Valery Podoroga
Head of Analytic Anthropology Department project "Media in contemporary culture"
Professor of Russian State University for Humanities (1997)
Faculty of Philosophy, State Moscow Lomonosov University, 1970
Dr. Sc. Philosophy, 1992 : «Comunication strategies in philosophical culture of XIX-XX centuries. Kierkegaard, Nietzsche, Heidegger" (Institute of Philosophy, Russian Academy of Sciences)
Teaching experience
Lecture courses:
- Psychoanalysis and Philosophy in the XXth century culture, public lectures at the Russian State University for Humanities, 2011-2012
- Philosophical anthropology, Political anthropology, students of the State University of Humanitarian Sciences (GUGN) (RAS), 2007
- Models of Power, Masters, faculty of philosophy, Russian State University for Humanities, 2006-2007
- Managed PhD dissertations of: Denis Goloborodko, Oxana Timofeeva, Alexy Penzin, Dmitry Testov
- Anthropogramma. An attempt of self-criticism. Moscow, Logos, 2014
- Kairos, a Crucial Moment. Moscow, Grundrisse Publishers, 2013
- Metaphysics of the landschaft. Мoscow, 2012
- Mimesis. Materials in analytic anthropology of literature. Volume 2, Part 1. Moscow, 2011
- Apology for political. Moscow, 2010
Mimesis. Materials in analytic anthropology of literature. Volume 1, Hogol, Dostoewsky. Moscow, 2006
- Phenomenology of the body. Moscow, 1995
- Metaphysics of the landschaft. Moscow, 1993
Selected articles:
- Das Herren-Monster. Tyrannei und Transgression – zu einer anthropologie der Macht //Lettre Internationale. 2014. № 105, Sommer. S. 80-83
- La poétique de Dostoïevski. De la voix à l'ouïe // Revue philosophique de la France et de l'étranger 2013/2. Tome 138 . P.U.F. P. 227-238. https://www.cairn.info/revue-philosophique-2013-2.htm
- Violence in contemporary art and cinema // The DI magazine (Dialog Iskusstv) 2013. № 6 (https://www.di.mmoma.ru/issues/)
- Master-monster. Notes on the anthropology of power (project) // Siniy Divan №17. Мoscow, 2013.
- Tree of the dead. V.Shalamov and time of the GULAG // New Literary Observer, №120, 2013. https://www.nlobooks.ru/node/3380
- Eros and the physics of "transparency". Pavel Florensky // Pavel Alexandrovich Florensky. Ed. A.Parshin and O. Sedikh. Moscow, 2013
- Homo ex machina // Maschinentheorien/Theoriemaschinen / Hg.: Hans-Christian Von Herrmann u. Wladimir Velminsky. Lang, Peter, Gmbh. Fr. a/M., Brl, 2012. S. 83–96.
- Memory and oblivion: T.Adorno and time "after Auschwitz" // M, New Literature Observer, 2012. № 116. P. 123–148
- Essence of things. A thing: Apparition and leaving // INTER-ESSE. М., 2011–2012. P. 56–75
- Tertium поп datur // M., Profile. 2012. № 42. P. 25–30.
- Der Kunstler und die Macht // Kopfbahnhof. Almanach 2 . Das falsche Dasein Leipzig. 1990
- Regenerirati resurse misljenja (an interview) // "Start", 1991
- Auschwitz et l`experience hermeneutique d`Adorno // La Guerre et les Philosophes. Paris, 1992
- Nonstop-interview // "Du", Die Zeitschrift der Kultur. 1993, №
- Can marxian thought be separated from totalitarian ideology ? // Studies in East European Thought. 1993, №45.
- Voices from Moscow // Kyoto-Journal, 1992, №20
- Het verschijnsel macht // Russische filosofie na de perestrojka, 1995
- Mimesis -- Russische Literatur als Objekt einer philosophische Anthropologie // Russische Philosophie im 20. Jahrhundert. Berlin 1996.
- Metaphysik der Landschaft // Orte des Denkens. Neue Russische Philosophie. 1995
- Sergei Eisenstein und die Filmkunst der Gewalt // Film und Fernsehen 2+3 / 1995