Born in Samara
Department of philosophy in humanities, Samara State University (1997)
Cand. Sc. Philosophy [Ph.D.] (2006) : "Cultural images of dream: the analysis of contemporary conceptions in philosophical anthropology»
Research projects
- Co-organization of Summer schol in Baltic Art Center, Sweden(2011)
- Collaboration for "Alternative Culture Beyond Borders: Past and Present of the Arts and Media in the Context of Globalization" (2007-2010) (https://www.alternativeculture.org), HESP-ReSet, Central European University, Budapest
- Collaboration for Cognitive capitalism seminar in Paris-I, French-Russian center for humanities grant (11.2009-12.2009)
Teaching experience
Lecture course in political anthropology, for bachelors, State University for Humanities, 2010-2012
- Rex Exsomnis. Sleep and subjectivity in capitalist modernity. Berlin: Hatje Cantz, 2012. 24 s
Selected Articles:
Schlaf im Kapitalismus heute // Springerin. Oktober. 2014
Tumult in the Land of Managed Democracy: An Introduction // South Atlantic Quarterly. 2014. №113.1, winter
The Biopolitics of the Soviet Avant-Garde // Pedagogical Poem. The Archive of the Future Museum of History, Marsilio Editori, 2014.
The Only Place to Hide? The Art and Politics of Sleep // Cognitive Capitalism in Psychopathologies of Cognitive Capitalism. Part Two, Archive Books, Berlin, 2014.
- Biopolitics of soviet avant-garde // Art Journal, Moscow, 2013. № 86-87. (https://xz.gif.ru/)
- No time left. Modernity between Zeitnot and deferment // «More light». Cataloge of the 5th Moscow Biennale of Contemporary Art Мoscow, 2013
- The Catastrophes of ‘Real Capitalism’ (with Ilya Budraitskis) // Post-post-Soviet? Art, Politics and Society inRussiaat the Turn of the Decade. Warsaw:MuseumofModernArt, 2013
- From Philistines to Activists and Back. «Romantic Fragments» from Reactionary Times // Chto Delat. 2013. #12-36.
- From One Election to Another: Breakthroughs and Deadlocks of the Anti-Putin Movement in Russia // Mediations. Journal of the Marxist Literary Group, 26/1, Summer 2012. Routledge. Р. 24–32.
- M. for Multitude (an afterwords) // Virno P. Grammar of Multitude, М., 2012
- Sleep, capital and subjectivity // Subverting Disambiguities. Berlin, 2012. S. 95–105.
- Art and biopolitics. Soviet avant-garde of 1920-s and post-revolutional forms of life // Fragments of Soviet Experience in 1920-1930s (Ed. H.Petrovsky) Moscow, 2012. Ch.3
- Post-Soviet singularity: few statements and stories round one problem // Personality. Culture. Society. 2012. Т. XIV. Vol. 2 (71–72)
- Catastrophies of "real capitalism" // Artistic journal, 81/82, Moscow, 2011
- Critique of oneirocentrism. Towards the political anthropology of dream // Lacanalia, № 1, 2009
- Formation of political subjectivity: Between anguish and the invention of common life // Artistic journal, № 75/76, Moscow, 2010
- Political ambivalence of postfordism // Chto delat?, 2010
- Fredric Jameson // Contemporary Philosophy. Encyclopaedia. Ed. V. Malachov. Мoscow, 2009
- From the point of view of hope // On Horizons: A Critical Reader in Contemporary Art, BAK, Utrecht, 2011
- The Soviets of the Multitude (an interview with Paolo Virno with inrtoductory text) // Manifesta Journal, 2010
- Le réveil du sommeil // Le Courrier de Russie. 2009. № 157
- Soviet Singularity and Codes of Cultural Translation” // Cultural Translation: from National to Hybrid. Riga, 2009