Born in Yaroslavl
Department of biophysics, Moscow Institute for Physics and Technics (1980)
Cand. Sc. Philosophy [Ph.D.], 1988 : "Unity of value and cognitive relations in the structure of human consciousness"
Research projects
Transpersonal psychology, its history and practices, in collaboration with European Transpersonal Assotiation
Teaching Experience
Transpersonal psychology, lecture course for the students of the Second Higher Education Program, Institue of Psychoanalysis, 2011
Selected articles:
- A man who surmounts // FutureOK, М., Издательский дом «FutureOK», № 1, 2013 (https://www.futureok.ru/chapters/persona/10-man-overcoming)
- The development of transpersonal psychology // Psychoterapy, 2012. № 8
- Introduction to A.Mindell's "Quantum Mind". Moscow, 2011
- Introduction to M.Murphy's "The Future of the Body". Moscow, 2009
- Ken Wilber's integral approach // Health and Holism, №1, Мoscow, 2009
- Basics of transpersonal psychology (with V.Kozlov). Мoscow, 2000
- Transpersonal project: psychology, anthropology, spiritual traditions. Yaroslavl, 2007