Institute of Philosophy
of the Russian Academy of Sciences

  Alexey Kara-Murza
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Alexey Kara-Murza

Русскоязычная версия страницы


1956, Moscow


1981 – PhD in History
1994 – DSc in Philosophy
2010 - Professor 

Professional appointments

Chief Research Fellow, Head of the Department of the Philosophy of Russian History


ResearcherID: S-6378-2017

Scopus Author ID: 57195757946

ORCID iD SPIN - 7303-3344AuthorID: 1444

Google Scholar






Monographs and books
  • Famous Russians about Venice. Moscow, 2019.
  • The Swiss wandering of Nikolai Karamzin (1789–1790). Moscow, 2016.
  • The allure of beauty: the Amalfi in Russian culture. Moscow, 2016 (co-authored with Michail G. Talalay, Olga A. Zukova).
  • Famous Russians about Naples. Moscow, 2016 
  • Famous Russians about Florence. Moscow, 2016
  • I Russi ad Amalfi. Suggestioni mediterranee e storie di vita. Centro di Cultura e Storia Amalfitana. Italy. 2015 (co-authored with Michail G. Talalay, Olga A. Zukova).
  • Famous Russians about Rome. Moscow, 2014
  • Intellectual portraits. Essays about Russian political thinkers of the XIX-XX centuries (No.3) Moscow, IPhRAS, 2014
  • Famous Russians in Amalfi. Moscow, 2012
  • Freedom and Faith. Christian liberalism in Russian political culture. Moscow,  IPhRAS, 2011. (with Olga Zhukova).
  • Intellectual portraits. Essays about Russian political thinkers of the XIX-XX centuries (No.2) Moscow, IPhRAS, 2009
  • Freedom and order. From the history of Russian political thought of the XIX-XX centuries. Moscow, Moscow School of Political Studies, 2009
  • God way of a Russian doctor and politician. Ivan P. Alexinsky (1871-1945). Moscow, 2009
  • From the history of liberalism in Krasnoyarsk region: V.A. Karaulov, S.V. Vostrotin. Moscow - Krasnoyarsk, Premier Press, 2007
  • The first Russian emigration sovietologist: Simon O. Portugeys (1870-1944). Moscow, 2006
  • Intellectual portraits. Essays about Russian political thinkers of the XIX-XX centuries. Moscow, IPhRAS, 2006
  • Famous Russians about Naples. Moscow, 2002
  • Famous Russians about Rome. Moscow, 2001
  • Famous Russians about Venice. Moscow, 2001
  • Famous Russians about Florence. Moscow, 2001


  • Lev Karsavin on the Religious Meaning of Bolshevism and Russian Revolution // Polylogos. 2023. V. 7. № 1. URL: DOI: 10.18254/S258770110024788-8
  • Lev Karsavin: Russian Religiosity and Russian Revolution // Russian Studies in Philosophy. 2022. Vol. 60. № 6. PP. 441-451.
  • Motifs of “the North” in Young Osip Mandelstam’s Philosophical–Poetic Works // Russian Studies in Philosophy. 2021. Vol 59. № 2. P. 136-145. DOI: 10.1080/10611967.2021.1928951
  • Between East and West: Russian Identity in the Émigré Writings of Ilya Fondaminsky and Semyon Portugeis // The Palgrave Handbook of Russian Thought. Eds.: Bykova, Marina F., Forster, Michael N., Steiner, Lina (Eds.), 2021. P. 293-316.
  • "Russian North" by Nikolai Turgenev (young years) // Polylogos. 2020. Vol. 4. № 1. URL: DOI: 10.18254/S258770110009842-8
  • “Rossiya kak ‘Sever’: problemy tsivilizatsionnoi iden-tichnosti v filosofii Borisa Pasternaka (k 130-letiyu so dnya rozhdeniya)” [Russia as the“North”: problems of civilizational identity in the philosophy of Boris Pasternak (dedi-cated to the 130th anniversary of birth)] // Filosofskii zhurnal / Philosophy Journal. 2020. Vol. 13. No. 2. P. 5‒18.
  • The Poet-philosopher Ivan Oreus-Konevskoy — a Cult Figure of “Russian Northernship” of the Silver Age // Chelovek. 2020. Vol. 31. N 3. P. 155–172. DOI: 10.31857/S023620070010040-1.
  • The Political Philosophy of Russian Liberalism // Dimensions and Challenges of Russian Liberalism. Cucciolla R. (eds). Philosophy and Politics - Critical Explorations, vol 8. Springer, Cham, 2019. P. 3-14. (co-authored with Zhukova O.)
  • “Pushkin’s Russia”: Russian Identity in the Émigré Works of Vladimir Veidle // Russian Studies in Philosophy. 2019. Vol. 57. Iss.3. P. 270-280.
  • “Chieftain” Subculture in Russia in Search of Historical Alternatives (V.V. Shulgin) // Russian Journal of Philosophical Sciences. 2019. Vol. 62. № 4. P. 7-24. (In Russ.) DOI: 10.30727/0235-1188-2019-62-4-7-24
  • Le relazioni culturali fra la Russia e l'Italy: per i 200 anni dalla nascita di Turgenev // 1918-2018: un secolo di storia a Villa Berg. Mosca, 2019. P. 419-433.
  • Spiritual Rebirth: Ivan Turgenev’s 1840 Trip to Rome // Russian Studies in Philosophy. 2018. Vol. 56. №5. P. 434-443. DOI: 10.1080/10611967.2018.1506016
  • Ivan Turgenev as a political thinker (on the 200th anniversary of birth) // Polylogos. 2018. Vol. 2. № 3. URL: DOI: 10.18254/S0000050-7-1 
  • Gavriil Derzhavin on Russian Civilization: Russia as “The North” // Russian Studies in Philosophy. 2018. Vol. 56. №2. P. 88-98.  DOI 10.1080/10611967.2018.1456101
  • A Russian Philosopher’s European Adventures: Young Vladimir Solovyov in Italy (1875–1976) // Russian Studies in Philosophy. 2018. Vol. 56. №2. P. 99-118.  DOI 10.1080/10611967.2018.1456103
  • “Peacetime Moscow,” “Wartime Moscow,” “Revolutionary Moscow”: The Three Faces of Fyodor Stepun’s Native City // Russian Studies in Philosophy. 2018. Vol. 56. №2. P. 119-152. DOI 10.1080/10611967.2018.1456110
  • "World-wide responsiveness" or "Russian Europeanism"? (Vladimir Veidle on the work of Pushkin) // Polylogos. 2018. Vol 2. № 1. URL: DOI: 10.18254/S0000031-6-1
  • Prince Peter Andreevich Vyazemsky, and the historical fates of Russia (to the 225th birth anniversary). The materials of the international conference // Voprosy Filosofii. 2018. Vol 3. P. 5-32. (co-authored with Prokhorova I.E., Zhukova O.A., Shchedrina T.G., Pruzhinin B.I.)
  • Russia - a Hundred Years after the Revolution: Causes and Effects. Material of the International Scientific Conference // Voprosy Filosofii. 2017. Vol. 11. P. 95–133.
  • The Russian “North”. Metamorphoses of National Identity in the Late 18th – Early 19th Centuries: G.R. Derzhavin // Philosophical Sciences. 2017. Vol. 8. P. 121-134.
  • The concept of «Russian northernerdom» in the heroic order by G.R. Derzhavin (on the issue of Russian identity) // The political conceptology: journal of metadisciplinary research. 2017. №3. P. 187-194.
  • Between empire and nation state //Russia in Global Affairs. 2017. Т. 15. № 1. С. 187-197. (co-authored with Vishnevsky A., Losev A., Malashenko A., Mezhuyev B., Miller A., Remizov M., Ryzhkov V., Khairetdinov D., Yarlykapov A., Lukyanov F.)
  • 'Hoorah! To Dijon', or Five Days in Burgundy (About the Short Trip of Ivan Turgenev and Lev Tolstoy in Spring of 1857) // Philology: scientific researches. 2017. № 1. С.18-27. DOI: 10.7256/2454-0749.2017.1.22119.
  • The Pushkin’s Poem The Bronze Horseman: Politicо-philosophical Projections // Anatomy of Philosophy: How the Text Works. Collection of Works /  Edited by by Yulia V. Sineokaya. Institute of Philosophy, Russian Academy of Sciences. Moscow, LRC Publishing House, 2016. Р. 607-624.
  • The Karamzin Debate: Anniversary Notes // Voprosy Filosofii. 2016. Vol. 12. P. 106–110.
  • Nickolai Mikhailovitch Karamzin: between liberalism and conservatism. Anniversary notes //Nikolai Karamzin and the historical destiny of Russia. To the 250th anniversary of the birth / Common. ed. and comp. A. A. Kara-Murza, V. L. Sharova, A. F. Yakovleva. Moscow, 2016. P. 9-19.
  • The riddle of «Tartuffe». Unknown pages of the european voyage of N.M. Karamzin (1789–1790) // Nikolai Karamzin and the historical destiny of Russia. To the 250th anniversary of the birth / Common. ed. and comp. A. A. Kara-Murza, V. L. Sharova, A. F. Yakovleva. Moscow, 2016. P. 361-375.
  • Whether Karamzin was a liberal? (Towards the 250th anniversary) // The political conceptology: journal of metadisciplinary research. 2016, № 3. P. 252–257.
  • Karamzin, Shaden and Gellert. On the Sources of Nikolai Karamzin's Liberal Conservative Discourse // Philology: Scientific research. 2016. № 1(21), pp. 101-106. 
  • Berdyaev's Moscow: A Philosophical Investigation of Local History // Russian Studies in Philosophy. Vol. 53, №4, 2015, pp. 338–351.
  • Stepun, Moscow and World War // Voprosy Filosofii. 2015. №10, P. 83-86.
  • Cultural Capital of Russia (A review of the book O. A. Zhukova. Selected works on philosophy of culture. Cultural capital. Russian culture and social practices in modern Russia. Moscow, 2014, 536 p.) // Russian sociological review. 2015 Volume 14. Issue 3. P. 161-167. 
  • V.V. Veidle’s Florence (An Essay on the Philosophical Area Study) // Philosophical Sciences. 2015. №7. P. 45-52.
  • On the way to the Christian liberalism: evolution of the concept of “freedom” in the works of G.P. Fedotov // The political conceptology: journal of metadisciplinary research. № 1, 2015. P. 187–208
  • The problem of "self-destruction of civilization" in the works of Russian philosopher of the silver age of Russian culture // Russia in the global architecture of the world: the civilizational dimension / Resp. edited by A. V. Smirnov. Moscow. 2015. P. 113-164.
  • Russian political consciousness: the prospects of forming a national consensus // Consolidation and modernization of Russia / SYN. A. Guseinov, V. A. Smirnov, B. O. Nikolayev. M., 2014. P. 72-114.
  • Philosophy and journalism (report on the International conference "Philosophy in the public space", Institute of philosophy, RAS, November 20, 2014) //Adam Alemi. Philosophical and socio-humanitarian magazine. Kazakhstan. P. 17-22.
  • Fedor Avgustovich Stepun about "Old Russia" // Imperial and monarchical component of liberal ideology. Orel, 2014. P. 192-202.
  • Moscow of Fedor Stepun // Philosophical Sciences. 2014. No. 8. P. 60-77.
  • Berdyaev’s Moscow (An Experience of Philosophical Area Study) // Philosophical Sciences. 2014. № 4. P. 65-77
  • "The concept of personal suitability" P. B. Struve: the stages of development // Political conceptology: journal of meta-disciplinary research. 2014. No. 2. P. 157-181.
  • "The Prince" Machiavelli and "the bronze horseman" by Pushkin (philosophical-political Parallels) // Philosophical Sciences. 2014. No. 1. P. 75-87.
  • To commemorate the 200th anniversary of the birth of T. N. Granovsky. International round table // Philosophical Sciences. 2013. No. 9. P. 65-66.
  • The last journey of Nikolai Vladimirovich Stankevich (Italy, 1839-1840.) / / Problems of Russian self-consciousness. Moscow - Belgorod. 2013. Pp. 218 - 222.
  • As thoughts turn to ideology // Bulletin of Analytics. 2013. No. 2. Pp. 147-156.
  • Herzen: In Search of the Russian Personality // Russian Studies in Philosophy. Winter. 2012-2013. VOL. 51. No. 3. P. 58-70. 
  • The fate of liberalism in Russia // History teaches. Letters on civil education, and enlightenment. Moscow: Moscow school of political studies. 2013. P. 102-113. 
  • Russia on the path to liberal civilization (re-Reading Struve, and others) // State. Society. Management. M.: ALPINA PABLISHER, 2013. S. P. 147-164. 
  • The problem of national identity in Russian liberal discourse of the XIX–XX centuries. / / Citizenship and immigration: a conceptual, historical and institutional dimension. / Under the editorship of V. S. Malakhov, A. F. Yakovleva. M.:Kanon +, 2013. P. 62-75. 
  • Features of modernization of political culture in Russia (end of XIX – beginning of XX centuries) // the Constitution of 1993 and Russian liberalism: the 20th anniversary of the Russian Constitution. Collection of scientific articles. Orel: Publisher Alexander Vorobyov. 2013. S. S. 42-49
  • Herzen in the house of the princes Golitsyn on Volkhonka. The investigation and the court in the case Of persons who sang in Moscow libelous song" (1834-1835 years) // Alexander Herzen and the historical fate of Russia. Proceedings of the International scientific conference on the 200th anniversary of A. I. Herzen (Institute of philosophy, Russian Academy of Sciences, 20-21 June 2012.) – Moscow, 2013. P. 10-23
  • As ideas are transformed into ideology: the Russian context // Philosophical Sciences. 2012. No. 2(9). P. 27-44.
  • P. Struve and development of his concepts of "personal suitability" // Peter Berngardovich Struve / Under the General editorship of O. A. Zhukova and V. K. Kantor. M., 2012. Pp. 130-170.
  • The fate of liberalism in Russia // Vestnik St. Petersburg University. Mosk. Sch. polit. issled. General. notebook. M., 2012. P. 91-98.
  • Timofey Nikolayevich Granovsky – the ancestor of the domestic Corporation professional historians // History and historians in the space of national and world culture of the XVIII–XXI centuries: Sat. article Chelyabinsk, 2012. P. 221-232.
