Date and place of birth
1992, Moscow
Specialist Degree: Lomonosov Moscow State University,
Department of Ontology and Theory of Knowledge,
Faculty of Philosophy (2009–2015)
Research interests |
- Concepts and images of social utopia in contemporary social philosophy (XX–XXI cent.)
Participation in editorial boards of scientific journals |
2018 – present: Member of the Editorial Board, Logos. Philosophical and Literary Journal.
Professional Activities |
2014 – 2016 — Editor, Logos. Philosophical and Literary Journal.
2018 – present — Member of the Editorial Board, Logos. Philosophical and Literary Journal.
2019 – present — Junior Research Fellow, Department of Social Philosophy, IPh RAS
Publications |
- Exit Speculative Realism. In: Harman G. Spekuliativnyi realizm: vvedenie [Speculative Realism: An Introduction], Moscow, RIPOL klassik, 2019, pp. 7–52 (with A. Pisarev).
- Zhivotnoe, kotorym ia (ne) iavliaius’: Marks, myslitel’ sub”ektivnosti [The Animal That Therefore I Am (Not): Marx as Subjectivity Theorist]. Logos, 2019, vol. 29, no. 6, pp. 315–336.
- Retsenziia na knigu: Zhizhek S., Ruda F., Khamza A. (2019) Chitat’ Marksa. M.: Izdatel’skii dom Vysshei shkoly ekonomiki [Book Review: Žižek S., Ruda F., Hamza A. (2019) Reading Marx. Moscow, HSE]. The Journal of Sociology and Social Anthropology, 2019, vol. XXII, no. 3, pp. 238-245.
- Ostorozhno, metamodern: sovremennost’ kak zontik i maiatnik [Look Out! This Is Metamodern: Modernity as an Umbrella and a Pendulum]. Galactica Media: Journal of Media Studies, 2019, vol. 1, no. 3, pp. 238-249.
- Otvet na vopros: chto takoe postpravda? Perspektiva problematologii [Answering the Question: What is the Post-Truth? A Problematological Approach]. Horizons of Humanities Knowledge, 2019, no. 3, pp. 93-105.
- Navigatsiia po akseleratsionizmu: ot nekapitalizma k postkapitalizmu cherez platformy [Navigating Accelerationism: from non-Capitalism to Postcapitalism via Platforms]. Galactica Media: Journal of Media Studies, 2019, vol. 1, no. 2, pp. 226-242.
- Chetyre pozitsionnye voiny Grema Kharmana [Graham Harman’s Four Positional Wars]. Logos, 2014, no. 4 (100), pp. 249–264.
- Fetishizm segodnia [Fetishism Today] (book review: Graham Harman. Towards Speculative Realism). Logos, 2013, no. 3 (93), pp. 193–200.
Translations |
Articles (translations)
- Morton T. Rod chelovecheskii: solidarnost’ s nechelovecheskim soobshchestvom [Humankind: Solidarity with the Non-Human People]. Logos, 2019, vol. 29, no. 5, pp. 57–70.
- Harman G. Vvedenie v Klauzevitsa [Introduction to Clausewitz]. Logos, 2019, vol. 29, no. 3, pp. 25–58.
- Berardi F. Problematiziruia akseleratsionizm s tochki zreniia tela [Accelerationism Questioned from the Point of View of the Body]. Logos, 2018, no. 2, pp. 117–124.
- MacCormack P. Kosmogennaia akseleratsiia: budushchnost’ i etika [Cosmogenic Acceleration: Futurity and Ethics]. Logos, 2018, no. 2, pp. 67–78.
- Salecl R. Nevezhestvo mezhdu liubov’iu i nakazaniem [Ignorance Between Love and Punishment]. Udel chelovecheskii. Tom 1 [Human Condition. Vol. 1] (eds D. Pyrkina, V. Miziano), NCCA, 2018, pp. 79–92.
- Azuma H. Nabroski k griadushchei filosofii traura [For a Philosophy of Mourning to Come]. Udel chelovecheskii. Tom 1 [Human Condition. Vol. 1] (eds D. Pyrkina, V. Miziano), NCCA, 2018, pp. 117–124.
- Land N. Vytvoriaia eto so smert’iu [Making It with Death]. Kibergotika (Sobr. soch. T. 2) [Cybergothic (Collected Works. Vol. 2)], Perm, Hyle Press, 2018.
- Harman G. Gosudar’ setei: Bruno Latur i metafizika (otryvok iz knigi) [Prince of Networks: Bruno Latour and Metaphysics (excerpts)]. Logos, 2014, no. 4 (100), pp. 229–248.
- Latour B. Izvinite, vy ne mogli by vernut’ nam materializm? [Can We Get Our Materialism Back, Please?]. Logos, 2014, no. 4 (100), pp. 265–274.
Monographs (translations)
- Massumi B. Chemu zhivotnye uchat nas v politike [What Animals Teach Us about Politics], Perm, Hyle Press, 2019 (with D. Khamis).
- Fuller S. Sotsiologiia intellektual’noi zhizni [The Sociology of Intellectual Life], Moscow Delo, 2018 (with S. Gavrilenko i P. Khanova).
- Harman G. Chetveroiakii ob”ekt [The Quadruple Object], Perm, Hyle Press, 2015 (with O. Myshkin).
Scientific editing |
- Morton T. Stat’ ekologichnym [Being Ecological], Moscow, Ad Marginem, 2019.
- Bogost I. Chuzhaia fenomenologiia [Alien Phenomenology], Perm, Hyle Press, 2019.
- Elster J. Kislyi vinograd: issledovaniia podryva ratsional’nosti [Sour Grapes: Studies in the Subversion of Rationality], Moscow, Gaidar Institute Press, 2018.
- DeLanda M. Novaia filosofiia obshchestva [A New Philosophy of Society], Perm, Hyle Press, 2018.
- Land N. Kibergotika (Sobr. soch. T. 2) [Cybergothic (Collected Works. Vol. 2)], Perm, Hyle Press, 2018.