Year and place of birth February 3, 1950, Moscow.
- 1967-1973 - Faculty of Philosophy of Moscow State University (MSU).
- 1974–1977 – postgraduate studies in Institute of Philosophy of Academy of Sciences of the USSR.
ResearcherID: V-7735-2018
elibrary.ru SPIN-код: 9111-1340, AuthorID: 618146
1980 г. – Ph.D. in Philosophy , theme of Ph.D. dissertation: "The philosophical analysis of the concepts of" man "," individual "," person ".
Professional appointments
Chief research fellow of a Russian History's Philosophy Department IphRAS.
- "Primer'-ka, Zolushka, naryad poezii chudesny" (to the 150th anniversary of the Pushkin's topic of "utaennoy lyubvi" ). Moscow: Publishing house "Novella", 2011.
- Premonitions of the need to create the image of Tatyana Larina. The experience of the analytical commentary of the first chapter of "Eugene Onegin" // Polylogos. 2019. V. 3. № 3 [Electronic resource]. Access for registered users. URL: https://polylog.jes.su/s258770110007542-8-1/ DOI: 10.18254/S258770110007542-8
- Historical and poetic allusions in the works of Alexander Pushkin // Polylogos. 2018. Vol. 2. № 3. URL: https://polylog.jes.su/s258770110000053-0-1 DOI: 10.18254/S0000053-0-1
- 'Heart-Felt Devotion' or 'Deeply Hurt Ambition' (On the History of the Relationship between Karamzin and Pushkin in 1818 - 1820) // Litera. 2017. № 2. C. 74-106. DOI: 10.25136/2409-8698.2017.2.21386
- Professional and personal communication // Creative legacy. Memories. Documents. On the 90th anniversary of Y.K. Pletnikov / ed. by V. Oleynikov. Moscow, 2017. P. 374-378.
- History illustrated in the images of the A. S. Pushkin’s “The Stationmaster” // Litera. 2015. № 3. C. 1-61.
- "Kolpak iznoshennyj". (The importance of a rarely seen slice of "the Copper Horseman" and select it in one piece) // Litera. — 2014. - No. 2. - P. 78-128.
- Dvuglagol'noe skazuemoe. The analysis of the "core" Central offers a poetic novel by Alexander Pushkin // Philology: scientific researches. – 2014. – No. 4. P. 331 - 345.
- Source of the concealed A.S. Pushkin's love // Philology: Scientific researches. 2013. №2. С. 120-132.
- Is the name really found? // Philology: Scientific researches. 2013. №1. Page 25 – 35.
- "And the moon on the right side" (Album of Ushakov, spring) // Philology:Scientific researches. 2011. №4. Page 60 - 70
- "L" - the 13th letter // Collage-5. - M: IPhRAS, 2005.
E-mail: valery.perevalov03@yandex.ru