Dear Professor Guseinov,
As I heard, there are plans to force your famous Institute of Philosophy of the Russian Academy of Science to leave your traditional building at Volhonka Street, the place of Russian philosophy since more than eight decades. If this would happen, it would be a horrible disregard of all what this famous Institute has done and is doing, moreover, it would indicate that Russia neglects in an incomprehensible way its cultural history and the importance of its philosophy as an intellectual power for a modern state: Your Institute combines in an admirable form the new birth of the rich Russian philosophy of the 19th and early 20th century, suppressed and forgotten for a long time, with very new approaches to questions of epistemology, philosophy of science and ethics, to mentioning only some areas. All this can be seen clearly, thinking of the broad activity of the Academy’s Institute of Philosophy – in editing the classical Russian philosophical writings, which are documents of the national Russian contribution to European culture – and which will be a paradigm for a new national philosophy of international influence; and in important and fruitful research in philosophy laid down in a striking series of books.
All these activities are connected with the place where the research is done; so, Volhonska 14 is the internationally well known symbol of Russian philosophy. Therefore I strongly recommend that the plans to move the Institute will be canceled completely: Russia should by no means destroy parts of its intellectual roots!
Prof. Dr. Hans Poser Former President of the German Philosophical Society Vice-President of the International Gottfried-Wilhelm-Leibniz-Gesellschaft Hannover Vice-President of the Guardini-Stiftung Berlin Member of the Comité Directeur of FISP
November, 27. 2009