Institute of Philosophy
of the Russian Academy of Sciences

  Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. mult. Hans Lenk, Honorary President of Institut International de Philosophie.
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Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. mult. Hans Lenk, Honorary President of Institut International de Philosophie.



Letter of Support for the Institute of Philosophy at the Russian Academy of Science


to whom it may concern


Dear Sirs/Ms.,


from the board and office of FISP l was notified that there is a danger of the Institute of Philosophy at the Russian Academy of Science to be expelled from the traditional building at 14 Volhonka Street. As a former President and now Honorary President of the World Academy of Philosophy (International Institute of Philosophy/Paris) l would like to support the traditional interest of the Russian philosophers not to be expelled from the traditional building adjacent to the Pushkin Museum and at centre location in Moscow. Since more than 20 years there has been a very fruitful and important cooperation with the leading philosophers of the Russian Academy of Science which led to many visits to this building and several Conferences. Indeed, l was elected at the occasion of the World Congress of Philosophy in Moscow to the FISP Steering Committee and Board to which l served as a Vice President twelve years later. In addition, as a former President of the World Academy of Philosophers l had the privilege to induct several philosophers from the Institute of Philosophy of the Russian Academy to the World Academy of Philosophy IIP signifying the ongoing and nice cooperation which is, internationally speaking, very important for the world scene of philosophy.


Like many colleagues and friends on the international scene l would like to urge the responsible officers in Charge of the matter not to expel the Institute of Philosophy from the Volhonka Building and instead look for another solution of the underlining problems.





With respectful regards l remain sincerely,

Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. mult. Hans Lenk

(Honorary President of IIP)