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  Vladislav A. Lectorsky
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Vladislav A. Lectorsky

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Born 1932, Moscow          

                                                                                                                                                                         ORCID iD

                                                                                                                                                                Researcher ID: M-8502-2014                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   Scopus Author ID: 36715003100 

                                                                                                                                                                Science Index Profile


Professor (1979), Full Member of the Russian Academy of Education (1995), Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Sciences  (1997), Full Member of the Russian Academy of Sciences (2006), Member of the International Institute of Philosophy (Paris, France) (2001), Member of the International Academy of Philosophy (Yerevan, Armenia) (2003), Foreign Member of the Center of Philosophy of Science University of Pittsburgh (Pittsburgh, USA) (1995), Honorary Professor of the Institute of Philosophy, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences (Beijing, China) (2005). 


Faculty of Philosophy, Moscow Lomonosov State University, 1955.



  • Cand. Sc. Philosophy [Ph.D.], 1964 ("Cognitive-ratio", Institute of Philosophy of the USSR Academy of Sciences)
  • Dr. Sc., Philosophy, 1978 ("The subject, the object, knowledge", Institute of Philosophy of the USSR Academy of Sciences)

Professional appointments

Chief research fellow of the Institute of philosophy of Russian Academy of Sciences (IPhRAS), Editor-in-chief of the journal "Philosophy of science and technology", Chairman of the International editorial Board of the journal of the Presidium of RAS "Problems of Philosophy", Academic Supervisor of the Faculty of Philosophy, State Academic University of Humanitarian Sciences (GAUGN), Head of the Department of Epistemology and Logic of the Philosophical Faculty of GAUGN, Deputy Head of the interdisciplinary seminar on "Exact methods in humanitarian sciences" at the Presidium of RAS, Deputy Head of the Scientific Council for methodology of artificial intellect at the Department of Social Sciences of RAS, Member of the specialized Academic Council in ontology, epistemology and philosophy of science of IPhRAS, Member of the Academic Council of the Faculty of Philosophy, Higher school of Economics.

Head of the Sector of the Theory of Knowledge (until 1977 – sector of the dialectical materialism) of the Institute of Philosophy of the USSR Academy of Sciences – Russian Academy of Sciences from 1969 to 2016. Editor-in-Chief of the journal "Problems of philosophy" from 1988 to 2009. 

Teaching experience

1996 – till now - Professor of Faculty of Philosophy of the State Academic University of Humanitarian Sciences (GAUGN) (RAS), annually during two semesters reads the lecture course "Introduction to Epistemology", conducts seminars, manages projects and dissertations, and also he is Head of the Department of Epistemology and Logic at this faculty. From time to time lectures at the Russian Academy of Public Administration (the President of RF). In 2004,he read the lecture course "The Philosophy of subjectivity", Faculty of Philosophy, the Ural State University (Yekaterinburg). In 1997 he developed the program of the lecture course "Introduction to Epistemology," which won an award of institute "Open Society". Led by V. Lektorsky about 20 people successfully defended their doctoral and dissertations. Now he manages two postgraduate students, and two doctoral candidates.


Research projects

  • Head of the sector project "Epistemology: new horizons" (RFH 2009-2010).

  • Head of the sector project "Constructivist approach in epistemology and human sciences" (RFH 2006-2008)

  • Head of the sector project "Theoretical knowledge, understanding and myth-making" (the beginning of the work in 2004).

  • Director of the joint Russian-Ukrainian project "World of knowledge and vital world of human" (the beginning of the work in 2005).

  • Director of the research project "Modern cognitivism: Philosophy and cognitive sciences".



  • Philosophy of science and modern Russian philosophy = Philosophy of Science and Modern Russian Philosophy / Transl. by Baichung Zhang. Hong Kong: Standard Publication Inc., 2018. 284 p. (in Chinese)

  • "Philosophy, knowledge, culture". Moscow, 2012.

  • "Man and culture. Selected articles". SPb., 2018.

  • "Transformation of rationality in modern culture." Moscow, 2005.

  • "Classical and non-classical Epistemology." Moscow, 2001.

  • "The subject, the object, knowledge". Moscow, 1980.

  • "The Materialistic dialectics". Moscow, 1980 (in co-authored)

  • "The problem of a subject and an object in classical and modern philosophy." Moscow, 1965.

 Executive editor and co-author of 14 monographs, including:

  • Philosophical thought in Russia in the second half of the 20th century. A contemporary view from Russia and abroad / Ed. by Vladislav A. Lektorsky, Marina F. Bykova. London; N.Y.: Bloomsbury Academic, 2019. 427 p.

  • Perspectives of realism in modern philosophy: collection of works / Institute of philosophy of the Russian Academy of Sciences; edited by V.A.Lektorsky. Moscow: Kanon+ ROOI "Rehabilitation", 2017. – 464 p.

  • Relativism as a disease of contemporary philosophy / ed. by V.A.Lektorsky. M.: "Canon+" ROOI "Rehabilitation", 2015. 392 p.

  • Cognition and consciousness in an interdisciplinary perspective. Part 2 / ed. by V.A.Lectorsky. Moscow: IPh RAS, 2014. 

  • Cognition and consciousness in an interdisciplinary perspective. Part 1 / ed. by V.A.Lectorsky. Moscow: IPh RAS, 2013.

  • The problem of consciousness in an interdisciplinary perspective / ed. by V.A.Lectorsky. Moscow: Kanon-Plus, 2014. (With the support of RFH grant N 12-03-14079 "All-Russian scientific conference "The problem of consciousness in an interdisciplinary perspective").

  • Relativism, pluralism, and criticism: epistemological analysis / ed. by V.A.Lectorsky. M.: IPh RAS, 2012. 181 p. 

  • Knowledge as a subject of epistemology. Moscow, 2011.

  • Epistemology: new horizons / ed. by V. A. Lectorsky. Moscow, 2011.

  • Epistemology: yesterday and today / ed. by V. A. Lectorsky. Moscow, 2010.

  • Philosophy of science. Vol. XV. Epistemology: actual problems / ed. by V. A. Lectorsky. Moscow, 2010.

  • Series of books "Philosophy of Russia in the second half of the twentieth century" in 21 Volumes, 2009-2010. (Editor-in-chief of the series).

  • Constructivist approach in epistemology and human Sciences / ed. by V. A. Lectorsky. Moscow, 2009.

  • Towards non-classical epistemology (in memory of V. S. Shvyrev) / ed. by V. A. Lectorsky. Moscow, 2009.

  • Constructivism in the theory of knowledge / ed. by V. A. Lectorsky. Moscow, 2008.

  • Cognitive approach: philosophy, cognitive science, cognitive disciplines / ed. by V. A. Lectorsky. Moscow, 2008.

  • "Artificial Intellect: the interdisciplinary approach." Moscow, 2006.

  • "Science through the eyes of humanist." Moscow, 2005.

  • "Rationality at the crossroads", vol. 1. Moscow, 2000.

  • "Philosophy doesn’t end," vol. 1-2. Moscow, 1998.

  • "Ideal, utopia and critical reflection." Moscow, 1996.

  • "Theory of Knowledge", vol. 1-4. Moscow, 1991-1996.

  • "Activity: theory, methodology, problems." Moscow, 1990.

  • "Gnoseology in the system of world outlook." Moscow, 1980.

  • "Philosophy, methodology, science." Moscow, 1972.

Selected articles (more than 300 articles published in total, more than 60 - during the last 5 years)

  • Artificial intelligence in the study of man, man in the world created by artificial intelligence // Man and artificial intelligence systems / Edited by V.A. Lectorsky. St. Petersburg: Publishing house "Law Center", 2022, pp. 10-29.

  • My philosophical generation // Philosophical generations / Comp. and ed. by Yu.V. Sineokaya. M.: Ed. YASK House, 2022, pp. 267-284.

  • Sergey Leonidovich Rubinstein: philosophical anthropology as ontology // Philosophy in the plural. Book 2 / Comp. and ed. A.V. Smirnov, Yu.V. Sineokaya. M.: Academic Project, 2022, pp. 355-358.

  • Is the human world the sum of technologies? // Humanity in a new reality: Global biotechnological challenges / Ed. by G.L. Belkin; ed.-comp. by M.I. Frolov. M.: Canon+, 2022. pp. 83-91.

  • "Time philosophizes." Conversation of T.G. Shchedrina with V.A. Lectorsky // Voprosy filosofii. 2022. No. 9, pp. 5-13. DOI: 10.21146/0042-8744-2022-9-5-13.

  • Intercultural dialogue is a necessary condition for the existence of philosophy: a conversation with Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences V.A. Lektorsky // Philosophical Letters. Russian-European Dialogue. 2022. Vol. 5. No. 3, pp. 33-50. DOI: 10.17323/2658-5413-2022-5-3-33-50. (co-author: Trufanova E.O.).

  • Philosophy in the face of cognitive research // Problems of philosophy. 2021. Vol. No. 10. pp. 5-17. DOI:10.21146/0042-8744-2021-10-5-17.*

  • Does epistemology and philosophy of science need to address empirical facts? Discussion // Philosophy of Science and Technology. 2021. Vol. 26. No. 2. pp. 29-35. DOI: 10.21146/2413-9084-2021-26-2-29-35. (co-author: Porus V.N. et al.).

  • Preface // Finn V.K. Intellect, information society, humanitarian knowledge and education. Moscow: URSS, 2021. C. 3-6.
  • Constructivism in epistemology and human sciences // Replicas: philosophical conversations / Author of the idea, comp. and ed. by Yu.V. Sineokaya. M.: Publishing house of YASK, 2021. Pp. 339-364 (co-author: Trufanova E.O.). 
  • Preface // Problems od social theory. 2020. Vol. XII. C. 5-9. DOI: 1030936/2227-7951-2020-12-5-9.

  • Philosophical Encyclopedia: 1960-1970. Conversation // Problems of philosophy. 2020. No. 12. Pp. 5-15. DOI: 10.21146/0042-8744-2020-12-5-15. (co-author I.O. Shchedrina).

  • Ideal as a form of collective activity in the works of Evald Vasilyevich Ilyenkov // Philosophy in plural / Comp. and ed. A.V. Smirnov, Yu. V. Sineokaya. M.: Academic project, 2020. Pp. 361-363.

  • Gustav Gustavovich Shpet: I as a product of social communication // Philosophy in plural  / Comp. and ed. A.V. Smirnov, Yu. V. Sineokaya. M.: Academic project, 2020. Pp. 483-485.

  • Georg Lukacs: reification and collective practice as the identity of the subject and the object // Philosophy in plural  / Comp. and ed. A.V. Smirnov, Yu. V. Sineokaya. M.: Academic project, 2020. Pp. 441-443.

  • Alexander Stepanovich Karpenko: superrealism // Philosophy in plural / Comp. and ed. A.V. Smirnov, Yu. V. Sineokaya. M.: Academic project, 2020. Pp. 79-80.

  • Ilyenkov - classic of Russian philosophy // Bulletin of the Russian Foundation for Basic Research. Series "Humanities and social sciences". 2020. № 3 (100). P. 55–63. DOI: 1022204/2587-2020-100-03-55-63.

  • Artificial intelligence, cognitive science and digitalization in the context of modern culture // Cognitive Science, mathetics in education. Philosophical problems and practical applications / ed. by V. G. Kuznetsov, V. S. Meskov, N. R. Sabanina. M.: Rusyns, 2019. Pp. 9-21.

  • Classic of Russian philosophy // E. V. Ilyenkov. FDS. Op. Vol. 1: Abstract and concrete. Moscow, 2019. Pp. 7-18*.

  • Culture, society, mediation. Theory Of A.S. Akhiezer // Philosophical sciences. 2019. T. 62. No. 8. Pp. 9-15. DOI: 10.30721/0235-1188-2019-62-8-9-15.

  • N. N. Moiseev (1917-2000) and V. S. Stepin (1934-2018): two prophets in their Fatherland // Philosophical sciences. 2019. T. 62. No. 4. Pp. 58-62. DOI: 10.30727/0235-1188-2019-62-4-58-62.

  • On the personal purpose of the philosopher // Personality. Culture. Society. 2019. Vol. XXI. Vol. 3-4 (No. 103-104). Pp. 258-273. DOI: 10.30936/1606-951X-2019‒21‒3/4‒258‒273 (co-authored with Reznik Yu. M.).

  • Constructivism in epistemology and human Sciences // Chelovek. 2019. Vol. 30. No. 1. C. 102-124. DOI: 10.31857/S023620070003025-4 (co-authored with Trufanova E.O.).

  • Constructive realism as a modern form of epistemological realism // Philosophy of science and technology. 2018. Vol. 23.  No. 2. Pp. 18-22. DOI: 10.21146/2413-9084-2018-23-2-18-22.

  • Interdisciplinary studies of consciousness: 30 years later //Problems of philosophy. 2018.  No. 12. P. 5-17. DOI: 10.31857/S004287440002578-0 (co-authored with Velikhov E.P., Kotov A.A., Velichkovsky B.M.).

  • People in the digital world: opportunities and dangers // Polilogos. 2018. Vol. 2.  No. 1. DOI: 10.18254/50000036-1-1. URL:

  • Can scientific knowledge be a commodity? // Value bases of scientific knowledge / Managing editor G. L. Belkina; ed. by M.I. Frolova. Moscow: LENAND, 2017. Pp. 25-32.

  • Realism as a philosophical and methodological strategy for the study of knowledge // Perspectives of realism in modern philosophy / Ed. by V.A. Lectorsky. Moscow, 2017. Pp. 4-25.

  • Cognition, action, reality // Problems of philosophy. 2017.  No. 9. Pp. 5-23.

  • Preface to the Russian edition of the book by E. Agazzi "Scientific objectivity and its contexts" // Agazzi E. Scientific objectivity and its contexts. Moscow: Progress-tradition, 2016. Pp. 11-19.

  • About the possibility of knowing someone else's subjectivity (comment to the text of T. Nagel "What is it like to be a bat? //Anatomy of philosophy: how the text works / Compiled and ed. by Yu.V.Sineokaya. Moscow, 2016. Pp. 897-908.

  • Are the sciences of man possible? // Problems of philosophy. 2015.  No. 5. Pp. 3-15.

  • Constructivism vs realism // Epistemology and philosophy of science. 2015.  No. 1. Pp. 19-26.

  • Activity concepts in Soviet philosophy, cognitive science and modern constructivism // Problems and discussions in Russian philosophy of the second half of the twentieth century: contemporary view / Ed. by V.A. Lecktorsky. Moscow, 2014. Pp. 247-265.

  • Does humanism make sense today? // The place and role of humanism in the future civilization. Moscow, 2014. Pp. 24-34.      

  • Philosophy of Russia in the second half of the twentieth century as a socio-cultural phenomenon // Problems and discussions in the philosophy of Russia in the second half of the twentieth century: contemporary view / Ed. by V. A. Lectorsky. Moscow, 2014. Pp. 23-41.

  • Rationality as a cultural value // Bulletin of the Russian philosophical society. 2013.  No. 3. Pp. 19-24.

  • Interview on the history of Soviet philosophy // Ideas and ideals. Novosibirsk. 2013. Vol. 1, no. 2 (6). Pp. 168-175.

  • Philosophy in the context of culture // Actual problems of cultural studies. Lectures at Saint-Petersburg university of the humanities and social sciences. Issue 1. Saint Petersburg, 2013. Pp. 119-132. 

  • Is a post-human future possible? // Man and his future. New technologies and human capabilities. Moscow, 2012. Pp. 29-35.

  • About life and philosophy // Problems of philosophy. 2012.  No. 8. Pp. 5-31.

  • Relativism, pluralism and dialogue // Relativism, pluralism and criticism. Moscow, 2012. Pp. 5-28.

  • Transformation of epistemology: a new life of old problems / / Epistemology: prospects for development. Moscow, 2012. Pp. 5-49.

  • Law cannot resist the ideal of justice // Philosophy of law at the beginning of the XXI-st century through the prism of constitutionalism and constitutional economics. Moscow, 2011. Pp. 90-93.

  • Preface and comments to the book by T. Rockmore "Marx after Marxism: the Philosophy of Karl Marx" // Rockmore T. Marx after Marxism: the Philosophy of Karl Marx / Trans. from English. I.V. Borisova; Edited by V. A. Lectorsky. Moscow, 2011. Pp. 6-10, 379-389.

  • Rationality, social technologies and human destiny // Epistemology and philosophy of science. 2011.  No. 3. Pp. 35-48.

  • How is the dialogue of civilizations possible? // Man in the intellectual and spiritual space. Moscow, 2010. Pp. 10-20.     

  • On historical types of rationality // Philosophy in the dialogue of cultures: materials of the world day of philosophy. Moscow, 2010. Pp. 267-272.

  • Russian philosophy of the twentieth century in the world context // Russia in the dialogue of cultures. Moscow, 2010. Pp. 285-292.   

  • Classical and non-classical epistemology // On the way to non-classical epistemology. Moscow, 2009. Pp. 1-23.

  • Personal and collective identity in modern society // The problem of identity in the transforming Russian society and the school. Moscow, 2009. Pp. 10-23.   

  • On the philosophy of Russia in the second half of the twentieth century // Problems of philosophy. 2009.  No. 7. Pp. 3-11.      

  • Philosophy as understanding and transformation // Problems of philosophy. 2009.  No. 1. Pp. 17-24.   

  • Is it possible to combine constructivism and realism in epistemology? // Constructivism in the theory of knowledge. Moscow, 2008.

  • Constructivism and realism in epistemology // Philosophical Sciences. 2008.  No. 3.

  • Discussion between realism and anti-realism in modern epistemology // Cognition, understanding, construction. Moscow, 2008.

  • Faith and knowledge in modern culture // Comparative philosophy: knowledge and faith in the context of the dialogue of cultures. Moscow, 2008.

  • Philosophy and research of cognitive processes // Cognitive approach: philosophy, cognitive science, cognitive disciplines. Moscow, 2007.

  • On the present and the future (reflections on philosophy) // Problems of philosophy. 2007.  No. 1.

  • Philosophy, artificial intellect and cognitive science, "Artificial Intellect: the interdisciplinary approach." Moscow, 2006.

  • Kant, radical epistemological constructivism and constructive realism, "Problems of Philosophy", 2005, № 8.

  • About philosophical significance of the work of V. Davydov, "Problems of Philosophy", 2005, №9.

  • Dialogue and tolerance in the interaction of civilizations, "Dialogue of Civilizations", Moscow, 2005.

  • Rationality as a cultural value, "Bulletin of the Russian Academy of Sciences", 2005, № 1 (co-authored).

  • Is the integration of the natural science and the sciences of human possible? "Problems of Philosophy", 2004, № 3.

  • G.P. Schedrovitsky and modern philosophy, «Learning thinking and social action». The Legacy of Shchedrovitsky in the context of national and world philosophy". Moscow, 2004.

  • If the person died? "The Human", 2004, № 4.

  • Subjective reality as a socio-cultural construction, "Knowing the structures of sociality", Yekaterinburg, 2003.

  • The activity approach: Death or Rebirth? "Problems of Philosophy", 2001, № 2.

  • The Christian values, totalitarianism, liberalism and postmodernism, "Problems of Philosophy", 2001, № 4.

  • Pseudo-science as a phenomenon of modern culture, "Problems of Philosophy", 2001, № 6.

  • German philosophy and Russian humanitarian thought: S.L. Rubinstein and G.G. Späth, "Problems of Philosophy." 2001, № 10.

 The following texts have been released abroad (most are not published in Russian):

  • Philosophical Reflections on Humans, Identity, and Intercultural Dialogue // Dialogue and New Cosmopolitanism: Conversation with E. Demenchonok; ed. by F. Dallmayr. N.Y.: Lexington Books, 2022. P. 159-183.
  • The Activity Approach in Late Soviet Philosophy // The Palgrave Handbook of Russian Thought / Eds.: M.F. Bykova, M.N. Forster, L. Steiner. Cham: Palgrave Macmillan, 2021. P. 407–422.Global digitalization as an existential challenge // Man in the global world: risks and prospects / Ed. by G.L. Belkin; ed.-comp. by M.I. Frolov. M.: Canon+, 2021. pp. 20-31.

  • The human being in the context of contemporary cognitive studies and the Russian tradition // Studies in East European Thought. 2021. Vol. 73. P. 19–35. DOI: 10.1007/s11212-020-09375-1. URL:

  • Philosophical Issues of cognitive Science in Contemporary Russian Philosophy // China Social Science Review. 2021. № 1. P. 149–160 (in Chinese).

  • Realism as the Methodological Strategy in the Cognitive Science // Varieties of Scientific Realism. Objectivity and Truth in Science / Ed. by E. Agazzi. Cham: Springer, 2017. P. 353–366. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-51608-0.

  • The Activity Approach in Soviet Philosophy and Contemporary Cognitive Studies // The Practical Essence of Man. The Activity Approach in Late Soviet Philosophy. Leiden; Boston, 2016. P. 137–153.

  • Reply to What is your opinion of the present-day condition of philosophy in Russia? // Studies in East European thought. 2014. Vol. 66. No. 3–4. [Electronic resource] URL:

  • Le réalism constructif dans l’épistemologie et les sciences cognitive // Revue philosophique de la France et l’étranger. 2013. 138 année – tome CCIII. С.171-186. (Web of science, DOI: 10.3917/rphi. 132.0171).

  • Realism, Antirealism, Constructivism and Constructive Realism in Contemporary Epistemology and Science //Journal of Russian and East European Psychology.  Vol. 48, # 6, 2010. Pp. 4-44.  (EBSCO) 

  • Belief and Knowledge in Modern Culture // Knowledge and Belief in the Dialogue of Cultures. Washington, 2009. P. 183–190.

  • Questions in Philosophy, Science and Education // The Socratic Tradition. Questioning as Philosophy and as Method / Ed. by M.Sintonen. College Publications/ Milton Keynes. UK. 2009. P. 157–167.

  • La philosophie en Russie: histoire et état actuel // Diogènes. Paris, 2009. № 222–223. Vol. 56. Issue 3–4. C. 5–31. (co-authored with A.A.Guseinov).

  • Mediation as a Means of Collective Activity // Learning and Expanding with Activity Theory / Ed. by A.Sannino, H.Daniels, K.Gutierrez. Cambridge, 2009. P. 156–170.

  • Education as Creativity // Commitment in Education. Philosopy of Education / Ed. by P.Kemp. Vol. 1. Berlin, 2009. P. 180–200.

  • Introduction to the New Book Series (in coll. with D.Robbins). In: V.V.Davydov “Problems of Developmental Instruction”. Nova Science Publishers, Inc. N.Y., 2008.

  • To the 60-th anniversary of the journal "Problems of philosophy" // Russian literature and art. Beijing, 2008. No. 3 (in Chinese).

  • Kant, radikaler Konstruktivismus und Konstruktiver Raalismus in der Epistemologie. Nelly Motroshilowa, Norbert Hinske (Hrs). “Kant im Spiegel der Russichen Kantforshung Heute”. Fromman Holzboog. Stuttgart–Bad Cannstatt, 2008.

  • Is the integration of Natural and Human Sciences Possible? // Filosofia, Scienza e Bioetica. Studi internationale in onore di Evandro Agazzi. A cura di Fabio Minazzi. Istituto Poligfafico e zecca dello stato. Roma, 2007. Р. 627–634.

  • Paideia, Critical Thinking and Religion in Education, «Educating for Democracy», Lanham, 2005.

  • The Activity Approach: Death or Revival? //Journal of Russian and East European Psychology. Vol.42, # 4, 2004. Pp. 12-29. (EBSCO).

  • Scientific Knowledge as Historical and Cultural Phenomenon. «Proceedings of the XXth World Congress of Philosophy». Vol. X. Boston University Press, Boston, 2001.

  • Tolerance, Pluralism, and Criticism, «Philosophica», 2000, №2, Paris.

  • Historical Changes of the Notion of Activity: Philosophical Presuppositions. «Activity Theory and Social Practice: Cultural-Historical Approaches». Aarhus Univerity Press, Aarhus, 1999.

Almost all monographs, about 60 articles and some collective monographs, edited by V.A. Lectorsky were published in translation in various countries: the United States, UK, Germany, France, Finland, South Korea, China, Turkey, Poland, Hungary, Czechoslovakia, Bulgaria and Romania. 

The main scientific results

V.A.Lectorsky created a school of research of knowledge and skills in an interdisciplinary and cultural - historical context (in the interaction of philosophy, cognitive psychology, semiotics, culturology, the history of scientific knowledge). As part of this school many philosophers, psychologists, historians of science are now actively working there. He proved the role of the cognitive approach in the methodology of the modern sciences of human. He developed activity-based interpretation of knowledge and revealed the relationship of activity, constructivist and communicative approaches in the study of cognition (particularly, in analysis of perception and thought). He analyzed the conditions of individual identity and identified socio-cultural factors of its constitution, allocated philosophical foundations of the interdisciplinary perspective of consciousness, opened the connection of traditional philosophical problem of the unity of consciousness with modern researches in the field of cognitive sciences, psychology and artificial intellect. He revealed new forms of relationship of conscious and unconscious components of cognitive activity (implicit and explicit knowledge types and forms of reflection) in connection with the analysis of the understanding of unconscious mental processes in psychoanalysis, on the one hand, in modern cognitive science, on the other hand. He analyzed the philosophical preconditions of the psychological theory of cultural-historical theory of L. Vygotsky, operationally-genetic theory of Piaget, Freud's psychoanalysis and opened their relationship to contemporary epistemological problems. He studied the problem of rationality activities and knowledge, highlighting the different historical types of rationality. He studied the problem of rationality and knowledge activities, highlighting the different historical types of rationality. In this case he specially considered the kind of rationality that is associated with features of a technological civilization, and which defined the specificity of modern science and the characteristics of West European philosophy of the last 300 years. The development of the modern type of rationality associated with changes in today's knowledge - both in natural science and socio-humanitarian science. In this regard, he investigated changes in relationships of the natural sciences and sciences about human in the modern period, and showed that in terms of methods and epistemological assumptions (the relationship of knowledge about the general and knowledge of the individual, explain and predict, the role of theory, the possibility or impossibility of the experiment, the interaction of researcher and the researched object, etc.) we can talk about convergence of Sciences of both types. He analyzed the problem of space of rationality in general and science in particular in modern culture and in this regard specially investigated the phenomenon of pseudo-science, revealing the ways of its functioning in modern society in general and in contemporary Russian society in particular. He also studied the philosophical problems of education, revealed the conditions of education of creative thinking, revealed the role of dialogue as a method of training and education of personal reflection, examined questions, related to teaching of philosophy in schools. 


The order "The Badge of Honor" (1979), the medal "For Labor Merit. On the 70th anniversary of Lenin "(1970), the medal for the 850th anniversary of Moscow (1998). The award of the IPhRAS of 2 degrees for the book "Classical and non-classical Epistemology "(2003).