Date and place of birth
1938, Yalta (The Crimea)
Lomonosov Moscow State University, Faculty of Philosophy (1960)
DSc in Philosophy (1985, Institute of Philosophy of Academy of Science USSR). Thesis: The Social Production. A Social-philosophical Aspect Of The Analysis.
PhD in Philosophy (1968, Institute of Philosophy of Academy of Science USSR). Thesis: Social Division Of Labour And Development Of The Personality.
Fields of research
Social philosophy, Russian Philosophy of History XIX – beginning of XX, Russia in the context of processes of modernization and globalization, philosophical problems of upbringing and education.
Professional appointments
Main Research Fellow , IPh RAS, 2006
University Courses
Special Course “Russian Philosophy Of History XIX – beginning of XX centuries”, philosophical faculty GAUGN (State Academic University of Humanitarian Sciences)
Scientific Supervision
Curricula |
Tutorial for students for the course “Social-philosophical Problems Of The Labour And Production”: 4.1. “Social Production And The Human” (1996), 4.2. “Human And Labour” (1996);
Tutorial research of the course “General-Sociological Problems Of Labour And Production”, Moscow, 1999, 2001.
Tutorial (Course of lectures ) “Russian Philosophy Of History”, Moscow, 1997 (In co-authorship with L.I.Novikova).
Tutorial for graduate students “Philosophy Of History”, Moscow, 1999. Chapter 3 (In co-authorship with L.I.Novikova). Second add. edition Moscow, 2000.
Tutorial for universities “Russian Civilization”. Moscow, 2003. Chapter 3 (In co-authorship with L.I.Novikova).
Research projects
- “The Human in The Economy and Other Social Environments” (head of the collective project) – with support of Russian Humanitarian science Fund (N. 08-03-00175a), 2008-2010
- “Post-evolutional Concepts of Social Development” with support of Russian Humanitarian science Fund, 2004-2006
- “Enlightenment. Education. Upbringing. The Roll Call Of Ideas: Russian Social Thought in the XVIII-XX centuries” with support of Russian Humanitarian science Fund, 2003-2005
- “Ideas Of Upbringing In Russian Philosophy of XIX century”, 2003
- “Models Of The Social Development of Russia”, 2001-2003
- “The Upbringing Potential Of The Russian Social Thought” with support of Russian Humanitarian science Fund, 1997-1998
- “Philosophical Origins Of Russian Liberalism”, 1996-1998
Books (in Russian):
- Anthology: “Poetry As A Genre Of Russian Philosophy”. Moscow: IPh RAS, 2007 (author-compiler, introduction and scientific commentary).
- Sizemskaya I.N. The Russian Historiosophy. Moscow, 2006 (introduction, editing-compiling, scientific commentary. In co-authorship with L.I.Novikova).
- Sizemskaya I.N. Russian Rhythms Of The Social History. Moscow, 2004 (In co-authorship with L.I.Novikova).
- Sizemskaya I.N. Ideas Of Upbringing In Russian Philosophy. XIX – beginning of the XX centuries. Moscow: 2004 (in co-authorship with L.I.Novikova).
- Sizemskaya I.N. Three Models Of The Development Of Russia. Moscow, 2000 (In co-authorship with L.I.Novikova).
- Sizemskaya I.N. N.A.Berdyaev. About Human, His Freedom And Spirituality. Selected writings. Moscow, 1999 (Introduction, editing-compiling, scientific commentary. In co-authorship with L.I.Novikova).
- Sizemskaya I.N. Essay About Russian Philosophy Of History. Moscow, 1996. (Introduction, editing-compiling, scientific commentary. In co-authorship with L.I.Novikova). Mir Rossia-Evrasia. Moscow, 1995 (Introduction, editing-compiling, scientific commentary. In co-authorship with L.I.Novikova).
- Sizemskaya I.N. Anthologies: “The intelligentsia. The Authority. The People”. Moscow, 1993. (Introduction, editing-compiling, scientific commentary. In co-authorship with L.I.Novikova).
- Sizemskaya I.N. Russia Between Europe And Asia: The Eurasian Temptation. Moscow, 1993 (Introduction, editing-compiling, scientific commentary. In co-authorship with L.I.Novikova).
- Sizemskaya I.N. Human And Labour: The Conditions Of Harmony And Development. Moscow, 1981.
Participation in collective monographs:
- Sizemskaya I.N. P.B.Struve: the First Model of Capitalization of Russia // Social-Philosophical Analysis of Modernization: Theories, Models, Experience / Moscow: IPhRAS, 2013. P.69-79.
- Sizemskaya I.N. Modern Senses of The Ochlocracy: ‘Mass Reigns, But Not Govern’ // Changing Sociality: Contours of Future / Edit. by V.G.Fedotova. Moscow: IPh RAS, 2012. P. 92– 110.
- Changing Sociality: The New Forms of Modernization and Progress. Moscow: Institute of Philosophy RAS, 2010. – 274 p.
- The Human In The Economy and Other Social Environmental. Moscow: Institute of Philosophy RAS, 2006. – 424 p.
- New Ideas in The Social Philosophy. Moscow: Institute of Philosophy RAS, 2006. – 324 p.
- «Good Society»: The Social Construction of The Society Acceptable for The Life. Moscow: Institute of Philosophy RAS, 2003. – 182 p.
- Modernization and Globalization: The Images of Russia in The XXI Century. Moscow: Institute of Philosophy RAS, 2002. – 208 p.
- Liberalism In Russia. Moscow, 1996
- The Unclaimed Capabilities Of Russian Spirit. Moscow, 1995
- Marx-Lenin’s Theory Of The Historical Process. Historical Process: The Reality, Matter Base, The Primary And The Secondary Moscow: Nauka. 1981, Vol.1, 463 p;
- Marx-Lenin’s Theory Of The Historical Process. Historical Process: The Dialectics Of The Modern Age. Moscow: Nauka. 1987, Vol.3, 448 p.
- Scientific-Technical Revolution As The Social Process. Moscow, 1982.
- The Spiritual Production. A Social-Philosophical Aspect Of The Problem Of Spiritual Activity. Moscow, 1982.
Another papers
- “Antinomy Of Personality And Society In The Anthropology Of N.A.Berdyaev” (In co-authorship with L.I.Novikova)
- “Idea Of The Messianism In Russian Philosophy Of History” (In co-authorship with L.I.Novikova)
- “Ideas And Origins Of Russian Liberalism” (In co-authorship with L.I.Novikova)
- “New Liberalism In Russia”
- “A Political Programs: The Reality Or Utopia?”
- “The Introduction To The Philosophical Anthropology Of N.A.Berdyaev” (In co-authorship with L.I.Novikova).
Abstract about publications
Publications In Journals: Voprosy Filosofii (“The Questons Of Philosophy”), Filosofskie Nauki (“Philosophical Sciences”), Filosofical Issledovanya (“Philosophical Studies”), Obshestvennie Nauki I Sovremennist (“Social Sciences And Modernity”), Svobodnaya Mysl (“Free Thought”), Vlast (“Authority”), Pedagogika (“Pedagogy”), Konfliktologya (“Conflictology”), Chelovek (“Human”) and others. Participation in creation of “Philosophical Encyclopedic Dictionary” (2001), in Minor Encyclopedic Dictionary “Russian Civilization. The Ethno-Cultural And Spiritual Aspects” (2001). Brochures for urgent problems of socio-philosophical knowledge. Publications in Czech, Polish, German, Spanish, Vietnamese, Chinese.
Member of editorial board of journal “Filosofskie Nauki”; member of The Dissertation Senate D002.015.02 (IPh RAS) for the defence of dissertations in the social philosophy; Member of the Dissertation Senate under IPh RAS for the defence of dissertations in the specialty “Political problems of international relations and global development”.
Participation in the international and national conferences, member of the Dissertation Senate for the defence of a doctors’ of sciences dissertations in the social philosophy in IPh RAS.
- Diploma for active participation and organizing VII International Congress for Logic, Methodology and Philosophy of science (1987),
- Diploma for the victory in the contest “New Books About Social And Humanitarian Sciences For High School” (1996)
- Medal of Moscow 800’s Anniversary (1997)
- Laureate of the contest “Humanitarian Sciences – For The Humanitarian Education” (1997)
- Diploma (2000) and Letter of commendation (2004) for participation in the Best Book Of The Year Contest’s IPh RAS