Year and place of birth
Bishkek, 1974
Researcher ID: U-9189-2018
ORCID: 0000-0002-7402-5265
Scopus Author ID: 57136801800
РИНЦ ID: 331403
Economy and Management Faculty, Kalmyk State University, 1999
Faculty of Political Science, Moscow School of Social and Economic Sciences, 2002
- Doctor of Philosophy, IPh RAS, 2006 ("Tolerance as a Category of the Political Theory")
- M.A. in Political Science, Manchester University, 2002 ("Culture of the dominating majority and Minority Cultures: politics of assimilation, segregation, integration")
Professional appointments
- Head of the Department of Philosophical Problems in Politics, Institute of Philosophy, Russian Academy of Sciences;
- Head of the Department of Political Analysis and Forecasting, Faculty of Political Science, State Academic University for Humanities.
Ongoing research interests:
Tolerance as a category of the political theory, relations between government and civil society, the role of the humanitarian education in the formation of national identity; the concept of the authentic development; theories of the local civilizations.
- Russian Identity Metamorphosis in the context of post-Soviet development. Moscow, 2016.
- Revolution as a concept and an event. Moscow, 2015.
- Political sciences. Programs of study-courses. Moscow, 2008.
- Tolerance as a principle of political action: the history, the theory, the practice. Moscow, 2007.
The collective monographs:
- Russia on the path of consolidation, Moscow, 2015.
- Consolidation and modernization of Russia, Moscow, 2014.
- “Civilization” as a Local Phenomenon: The First Stage of Theoretical Study // ‘Obshchestvennye nauki i sovremennost’, 2021, no. 6, pp. 119–134. DOI: 10.31857/S086904990014931-6.
- The geopolitical wave and the logical wave of understanding the phenomenon “local civilization” // Polylogos. Vol. 5. № 4, 2021. DOI: 10.18254/S258770110017160-8.
- Local Civilizational Studies and the Social Constructivism: Possibilities of the Connection // Philosophical Thought. № 11, 2021, pp. 105–118. DOI: 10.25136/2409-8728.2021.11.36798.
- Civilization Aspects of Post-Soviet Identity // Polylogos. Vol. 4. № 2, 2020.
- Comparative research of archetypical images of Russian and European fairy tales // Civilization studies review. Vol. 2. №2, 2020.
- Authentic Development: Key Aspects of the Conception // RUDN Journal of Political Science. Vol. 22. № 1. 2020.
- Manipulated Human (Political Instability as a Forthcoming Consequence of Modern Education Technologies) // Philosophical Thought. № 11, 2019.
- The Ethical Choice of Modern Russian Family as a Political Decision // Philosophical Thought. № 10, 2019.
- The sea of Russian culture (Russain identity and the concept of tolerance) // RUDN Journal of Political science. Vol. 20. №4, 2018.
- Alexander Bogdanov's Socialism in Mikhail Loktionov's historiosophical reinterpretation // Polilogos. Vol. 2. №4, 2018.
- The conсept of authenthiс development as an alternative ideology of modernization // RUDN Journal of Political science. Vol. 20. №2, 2018.
- Freedom and Humanities and Social Sciences Education in Russia: Problems and Prospects // Russian Studies in Philosophy. Volume 53, Issue 3, 2015.
- Rethinking the Category of Revolution // PFUR bulletin. №2, 2015.
- Concept of “migration” during the Era of epistemological colonialism // Philosophical Thought. №7, 2015.
- The culture of power and power of culture // Culture in globalising world: chalanges and horizons. Moscow, MES Academy, 2014.
- Russian World as purpose society // Politvektor, 2011.
- Russia as purpose society // Politvektor, 2011.
- Russia's civil society: paths to consolidation // PFUR bulletin, 2011.
- Humanitarian education as the factor of formation of civil identity// The Political-philosophical year-book. Vol. 3. - Moscow, 2010.
- Problems democratic legitimacy the authorities in modern Russia// Democracy and the sovereignty. Variety of historical experience. – Moscow, 2010.
- the Theme 9. History and philosophy of XX century; the Theme 16. History of the theory of tolerance// The History Interpretation. An innovative study-methodical complex. Moscow, 2010.
- Conditions of tolerance in structure of public morals// Public morals: philosophical, ethical and applied problems. Moscow, 2009.
- The Civil society and the modern Russian state// Bulletin RUDN. A series political science, №4, 2009.
- Political as erotic: "Great Refusal" Herbert Markuze// Political as a problem. Sketches of political philosophy of the XX century. - Moscow, 2009.
- Experience of teaching of political science: scientific potential of the Institute of Philosophy of Russian Academy of Sciences as a strategic reserve of development of a political science// Political-philosophical year-book. Vol. 2. - Moscow, 2009.
- Theory of the tolerance: a problem of a choice of methodology// Political theory, language and ideology. – Moscow, 2008.
- Philosophy-methodological approaches to a category "tolerance"// Political-philosophical year-book. Vol. 1. - Moscow, 2008.
- About the conflict of various systems of values// Philosophical sciences, №3, 2007.
- Problems of formation of the Russian self-consciousness//Kosmopolis, №2 (16) winter 2006/2007.
- Tolerance and political violence// Political Studies, №3, 2004.
- Tolerance and the Strengthening of Ethnocentric Consciousness// Political Studies, №6, 2003.
Conference Papers: |
- The paradigm of an authentic development as a basis of the security and stability of Russian society. The report on the All-Russian Scientific Conference "Practical Philosophy: from classical to media-society. 2018, Astrachan.
- The collapse of the USSR: the rational and the irrational reasons and grounds. The report on the All-Russian Scientific Conference with international participation "Historic site of Soviet society" on October, 6th, 2015, Moscow.
- Problems democratic legitimacy the authorities in modern Russia. The report at a methodological seminar "the Problem of the political sovereignty: history and the present" on October, 28th, 2008, Moscow.
- Problems of formation of the Russian identity//the Person and culture in formation of a civil society in Russia. Materials of 2nd All-Russia conference on May, 21-23, 2007, Tambov.
- Sociopolitical aspects of cultural and ethnic conflicts//Materials of IV International scientific conference «Russia and the East: a tolerance problem in dialogue of civilizations» on May, 3-6, 2007, Astrakhan.
- Problems of formation of the Russian national self-consciousness// Problems of the Russian consciousness. Materials of 1st All-Russia conference on October, 26-28, 2006, Orel.
- Philosophy-methodological approaches to a category tolerance. The report on IV All-Russia congress of political scientists on October, 21, 2006, Moscow.
- Symbolical Representation ethnic minority as one of intolerance sources in Russia. 12 symposium «Ways of Russia: 20 years of changes» on January, 22, 2005, Moscow.
- Russian Federation: multinational empire, concessiative democracy, immigrant community or the national state? (Vectors of development of tolerance)//Vectors of development of modern Russia. Materials of scientific conference of young social scientists on April, 19-20, 2002, Moscow.
Grants and Projects:
- The state contract "Problems of citizenship and identity" (2009-2011), - the Participant of the project.
- Project "Political ethics: the standard bases and forms of social regulation" (2009-2011), - the Secretary of the project.
- Project "the Civil society: the theory and modern practice in world and Russian measurements" (2009-2011), - the Participant of the project.
- Project "Creation of system of the permission of ethnopolitical conflicts and formation of culture of political tolerance in strategically important Southern Federal District" (2009-2011), - the Participant of the project.
- Project "Philosophy-methodological approaches to categories of a political science" (2006-2008), – the Secretary of the project.
- Project "the Scientifically-educational complex on humanitarian and social sciences (experience in researches and teaching)" (2006-2008), – the Participant of the project.
Е-mail: svetlana_ilinska@mail.ru