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of the Russian Academy of Sciences

  Prof. Dr. Julian Nida-Rümelin. Letter in support of the Appeal for the Institute of Philosophy of the Russian Academy of Sciences in Moscow
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Prof. Dr. Julian Nida-Rümelin. Letter in support of the Appeal for the Institute of Philosophy of the Russian Academy of Sciences in Moscow

Letter in support of the Appeal  

for the Institute of Philosophy of the Russian Academy of Sciences in Moscow



I wish to express my strong disapproval of the planned eviction of the Institute of Philosophy of the Russian Academy of Sciences from 14, Volhonka Street in central Moscow. To my knowledge there have been no proposals made for re-housing it. This means that not only the 80 years long tradition of the Institute’s work in its historical headquarter would find a premature end – which goes contrary to prior contractual agreement – but also that the future of this important place of intellectual work is endangered.


Given the quality and number of publications, the internationally renowned philosophers, and the excellent educational environment that this place has produced, I do not believe that this should be regarded as a wise decision on behalf of the Russian authorities. The Institute covers the full range of philosophical studies, it is engaged in the public discourse, and it has received national as well as international recognition in the past. Thus I fully support my colleagues in Moscow and hope that they will be able to continue working in the place in which the Institute has been since 1929.




Prof. Dr. Julian Nida-Rümelin

Chair of Philosophy IV

Ludwig-Maximilians-University Munich
