Institute of Philosophy
of the Russian Academy of Sciences

  Alexander V. Katunin
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Alexander V. Katunin




  Born in Vladimir, on November 30th, 1989                                        


Researcher ID: M-9204-2018       

Science Index Profile



  State Academic University for Humanities, Philosophy Department (2007-2012)



Main research interests


Theory of Knowledge, Philosophy of Consciousness


Professional Appointments


Junior Research Fellow, Department of of Theory of Knowledge
Leading specialist of the Scientific and organizational Department of the Institute of philosophy of the Russian Academy of Sciences



 Selected articles

  • Incorrect arguments as a communicative technology: types, features, methods of counteraction // Philosophical thought. 2021. No. 12. Pp. 15-32. URL: DOI: 10.25136/2409-8728.2021.12.37197

  • On some types of manipulative argumentation and ways to counteract them // Polylogos.  2020. T. 4.  No. 4.

  • Socrates and count Pato: on the art of wise ignorance // Polylogos. 2019. Vol. 3. No. 1 Volume 3.

  • The concept of the cognitive unconscious and its critique by J. Searle // Ideas and ideals.  2019.  Vol. 11.  No. 1, part 1. - Pp. 129-144.

  • The cognitive unconscious: "strong" and "smart" or "weak" and "stupid"? // Subject, consciousness and cognition in the context of modern philosophy and cognitive sciences / ed. by E. O. Trufanova, A. F. Yakovleva. Moscow, 2017. Pp. 25-28.

  • The cognitive unconscious: some aspects of unconscious cognition //  Humanitarian research in the East Siberia and the far East. 2017. No. 3. Pp. 111-119. DOI: 10.24866/1997-2857/2017-3/111-119-Yes.

  • Implicit learning and implicit memory as one of the forms of manifestation of the "cognitive unconscious" / Subjective world in the context of challenges of modern cognitive Sciences / ed. by V. A. Lectorsky, E. O. Trufanova, A. F. Yakovleva. Moscow, 2017. Pp. 207-214.

  • A difficult problem of the cognitive unconscious // Philosophy. Tolerance. Globalization. East and West - a dialogue of worldviews: thesis of report at the VII-th Russian Philosophical Congress. Vol. 1. Ufa, 2015. Pp. 79-80.

  • The origins of the concept of the cognitive unconscious in Plato's philosophy // Ideas and ideals. 2015. Vol. 2. No. 2. Pp. 44-52. (RSCI, VAK) 

  • Logical-rational and intuitive role in the process of scientific creativity //Philosophical thought. 2014. No.10. Pp. 26-47.

  • Representations of the Self as a social construct and the center of narrative gravity on the example of a number of modern approaches // The issue of national identity in the context of globalization. Collection of scientific articles. Financial University under the government of the Russian Federation, Prospect since 2014. Pp.61-69.

  • The ratio of logical-rational and intuitive in scientific creativity // 1913 - the "triumph" of cassical rationality. Abstracts of the XII-th St. Petersburg international conference. 2013. Pp.62-64.

  • The idea of transcendental "I" in the philosophy of E. Husserl // Modern socio-humanitarian knowledge in Russia and abroad: proceedings of the second correspondence international scientific-practical conference "Modern social and humanitarian knowledge in Russia and abroad". Perm, 2013. Pp. 30-39. (Council for grants of the President of the Russian Federation for young scientists, project MK-1212.2012.6 "Personal identity and 'I': modern aspects of research").

  • The idea of the transcendental "I"in Kant's philosophy // Actual problems of modern social and humanitarian Sciences: materials of the third international scientific and practical conference" Actual problems of modern social and humanitarian Sciences." Perm, 2013. C. between 70 and 78. (Council for grants of the President of the Russian Federation for young scientists, project MK-1212.2012.6 "Personal identity and 'I': modern aspects of research").

  • Human spiritual substance. XXIII-th world philosophical Congress. Philosophy as a study and a way of life. Athens 04-10 August 2013. Refereed. Athens, 2013. P. 332. 

  • Observable and unobservable of the personal inner world, unobservability of the Self // Psychology and psychotechnics. 2012. №3(42). С. 12-25.