Year and place of birth
26.05.1964, Moscow
1981–1986 - Faculty of Computational Mathematics and Cybernetics Moscow State University.
ResearcherID: I-5887-2017
elibrary.ru SPIN: 7578-9936, AuthorID: 369922
Google Scholar
- 1999 - PhD in specialty 09.00.08: Philosophy of Science and Technology ("Formation and development of system views in management")
- 2003 - Doctor of Philosophy in specialty 09.00.08: Philosophy of Science and Technology (thesis "System approach in management")
Professional appointments
- 1986 - 1989 – fellow worker of data center in Chemistry Department at Moscow State University.
- 1989 - 1992 - Assistant Professor of Applied Mathematics, Moscow University of Civil Engineering
- 1992 - 1995 - member of several commercial organizations
- 1995 - 2001 - Head of social and psychological adjustment center "Genesis"
- 2001 - 2005 - Leading Research Fellow at the center of variable education methodology, Institute of secondary education
- 2005 - 2008 - Leading Research Fellow IPh RAS2010 - 2011 - Visiting Research Fellow IPh RAS
- 2012 - present - Leading Research Fellow IPh RAS
2001 - 2005 - Lecturer of Faculty of Public Administration MSU
- Special course "System Analysis and Management"
2006 - present - Lecturer, Department of Political Science State Academic University of Humanitarian Sciences
- Main course "Public Policy and Governance"
- Main course "Political analysis and forecasting"
Monographs and books
- Alexander Bogdanov between Marxism and positivism. - M.: IPhRAS, 2018.
- Development strategy of government in Russia: history and modernity. - M.: Genesis, 2012
- Strategic Management: System Approach. - M.: Genesis, 2011. (with A. Zub).
- Public Administration: Problems of Methodology and reformation M.: Genesis, 2010
- Theory and practice of crisis management. - M.: Genesis, 2005 (with A. Zub)
- System strategic management: Methodology and practice. - M.: Genesis, 2001 (with A. Zub)
- System approach in management. – M.: Genesis, 2000
- Alexander Bogdanov: From Monism to Tectology // Russian Studies in Philosophy. 2019. Vol. 57. № 6. P. 492-503. https://doi.org/10.1080/10611967.2019.1670547
- Historical Analysis of the Dynamics of Society by Alexander Bogdanov // ISTORIYA. 2019. V. 10. Issue 11 (85) [Electronic resource]. Access for registered users. URL: https://history.jes.su/s207987840005461-6-1/ DOI: 10.18254/S207987840005461-6
- The Origins of Russian Positivism. Empiriosymbolism // Polylogos. 2019. V. 3. № 4 [Electronic resource]. Access for registered users. URL: https://polylog.jes.su/s258770110008003-5-1/ DOI: 10.18254/S258770110008003-5
- Failed alternatives to the political history of Russia as a factor in political consciousness. Symposium held by «Полилог/Polylogos» magazine // Polylogos. 2019. V. 3. № 3 [Electronic resource]. Access for registered users. URL: https://polylog.jes.su/s258770110007511-4-1/ DOI: 10.18254/S258770110007511-4 (with Kara-Murza A., Omelaenko V., Sharova V., Zhukova O.)
- Alexander Bogdanov. The path from monism to tectology // Polylogos. 2018. Vol. 2. № 4. URL: https://polylog.jes.su/s258770110000065-3-1. DOI: 10.18254/S0000065-3-1
- Informal communities as a key to Russian history // Polylogos. 2018. Vol. 2. № 1. URL: https://polylog.jes.su/s258770110000033-8-1. DOI: 10.18254/S0000033-8-1
- Positivism in the context of Russian history // Polylogos. 2017. Vol. 1. № 2. URL: https://polylog.jes.su/s258770110000022-6-3
- Alexander Bogdanov – the founder of General systems theory // Philosophy of Science and Technology. 2016. Vol. 21. №2. P. 80–96.
- On the role of the state management in the national branding strategy forming // Tomsk State University Journal of Philosophy, Sociology and Political Science. 2016. №4. P. 416-420. (co-authored with Danilova E.A., Scherbinin A.I.)
- Mysteries of Tektology — the Book in Advance of Its Time // Anatomy of Philosophy: How the Text Works. Collection of Works / Edited by by Yulia V. Sineokaya. Institute of Philosophy, Russian Academy of Sciences. Moscow, LRC Publishing House, 2016. Р. 705–724.
- An emancipatory approach as the development of critical theory in modern interpretations of a society // Philosophical thought. 2015. № 11. P. 55-76.
- Deconstruction of decentralization // Economic Sciences. 2015. № 1. P. 7-10
- Soft system approach in organizational studies // Economic and Law Issues. 2015. № 1. P. 51-54.
- Modernist and post-modernist understanding of organizational power // Philosophy and culture. 2014. № 5. P. 704-710.
- Criticism of the use of critical theory and critical system approach in modern concepts of development of society // Philosophical thought. 2014. № 11. P. 86-106.
- Philosophical and methodological principles of critical theory and critical system approach in modern interpretations of social processes // Philosophical thought. 2014. № 10. P. 48-79.
- Kirkman, B. L., B. Rosen Team, empowered. Kirkman B. L., B. Rosen Powering up teams / Organizational dynamics. N. Y., 2000. vol.28, № 3. R. 48-66 // Social Sciences and Humanities. Domestic and foreign literature. Series 2: Economics. Abstract journal. 2001. № 3. P. 114-118.
- Methodological problems of development of management theory // Social Sciences and Humanities. Domestic and foreign literature. Series 2: Economics. Abstract journal. 2001. № 4. P. 63-71.
- Problems of General management and process approach // Social Sciences and Humanities. Domestic and foreign literature. Series 2: Economics. Abstract journal. 2000. № 1. P. 102-109.
- Barry B. W. Introduction to strategic planning. Barry B. W. A beginner's guide to strategic planning /Futurist. Wash., 1998. vol. 32, № 3. P. 33-36 // Social Sciences and Humanities. Domestic and foreign literature. Series 2: Economics. Abstract journal. 2000. № 2. P. 60-62.
- The problem of development of multilevel management theory // Social Sciences and Humanities. Domestic and foreign literature. Series 2: Economics. Abstract journal. 2000. № 3. P. 76-79.
- About system methodologies in management // Vestnik of Moscow University. Series 7: Philosophy. 2000. № 5. P. 105.
E-mail: gos.upravlenie@mail.ru