the Russian Academy of Sciences.
Main results
It is shown that from the axial time in various civilizations there was a spiritual avant-garde, which broke through to creative novelty and formulated the goals of the future development of mankind. Based on a series of articles, it is demonstrated that in Antiquity such an avant-garde were philosophers who designated truth as a goal. In the Middle Ages, the telos of the Christian avant-garder became the presence before the Face of the Lord, in which everything is contained - the Way, the Truth, and the Meaning. The renaissance apology of Man leads to the idea of domination over nature. Having fallen away from the whole — God, the One, the Universe — modern man, who imagined himself the center and tried to take the place of this whole, actually turned into an "atomized" individual, unable to develop uniqueness. It is shown that the three main achievements of F. M. Dostoevsky are: 1) the study of man on three levels – humaneness, humanity and all-humanity; 2) the combination of polyphony with symphonicity as the basis of artistic and philosophical synthesis; 3) the combination of his three main philosophical concepts – pochvennichestvo, Russian idea and Russian socialism. The connection and interdependence of poetic creativity (using the example of A. K. Tolstoy) with the poet's love for a woman who became a life partner for several decades before the poet's death is shown. The formation and development of the concept of "pneumatosphere" is shown through the prism of the basic concepts of modern natural science. The specificity of philosophical creativity in relation to other branches of culture is shown, which includes the strength and depth of understanding of a special range of problems related to philosophical (ontological, epistemological, anthropological, etc.), with the indispensable condition that the value of a philosophical work is evaluated not only on the scale of "true – false", but also on the scale of "good – evil" in accordance with the ancient principle of the unity of truth, goodness and beauty. (2021)
Based on the analysis of the current situation and, in particular, the coronavirus pandemic, two ideas are considered – the idea of freedom-wisdom in its relationship with freedom of thought and the idea of anti-creativity on the example of trends in art and scientific developments on the creation of pathogens and their spread. The article shows the connection of the concept of freedom-wisdom with the problem of creativity and the need to limit the unrestrained desire for novelty in spite of the social significance of the results. (2020)
The basic results of the work and their novelty: the definitions of self-creation and creativity of life are given. It is shown how they work in the broad context of the history of philosophy-the philosophy of Antiquity, religious systems and systems of education. (2019)
In the book “Russian Revolution and the Civilizational Principles of Russia” the concepts of the nineteenth century, which are part of the civilization core of Russian culture, are considered: the doctrine of the collegiality of A. S. Khomyakov, the concept cultural and historical types of N. Ya. Danilevsky, the notion of Russian idea and Russian socialism of F. M. Dostoevsky, the concept of non-resistance to evil violence of L. N. Tolstoy. Their influence on the Russian revolution is shown. (2018)
In the book ‘Creativity, Human Being, Science’ We consider the relationship between creativity as such and self-creativity, which is understood as a special kind of creativity related to the Creator himself, who is trying to change himself in accordance with his ideas about the ideal of man as a qualitatively new education, not former before. Identified are similar to the stages of creativity self-creativity as: 1) preparation – the attainment of peace of mind prior to the training; 2) cleansing – "the descent of the mind" and the attainment of correct ideas; 3) the perfection of a virtuous life; 4) verification of the obtained results. (2018)
The articles, published in 2018, investigated the features of collective social creativity in the period of the Russian revolution, as well as the role of ideas and cultural meaning of self-sacrifice in the individual creativity of individual thinkers. The fundamental role of social creativity is shown on the example of concepts N. Y. Danilevsky, F. M. Dostoevsky and L. N. Tolstoy in changing the world, as well as the important role of individual creativity in terms of working with ideas in the transformation of the inner world of man, since ancient times. (2018)
In 2010th (untill 2017) engaged in the philosophical problems of creativity: the importance of philosophy of creativity, the problem of understanding the meaning of creativity, the role of creativity in the development of man and society, the main properties and social purpose of art. It is shown that the sense of creativity is a set of processes of transformation of bodily to spiritual and spiritual to corporal. On the topic of "Creativity and self-creativity" on the basis of wide use of domestic and foreign historical and philosophical material from antiquity to the present day explores the properties and characteristics of self-creativity as a special kind of creativity, drawn to the subject of creativity. Shows the relationship between the creativity of culture and the transformation of the subject of creativity. In the framework of activities of the Institute of philosophy of the 100th anniversary of the Russian revolution shows how creative constructs, created by A. S. Khomyakov, N. Ya. Danilevsky, F. M. Dostoyevsky, opposed to the revolutionary violence and the disintegration of the Russian civilization.
In 2000th years Gorelov investigated knowledge problems, including a parity of true and sense, true and creativity, a role of concept of true in evolutionary epistemology.
Since the early 1990s Gorelov attaches great importance to today's global problems. He believes that globalization is an objective tendency of world development that continues the general tendency of social integration of humanity. However, globalization should not be limited to any one option, and should include the use of cultural diversity made civilizations past and present. In order to take their rightful place in the globalizing world, Russia's development must comply with the current trend information, mechanization, democratization, ecologization, etc., and at the same time conform to civilization specificity that distinguishes the Russian culture as a link between the cultures of West and East to the vast space Eurasia. For the formation of a new global world is very important to overcome the ecological, socio-economic and spiritual crisis of humanity, his attainment of a higher moral level, what help can be essential spiritual and social potential of the Russian Idea.
Gorelov A.A. was engaged in the study of philosophical questions the relationship between man and nature, including the global dimension of environmental problems in 1970-80. Gorelov to trace the connection of global ecological crisis to crisis socio-economic and spiritual crisis of man. He formulated the immediate scientific, technical and socio-economic problems prevent an ecological catastrophe. To do this, in his opinion, requires the harmonization of the relationship between man and nature in three areas - transformational, cognitive, ethical and aesthetic. He developed the concept of socio-natural progress, and aggressively consumer-loving creative alternatives to the development of personality, integrity, knowledge and transformation of the world, etc.
Awards |
1. Silver medal of ENEA for the 2nd place in the contest of philosophical works for the book «Man – Harmony – Nature» in 1990.
2. The medal «For the 850th anniversary of Moscow» in 1997.